Minutes 04-02-35R~GUY~R I~E~Ii~TG OF APRET_. 2~ 1935. A ~ovvn o£ even~g~ April Regular ~'[eetim~.o oz~ the Boa_~d of Tovzn Co~r.,_lss!omers of the P!omida~ ~vas held az. the Towm, Hall 1935 at V'.30 o~cloek P.~. Present: H.D. Steve~s~ entire Board of Tow~ the To~ of ~ozu~ton, Fiomida. The abow~s ~ ' ~ ~'~ ~ on s ~ m ~us ,_ng the O o~%~.is sl onep s of Vic e-}~iayop ' Tov~_ Cle?k. read and appPo%-ed %~pon motion made by Com~!!ssionep l~{enzei$ seconded by Comm~issioner Bov,;en and 'meanimously car~ied. Upon motion ~ade b~ Co~aissioner Bowen, seoom_ded by Co~issiener }~enzel and u=~_imous!y oammied~ the fei!owing bills were approved fop paid, em% v~nen f~ds become availab!e:~ So'athe~n Bell Telephone Co ~ i0.05 Plorida Power e LiEJmt Co i05.05 0mange .State 0il Company 14,44 A petltion~ simp_ed by Nine (9} qualified Electors of -bhe Term of Bo}~atOn~reqz-~esting that tlme naz.~_e of H. D. ST~NS be placed on the ballot fop election of I~yor %o be held Mond_ay~ ApPii Stln, !~3~ was read~ said petition be~%g accom~panied by the fil~g fee of Twenty Five Dollars i'io otb_er petitio~% being ~_ad fop nomination of O~didates fop said. offi~e~ the Clerk was ~ast~ucted to ~.,z~ the ballots pz~epamed fop the eleotion to be held April 8th, 1935~ Upon motisn ~aade -~y Co~al~!issionsr Stsvsns~ secoNd_sd by Co~miissioner _~ol'~ell and ~ni~ousl~ oarPied~ the following RES{LL~iOi~1%~as duly passed a~d adcpted~- A RESOLUTION OF ?i~ TO]~ }~ilSS!ON FOR T}~ TOtal{~ uP BO!ITON~ PLOR~A~ PRESCRIBING I~S PROVIDING PON ITS ~ETIi~YGS ~D T~ E~C~tON OP iTS young peopls~ adults &r~d to'~is%s sojovm~aing !m o~ should ha~e an opportenity %o make ~ae bes~ possible of their ieis~a~e t~me~ ~I~AS~ !~ ~ that it is a wise ci~y that pro¥ides proper places in vslmioh cup future citizens m~y play To~Tn Cor~ission~ a group of eitizens~ representing the orgsamizations of the Tov~_ to act as a Pamk ~d Recreation NO~V~ T~IR~ORE BE IT ~SOLV~ BY T~ TOR%Y OF TN~ TO%~!{ OP BO~TON~ PLORiDS_~ ti~.t the l~iayor of {she Town of Bo}~_t~a~ Piorida~ appoint~ with %lee appro%-ai of tb_e Com~ssion~ a gronp of citizens representing the vsmious org~aizations of the To,si to act as a P~k ~d Recreation CoP2aissio~. of ~%e To~%~_ of Boynton~ Plorida~ the object said. Park and Recreation Co~mission being to nei~loorhood unity for %ha pumposs of obtaining fop the children of o~a~ co~iti~, such opport~aities fop ~}%holes~ee play and recreation ti~ougb_out the entire year~ as shall help become worthy citizens~ a~md to Provide such for ~ ~_e wholesome ~oroatior. of adults and t ou_msts so~ou~_~g ~_~ our toga as shall ~ke o'~ com~.nity the best po~szole place ~,umcn to live, ~rov!dsd~ however~ tha~ ~ the_ To~rn o~ ~o~to~ s~al~ ~ no way bs ~ ~ - ~abl~ fo~ any act or obligation performed or incurred by said Park ~d R~creatiom. ~ ~ sam~ be _~mrst appmoved by the To%?n Co~msszon of said ~ ~ ...... ~SOLV~ That said P~k ~d Rscmeation o~m~mss=on shall meet as a body on t~me first iionday of each month to hear reports mad take action on current ~:~e~ ~m~s ~aI be called, by th9 ..h~mr~:~n of said Pa~k and R~croation Co=m~issiom~ if authorized by the Executive Co~m~ttse~ s~d due notice~ curiUm!rig the business fop vchiok the - ~--~ ~] ~ .~.eo~z~g is c~_le~ is sont %o eao_~ membep of said Commission foz~ty-ei~lt hours'oexo_e~ "~ the time sot for the That said Park and Recreation uo~msszon shall ~lect a~hv3aa!ly~ at ~%e April ms~thg of ~e=~ a C~azrm~ Vice ~'~!%a~r~ ~ Secretary ~d TPoas,~e~ v~_ose d~es snazi be those usually pe~ta%amng to such o~fmoers respectively._ There shall also be an ~cu. tmve ~ ' ~ Committee composed of e~ae offioe-~s of said * ~ ' such othe-~_ cor~m~ittees_ as may be ~ .... ound necessary from v~me' ~ to and hs om she may also fill such vacancios as may BE ZT FUR'T~.~R ~SOLt~D~ ~nat said Park amd Con~ssior_ shall file a written monthly ~port of~ it~ s act~v~ti~s~ together with it's suggestions and ~o~m~ndati~ms for f'~thsring of such activitiss~ with the Tovaa Co~ission of the Town of Bo~ton~ Piorida~ said repo~t %o be filed not later %ha~ the tenth day of ~ach fol!ow~ag org~izations~ to act as a Park ~d R~craati~ Co~ssion for :~ma Towm of Boyntom~ Fiorida~ bs~ and h~r~by is~ approved and confirmed by '~%a Tow;m Cor~ssior_ of th~ ~ov~ o~ B~nton~ Boy Scoa. ts of T~oop C onmv~ttoe, Bo~nton Troop No. 5~ Bo~nt on Fire VYoo~m~n of the ~7oman~ s Club~ Bo3~to~a Lodge ~io, ~8~ F. & A~ Eo~mton Baptist Church, Boynton Beach f~thietic Public Schools of Herchants of Eoynton~ Custodi~ of Bo~ton Beach Casino, BE ZT PURT~ RESOLVED~ That in the absence or ir_ability of the presiding off iccp of any of the aforesaid orgamizatioms to attend ~h~ ms,tings of said ~ark and Recraatfom Co~issiom~ then, in that event~ the officer of such organization n~xt ~ is ke~by appointed to attend sucl~ m~etings~ Conn~ssion~r Stevens ~d ~nously car~i~d~ th~ ~Iayor and To~ Clerk of the Town off Boynt~n were au~ho~ized~ e~oowered and d~ec~sed ~o execute the following lease~- THIS YF~SE, mad~ this second day of APRiL~ A. D. 1935, by a~ between A~ W. THORN s~d !L~ W. THORN~ his wife~ ~e~ein called the lessors, ~ud the TOV~ 0F B0~TON~ a ~icipal corporation org~Ized ~d existing under laws of ~me State of Florida~ her~in called the ~YiTNESSETH, that in consideration of the herein containsd~ on the part of the said lessee to be kept and performed, the said lessors do hereby lease to the said lessse~ the fol!ov~ing deseribe~ LOT ~UI,~ER FC~TY-OFE (41), ~SS NORTH 0~ HUA~R~ ff~T OP DE?.~Y~S SUBDIVISiON~ T~%~0P ON Pl~ !N ~ OPP!3E ~ T~ C~RK OP Ti~ CIRCUIT SOL~T iN .%R~ P0R PAng B~GH COUI%~ TO i~I~ ~{D TO HO~ the s~e fo~ the term of 0~ lessee paying thePefope as rent~ as they become due ~d pay- able from time to t~e~ all water Pates~ and all mnnicipal ~md governmental oharges~ genez~al ~d speciai~ ord~r£amy and extma-ordinaa~y~ of every natures and kim~. v..hat- soevep~ which may be l~vi~d~ ~os~d o~ assessed upo~ th~ ~eal estate hereby de~sed~ d-~ing the te~ of this lease. [~e said lessee covenm~ts with the said lessors to pay the rent as af~esaid~ to z~ke no ~eiawful~ im- proper or offensiv~ use of the p~emis~s~ not to use said premises for shy other p~pos~ th~ as a PUBLIC PARK ~2~ P~YGR0~ ~d to quit and detlv~r up said premises~ upon fifteen days notice in ~iting from the iessors~ that the said lessors have disposed of ail~ ormAny part~ of said pPemises bW sale~ lease or otherwise~ in any event~ to quit and deliver up said premises at the end of said term in as good condition as theI now are (ordinary wear mad decay and d~mage by the ei~ments excepted). And the said lessee horeby covenants and agrees that if default shall be made in the pa~ent of the rent as afomesaid~ o~ ~ the said tessoe shall violate any of the covenants of this loase~ then said lessee si~!l become ten,ut at suffe~ace~ there~qy ~vaiving all might of notio% and the lessors shall be en- titled ~uuuediatoly to me-enter ~ad re-take possession of the 1%~TNESS our hm~ds and seals this SEC0i~ day of APRiL~ As D. 1935. Si~ed~ sealed and Delivered ~Signed) ~Ulao P. Somerville (Si~ned) A V Petemson (Sigaled} Kate We Thomn ~ ~^~. TOW~.Y OF BOYi~iTON BOARD 0P COL~TY 1935 With reference to public hearing of complaint against Boynton dra~ bridge :~{uiah Fm. Prince discussed ~ith you Th,~sday - Smme will be held in ~iami~ Posm 3~V Federal Building at 9:00 A. M. T~rsdsy~ April 4th. Complaints against .... ~ .... e .... ~ prim~cipal contention be~u~ teat the vertical clearance of ~8~ V~ it provides is a hindrance to navigation. If the War Department ~houid order this bridge rebuilt to meet prese~ requirements it would me~% the construction of a new bridge with 80 ft horizontal ciear~ace at a probable cost of 60~000 to V5~O00. As this expense would be the burden of Speaiai Road & Bridge Dzsvrmct hr!5 or the Oou_u:y~ you. can readmmy see zt would be impossible for it to be financed at this t~e. Accomd~gly~ if the decision of the heaping should be adverse the consequence would be the removaI of the present bridge without replacement. ~nis would leav~ Bo3~_ton Beach without its oresent direct outlet ~md would work an appreciable h~dship on t~e towns of Bo~ton Beach and Bo~aton and the nei~bor~,g territory. It behooves all iamterested parties to be present at the hearing in :~iam~ and to be prepared to present argu~ment either oral or written for the rententio~ of the present bridge, in the case of by motion oP resotuflon as well as oral pressnbation of same at the hearing. ~ae argo._ant against the bridge that it is a hindPa~mce to navigation can 0s met by the fact that only relatively few boats vz%th masts higher than ~0 ft. use tho Cana!~ and such a boat ~ould be large and seaworthy eh:ouch to reach },:is~i by proceeding outside. Dpedge boats esau all be passed at the bmidge by !owem~g stacks om spuds~ s~nd as .dPedges are engaged in construction such expense can be ~oluded as part om~ construction ope~ations~ As the above water cP~b wo~.!~ be encountered only at melatively the sake of a few boats~ At best a removal of the bridge ~zou!d require crossing the oar~! at Y,_~ut~_ua or Delray~ a long detour from Boy~_to-_.a to Bo~ynton Bsacl% amd with the precarious condition of '~dae 0oean road ~_u times of storm migimt become a very serious :~den~ce besides. bridges retention for the m~tter v~ry vitaily afl*ct, you~ ~_u.~tersst. Address al! ~ittsn communications to Lt. Col. B. C. ~rm~ Corps of ( si p_ed ) Aftsr considerabi~ discussion it was agree~, to employ ~. New. man T. Eiller~ Attorney, to accompany the Co. missioners of t~h® To~ o-~ Bo~-r. ton to ~zs~m on April Fourth~ to att-'er_d ~-' hear~nmg mentioned in the above and foregoing letts~ and to use every available arg~s_m®nt for -~n~ retention of the Bridge~ ~ ~/~~ Vic~-~ayor