Sanford Guritzky Shane Kiftendorf, Building Official
Andrew Podray John Kuntzman, Deputy Building Official
Paul Bortz James Cherof, City Attorney
Timothy Hunt
Daniel Berger
The Minutes Clerk called the Roll. A quorum was present.
Attorney Cherof explained there was one appeal. He administered an oath to all those
intending to testify.
D. NEW BUSINESS Applicant: Maximo Arvelo
Reference: 3150 Orange Street, Boynton Beach, FL
Explanation: Applicant is appealing a demolition
order issued as allowed by
Section 116.4, inclusive, of the
City of Boynton Beach
Administrative Amendments to
the 6th Edition of the 2017 Florida
Building Code. The applicant is
requesting a stay of the demolition
order and additional time to
conduct the work stipulated by the
Notice of Unsafe Building dated
Meeting Minutes
Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals
Boynton Beach, Florida November 5, 2018
Maximo Arvelo advised he bought the subject property in September of this year unaware
of the demolition order. Out of the blue, he went to the Building Department to find out
about the property and learned of the order. Consequently, he took action to appeal the
demolition order to the Board. His plans for the property were to rehab the home. He
hired an architect and contractors. He is set up and waiting for the authorization to begin
work to improve the property.
Chair Guritzky understood the property was supposed to be condemned and he is
requesting to remove the process. Mr. Kuntzman advised the property was posted and
Mr. Arvelo came in and informed him he purchased the property without knowledge of the
demolition order. Mr. Kuntzman suggested Mr. Arvelo provide a timeline, which he did.
He was requesting 11 months to rehabilitate the property. There were a few items in his
letter he requested Mr. Arvelo address with his contractor. He has a mechanical and
plumbing contractor who are Certified General Contractors, but they need to be licensed
under the trade they would perform the work on, unless the General Contractor is also a
plumbing/mechanical contractor. Mr. Kuntzman noted Mr. Arvelo requested 11 months,
but he requested 30 days for the plumbing, mechanical, electrical and interior work. The
City was requesting six months (180) days to complete the project as opposed to Mr.
Arvelo's request.
Mr. Berger noted the same thing. The plumbing work will be done and then the electrical
and all the rest. The work is stacked in a linear fashion adding up to 11 months. He
asked if there was any reason why he could not complete the work sooner, and also if the
duration given was through to Certificate of Occupancy. Mr. Kuntzman responded it was
through final inspection.
Mr. Arvelo explained he was trying to be safe. All in construction know that the work could
be done faster, but there are many things that can delay construction. He has already
worked with his crew and he knows they will be there. He knew he had to see the City to
repair the building that was damaged and vacant for a long time. He told his architect to
visit the site, start the plans, bring them to the City for revisions, wait for them to review
what is wrong and how to fix it, obtain the permit and be ready to start working. He thought
the permit would take a few weeks or a month. He will proceed when able, but they have
to take things step-by step. He did not want to request a shorter time and have to return
to ask for an extension. He was comfortable he could complete the work within the time
line and wanted to work with whatever the Board decides. He felt if the Board granted
the request, they would be doing him a favor, but he would accept the Board decision.
He wanted to be clear, he was not playing games and he did not want delays. He is ready
to start working tomorrow, but things take time and the issue was out of his hands.
Mr. Arvelo explained he purchased the home in September and attempted to clean the
site forthe neighbors. His team has removed trash and debris on the site, and addressed
the vegetation. He was contacted by Code Compliance and the Officer inspected the
property. He had to wait for the permit to begin work on the interior.
Meeting Minutes
Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals
Boynton Beach, Florida November 5, 2018
Mr. Berger asked if Mr. Arvelo had any experience rehabbing homes and learned he did.
He buys houses to keep as rentals. Sometimes he sells one or two when he needs money
to acquire more properties. Currently, he owns 10 properties; two in Margate, six in
Riviera Beach, two in Lake Worth. This is his first in Boynton Beach. He has worked with
his contractors before.
Mr. Hunt noted the contractor is listed as a Certified General Contractor, but the
Department of Business and Professional Regulation lists them as Certified Air
Conditioning and Certified Mechanical contractors. Mr. Kuntzman explained it needed to
be corrected. The pictures given to the Board were taken when the property was posted
in January 2018. Mr. Hunt asked if Mr. Kuntzman could verify, since Mr. Arvelo owned
the property, if the property was posted as set for demo or if the signs were blown away.
Mr. Kuntzman explained he had not been to the property since it was posted. He visited
the property a total of three times in a three-month period, all at the beginning of this year
and the end of last year. He noted there was an issue with a squatter living in the property
and he was there when he posted the property the second time, but he did not see him
there the third time.
Chair Guritzy inquired if Mr. Kuntzman was aware Mr. Arvelo cleaned up the property or
if anyone from the City verified the property was cleaned up. Mr. Kuntzman could not
confirm, but knew Code Compliance visited the premises in the last week or so and they
were just conducting follow-up inspections.
Mr. Hunt pointed out the letter said Mr. Arvelo was unaware of the demolition or code
violations, but he satisfied the liens. He asked if those would be from this case being it
was a Code Compliance case. Mr. Kuntzman commented Code Compiance is a different
department. Although they work hand-in-hand to improve properties, the Building
Department is not involved with fines, liens, or lien reductions.
Mr. Berger inquired how much Mr. Arvelo paid out of pocket to address the liens and
outstanding debt. Mr. Arvelo explained he purchased the property through a lawyer.
Before he purchased the property, he paid delinquent taxes and some utility fees. They
had an agreement to leave some money in escrow, because they understood there would
be some issues with Code Compliance that had to be mitigated. He estimated the escrow
would cover them. Mr. Arvelo explained he has not paid anything to the City. The guy
he bought the property from paid the taxes and utilities.
Mr. Hunt asked what the City would make Mr. Arvelo remove; if he would have to take
the interior down to the shell and if the trusses were fine. Mr. Kuntzman explained a
design professional had to conduct an analysis of what could and could not be saved.
The addition in the back of the home had an open hole which was probably the worst
The addition was an existing remodel based on a 2000 permit. There was also a garage
addition in the front of the property. Mr. Kuntzman explained he would apply for permits
11 KOJI m I 4d I Mid
Meeting ies
Building oar of Adjustments and Appeals
Boynton Beach, Florida November 5, 2018
working with the trash company. His General Contractor was already working the
plumbing, mechanical and electrical contractors and all know the situation. He is only
waiting for the architect to draw the plans, bring it to the truss company, which is the most
crucial part, get the plans approved by the City, but the architectural plans and approval
of the truss takes the longest. After that, all else can be pushed. He advised it takes 15
days just to give a price. The plan approval and the roof will take the longest.
Mr. Berger was fine with the 11 months, but asked what could be put in place to ensure
in 11 months the job will not still have eight months to go as it has happened in the past.
He asked if not done and Mr. Arvelo returns to the Board in 11 months for an extension,
would he tear down the structure. Mr. Arvelo reiterated that was why he wanted the 11
months to be sure he would finish. He pointed out in 11 months, if he was 50% complete,
it means he is not doing what he said. Anything can happen in construction and he has
to be done in 11 months. If he did not have the situation with the demolition, he would
have requested five or six months, but he knows this home will take some work. The
home will be made new, but a rehab is not the same as a new build. He wants enough
time. If that is not the case, the home would be demolished and he is the only one who
will lose money.
Mr. Bortz was questioning as to whether there was a penalty clause that could be added.
Attorney Cherof responded there is not because there is demolition order in place and
the action is on the demolition order. He suggested the starting point is the architectural
plans and the permit application. He suggested the Board stay the consideration of the
request for the appeal for 45 days to allow the architect to prepare and submit the plans
to the City. They can return the matter to the Board for further consideration while the
applicant has to clear the first two hurdles. Mr. Berger agreed. Approved plans is a major
milestone. If in six months the plans were not approved, they can discuss it in six months.
Mr. Podray explained the problem is not staying the demolition. Once Mr. Arvelo secures
the structure in a safe way, the City cannot demolish the building. He thought the Board
should grant the 11 months. He advised the Board just had a similar case three years
ago. The Board ruled against the applicant. The Board set criteria to come back, and
the demolition order went through and the applicant pressed charges against the City and
the applicant won. He favored granting the 11 months and the fail safe is Code
Compliance will site him if the building is not secure or there are other violations. Mr.
Podray suggested 11 or 12 months and as soon as the building is secured, the Board
moves from a delay of the demolition order to cancelling the order as the building is no
longer a hazard. He thought his suggestion was the best because otherwise there are
legalities such as how did the City obtain pictures of the home? Did the City trespass on
the property and what defines a secure property? Nuances arise and if the applicant gets
an attorney, the Board would not want to expose the City to potential litigation. When
talking about demolishing private property, there are technical difficulties. He opined the
applicant be given 11 months, and until such time as he secures the property after four
or five months, the demolition order is abandoned and at that point he can work with the
City at his leisure and rehab the house.
Meeting Minutes
Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals
Boynton Beach, Florida November 5, 2018
Chair Guritzky asked how to handle the demolition. Technically the home should be
demolished now. He asked if the Board should stay the demolition for 45 days and give
the applicant six months from then to complete the project.
Mr. Podray would stay the order for the entire 11 months. He thought doing so would
create a case for him as the applicant could assert he could not reasonably have restored
that house to a safe and secure condition in 45 days. The prior Board gave a 30-day
extension and it failed. When it failed, the City demolished the home and created its own
lawsuit against the City. He thought the Board should set realistic timeframes. It is the
owner's private property and it begs the question if the City has the right to trespass on
property to take the picture and demolish someone's private property without giving
adequate time before a judge said he could actually restore it.
Attorney Cherof clarified the prior action referred to by Mr. Podray had a demolition order
the Board authorized. The property owner attempted to obtain an injunction to stay the
demolition in Court and the City won that part of the case. The structure was thereafter
demolished. The lawsuit that followed was for the loss of value to the property owner
following the demolition. The City settled the case and acquired the property. The
amount was the settlement value of avoiding litigation over the case and acquiring the
property. Mr. Podray's point was incorrect as it pertained to the demolition. The
demolition order was sustained by a court and the demolition did occur.
One option was for the Board not to take action on the demolition, but stay the proceeding
and make sure Mr. Arvelos' commitment to the project, by having the architect do the
work, get paid for it and submit plans in the City. If, in 60 days, the architect cannot do
that, or recommends to the property owner, the Board would be no worse off.
In response to questions, Mr. Kuntzman explained the City's six-month recommendation
for option 2 was from today and NOT the date of permit issuance. Mr. Berger asked
would it be would be subject to six months from the permit being issued. Mr. Kuntzman
explained it was up to the Board, but he would be amenable to it. Discussion followed
the City has the right to step on property, per state statute, when there was a permit
issued that expired.
Mr. Arvelo understood the Board's point of view, but commented at the end of the day,
he, as a homeowner in Boynton Beach, wants the same as the Board wants. They all
want a beautiful street, and a house that brings value to the neighborhood. He wants to
bring the house to a beautiful condition as soon as possible. They both want what is best
for the City. He commented he will do his best on whatever the Board decides. There
are many things to coordinate which he would handle. He has no other options. As to
the trusses, he would have to wait for the architect, but it appeared the better way would
be to fix the back part of the home. The front of the house looks brand new although they
have to inspect to the 2017 or 2018 Code. The architect conducting calculations now to
Meeting Minutes
Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals
Boynton each, Florida November 5, 2018
see if they need to build a new section, attach it to the old one or install an entire roof
truss. Whatever he decides is what they will do.
Chair Guritizy asked if Mr. Kuntzman thought the structure was too far gone to be
rehabbed. Mr. Kuntzman explained it was up to the design professional. Mr. Arvelo
explained the design professional will do it the better and faster way.
Chair Guritzky explained the options are to either demolish the building, give a 45-day
extension or give 11 months.
Mr. Podray moved to have a stay of demolition for the full 11 months, until such time as
the building is shown as secure and when it is, the stay of demolition goes away and there
is no longer a demolition order. The motion unanimously passed. The decision is to give
11 months to complete the project.
Mr. Arvelo thanked the Board.
Mr. Podray wanted to follow up on a request he made a few months ago to make the
Board more active. He had suggested having a poster up in the Building Department so
the public knows the Board exists. He thought a waiting period for an applicant of two
months and possibly two and a half months was too long, and the $250 fee was too much
for a small renovation project. He asked if the City Commission has done anything to
further those suggestions.
Attorney Cherof explained there has been no action taken by the City Commission on any
of those points.
Mr. Kittendorf explained there was discussion about the matter at the last Commission
meeting last month. There have been posters placed in the lobby, follow-up information
has been sent out, and a discussion of the $250 fee was sustained at $250 based on the
cost and expense allocated during the meeting.
The last item was for the two-month timeframe. The maximum amount of days was 60
days in total. It provided the applicant 30 days to put his response together if there was
an issue and 30 days for the Building Department to put all the information together. In
this case, they got the letter two weeks ago and in that two weeks' window, staff put
together the emergency hearing. They try to move as quickly as possible based on the
magnitude of the issue. The goal is to stay within the 60-day window if not sooner.
Mr. Podray asked his fellow Board members if it was reasonable to have a 60-day
timeframe or if they should push to meet sooner if an applicant does follow through.
Discussion followed the 60 days was for both sides to prepare. It is a 60-day maximum.
Meeting ie
Building rd of Adjustments and Appeals
Boynton Beach, Florida November 5, 2018
Mr. Podray commented if he wanted to appear before the Board and he knew he would
lose two months worth of rent, he would make the decision to side with Mr. Kittendorf and
roll over on the topic. If he knew there was a two-week turnaround, and he would not
lase any rent, he would immediately file for the application. The Board could be a lot
more active by talking amongst themselves and committing to showing up for justice for
the public sector. Sixty days does give people time to prepare, but if they keep falling
back on that and that is in the applicant's mind, there will be a lot less applications
because time is money. The Board needs to hear applications as soon as possible and
Mr. Podray sought the Board's opinion.
Mayor Grant explained he received an email from an attorney friend of his on October
16th, which he forwarded to Mr. Kittendorf, which allowed the proceeding to occur. It was
held in three weeks. He commented the Board is dealing with 60-day maximums and not
minimums and they can see what the City can do when urgency arises.
Mr. Arvelo explained staff was awesome. They gave him the option to come last week,
which he declined as he needed information from his team to come to give exact
information, so he waited one more week
Mr. Kuntzman explained the Board is a last resort and they will work with customers as
best as they can. They have a case right now where they have given an extension. They
have given the applicant every opportunity not to come to the Board by working with them.
Coming to the Board is an inconvenience for the applicant so try to avoid convening the
Board and help them get their project underway. The goal is not to bring everybody to
the Board. The goal is to repair the structure on their terms. The applicant came in a few
weeks ago totally shocked and Mr. Kuntzman felt for Mr. Arvelo, but they were out to bid
for demolition. The very next day from when Mr. Arvelo first came in, the City was going
to award the demolition contract.
Discussion followed if staff could rescind the demolition order on their own. Mr. Kuntzman
responded they will work with a customer.
Mr. Kittendorf eXplained this property had no correspondence. Mr. Arvelo had just
purchased the property back in September. Prior to the notices and posting and follow-
up communications, there was never a response advising the City anyone had an interest
to rehabilitate the home. Based on those factors, the City moved towards demolition and
once they issued the demolition notice and they were going to bid, staff then requested
the person who owns the property understand the path they need to take. An example
of a challenge they had was with a gentleman with three properties considered for
demolition. Staff advised in December they would will work with him as he reached out
to the Department and staff gave six months to get the permits and rehab the home. It
took all of the six months. The last day to submit was June 1St and on May 31St he
submitted the drawings. The next day, staff conducted the plan review and turned it
around in a day and sent it to the customer and it took the customer three months to come
back. It was then resubmitted and it took staff four days to review. Staff sent it back and
Meeting Minutes
Building Board of Adjustments and Appeals
Boynton each, Florida November 5, 2018
staff is still pending the response. Staff tries to assist customers, but they take advantage
of homes that are in unsafe and unsanitary conditions and they do not follow up. Staff
uses the Board to assist them when these situations occur to put in place measures to
get the homes back into a habitable condition. Securing a home does not protect
neighbors and homeowners from blighted, unsafe and unsanitary conditions. Staff seeks
to return the homes to a habitable condition and assist them though the process to either
demolish or rehab the home and they can start from scratch at that point in time.
Mr. Bortz thought the Board was available at any time they can make a decision to help
staff with the job. The object is to move things ahead and the Board is willing to do what
they can when needed.
Mr. Podray asked if the Board was comfortable with the two months. Chair Guritzky
thought two months was reasonable as a maximum, as did Mr. Berger and Mr. Bortz.
Mr. Hunt would only have an issue if the Board was constantly at the 60-day timeframe.
It seemed the Building Department did a fine job. The total days in this instance was 61
days and it did not have to come to the Board as the application states it is a 30-day
deadline from the final notice. He thought staff did an excellent job in this case. Chair
Guritzky commented the Board rarely gets called and he knows the Building Department
was doing a good job.
Chair Guritzky adjourned the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Podray. The meeting
was adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Catherine Cher�Itulj
Minutes Specialist
The October 16, 2018 appeal filed by Maximo Arvelo (hereinafter referred to as "Applicant")
came before the City's Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals on November 05, 2018 for
hearing. The Applicant appealed a May 01, 2018 Notice of Unsafe Building issued by Shane
Kittendorf, Building Official of the City of Boynton Beach. The applicant represented
The City's Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals(hereinafter referred to as the"Board")
after review of the testimony and evidence provided by the Building Official, and the arguments
of Applicant and his attorney finds:
1. The Building Official has determined that property owned by Applicant located at 3150
Orange Street in Boynton Beach, Florida is unsafe, unsanitary, a fire hazard, and
dangerous to human life is supported by the record and is not disputed.
2. By issuance of his May 01, 2018 Notice of Unsafe Building, the Building Official
advised the Applicant of his findings and ordered the repair, rehabilitation or demolition
of the unsafe building.
3. The Applicant filed their appeal of the Building Official's notice and sought an
extension of time to repair and rehabilitate the property and thereby avoid its demotion by
the City.
4. The applicant do not contest the unsafe condition of the building but asserted that the
building can be repaired to a safe condition if given a reasonable period of time to
effectuate the repairs.
5. The Board, following testimony of the Applicant and the Building Official finds that
the Applicant can reasonably be expected to repair the property to a safe habitable
condition by October 05, 2019.
6. The Board finds that the building is unsafe but that the Applicant should be granted until
October 05,2019 to repair the entire building to a safe habitable condition. Demolition is
therefore stayed to that date.
7. The Applicants will apply for permits to effectuate the repairs identified by the Building
Official which he deems necessary to restore the property to a safe condition.
8. In the event the Applicant fail to remedy the unsafe condition of the building by October
05,2019,the Building Official is authorized to proceed with demolition of the structure or
appear before the board for an extension.
9. Motion: Mr. Podray moved to have a stay of demolition for the full eleven (11)
months, until such time as the building is shown as secure and when it is, the stay of
demolition goes away and there is no longer a demolition order. The motion
unanimously passed. The decision is to give eleven (11) months to complete the
10. The public record, including, but not limited to, the Building Official's reports,
memoranda, comments and recommendations on the appeal, agenda back-up before the
Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals, along with the record established before the
Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals on November 05, 2018, are hereby
incorporated by reference.
11. The Board retains jurisdiction of this appeal to issue supplemental orders it deems
necessary to remedy its finding that the building owned by Applicants is unsafe.
DONE AND ORDERED this I `1 day of 2ce ¢f 2018 in the City of Boynton Beach,
Sanford G ' •y, Chairman
J ith A. Pyle, Cit f Clerk