Minutes 04-22-35SPECIAL ~ET!~G OF APR~ 22~ 19o5~ A Special Dieeting of the Boa_~d 02 Tom Con~ssmone_~s of the Town of Boym.._ton~ ~'~ hold the _ _~.-~ was at Town Hall on 2S~ !g35 at ~:00 o:cioek ~ ~,~ The above constituting the entire ~oard of Tov~m loners of the To~vn of Boynbon~ Florida. This meeting was called for the purpose following Resolution and fop any other business come before the meeting. RESOLUTION tSq~!~.S~ it is deemed advisable and to the best _,¥la~ O~ Vice -_%Iayo~ Term Clerk. ~ ~ ~ t__e of conszd~rmng ~ that mi~t ~'h~e~n %~hich persons interested in =h=~,~._,. reco~$ of the said may have ~c~ss thereto ~ad ~eoem~e the ~l~oPmation fPom S ]io~_ PeooPds, ~ ....... ~a2~pap~r s t ..... 5a~=~_on bs adopted ~d oN~oPood fix~g a time x~SOL~ s} t~o Tcr~vp_ Co~-~.ission of the c-, Bo~ton~ Pal~ Bus. eh I. That all persons desiring informs, rich or access to the records of said Teem shall be perraitted to call for such ~mm~ormation as such psrsozas may desire between tho he.ms of 8~30 A. ~:. sm_d 9:30 A. M. of each ~d eve~ day~ oxct~md~g such rocoPds at szay other t~ d,~i~{~tko day. 2, That the Clerk of such Co:m~is~ion be~ aN~ he hereby persons sssk~g i~for~tion sko¥~ by th~ r~cords to d~sig~a~ 8:~0 A. ~ amd ~S0 A. ~f. du~i~g ~ach and sve~ day~ sxciu~di~_g Sundays ~d Ho!idays~ a~d t~% such Cl~rk a-o_tho~ized~ e~o~ve~ed and directed to :~ke~ promulgate and ~nfo~c~ s~y ~d al! other ~t~s and ~e~latlons ataick k~ ~y d~em fair am~. meason~ste pemtain~g vo the ex~m.~_atio:a ~d copying of the r~coPds of the Tov~,n of Commissioner Stevens made a moileD_ for~go~g Rsso!~.tion bo passed ~d adopt~d~ Cosm~ssion~ ~o~r~ and upor_ being pu~ Commissioner Stay.ns moved %ks adoption of the following R E S 0 L U T I 0 N A PgSOLTJTION BY THE ~0~ 0P ~0tQTT0~ PA~I BEACH C0~iT~ FLORIDA ~ ~0LiSH!~IG ~l~ 0PFiC~ 0P SPECIAL DELiNQ~HT ~[ COL~OTOR~ DEC~%R~}TG SAiD 0~!CE VAC~,TT. ~REAS~ on the 8th day of Septembe~ A. D. ieS~ one of %he Tov~n of Boyn~om_~ Florid&~ a record p~por~ing %o sho~ stationery ar_d postage, s~d I~S~ERFAS, said proposition so sub~.itted by said Somerville was accepted at a recta!am meeting held September 5th, i933~ and ~REAS, said S~omervil!e has become inactive s_nd Is no longer ~ffect~,g collections ~0~ BE iT ~SOL~, by the ~Iayo~ the Town ~ Bo~ton~ Floridas that the offic, or positio~ of Special Delinquent Tax Co!~ cto~ be a~ the ss~e is hereby abolished BE ~ FURT~R ~SOLV~, t~t the services of Wm. P. Somerville as such Special De!~quent T~x Co!~ otor be hereby dispensed ~th ~ terz~at~... BE IT ~UR~R RESOL~, that ~e said ~[ayo~ and Con~issi~ems f~d ~ad decl~*e that the T~ is not ~ebted to the sa~ VAm. P. Somerville for any services heretofore revered o~ alleg~ to have been rendered f~ any ~pose whatsoever except the oF($ 95,29) N~ety Five Dollars and Twenty N~_e Cents. C~aissioner ~enzel seconded the ~_otion for the adoption the above and foregoing Resolution and upon beim_g put to a vote Th~up~ th~ Eayor dec~r~d such Resolution to b~v~ b~en duly passed a~ adopted. Tk~ro b~ing no furthe~ bus,mess the ~ue~t~g ~ ~~ic®-iv!ayor