Minutes 02-06-35iO
S_~ECI_&L ~KET±N~ OF FEBRUARY 6~ 1935,
A Speeza-, t~£eer~zng of the
To~a of Bo~to.~_~ Florida~ was held at the Term Hall
Boa~d of Town Cozmuissioners of the
Af_te~noon, Feb~uar~ 6~ 1935 at 2:00 o~clock P.E.
Present: H. Do Stevens,
J~ P.
'' ~ ~-~ entire Boa~d of T~f~n Commies-
The above cons~mtut_ng u~_e
ionePs of she To¥~ of B~_~on~ ~ ~ '"
This meeting was oaf!ed fop tko pumpose of baking action on
~ water acco-~,ts ~hioh apo ~a ve~ bad shaoe a2d fop ~y other
business tb~t might como before the Comuzss_ono
After cons,_~eraole disoussion~ the Wate~ ~m~e ..... e,_~den~ was
instmuoted to noti~ the following t~t water service will be
disoont~ued afto~ Pebru~y 2Vth z~icss thc amo~uts sho~g opposite
Account ~T !~e Amo'~t to pay~
21 S~ P. Adan~s 18;00
30 ~. Plunker t
48 Yms Elizabeth P~&~k~tt
8~ Joe Powe!! 3;00
~36 J~ C. Powell Jr 3~00
10~ A .... Scott 4,2V
119 W.S. Shepard 6.00
186 Ella Je~_s on
190 2~s Jem~ie B. Jones !9~00
210 S~ P~ E~tLu 1;50
232 Z. !~ybe~z~ 1.19
279 Jazi~ Smith
~96 Harry ~oey 9.00
30~ E~ia ~a~a ler
307 A. S~s 9.00
309 Fmam~ ~i~ 4;50
359 V~ G. Vfoavo~ 19;33
363 Thom~s ~me Shoppe i5.00
Account ~oo Name ~ount to p_~
364 C. ~. ?~it~ ~ 13oI~
375 Ha~ Gay 5~12
433 Robert Pank-y 3;00
44V S Smith
457 Ted Murray 4.50
458 T~ J. Wilson
470 J-R Faz~n~ 15o00
The Cie~k w~_s ~struoted to .vc~ite tbs fol!owLug letter
M~,, New~n T. ~Ii~le~ Attorney~
309 Gus~anty
West Palm B~ach,
Dea~ Sir :-
I have been instructed by tbs To~n Cor~.~ission to write
you for an explanation as to ~_y a ce~ts.i~, Bill of Co~plaint has
not been filed in oor~eetion with the fo~sclos~s of oertain
D~i® Highway pmop®rties.
To date .you have been paid $ i, 500.00 in cash s~d
$ 3~500.00 in Notes~ totaling $ 5~.000o00 laid out on this suit.
~ yo~ letter of Septe~.b~r 5th; '1934~ you advls~ that th8
total fee for the foreclo~u~s will be $ 8,165.20 ~xclusive'o£ costs,
Inasmuch as the Bill of Con, plain% has not yet been entered, the
Con~.~Issioners want to l~ow the reason for ~he un-~a!isd for delay.
Yours very t?uly~
Deputy To%vn Clerk.
~he_e oe~_ng no f'~the~ bus.ess the meeting