Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo Craig Clark, Library Director
Deborah Hoban Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Library Director
Dr. Bethanie Gorny
Robyn Boucard
Chris Montague, Chair
John Welter, Vice Chair
Alice Warren
Chris Simon
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. Dr. Hayden-Adeyamo acted as Chair due
to the Chair and Vice Chair being absent. A quorum was present. Mr. Clark requested
adding the November and December Monthly Reports.
11. Annual Board Elections
Approval of Minutes— October 24, 2018
The minutes were tabled.
Ill. Correspondence and Communications
Craig Clark, Library Director, received emails from Board Members Chris Simon and
Chris Montague indicating they could not attend the meeting.
111111. Public Audience (individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations)
V. Chairs Report
Meeting i ut s
Library visBoard
Boynton ac , Florida January , 2019
Unfinished Business:
Assistant Library Director Position
Mr. Clark explained Jeannie Taylor is the new Assistant Library Director, which leaves
her prior position of Division Head Librarian open. There are some people leaving
because there is no room for advancement. They are working with Human Resources to
develop a career path for Librarians in the future. It will take several months to develop,
but staff can only create the paths when positions are vacant. Development is doing the
same thing.
Library Construction Update
Mr. Clark had Library drawings with him the members viewed. The members were
concerned about the decreased square footage of the new Library. There was discussion
Ms. Taylor, Mr. Naughton, and the Economic Development Director went to Miami to view
an incubator/think tank at one of the Library's there. The members viewed the updated
drawings of the first floor and noted the Library takes up a third of the first floor, which
housed the Youth, Teen Libraries and the Commission Chambers and restrooms. The
nearly soundproof Virtual Zone will be separate from the garage, where it was originally
proposed, and it will be similar to the one the Library had for teens. Children and teen
After School Homework Help is available and Adult AmeriCorps or ESL has a room to
use. Staff used all the wall space for collections and will have a craft and teen after-
school room. It was not as big as they had before and the children can use Commission
Chambers for story time. There will be youth computers and teens will have laptop cards
so they can take the laptops with them. Dr. Hayden questioned the purpose of speaking
with the architects who came from New York for the Library. Mr. Clark explained they
were discussing the interior design of the Library and not the shape of the building. Staff
will have an office/sorting room. The children's staff will assist with check out. Patron self-
checkout was encouraged because Library fines could also be paid at the same time.
There are multiple entrances to City Hall, but most patrons will enter City Hall from the
parking garage. This will provide the Library with a place to display items and with security
benefits. The Library will also use the entire second floor and will have security gates, the
Customer Service desk and the Friends of the Library store. There is flex space planned
and furniture on wheels for pop up programming. The customer service supervisor's
office, the IT desk, will be on the second floor as well as 24 fixed computers. Twenty
laptop carts will be available for check out. Stacks will separate spaces and light flows
through the library. There are study rooms and there will be three larger multi-study
rooms. Mr. Clark had hoped for a glass wall and glass doors. The multi-study rooms will
have some furniture, allowing them to be used for events. The research desk, storage
and restrooms and a new archive storage room are on the second floor. Some areas of
the second floor will have quieter areas. The estimated total square footage was 45,000
to 48,000 square feet. The prior library had 68 thousand square feet. The original library
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida Jahuary 23, 2019
in 1980 was 28 thousand square feet and the new addition added 35 thousand square
feet. There is technical storage and a break o .
Career Online High School (COHS) Update
Ms. Taylor advised there are seven students in the program and four of them are past the
halfway mark. She expected another graduate soon. Ms. Hoban asked if the other
student graduate enrolled in college. Mr. Clark explained she received a scholarship and
she was the only one who applied for it as there were four graduated. The scholarship
was $1,200. She received half of the funds to enroll and if she receives a grade of B or
higher, the remaining $600 will be rewarded. Mr. Clark explained the Rotary scholarship
was very generous. He and Ms. Taylor helped design the program and it is a nice
opportunity for someone just starting. Staff is publicizing the program on social media
and there was a lot of interest in January.
Currently Recruiting ® Library Page PT, Librarian (Catalog ing/Reference)
Mr. Clark explained they have the Teen Services Librarian Position open. Tomorrow they
will have a Library Cataloguing Position Librarian position open, a Division Head Librarian
position open and a Librarian Archivist open with the latter position being filled; a
conditional offer was accepted by the candidate and a part-time Library Page that is
vacant, which was open for quite a long time. A new part-time Library Aid position will
begin on Monday. It dawned on Mr. Clark last week, when Andrew Mack was working on
a career path for his employees, to do the same. He thought it would provide future
employees with a clear path along with expectations about what to do to move towards
the new position.
VI. New Business:
State of FL Depository Library
The City Library is now an official State Depository. This means the Library can receive
any State documents they need. The State also sent them a very expensive set of State
Laws and statutes in print. The Library will receive new ones every year. They are also
available electronically. Ms. Taylor announced the State was excited about the new
Library because there was no State Depository in this area. The Library is the first Library
to have the COHS and State Depository in the county.
New Databases: Kanopy & Ancestry.com, Heritage Quest, Fold3 (Military
Mr. Clark advised they had the above databases years ago and had to cut them due to
the recession. They were then able to restore them. Heritage Quest and Fold3 is old
Civil War military records. Kanopy provides online streaming movies. Many of the movies
are Indie-type movies; some are independent films, some are newer and older,
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 23, 2019
documentaries and all the great courses. Patrons can check out seven movies per
person, per month. When a video is checked-out, the patron has 72 hours to watch it
before it is no longer available. Staff was trying it to see how it goes. It is free and patrons
just need to use their library card for sign in. Pamphlets were available containing
information about the programs. Patrons could not use Ancestry.com outside the Library,
but Kanopy could be used from home.
Library Directors Report Statistics
Mr. Clark invited the members to review the statistics and commented they are getting
busier now that Snowbirds are here. They had some good busy days with over 500
people a day. Patrons are finding the new temporary location.
Mr. Clark explained the Adult Reading Club sign in sheet was available for Board
members desiring to participate in the program. The prize was an umbrella, which was
lightweight to promote reading and literacy. The item was a goodwill item, paid for by
Friends of the Library. Participants could read any book and receive credit, and a book
report was not required. Great Decisions was a book discussion club held at the First
Presbyterian Church.
Ms. Boucard asked about the incorrect addresses the collection company uses and
learned the company continuously updates the list and gets the US Mail databases. They
skip trace and found someone who changed their address twice in one month. They seek
to collect materials. Ms. Hoban asked why fees were waived and learned only staff could
waive any fees. They have been doing so since 2011. The goal is to get the materials
back. The patron pays the fees to the company in a roundabout way. The Library pays
$8.95 to the company and the patron pays $10 to the Library.
Monthly Report for October 2018, November and December
News/Media Coverage
I . Announcements
Next Library Board Meeting — February 27, 2019, at Intracoastal Park
Dr. Hayden requested the members make sure they RSVP if they cannot attend the
Mr. Clark invited anyone with questions on the statistics to contact him. The idea this
year was to add more online databases and less print materials because of lack of spare.
The budget had remained the same. Staff is keeping the collection current. Staff will
soon start weeding the collection in storage. The shelves in the adult area are full. Mr.
Clark thought the new Library would be nice.
Ms. Taylor distributed calendars from the State Library. The calendars are very nice and
the recipe cards are removable.
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 23, 2019
VIII. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m.
Pat h e 46n eUCherry L I
Minutes Specialist