The City Council convened at the regular meeting at the
City Hall~ at ?:30 P.M., February 21st, t950. Originally scheduled
for Monday~ the 20th, the date was postponed one night in deference
to the opening of the Delray Gladiola Festival and the official
participation therein of Boynton's officials.
Councilmen Present:
Mr. F.L. Purinton
Mr. A.E. Shook
Mr. C.H. Hood
Mr. Henry Merkel
Mr. Clifford Province
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor.
Minutes of the February 6th meeting were read by City Clerk
Dorothy Williams and accepted as read, by acclamation;
Bills 0'Kayed For Payment:
Gen Fund Water Fund Deoositors
Charlie Waters $ 31.80
Lee Thomas 89.70
George Cain 33.50
Dave Lanier 42.00
John E. Raulerson Jr.
Frank Earl Cline
A.C.Carver 129.30
N.0. Marshall 114.50
H.R. Daugharty 103.90
D.V. Williams 112.70
Muriel W. Herring
Vareda 0. Schramko 63.80
John Bell 76.00
Boynton B.State Bank(Withholding) 18g.20
Petty Cash llg.01
Kay Birkhead
B.Mi Wold 90.00
Mrs. 0.S. Heaton
Thomas Jefferson 33.00
Henry Cooper 31.80
Sam Murray 26.?0
Solomon Pitts 33.75
Charile Waters
Lee Thomas 39.70
Leonard Harris 33.00
George Cain 26.70
7. gO
- 2 -
Dave Lanier $2.00
Elizabeth K. McKeown 11.75
Florida ?ower & Light 205.16
Ocean City Lumber 2.65
Eureka Fire Hose ~3.50
StevensonSeed Store ~.00
Winters Foskett Cook & Tylander 160.00
Cameron & Barkley Co. 3.76
Menoher & Myers 139.19
Fla. East Coast Rwy. 1.O0
Ray's Auto Service 19.82
Cleary Bros. Const. Co. 2.80
Calgon Inc. 152.50
Farquhar Machinery Co. 99.79
Thomas Jefferson 3~.50
Henry Cooper 31.80
Sam Murray 26,70
Solomon Pitts 33.00
Charlie Waters 31.80
Lee Thomas B9.70
Leonard Harris 33.00
George Cain 33.50
Dave Lanier ~2.00
C.H. Hood 50.00
~.C.Carver 129.30
N.0. Marshall 11~.50
H.R. Daugharty 103.90
Dorothy V. Williams 116.90
Vareda O. abrams 63.80
F.L. Purinton 50.00
A.E. Shook 50.00
Henry Merkel Jr. 50.00
Clifford Province 50.00
Robert F. Griffith Jr. 50.00
Ralph W. Chapman 50.00
FraD~ Nutting 25.00
Katherine Koepnich lO.O0
Frank E. Cl&ne
John E. Raulerson Jr.
C.A. k~itman Jr. 350.28
H.C. Whiople 2~0.00
Alma Cline 4.07
Murie! W. Herring 7~.50
John Bell 76.00
John L. McNames 75.00
Fred H. Groven
Mayor Purinton reported on the meeting of the League of
Municipalities which he and Commissioner Provihce attended. He
reminded those present the League has helped lobby for local use
of the cigarette tax money and urged everyone to buy his cigarettes
locally so all possible tax could be returned for use locally saying
~he $2,600 returned to Boynton in two months from this tax could
be "upoed" consmderably if every Boynto~ ~moker.pur~hase~ hi? ~okes
in Bo~Rton".. Mayor Purinton also repor~ec repamr or roaGs mmgn
be started in March, thanes to this cigarette money.
- 3 -
City Attorney Griffith.report?d the suggested financing of
improved roads in Boynton H~lls (discussed at the previous meeting),
to be imoractical. He also reported Boynton is ~osing much money
in delinquent ,work taxes." The attorney advised ~ach local business-
man be given his work allocation rather than allowing him to choose
his own category. At his suggestion it was decided to publish a
notice in the Boynton Beach News that all licenses areeligible for
immediate payment. The aStorney advised a fine be assessed on
delinquent ones. He reminded the Commissioners there is on the
books a $5.00 license due on each soft drink dispenser, and suggested
this be enforced where the ooerator having the box does not have an
adequate license. This, the~'Mayor said, would be discussed further
at the next meeting.
A report 2rom the Electrical Inspector on the dangerous conditions
at a local ¢Ieaning establishment was discussed at length. Commissioner
Shook~ takinE the stand "we must back up our inspectors~, suggested
a letter telling the operator all commercial buildings must have the
wiring in pipes.
Attorney Griffith suggested a S-foot warning sign~ 500 feet
ahead of our ~ake Avenue traffic light, might help motorists. Mayor
Purinton suggested getting prices on two caution signs - one for
each direction of traffic.
D Daniel Strosheim asked for a light for his street.
Following a discussion of the need of graders, rollers and
other road equipment, Commissioner Hood was asked to get bids and
all possible information on re-possessed rollers and graders.
Because there was only one bid, the proposed purchase of the
wster department hose was delayed until at l~ast an alternate bid is
The baseball teamappeared in a body to ask cooperation in
getting its diamond in shade for the start of the season, next month.
Mayor Purinton oromised them half of the needed 50 yards of marl; said
the city truck ~ould be made available for other marl they might get
elsewhere; and promised city help and the city. tractor to improve in-
field and outfield. Mr. Shelton promised to give them Bermuda grass
if the city supplies the labor. Commissioner Mrovince moved and Hood
seconded a motion to buy four sorinkler heads and enough pipe for a
aprinkler system.
City Attorney Griffith was asked to give an opinion on the
legality of roping off the streets adjacent to the field on base-
ball game days. The roping-off would be Dart of the new olan of
charging an entrance fee for the games. ~he prevailing method is
to pass the hat~
~ 0.J. Wooden, oresent ~n the audience, suggested the team start
its own door-ringing campaign to raise money and promised $10.00 as
a start-er.
Commissioner Hood asked that school teams (grade and high) be
given use of the baseball diamond when not needed by the "varsity"
team. This was agreed.
Albert McGregor suggested the diamond,' also, be u~ed a~ ho~e
grounds for the baseball team of Seacrest High School (the ~oyn~on-
Delray~Beach high).
Mr. Wooden registered a complaint against Allen King's dog kennel.
He asked what legal means might Be utilized to close the kennel which
he characterized as "a menace to health and to limb."
Commissioner Merkel moved and Commissioner Hood seconded a motion
to see what aoplication the "Common Nuisance" ordinance would have in
this instance.
City Attorney Griffith was asked to report on this, after draw-
ing up a petition for Wooden and like-minded neighbors to sign if
they wish to make official orotest.
/Commissioner Hood reported the Geller house, previously condemned,
was now being razed.
There being no additional business Mayor Purinton declared the
meeting adjourned.
May6r ~
Cfty Clerk