Minutes 09-17-35REGULAR N~ETING OF SEPT 17, 19~8o
A Regular Meeting of the Board of Town Com~_issioners of
the To~m of Boynton, Florlda~ was held at the Town Hal! on
Tuesday evening~ September 1V, 1935 at V:30 o~elock
Pre sent
H. D. Steven~,
V~no Menz~!,
Jo P. Bowen,
Town Clerk
The above constituting the entire Board of Town
CoF~.issioners of the Town of Boynton~ Florida.
The Minutes of the Regular Postponed Eeeting o£
September 3rd, 1935 were read and approved.
Upon motion made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by
Com~zss~oner Bowen mud unanimously carried, the following
Resolution was passed and adopted:
V~ERF~'S~ there exists on certain land in the
Boynton, Palm. Beach County~ Florida, described as:
Town of
Lots 5 & 6~ Block 13~ BOYt~0N HEIGHTS S/D,
Section 28; Township 45 S., Range 43 East;
.?,:~.i~certain wreckage, trash and debris or one or more 65 such
..de~iraole things; and~
i~?ii~ ~REAS, this Commission deems it necessary and exped_snt
fe~ the preservation of the public health mud safety of the
imdaabitants of the To~m of Boynton and for the general welfare
of said To~w~. t.hat there should be removed from the said laud
all wreckage, debris mud trash~ and~
~ERF~S, it appears that B. A. Martinet is the owner
of said lsnd~
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Town Commiss~
ioners of the Town of Boynton~ Florida, that this Commission
does hereby direct a_nd require the said owner of said land to
remove from said property, wreckage, trash and debris~ within
Fifteen days after notice is served upon him directing him to
do so; and,
BE IT ~JRTHE~ RESOLVED, that if said owner shall not,
within Fifteen days after notice is served upon him, directing
hi= to do so, remove from said l~operty~ the thing or things
directed and required to be removed, this Commission shall
czuse the same to he removed and will cha~ge, assess and
collect the expenses thereof, as s l_~en against the said land
or as a claim against the owner thereof; and,
BE IT FURTheR RESOLVED, that notice an~ a copy of thts~_
Resolution shall be served upon the owner of such land or the
~gsnt of such owner~ or if said owner is a non-resident~ or
carrot be fouh& within the Town~ and has no known Agent or
~gents within the Town~ a copy of said notice and a copy of
~s Resolution shall be posted on said land.
After considerable discussion, the Clerk was instF~cted
to write the followio~ letter to ~r. New, nan To l~iller~ Att,y:
~' Bo~maton, F!orida~ Sept 35
M~o Ee~n T. Miller, ~tt~y,
309 Gus~anty Building,
West Palm Beach, Flo~mda.
Dear Sir:-
~;lthough, as you know, it has not been the policy of
th~s Commission to foreclose against delinquent taxes and
assessments on Homesteads; we included in the foreclosure now
under way, at the insistence of Mr. Frank Nutting, his propertE
which is the N $0~ of Lots I to 4 Inclusive, Re-Subdivision of
Block 12~in the Original Town of Boynton; Tax Sale CertiFicate
This Certificate also includes the Homestead oF his
Son-in-Law, ¥~. Edward Lombardo, being the N 80' of Lots
5, 6 &
At a regular meeting of the Conm~ission held Tuesday
evening, Sept 1Vth, I was instructed to notify you to hold in
abeyance, t~be foreclosure proceedings against Mr. Lomba~dofs
property, in order to allow him further time in which to
arrange for his tax payments.
Yours very truly,
cc-Mr o Edward Lombardo
Boynt on, Florida
~. Clerk,
Tax Co-~W_ & Treas.
~r. ~Ym. P. Somerville, Realtor, stated that he, as well
as the Town Clerk, is receiving in nearly every mail, inquir-
ies concerning the Tovm of Boynton, and suggested that the
Town ~ve a supply of circulars printed~ setting forth the
advmutages of the Towm of Boynton~ for the purpose of mailing
ss~e to all inquirems~ Inasmuch as Boynton does not have a
Chamber of Comnerce or other Civic organizations that
interested in drawing the tourist trade.
&Fter some discussion~ the printing of a supply of
circulars as suggested was authorized, the cost to not
exceed Thi~y Five Dollars ($35.00)
There being no further business ti~ meetir~ adjourned.