Barbara Ready, Chair Mike Rumpf, Director, Planning
Eric Salomonsson, Vice Chair and Zoning
Cheryl Black
Susan Oyer
Jason Shaffer
Hollis Tidwell, III
Jesse Feldman, Alternate
Dr. Ginger Pedersen
Michael Wilson, Alternate
1. Pledge of Allegiance
Chair Ready called the meeting to order at 6:32. Ms. Oyer led the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag.
2. Agenda Approval
Ms. Oyer requested paper agendas.
3. Approval of Minutes
Minutes of March 13,2017
Ms. Oyer moved to approve the minutes as presented. Vice Chair Salomonsson
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Minutes of July 10, 2017
Ms. Oyer moved to approve the minutes. Vice Chair Salomonsson seconded the motion
that unanimously passed.
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Historic Resource Preservation or
Boynton each, Florida November 13, 2017
4. Communications and Announcements
Mike Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director, announced he was enthusiastic regarding
the meeting. He is the new liaison and the Old High School is finally before the Board.
He did not attend the school although some of the Board members had. He has been
with the City for 30 years and five months. He started his career with the City with the
exception of an intern serving as interim Downtown Development Authority Director in his
hometown in Michigan. After Graduate School, one of his main objectives was to explore
Historic Preservation in Michigan. He researched and inventoried the historic assets of
the buildings and the eligibility fey to the City to participate in the Michigan Main Street
Program, which is based on the preservation of historic assets. The program also
examines adaptive reuses, building codes and sustainability. He noted some of the
building codes were hurdles for adaptive reuses for some of the buildings in his town.
When he received his Master's Degree, he sent his resume to the City at the height of the
Growth Management Act and he was hired. Being a long-standing and educated urban
planner, he could not perform the function with pride if he did not rate historic preservation
as being very important in the field. The American Planning Association and the American
Institute of Certified Planners value historic preservation and sustainability in the planning
world. It is the basis and foundation for protecting older assets and Warren Adams'
presence with the City was well-timed. Mr. Rumpf had spoken in opposition to some who
were recommending an alternative candidate when the position was available, but
ultimately Mr. Adams was selected for the position because of his credibility and local
experience. It was a disappointing day when Mr. Adams announced he accepted a new
job in Miami, but it was a dynamic opportunity and Mr. Adams put a lot in place. Mr. Rumpf
intends to keep things going, and staff will have their hands full without trying to expand
the program to keep things going.
Mr. Rumpf advised he will research questions the Board members may have and bring
answers to the next meeting or via email. The Old High School Special Category Grant
will be discussed by REG Architects who will present anything that may be relevant as
they head up the grant as a City partner. The small matching grant for the Schoolhouse
Children's Museum project is still in the future as far as the July 2018 selection deadline.
In reference to Conrad Pickel, Mr. Rumpf has been keeping an inventory and he was
contacted by someone who located a new window at St. Cuthbert's Episcopal Church on
MLK Jr. Boulevard. He was given a contact name who is a member of the Church and
they will explore it and will add the work to the inventory list if it is bona fide. Staff has not
received any new inquiries for local designation since Mr. Adams left. The Certified Local
Government Annual Report is due at the end of the month and staff was providing
information per the State's requirements.
Ms. Oyer commented the Board had been working on historic plaques for historically
designated structures for a few months, and Mr. Adams was sidetracked with Conrad
Pickel and the Old High School. She asked about the status as the Board wanted to
install the plaques at designated sites. She also asked about the status of changing the
street names in the downtown. Dr. Pedersen had information showing what the original
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Boynton each, Florida November 13, 2017
names were and the signs would show the historic name of the street in addition to the
current street names. Ms. Oyer thought with the pending Town Square, the Board should
renew its focus on historic street names. Mr. Rumpf had no information. He had spoken
with Mr. Adams about the plaques and funding, He supported the plaques and discussed
different options. Mr. Adams had mentioned the street naming project several months or
a year ago.
Mr.Tidwell asked about the Magnuson House. Mr. Rumpf advised permits for the building
interior work were submitted and were being reviewed. Mr. Rumpf reviewed the against
Mr. Adam's original comments, which included submitting a minor modification because
the building had changed from the plans the Board viewed which went through the site
plan approval process. There was a slight change and the minor modification was
approved. They were waiting for the permit process to play out. The building will still be
a restaurant. Mr. Rumpf noted the process was not moving as quickly as had been
anticipated, and the CRA agreed to the original restaurant objective.
5. Old Business:
None requiring Board action. to will provide an overview of project status for
informational purposes.
This its was discussed later in the meeting.
6. New Business:
A. Boynton High School (COA 17-001)
Certificate of Appropriateness application for modifications included as part
of the rehabilitation and reuse of the Boynton High School located at 125
East Ocean Avenue. Applicant: City-initiated. Agent: Rick Gonzalez/REG
Architects Inc.
Mr. Rumpf advised REG Architects is the applicant forte Certificate of Appropriateness
for the project.
Darrin Engel, Senior Project Management with REG advised he was working with Rick
Gonzalez on the Old High School. He advised Mr. Gonzales was excited for the
restoration of the Old High School as he worked on it for years. He noted at one time
there was discussion of demolishing the Old High School and he commented it was ironic
the current discussion is to have City buildings removed and the Old High School
restored. In 2001, Mr. Gonzalez heard the building would be demolished for a parking lot
and they visited the site. He commented currently, the roof has deteriorated ash s some
of the interior walls and components. The building was constructed in the 1920s so no
all was used and the structure is in good condition although repairs are still needed.
REG is working with Straticon Construction in Phase 2. One phase is stabilization to
prevent structural collapse and during stabilization, they can analyze how the building
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Boynton c , Florida November 1 , 2017
was constructed, and get a structural engineer,who are present once a week. The second
phase is final design and the construction document phase of the new construction.
Stabilization will occur in two parts. The first part is to reroof the building and application
has been made to obtain the permit. The second part of the stabilization phase pertains
to the building exterior. The old paint has been removed carefully with the stucco, and
they have been working with Sherman Williams. There will be window replacements and
the structural engineer is working with the contractor how to install the windows and still
maintain the correct opening sizes. There are concrete and stucco repairs. There are
some structural repairs needed to the auditorium floor as some water leaked and spoiled
some of the concrete underneath and some of the reinforcement bars have rusted. The
permit for the latter work will be submitted soon and the work will continue. The good
news for the design and construction phase of the project is they are using the building
for what it was intended, which was a community facility and for classrooms. The
auditorium was intended to be a community space. He advised the City decided to locate
the Recreation and Parks Department in the facility and art, dance and martial arts will
take place in classrooms as well as having flex community space under the auditorium
which will also be connected to the exterior. It is not yet planned out, but he pointed out
his responsibility is to focus on the building. Mr. Engel advised they are pretty far along
in that design phase working with the City.
The special grant programs move slowly. The City's grant was evaluated a few weeks
ago and ranked 60 or 61 out of 120. The application process eliminates some applicants
and the last phase is to ??? prioritize the grants. The budget was never finalized until
next year. The Governor is important to the process by funding the program in the
budget. The ranking process keeps going until they run out of money which will be next
year. The decisions are made in June or July of 2018 and when the decision is made,
there will be a contract in July and August and then they will know how they fared. They
hoped to be successful. The State asked for a lot of information up front such as what
and how they are addressing the building. About $430,000 was requested and the
maximum amount is $500,000. They have worked with the grant administrators on the
grant request. The application focuses on stabilization of the building. It the grant is
received, it will not cover all repairs, but it will cover the historic aspects of the building
and ADA accessibility.
Chair Ready asked if the grant was a matching grant and learned it was. She asked if the
CRA was coming up with $250,000 of the match. Mr. Rumpf believe so. Because the
cost of the projects far exceeds the grant request, it is easy to fulfil the match.
Mr. Tidwell requested Mr. Engel make a brief presentation. Mr. Engel explained there are
three color choices. The building was originally a medium dark colors and capstone was
a butter creme color. The capstone is showing its original color. Ms. Oyer looked at
original pictures and it always looked white or a light color. She never saw any picture
the color was dark brown like Colin Groff provided at a Town Square meeting. The cover
sheet for the drawing showed a darker building. They took the paint samples off the
building and analyzed the original paint, which is the same color the team selected. It is
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essentially a darker color and the trim was light. In the 40s,they painted the entire building
In the 1920s, Mediterraneanbuildings were lighter in color, but for some reason this
darker. Chair Ready thought it was a sepia color. Mr. Engel explained it was also the
print. It is a large format file and it clearly was a darker color. The stucco was painted.
The capstone was not originally painted. Straticon will prime the building when it is dry.
Technically, due to the Secretary of the Interior guidelines, it is nice to select the original
color and know what it is, but paint is reversible and it could be changed to the original
for at a later time. Mr. Engle commented they do not like painting original brick or stone
and the stucco was not stained. Straticon has to evaluate if it is ok to leave the cap stone
exposed or if they have to seal i . The capstone is differentthan regular stone. The roof
is not yet fixed. It is a long processn takes a lot of work. They have to evaluate
building structurally. The structural engineer has been tot the site often regarding
and there is a lot of work needed. There are no roof trusses, and the building does not
have standard rafters. There is a frame-built roof on most of the roof, but it looks like
there are trusses and the auditoriumroof is very tall making it cumbersome to work on.
The steel trusses appear to be in great condition and the majority of the purlins are i
good condition, but the wood decking for the roof is in poor condition and it is too
dangerous. This will be addressedbefore the roof is replaced and they need the final
structural drawings forte permit to complete the building.
Oyer noted at the Town Squaremeeting, the public was adamant about wanting blues
greensand City buildings. She noted there was a cr6me withitwhite
with a yellow color. She asked if painting the building withgreens or blues was
considered. Mr. Engel had read the meeting minutes and explained the City indicated
the structure is its own special building and it does not have to follow suit with the other
buildings. The reason why there are two other choices was to complement the other
buildings. They work for the contractor and the City, and the direction they received was
to stay with the colors they presented. Ms. Oyer commented the building should be as
reflective as possible to help address global warming. Mr. Tidwell liked option one or two.
He did not think a final decision had been made on the color. Chair Ready liked the white.
Ms. Oyer favored option three the white with cr' a maybe withgreen.
Ms. Oyer commented there r nine columns on the inside she was concerned about
the second floor collapsing s there will be parties and hundreds of people dancing. She
noted buildings collapse all over the world. She asked if nine columns was enough. Mr.
Engel explained the building's original design was designed for people to run and jump.
The structural engineer calculated the floor loads on the existing floors and the original
design is more than sufficient in the auditorium, stage and the classrooms pending the
repairs for the allowed occupancy counts. They conduct occupancy counts for musical
performances in the auditorium with over 600 occupants and the seating capacity is
around 500. The structural repairs will ensure it meets the live load requirements.
Mr. Engel explained there is a crack in the hollow clay tile wall and the entire exterior was
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Historic Resource Preservation Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 13, 2017
hollow tile. There is a concrete frame, which makes the structure super strong. It was
noted all the trees that were growing inside the building were removed. The north
elevation was repaired after the 1928 hurricane and there were structural changes over
the top of the auditorium. Dr. Pedersen had previously indicated the partner of the original
architect is still alive and they will contact him and walk through the building.
Mr. Tidwell noted the smaller top arch windows were in pairs of three and five and thought
it was peculiar they did not fill those areas with arched top windows. Mr. Engel explained
they were not original windows according to the original drawings. The hollow clay tile
walls there were 12-inch thick arches and the insets stepped down to eight-inch thick
hollow clay tiles. They opted to install a regular window. The design element was from
that era, and sometimes they were painted darker colors. In the original drawings, the
roof was wood truss and was later changed to steel.
Chair Ready asked how the gym roof would be insulated and learned, originally there was
no insulation. The wood decking that currently exists will be replaced and a layer of
insulation will be added above the decking, hidden within the wood structure and the roof.
The developer will also try to build as green as possible. Straticon is not bound to any
particular green standard, but the development combined with the central chiller plant will
make the development one of the greenest and most environmentally-friendly the City
could have. The developers were asked to comply with green standards, but did not have
to meet them. Most of the materials used will be fairly straightforward.
Chair Ready asked if the wood floors would be reused. Mr. Engel explained they saved
some of the floors and intend, to the best of their ability, to keep as much of the original
floors in a couple of the classrooms as possible and have new hardwood floors for the
rest of the classrooms and gym. Some of the floors in the building were concrete and
some would remain concrete. Chair Ready asked if it was more cost effective to use new
flooring rather than salvage and learned to some extent it was. The labor aspect was
better, but the hardwood floors did not hold up as well. The hardwood floors were nailed
into the concrete with cut nails, which leaves a hole in the concrete when removed. The
school had also re-floored the auditorium with maple, which was an industry standard for
schools at that time. Dade County Pine had also been used. The top layer of the
auditorium floor may have been 40 years old. The last graduating class from the Old High
School was in 1949 and then the school was used for an elementary school. They had to
install a cafeteria and in 2001, the structure was pristine
Ms. Oyer asked if LED lighting would be used and learned almost all of the lighting will
be LED except for a few specialty lights. Some of the original lights will be repaired, but
most likely, the lights will be LED with a few imitations of the old school lighting. Ms. Oyer
favored warm white LED lights, as the cool white lighting is bad for one's health.
Mr. Tidwell asked if the two main entry doors were reminiscent of the original drawings.
Mr. Engels explained they were. The computer drawing showed a slight error. Mr. Engel
would have to check if the transoms were original and advised there were four sets of
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Boynton each, Florida November 13, 2017
doors and four transoms. Additionally, one of two pots on the roof had actually fallen onto
the roof and was intact, allowing for both roof pots to be original.
Mr. Tidwell explained aluminum windows had been installed and there is a structural
detail for impact windows. Some of the sill was hacked which means the developer has
to reinforce the When the paint iso the portico, the developer will know if the porticos
are perfect.
Mr. Tidwell asked about the alternate access to the ground floor space that will reach into
the outdoor space. Mr. Engel responded the City requested doors and planned for a
patio, but he was unsure what will be there. If it does not go forward, there will be windows
inthose spaces.
Ms. Oyer moved to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for the adaptive reuse of
the Old Boynton High School, located at 125 E. Ocean Avenue. Applicant: City Initiated,
Agent: Rick Gonzalez REG Architects Inc. Mr. Shaffer seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
Brian Perraul explained the office trailer for the project was just placed on site. They
stripped all the maple wood and have diagonal cut nails sticking up 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch.
If a worker fell, they would be injured and there are 1,000s of the He offered to give a
tour, but cautioned members should wear very hard-soled, closed shoes. There is a clear
path to travel and the route is marked with spray paint. It was fine if members stayed on
the path, but they could fall through if they deviated from it. Ms. Oyer noted Andrew Mack
was arranging a walk through.
7. Other
Mr. Rumpf noted the next meeting would be announced int future. He also commented
staff is filling a vacancy in the department, but they are not limiting it only a historic
preservation planner given the demand in the department for general planners. The
person will share this responsibility with Mr. Rumpf as the lead liaison. He had hoped
one of the candidates would have hands on Historic Preservation experience and
applicants have come from cities with Historic Preservation programs. If the applicant
has specialized experience they will have a shared role. to shortlisted applicants down
to five people and the interview process was delayed due to workload. They hope to
interview applicants after Thanksgiving. Mr. Rumpf explained they of likely meet
during the first quarter of 2018 unless there are other items that require the Board's
Chair Ready noted Mr. Adams was working on the Boynton Colored Town virtual tour on
MLK Jr. Boulevard. Mr. Rumpf had difficulty logging on to the one program, but he had
been looking at the data and was meeting with individuals who were familiar or had direct
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involvement in some of the projects. To his knowledge the grant was closed out and the
project is finished except for updating the information. Mr. Adams had completed his
research, but was disappointed in terms of the documentation he collected from residents
which is why the City returned some of the money. The virtual tour was still lacking. Chair
Ready pointed out the City lost the IT employee who was working on the project and Mr.
Adams struggled with the GIS portion.
Mr. Shaffer asked if the Board would only meet when they needed to review items.
Mr. Rumpf explained the Board will meet to timely process items needing the
Board's action, and meet all the obligations for the CLG status which is four
meetings a year. If there is a lag because there is nothing to review, they will still
hold a meeting to give an update. There should not be extensive lags.
Chair Ready asked who would administer the $500K grant if received. Mr. Rumpf
explained Mr. Adams spoke highly of REG Architects. They are a partner in the project
and are listed as the administrator or applicant for the grant. He anticipated he and REG
would fill that role.
8. Comments by members
Ms. Oyer announced her school project is collecting old, clean mascara wands for injured
and rescued wildlife. She requested they be given to her.
Monday is the Historical Society's next meeting in the Library Program Room. The topic
will be the Schoolhouse Children's Museum and other historic buildings at 6:30 p.m. She
invited all to attend
Mr. Shaffer noted there is a national proposal to eliminate the Historic Tax Credit. He
asked if the Board could write a letter to their State Senators to preserve the tax credit.
All agreed and supported the idea. Chair Ready noted there are two levels of funding
which was 10% and the 20%. The proposal is to eliminate the 20%. It is a useful fund.
It was suggested the Board send a letter to all the representatives that will be voting on
the measure as there are programs to blast emails to all Florida Representatives. Chair
Ready will determine a way to get the letter to the members and will run the letter past
Mr. Rumpf.
9. Public comments
10. Announce date of next meeting
To be determined.
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Boynton Beach, Florida November 13, 2017
11. Adjournment
in no further business to discuss, Chair Ready properly adjourned the meeting
at 7:36 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist