Minutes 10-15-35REGULAR ME~ING OF OCTOBER 15, 1935. ~ Re~alar Meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida, was held at the Tov~n Hall on Tuesday evening, October 15, 19Z5 at 7:~0 o~ctock. Present: H. D. Stevens~ Mayor Wm. Menzel, Vice-Eayor J. P. Bowen, To~m Clerk The above ¢onstitut~ag the entire Board of Town Co~missioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida. The mi~uutes of ~he Reg,!ar Meeting of October 1, 19~5 were read and approved. 0rdin~uee No. 148 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOV~N OF PAi~ BEACH~COUNTY, F~0RiDA, ~!NG ORDINANCE NO. 140 QF SAID T0~N ADDING T~..~ER~T0 SECTION VA. was placed on its first reading. Ordinance No. 149 entitled: AN 0~JDINANCE OF T~E T0~VN OF BOYNTON, PAL~ BEn. CH C0~_~_¥, WI~0P!D~, A~ING SECT~O~ 4 0F 0PDTNANCE ~0. 105 ~- TITLED ~f~ OWDINANCE 0F T~ T01:~ 0F EOL~T{ N, PA~[CEEACH COUNTY~ PROVIDING FOR OCCUPATIONAL T_&XES TO BE I~0S~ AND C0~ECT~ FROM ~ PERSON, FI~( OR CORP0~T!ON WiTHiN T~ T0~ BOk~TON, ~IGAG~ IN 0R ~AGING AI~ BUSIneSS PROFESSION OR OCCUPATION; PROVIDING FOR T~ ISSUANCE 0F LICENSES T0 A~ PERSON~ FIRM 0R CORPORATION ENGAG~ IN 0R ~AGiNG A~ BUSi~SS , PROFESSION 0R OCCUPATION; TP~ ~I0~T 0F T~D~ES TO BE I~POS~ 0R COLLECT~ ON ACCOU~ T~0F; PROVIDING FOR A PENAL~ FOR Vi0~TION 0F SAiD DIN~NCE; AND PROV~ING FOR ~HE P~PEAL 0F ~ 0P~iNANCES IN C0h~LZCT was placed on its first reading. Upon motion made by Commissioner Bowen, seconded by Conn~issioner Stevens and unanimously carried, the following R~SOLUTIO~ was passed and adopted: R E S 0 L U T ! O N ~mereas, The United State8 Government is seeking ways and means to end the in our country, and ~ereas, The Townsend Plan of 01d Age adopted, has every indication of success in the depression and restoring prosperity and worthy of a trial. deoression and restore proeperity Pensions~ if tern~inating is therefore NoW thersfore, be it resolved by the Town Co~mr~ssion of the Tovrn of Bo~maton that it is h®artily in favor of the To~.~sen~ Plan of Old Age Revolving Pensions and that it does hereby memorialize the United States Congress to enact the same into law, And Be it further resolved that the Tov~_ Clerk of the Town of Boyn~on be hereby directed to forward a copy of this Resolution to President Franklin D. Rgosevelt, Senators Duncan U. Fletcher and Park Trar~nell, to the several congressmen from the State of Florida, and to both Houses of tbs Florida State Legislature. So that they may have-smfficient timo in which to investigate the principles of the Townsend Old Age Revolving Pension Plan and submit their findings to Congress. Upon motion made by Commissioner Bowen, seconded by Co~,~ssioner Eenzel, and duly carried, the Following RESOLUTION was passed and adopted: R E S 0 LU T I O N %VH~AS, the Town of Boynton has at a_u expense of approximately twenty,Five thousan~ dol!~s ($25,000,00) constz~gted a bathing csSino on land owned bY the town fronting upon the Atlantic Ocean, which casino is used by the public in conj~actiOn with surf bathing in the Atlantic Ocean, and ~Fw~AS, Colonel Re R* McCormick is the ovgaer of ocean front lands lying a slight distance north of said casino and has prepared plans for and intends to constr~ct along the shore of the Atlantic Ocean fronting his la~uds a sea wall and groynes, and has applied to the War Depart- men~ of the United States for per~_ission so to do, and WHEREAS, it is apparent beyond qdestion that the construction of said sea wa_ll and groynes, o~ either of them~ will cause an erosion to the south thereof which within a short will eat away the beach in front of the casino and unaerm~ne the casino itself, anm thereby r~ake worthless the znvestment of the town in said land and the casino and destroy the bathing facilities o£ the residents of the Town of Boynton~ therefore BE iT PGESOL?ED that while the town co~,~cil of the Town of Boynton is reluctant to impede the Construction of ~he.~improvement contemplated by Colonel McCormick, it is the opinion of the town council that any advantage growing out of the making of said ~mprovemen~ would be far outweighed by the damage that would necessarily be caused thereby and that said i~provement would irreparably injure said town of Boynton, wherefore the Town_ Council of the Town of Boynton, Florida, registers · ~ this its object_on to the g~snting by the ~ar Department of the permit applied for.by ~glonel EcCormick. Er. Wm. P. Somerville, agent~for Ers. Susan Palmer, offered the sum of ~35.00 for the use of thev~can~ ~ lots south of the Casino for a parking space ~util September 30, 1936~ Mrs. Palmer to relinquish the use of smme ~ould the Town sell sa_m~ lots before that date. Commissioner Stevens made a motion that this proposition be accepted, w~mch was seconded oy Commissioner Bowen and unauimously carried. Upon motion made by C mmmsszoner Bow~n, seconded by Commissioner Stevens and unanimously carried, ~s. Susan Palmer was granted a ~ic~nse to sell beer and wines, ~ud to operate a Restauraut at "Palmer~s Casino.~ There being no further business the meeting adjou~ed. ~ayor Vice-~ayor Town Clerk