Sanford Guritzky, Chair Mike Rumpf, Development Director
Timothy Hunt Shane Kittendorf, Building Official
Andrew Podray
Daniel Berger
Paul Bortz
James Cherof, City Attorney, noted Sanford Guritzky was nominated as Chair at the last
meeting and with his endorsement, called the meeting to order at 3 p.m. Roll call was
taken. A quorum was present.
Attorney Cherof explained the meeting was suggested at a City Commission meeting as
a meet and greet for the Board and for staff to put together a short presentation about the
authority and mission of the Board. The members will receive information about the
Board's function, the Sunshine and Public Records Laws that affect the Board, and the
Board's role under the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics.
The members introduced themselves and their credentials as follows:
Tim Hunt, is a third generation plumber, a State of Florida licensed inspector and plan
reviewer and also holds LP and Natural gas licenses. He is currently now a Director of
Operations. He has a background in construction and experience in interpreting the
Sanford Guritzky has been on the Board for many years. He has 43 years in the
construction industry. He learned from the bottom up as far as phases of construction.
He is currently retired.
Dan Berger studied Building Science in college and works for a large national builder who
has an office in Ft. Lauderdale. He is in charge of the field operations. They are technical
builders and his expertise is building hospitals and some laboratories. He specializes in
Code interpretation and works with architects, engineers and City officials all the time.
Andrew Podray, President, American Housing Enterprises, a real estate holding company
that owns and manages 1.4 million square feet of retail and office space. They own 641
Meeting its
Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals
Boynton each, Florida August 16, 2018
apartments, statewide, and he has been in development for the last 11 years. They are
currently working on Banyan Cove in Delray Beach and the Crabpot in Riviera Beach.
Paul Bortz is retired and from Uniontown, Pennsylvania. He was the former Mayor of
Uniontown. He served on the Fayette County Building and Zoning Commission for 10
years and 17 years on the school board. He had his own real estate company.
Attorney Cherof explained all else present was a member of staff except David Katz,
Chairman of the Planning and Development Board.
Chair Guritzky requested an updated Board list be sent to the members and was informed
one would be sent.
Shane Kittendorf, Building Official for Boynton Beach, explained the Board received the
basic Administrative Amendment Section 113 regarding the Building Board of Adjustment
and Appeals (BBAA). He explained when someone appeals his or a flood administrator's
decision, the Board will play a neutral role with a determination. When someone wants
to appeal his interpretation of a Code section, staff first tries to resolve the issue. He
commented the Code is the Code, but if a hardship exists and they want to appeal, they
can and he will present the request to the Board and the Board decides. Mr. Kittendorf
abides by the Board's decision.
Mr. Kittendorf read from Section 113.4 of the Building Code detailing the powers of the
Board. Mr. Kittendorf did not provide the ordinance with Article 9 of the Code of
Ordinances in the Land Development Regulations (LDR) nor did he include Article 10
detailing the flood prevention regulations. There is more information in those two codes
and Mr. Kittendorf will provide excerpts of the sections to provide a brief summary.
"The purpose and intent is to provide efficient relief process to allow for deviations of the
certain requirements and standards of the Florida Building Code including the cities
administrative amendments thereof and applicable regulations in the City's LDR. In
circumstances when the applicant is able to demonstrate hardship. The intent of the
application is not to provide the means to circumvent or circumventing any such
requirements or standards, but to allow for a departure from Code upon demonstration
that the subject request satisfactorily addresses the review criteria contained herein and
without the necessity of amending any type of regulations to accommodate that requested
relief. The owner of a building, structure or service system, or duly authorized agent may
appeal a decision from the building official whenever any one of the following conditions
is claimed to exist; the Building official rejected or refused to approve the mode or manner
of the construction proposed to the following or materials to be used in the installation or
alteration of that building, structure, or service system."
Mr. Kittendorf explained when the Board is given Code sections, the Code verbiage is
pretty clear, but there are certain conditions that become hardships for a customer or
contractor. Most of the time the issue is resolved. He gave an example of a new
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innovative matri I. The contractor provides all the test data, but have not taken it through
the State's r trs. Based on their testing information, the contractor would appeal
Mr. i orf's decision, appear before the Board, consider the data and make a
determination if the new material is equal or greater than the minimum standards
make a decision. The appeal is based on the true intent and meaningof the Florida
Building Code including the City's Administrative Amendments thereto, have been
misconstrued r incorrectly interpreted. Each Buildingficial in each area has their own
way of how they interpret things. Mr. Kittendorf agreed to send the members
Ordinance to read sections end explained he likes to keep an open thought process. I
thereis something that could be done better, based on his interpretation and an appeal
is wanted, he will bring it to the Board for final decision.
Section specified, "The owner of the building structure or service system or duly
authorized t may request relief from the following: the FloridaBuilding including
the City's Administrative Amendments and Technical Amendments, Chapter 4 Article ,
Building Construction, Historic Preservation requirements and City Code of Ordinances,
r Chapter 4, Article10 FloodPrevention requirements and City Code of Ordinances.
Mr. Kittendorf advised Flood Prevention has strict compliance standards and it is unlikely
variance would be granted, t it is possible if an appeal can bring just cause for
variance. The Flood Prevention Code is insurance driven, to protect life and property at
large. I hurricane or rain causes flooding and a home has flooded many times, it i
considered repetitive loss and the home has to be brought into compliance.
challenge is what is considered a substantial improvement. r. Kittendorf advised
substantial improvement is when animprovement % of the value of the home
or the structure, staff woulds on regulations, owner has to bring
up to Code and it is a hardshipto the homeowner seeking the renovation. Staff tries to
provide an avenue to avoidrequirement, but in most cases, the home is brought into
compliance and the variance process comes into play becausethe homeowner could
appeal to the Board for that standard. The Board reviews the information provided from
the applicant and from the staff and then make a decision. He encouraged the members
to become familiar with the City'sordinances to understand staffs responsibility.
Mr. Podray asked how the averagegeneral contractor would know bout the Board. He
looked on the website and didnot see anything. r. Kittendorf explained % of general
contractors know the requirements and the process to appeal. It is known statewide. I
a Building Board of Adjustmentsand Appeals does not exist in a local municipality, then
the contractor would apply tote State Building Commission.
Mr. Podray questioned under 113.4 of the appeals: "The owner of a building, structure or
service system or duly authorized agent may appeal a decision of the Building Official to
the Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals whenever any one of the following
conditions exist." He noted bulletpoint threespecified, "that an equally good or desirable
form of installation can be employedin a specific c thought the language s
ambiguous it opened the Boardto appeal. Mr. Kittendorf explainedit is an open
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statement. The question becomes what are they trying to request a variance from, what
part of the Code was not clear or gray in a manner that indicates the contractor cannot
do something, and what was happening that would create that type of hardship that they
now have to appeal. Other questions come into play, such as if the Building Official
rejected or refused that type of component or material to be installed and what was the
reason behind the disapproval. That information comes to the Board, based on the
Building Official's interpretation, based on his findings for a decision. He explained the
most important component is will it protect life and property and why they enforce the
Attorney Cherof added they cannot write Code fast enough to keep up with innovation
and those working in the field are on the front line of innovation and wanting to try things
that work better or equal to or exceed what they could find approved in the Code. He
thought that provision of the Code speaks to that particular issue. If local government is
to keep up with times, innovation and be user-friendly, such a provision has to be
included. Contractors, engineers or architects may think they have something that is
innovative and that protects the public and their users, but in the end, if there is a dispute
between the Building Official and them over that item, then it comes before the Board
who uses its collective expertise to make the decision. If the Board granted the variance
or appeal, staff would start to rewrite the Code to include that ruling.
Mr. Podray explained he was restoring Casa Costa and an issue came up with one of his
office build-outs regarding electrical receptacles that would stay on 24/7. He understood
effective January 1, 2018, the Code was modified so up to 50% of the electrical
receptacles have to turn off after non-use for a certain period of time. His subjective
opinion was an equally good or a more desirable form would be to just install the
receptacles as they have done for the last 50 years inside a normal office build out. He
asked if this issue would qualify under the appeal criteria. Mr. Kittendorf responded the
path he would have to take would be to recuse from voting or discussions as a Board
member, and either he or his agent can appeal the interpretation of Mr. Kittendorf's
position to try to show how it is better. The Code now states 50% of the receptacles shall
have a shut-down mechanism. It is an energy code requirement that is new and was
implemented. If they shut down the 50%, the owner is trying to save energy and be more
green. In this case, they would want to maintain consistency and allow the existing
receptacles to go in place. The question is if it would meet the Code or does it exceed or
fall below the Code. The existing receptacle is now deficient versus the new unit with the
energy savings. If the intended use is required to meet a 24-hour service requirement,
than an exception can be made, but they would have to determine how many receptacles
in the establishment have to meet the requirement. The Board would have to review that
issue for the exception to be applicable if it could be at all.
Attorney Cherof discussed the process, how the package is sent to the members and
how much in advance of the meeting the members would receive the information. Mr.
Kittendorf explained when a person appeals, a Notice of Appeal shall be in writing and
filed within 30 calendar days after the Building Official renders the decision. Appeals shall
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be in a form acceptable to the BuildingOfficial and the Boardshall meet within
following days from when the decision has been provided. It is usually with a 60-day
ri . The Buildingr of Adjustmentsn I shall, in every case, reach a
decision without unreasonable r unnecessary delay. c decision of the Board shall
also include the reason for the decision. If the decision of the Board reverses or modifies
refusal or disallowance of the Building Official or varies the application of any provision
of the Code, the Building Official shall immediately take action in accordance of such
decision. Every decision shall be promptly filed in writingin the Office of the Building
Official and shall be open to public inspection. A certified copy of the decision shall be
sent by mail or otherwise the applicant and any copy shall be kept publically postedi
the Office of the Building Official for two weeks after filing. Every decision of the Board
shall be final, subject however, to such remedy the aggravated party might have at law
r at equity.
Attorney Cherof explained the Building BoardAdjustments and Appeals makes
its decision, the ruling is reduced to the form of an Order by the City ore 's Office with
the help of the Building Department and the City Clerk. It is only when the Order is signed
and filed with the City Clerk that the clock begins to run for the right of appeal or further
review. The next level of review is to the Circuit Court of Palmeach County and is called
Writ of Certiorari. The Courts treat it as an appellatematter and they look at whether
theres competent evidence to support the outcome of the hearing before the Board.
II of that is handled by the City Attorney'sice. Once a ruling is made, the Order is
signed, the Board is finished withthat particular issue andthe matter does not return to
the Board unless a Court requests the matter be returned c to the Board for further
evidence or consideration. rnCherof could not recall a single instance that has
happenedto local governments in a tri-county area in the last 30 years.
Attorney Cherof reviewed l each County Code of Ethics and explained years
ago, the City gave up its own personal local Code of Ethicsn became involved with
County's Code of Ethics efforts. He advised if a member has a question about the Code
of Ethics, or what the Board will vote on ora matter coming for the Board where there
may be s conflict of interest, the member should contact the Palm Beach County Ethics
Commission. Attorney Cherof had distributedout with their phone number and
advised they have an online application for posing questions.
The second step in that processis to followtheir advice becauseif not, the follow
wouldbe to the State is office for enforcement. If a member believes they may
have violated the Code or were told they violated the Coe of Ethics, Attorney Cherof
recommended hiring an attorney because the consequences are very stringent and the
member should follow the advice they receive from it attorney. Years ago, the City
Attorney's ice used to interpret the local, City and the State versions of the Code of
Ethics for members of Boards and for the City Commission, but they no longer do s
because they under the County's Code and it is that office that makes interpretation and
provides guidance.
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Attorney Cherof gave an overview of the Sunshine and Public Records Laws and
distributed a printed version of the two laws. He explained the Florida Constitution
provides for all government activity at any level from staff to the administration, to legal
and Boards and the City Commission has to occur in view of the public in the Sunshine
to ensure the public can follow an issue since its inception, which prevents informal
communication between Board members.
The measure was enacted into law in Chapter 286.011, which outlines all the general
provisions. It requires when the Board is going to engage in discussion on a matter of
public importance they have jurisdiction over, the City Clerk provides a notice to the public
of the meeting. The members meet only to discuss the matter in public. There is no pre-
discussion amongst the Board meeting about it; however, a Board member can speak to
staff or the legal department about it, but no dialogue between members. Minutes are
taken at the meeting so the public that could not attend could read what occurred and the
minutes come back to the Board at the next meeting, for the Board to approve or make
corrections if needed. The purpose is to ensure all decisions are made in public. The
members are appointed by the City Commission and are governed by State Law. The
meeting is the agenda, which can be modified or amended, as long as it does not deviate
very much from the subject matter.
Mr. Bortz asked if there would be a reason to meet in executive session and learned the
only two ways a local government can meet behind closed doors is when litigation is
pending and only the City Commission has the right to meet. In those meetings, a court
reporter takes down a verbatim record of all that is said at the closed-door session until
litigation is over. When the litigation is over, those minutes from the closed-door session
become part of the clerk's minutes and are made available to the public. The other
closed-door meeting pertains to labor negotiations with the unions so the City
Commission can give the City Manager direction on how to negotiate a contract. Attorney
Cherof announced there are no other exceptions.
One problem seen is when agenda packets are sent to the Board members via email and
all the Board members receive a copy. He advised Board Members should never"Reply
to All" because if so they are communicating with other members of the Board as well.
The Board cannot use staff to act as a conduit before the meeting or during deliberating
an issue and no discussions off the record at the meeting are permitted.
Mr. Bortz asked what the Board's liability was as far as members being sued. Attorney
Cherof responded the Board is covered, unless there was a willful intent to obstruct the
Sunshine Law. As such, there could be personal liability and the member could be a
subject of prosecution by the State Attorney's Office. He explained ordinarily, the first line
of defense is the City Attorney's office takes up the defense and explores whether or not
the member is entitled to the defense because it was inadvertent or a mistake or a
misrepresentation. He advised with great power comes great responsibility and great
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Attorney Cherof explained thereare 12 lawyers in the CityAttorney's office. Thy are
outside firm that has providedthe City withrepresentation for 28 years. Every
covers Boards and Commissions and they handle local government law. When contacting
the CityAttorney's ice, Lynn Swanson is the paralegal and she knows which attorney
is available to obtain an answer right away.
The Public Records Laws not come into play as a Board Member. Each document
from draft to final document created for local government is a public record. All a ails
and texts are public record. They are maintained by the Clerk's office and IT Department
and they are maintained on the Board's behalf if workingthrough the City's email system
s a Board Member. If not, Board members must maintain the public record and not
destroy their text messages to staff. Do not rely on the fact that the recipient will do so
on their behalf. Information on computers and i ads must all be maintained. a r
member, member of staff i ttorney are their own custodians,
Insurance is not necessary. Attorney Cherof could not recall an instance that even came
close to a member needing insurance. Rarely did someone who came before the Board
that did not like the way they are treated file a complaint it the Palm BeachCounty
Commission on Ethics. In those instances, members should contact the City Attorney's
office first.
Attorney Cherof commented as to other records, a member making self-notes during
Board meeting for the purpose of reminding them of questions, are not a public record
and are transitory. If a member is the Chair and they take notes to makecertain t
Order that is issued complies with his recollection of the hearing, that record is on behalf
of the Board to reconcile with the minutes and that record st be kept as it is a public
Roberts Rules of Order is used at the meetings. Some of it is archaic and some of it has
no application to public entities in Florida. A note int the rules about informal procedures
fors all boards is what they follow. The attorney forte Board will be prepared to walk
through Roberts Rules. The purpose is to ensure anyone coming to the Board gets a fir
opportunity to present their case in a quasi-judicial fashion. All will be put under oath and
the members will obtain evidence to make a decision. Roberts Rules does not really
apply. All of the attorneys are familiar with the procedures and they will expedite
Mr. Podray asked about making recommendations to go before the City Commission. He
thought 30 days to appear before the Building BoardAdjustment and Appeals and
having to be notified within another 30 days is already 60 days. He commented there is
o and a half month turn around for a case. He thought the City could provide faster
service and he wanted to discussways to facilitate appeals. Attorney Cherof commented
he could bring a draftt to the Code to address it as long as it does not conflict
with provisionsi the FloridaBuilding Code. Most of the time, the continuance is
requested an applicantnot the Board or staff. Sometimesthe 30 days may seem
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like a long time, but from an applicant's point of view, when they have to present evidence,
they may need more time. He thought they could build in a window of time and
continuances. He will check into it further and report back at the next Board meeting.
Mr. Berger agreed if the applicant wanted to proceed faster, they should have the
opportunity. As someone who has been through the process in other municipalities, the
delay can cost the developer up to $30,000 a week for workers to sit on the job and it has
the potential to shut projects down and leave bills for the owner. Often individuals try to
shy away from coming to the Board, because it could cost a fortune. Attorney Cherof
noted the current City Commission is very proactive and engaged in making life easier
for development and the building trades. That was not always been the case and not in
the tri-county area where once they get in the system they never know when they will get
Mr. Berger commented he works everywhere from Jupiter down to Miami Dade. They
come across issues, usually with the State and they take a lot of those cases to
Tallahassee. He thought it was odd that there were only three meetings of the Board in
10 years. He thought there would be more disputes. Attorney Cherof explained part of
the answer is staff has been very proactive and engaged with people on issues to resolve
the matter. The fact there are so few cases coming to the Board means staff was
successful. It is rare the City Attorney's Office had to give professionals any guidance on
how to resolve an issue that is a building code or development related issue.
He pulled the minutes of the last few issues that came before the Board. In 2014, there
was an appeal of a demolition order, which also went on to court, was litigated for three
or four years and has since been resolved. The City now owns the property where the
structure was demolished. There was a hearing in November 2013 regarding an appeal
for a Business Tax Receipt denial due to non-compliance with provisions of the Code.
The applicant felt the Business Tax Receipt should be issued and they receive waivers
of the provisions that were violated.
Chair Guritzky noted many items come to the Board for extensions when the period of
time for appeal has run out. Attorney Cherof recalled such a situation occurred in 2012
and 2017. Two of the four items dealt with time extensions, which was a testament to
staff making life easier for the end product user. He explained staff was doing their job
which is important for the safety of the citizens.
Mr. Podray thought the Board meets too infrequently. He also thought there may be a
way to reduce the fee for the appeal process because for a small time contractor, the
$250 fee may be a slight impediment to appear before the Board. He mentioned the 60
day waiting period and the fact the Board is not advertised on anything. He knows a lot
of small general contractors and could confirm that many of them do not know about the
process to come before the Board. He wanted to fully vet what they can do as a Board
to make recommendations to the City Commission to lower the price, shorten the time
period from 60 days to less, as time is money. The Board should be more active. He
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Boynton Beach, Florida August 16, 2018
thought the Board should be on the City website and a flyer be made. The building staff
is open to different interpretations of the Code and he was impressed. He wanted the
City to offer the same opportunities to people who were less versed than he, so they
wouI d have due process and recourse.
Attorney Cherof explained the City redid the website. City Hall was moving so bulletin
boards were not available and the City was moving to more public notices and hearings.
A Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals meeting would appear there. The City
Attorney's office cannot address fees, but it does make sense to be more user friendly
with its administrative fees. He commented he will bring these items to the attention of
the City.
Mike Rumpf, Development Director, introduced himself. He thanked the members for
volunteering and advised their role was very important to the City Board as was the
Planning and Development Board, with is he has a lot of experience. If Messrs.
Kittendorf or Kuntzman are not available, the members can feel free to contact him.
Attorney Cherof invited anyone with questions to contact staff or him and they will provide
all the information. As tote electronic notice process, if the members had any ideas,
they should contact the City. He noted the legal staff serves the Board and Commission
and they want to be as efficient as the building department is in dealing with contractors
and developers, and the clerk's office is with public record requests.
Chair Guritzky requested a one-page version of Robert Rules.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:54 p.m.
Catherine herry
Minutes Specialist