Dr. Tiffany North, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Angelica Nevin, Vice Chair
Lynne Gassant
Peggy LaGuerre
Lori Wilkinson
Anastasia Chandler(arrived at 6.14 p.m.)
Gregory Murphy (arrived at 6:21 p.m.)
Carla Colebrooks
Cory Voce, Alternate
1. Call to Order
Chair North called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.
111. Pledge of Allegiance
The members recited the Pledge to the Flag.
III. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Nevin moved to amend the agenda to remove the October 25, 2018 minutes. Dr.
Gassant seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Lori Wilkinson moved to approve the agenda as amended. Peggy LaGuerre seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Minutes of October 25, 2018
This it was not addressed.
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
Ms. Claude reminded the members some of their terms are expiring. Affected members
were Gregory Murphy, Peggy LeGuerre, Carla Colebrooks, and Lori Wilkinson. She noted
there are two student openings.
VI. Public Audience
VII. New Business
A. Purchasing of T-Shirts
Chair North wanted to know how they would go about getting t-shirts and recalled asking
Ms. Claude if the City would be willing to purchase t-shirts on the Board's behalf and
learned previously Board t-shirts were ordered through the City's warehouse and charged
to the Board's account. The members could also find a t-shirt vendor that may be cheaper
and they could send them the logo. The Board has City of Boynton Beach shirts but not
with the Board logo, which the members wanted.
At the last meeting, the Board had also decided to purchase the shirts out of pocket.
Chair North asked if they should find out the information. Ms. LaGuerre agreed and
thought it might be a better idea to decide when Board vacancies are filled. There was
agreement this item will be discussed in January. Ms. Chandler and Vice Chair Nevin
agreed to check out some prices.
B. Holiday Parade
The members volunteered at the holiday parade and had a golf cart to sell juice, water
and snacks. They did very well with both years and got at least$200 or$300. Last year,
Ms. LaGuerre was a judge and Chair North was a judge the year before. The parade was
this Saturday and a judge was needed. Ms. Wilkinson advised she is committed to the
Boynton Beach Foundation activities with her daughter so she could not volunteer. The
judges stage will be on the corner of Federal and 1St Avenue across from the Bank of
America Parking Lot. Parking will be reserved for judges at the same site. Ms. Gassant
volunteered to serve as a judge. Ms. Claude will provide Ms. Gassant with the needed
information and announced the parade starts at 4 p.m. and judges were requested to
arrive at 3:15 p.m.
III. Old Business
A. Donation Request— Freedom Shores Elementary (Expanding Expression
Tool Kit)
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
is Chair Nevin reached out to Ms. Kristina twice. The first time was an attempt to have
information to share last time they met. She emailed her within a short time frame and
the Board tabled the request. Vice Chair Nevin emailed her advising her oft tabling,
that she needed further information and to come to the meeting, but she has not
At the last meeting, the Board realized the last two Donation Request for were on the
of request for and they made sure the of for was not on line and discovered they
had printed an of form. They learned terequestor had printed the for prior tot new
for going online.
is Chair Nevin explained Ms. Kristina emailed the Donation for to Ms. Claude. Ms.
Claude responded back that she received the form, told her they were meeting
September 27 and Ms. Kristina responded thank you and Ms. Claude responded again
at last night's meeting the Board voted to reconsider the request after obtaining some
additional information and that Vice Chair Nevin of contact her further, is was
done and she responded back to the email discussion thread. Vice Chair Nevin provided
her with six questions as follow ups and encouraged her to respond adding information
whenever possible and she encouraged her to attend the meeting at 6 p.m. She added
that the Board would meet and she has not her anything. No response was received.
Vice Chair Nevin responded back with Ms. Kristina that the Board had agreed at the
September meeting, the Board would like to postpone the vote on the grant request in
November. She has not heard anything back. Vice Chair Nevin not the date provided
to Ms. Kristina was not the date the meeting took place.
Chair North was unsure how to handle because they did not get the requested
information. Discussion ensued if there was a deadline to respond to requests for
additional information. The members acknowledged the Board request receiving the
request for 60 days prior tote project being initiated and within 60 days of receipt of
the funds, proof that the funds were used for the stated purpose. She did not see anything
detailing a deadline to respond. Chair North was concerned about the lack of response.
The Board was conducting its due diligence and not receiving a response.
Mr. Murphy moved to deny the request at this particular time and they can reply at a later
time. Lori Wilkinson and is Chair Nevin seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
B. Donation Request— Freedom Shores (Social Studies Weekly for 2 dual
language classes-3rd grade)
is Chair Nevin noted the for was the antiquated for is meant there of be
information missing. Ms. Chandler explained she of favor the request. Her children
take duel language classes and the PTA has to sponsor extra reading books for the
Spanish side oft class and they have purchased history books fort Often the
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
teachers have to translate the books from English to Spanish so there is definitely a need
and not a frivolous request. Lori Wilkinson was also familiar with this program. The
requestor mentioned the section to describe the need of the program, is currently the
state of elementary schools everywhere. Social studies has to be built into the curriculum
in curriculums. The teacher was asking for social study materials. Ms. Wilkinson was
familiar with the books, Studies Weekly. She thought it was not for the Spanish program,
but it was for the dual language program. The request was for $328.95 for materials for
40 students. Mr. Murphy thought the material was reusable. it is a magazine that comes
weekly to the classroom and there was discussion whether the material could be reused.
Ms. Wilkinson did not think the materials were reusable, but was not certain.
Lori Wilkinson moved to approve$328.95 for Freedom Shores Elementary Jen Karvaski's
class for Social Studies Weekly magazine. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion that passed
4 to 3, (Chair North, Vice Chair Nevin and Ms. LaGuerre dissenting.)
Vice Chair Nevin asked which account the funds would come from. Chair North
responded it was up to the Board. Lori Wilkinson thought it came from the Harvey Oyer
Lori Wilkinson explained in general, per Robert's Rules, generally when a motion is made,
it is seconded and then there is discussion. When the vote is taken, the matter is over.
If the Board wants to indicate they voted on a matter and they wanted to speak more
about it, they would have to make another motion and second to nullify the prior motion
and vote on it. Currently, the Board voted to fund the entire amount. Chair North
commented the board to move to reconsider the motion. Lori Wilkinson commented it was
not exactly how it works. Mr. Murphy thought an amendment to the motion could be
Dr. Gassant thought considering the Board exists to support programs in the community,
she thought a greater effort should be made to fundraise. She also expressed $328 is a
normal request. She writes grants and thought the request had so many questions,
especially if the Board has to request more information and additional documents just to
give someone $200 or $300. She noted teachers do not have budgets and the teacher
indicated there is a fee to apply. She explained parents do not have the funds. She feels
like the Board is helping but is afraid to give the money. Vice Chair Nevin understood
and agreed, but pointed out currently, the Board does not have the funds to give. She
thought if they continue to fully fund every request, they will have no money. Ms. Nevin
explained over three years, about $1,000 has been raised. When she sees a $300
request, it makes her heart pound. She does not want to say no, but if they say yes to
fully fund all requests they will be out of funds. They have $1,000 left for one scholarship
for a high school scholarship and $862 left for any other requests that come in. She would
be more likely to say yes to all things in its entirety if they made as much coming in as
they are giving out. She is open to all fundraisers as the requests are all worthy of full
Meeting it
Education o vis rd
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
funding, oar is unable to accommodate all requests. Viceit Nevin
suggestedio Breakfast a year ago,whichinstituted.
Ms. Chandler had also recommended a VPK event. She thoughtit wouldsuccessful
endeavor because vendor fees wouldbe creating i Chandler thought they
should to holdevent in Februaryand the board should secure a location to holdit
and get e word out to child r centers.
C. Donation Request Form
The revised form was sent tote members and it was noted the form was attached
to the donation request forms it is an internal policy the Boarddrafted. The only thing
the requestor would see was the form and the onlycools or any other requestor
wouldform wouldif they wouldII and ask for i , which Ms. Claudewould
email to them or one of the membersl iv it to them. The policylengthy
thoughtshe o r out some of the important parts and put
on the top of the form forte process or information forte requestor, or it could be
attached. s. Claude could incorporate it into the form itself. Lori Wilkinson noted the
important parts are the form nes to be submitted s time and the form
be completely filled out. Within 60 days of receipt oft the funds, the Boards them to
come back or contact the Boardi roof they used the funds in the manner they were
given for. Ms. Claude thought the Boardant to move the 60 days earlier, because
depending it is received, oar es not hear it until the next meeting.
explained until she has to waitfor the minutesof the meetingo ask fort e check
issued. She thoughtit could re time from the request is submitted until the
check is issued. Lori Wilkinson commentedin years past, the Boardreceived
requests that there was no way the requestor could knowdays in advance that they
need the funds. She explained if the Robotics Team wins the State Competition, they
get to go to Nationals and only has two and a halfs to get the money together. She
suggested the 60 days be the preference, but there are extenuating circumstances.
Chair North and Mr. Murphy suggested cover page be used.
Ms. Claude commented oes not say the applicant is encouraged come to
the meeting. noted the Boardpreviously decided they didnot want the applicant
appearto because they wanted to discussi , but there weretimes they wished
applicant s present to answer questions. Chair North askedif they could
requestor on noticeII them that eveningi stions. Lori Wilkinson
commented they could not ask anyoneleave. If the discussionneeds to be , then
the issue could be voted on at the nextmeeting. The Boardcould also say there is not
enough information the request. Lori Wilkinson liked the draft and theres
agreementit wouldincluded e front page of the application. n I r
suggested the pages all say CityBoynton Beach consistently.
D. Champions of ChangeAwards/Fund raiser
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
Chair North noted Inlet Grove School held a similar event honoring and recognizing
teachers. They charged $125 per ticket; however, the draw they had was an actress was
present. Chair North noted the event started off as a pancake breakfast, then evolved
into the Champion of Change, which was a great idea, but she questioned if the Board
was prepared to hold it. Ms. LaGuerre commented the difficulty she had was there were
so many Sunshine regulations. She cannot text fellow Board members to ask a question.
She thought the idea was a doable event, but she doubted they would get $100 a ticket.
Giving awards out is a common event and people come to support the awardee and
people pay for the networking aspect of it. It was doable, but she had trouble trying to
organize an event within this setting
Mr. Murphy suggested recognizing a Boynton Principal in May, to get staff and the
community to come. The principal will receive a complimentary ticket, but the family and
staff members who support the awardee will want to attend. He thought ticket prices
could be $20 to $30. The initial goal was to do something for teachers, but he thought in
order to get a bigger bang for the buck and have a nice attendance, he would recognize
some administrators or leaders of the schools here. Vice Chair Nevin requested
confirmation the Board would recognize someone from the school and the individuals who
would attend would be the same individuals who request funds from the Board. She
thought it should be opened to the entire community and learned it was not restricted.
Ms. Chandler had to leave the meeting but indicated first she would be happy to start
implementing plans and sharing information with Ms. Claude. She requested at the
January meeting Ms. Chandler bring numbers and actual vendors that might be
interested. Location choices for the event would be the Senior, Hester or Carolyn Sims
Centers. February would be the best time to hold the event and Ms. LaGuerre explained
the Board can help. Ms. LaGuerre liked the idea and thought they could honor local
principals. She inquired if principals were just one category of individuals. Discussion
followed it could be broad enough to recognize education leaders in the community which
encompassed superintendents, teachers, principals and others. Initially, it was just an
event for people to come in and make money with a minimal amount of outlay. It started
with just pancakes, but other community members could supply pastries or obtain
donations from Publix's. The Board was targeting a minimal outlay and the most open,
available opportunity for everyone to be able to participate. The purpose was to let people
know they are supporting the Education and Youth in Boynton Beach. Ms. Gassant liked
the idea and thought it was important to connect with the community so they know the
Board supports schools. She thought the task was not a one person job. Tasks would
have to be delegated and the fact they meet once a month draws out the process. She
saw the event as a summer event and thought it could be a successful event. The Board
needs to know what would be done and all have to be able to be in charge of something
and follow through. Ms. Claude explained the members can send emails to her. There
is a task list, everyone is responsible for an item and at every meeting there is an update.
It would take alittle longer because the Board meets once a month. At one time the Board
met weekly and as long as the meetings were noticed, they could meet. Ms. Gassant
explained when she joined the Board, the work was not delegated and there was a lot of
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton each, Florida November 29, 2018
pressure s. LaGuerre. If the Boardant resume holdingevent, they should
have a good game plan.
Chair North asked if the item shouldremain on the agenda and haveit come to fruition
some point. Lori Wilkinson suggestedtabling the item for now. The fundraiser part of it
may come into play later in the meeting. There are other suggestions such as Ms.
Chandler's suggestion thought the idea may surface at the January meeting.
. LaGuerre ill look at her old PowerPoints. She will revisit the issue and what the
Board iscss she will reintroduce the idea. Ms. Gassant will send a checklist to
Claude and a few questionsas for how many people the Board would want to have
t the event, how muchant to make and discuss it so they will have an outline
to move forward within January.
E. Youth Volunteer Bank& Bob BorovyAward
Ms. Gassant has three students in a mentoringprogram they had the Youth Volunteer
Bank form. One senior asked if she could provide unity service hours from r
freshman year or only theirsenior year. Ms. Claudeexplained there are two separate
programs. The Youth Volunteer Bank is open to youth of any a . They are requested
to turn in hours for the prior year and Ms. Claude enters them on a spread sheet. Usually
the students i the highest volunteer hours are recognized the City Commission,
although last year only three or four students turned in hours. Normally students receive
certificate n r recognized iCommission meeting. Once the student is a
senior, and they do not have to be in the Youth Volunteer Bank program, they can apply
for the BorovyAward. It is for seniors and it has a completely di n application. The
Borovy Award has a required essay. Ms. Claude had a flyer, and it was noted this year
they are giving away a $1,000r to es have to submit three letters o
recommendation, rite an essay and submit documentation of their community service
and most detail their community service from i school. The deadline is Marcht".
Int the past, the program o on social media. Ms. Claude also sent letters
started sending a ails to all school guidance counsellors r a school contacts to publicize
to students. At a prior meeting thereas an inquiry if they could post it on the district
web site and Mr. Murphy responded it could be posted there. ill forward the
information r. Murphy and he will post i .
F. Fundraising
assant explained at the last meeting, they were looking for locations to hold events
similar to BlueMartini and suggestions such as Bar Louie's, Two Georges, and Sweet
Water was received. She hadlist of ideas from the Board and she made contacts. She
explained the only thing is anyone can have a networking event, but it may not benefit
the Board. hen she called she noted there are no real perks to holdthe event, and the
amount they charge the Board wouldresult in the Board havingo charge attendeeslot
of money. She tion with Bar Louie and was waitinghear bacsee
what is on the menu because they haver banquet style. She would
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
to see how much and a lot of them want $25 per person. To make money, the Board
would have to charge $35 to make funds. Since they are just getting started, they should
start out small and then expand. Two Georges said they have not done fundraisers, and
the person will speak to the owner and see if something could be worked out as long as
they can provide a minimum. Ms. Gassant informed him that was not a problem. If the
minimum is $30 or $50 and they know they would charge a certain amount, they would
charge the Board regardless,just the same as Blue Martini. She hoped individuals would
pay in advance. It was the same concept. As long as the ticket price is low there should
not be a problem. Locally, she has not found anything comparable to Blue Martini that
would raise $500 quickly. She hoped she would hear back by the January meeting. She
explained the board needs to find a place who will charge between $7 and $10 per person
and no more than $12, because that gives the Board the flexibility to charge someone
between $15 to $22 and make a profit because gratuities have to be paid. Chili's has
10% off and each person's order would earn the Board 10% and they can go to the
restaurant throughout the day. The Board could indicate when they would be at the
restaurant, which is when most individuals would come. Tijuana Flats does that as does
Chik fil-A. Chair North noted many schools are doing that now.
Lori Wilkinson mentioned a few months ago that she had a friend who was going to donate
money. She announced the Board would receive $509 and the check will come from the
Greater Boynton Beach Foundation. When a campaign dissolves and there are funds
leftover, they must go to a 501(c)(3) organization. Debra Gibson was running for House
District 90 and ended her campaign before the election and she had to get rid of the rest
of her funds, so she donated $1,018 and change to the Foundation with specific
instructions to split the funds between the EYAB and the Foundation. Chair North asked
if it would it be appropriate to send a thank you letter and learned it would. A suggestion
was made to deposit the monies into the Community fund.
Lori Wilkinson asked if the Tennis Carnival would move forward. Last year, the pro was
ill. Ms. Claude commented if the Board wanted to hold the Carnival again someone would
have to contact Hunters Run. Lori Wilkinson suggested they discuss the Tennis Carnival
at the next meeting. If it is not continued, the Board could move those funds. The Youth
Volunteer Bank has a minimal expense. The Borovy Award is a monetary award. There
was agreement to reallocate some funds and to discuss the Tennis Carnival at the
January meeting.
Chair North was thinking about Valentine's Day. Last year, the Board discussed
entertaining the kids while the parents have dinner. She did not know if anyone wanted
to think about it. It would be like a babysitting opportunity for the board. Valentine's Day
is on a Thursday. Vice Chair Nevin thought there would be issues, liability or something.
Ms. Claude's concern is all of their staff that deal with children or seniors have to have a
level two background check and the Board members serving as volunteers would all have
to get background checks which takes time. Chair North asked if the City was doing
anything for Valentine's Day they could help with and learned there were none that Ms.
Claude was aware of and the City does not have a Valentine's Day event.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
At the next meeting, the members would discuss the Champions of Change and VPK
event. There are three or four events pending and funds would come in.
G. Grants
Chair North has not done anything with grants since the last meeting. They were looking
for grants to support programs as opposed to individual activities. Grants also have to be
monitored and they would need a small grant.
IX Future Meeting Dates: January 24, 2019
February 28, 2019
X. Adjournment
Lori Wilkinson moved to adjourn. Vice Chair Nevin and Ms. LaGuerre seconded the
Ms. Gassant was are of the Jim Warren Foundation and suggested it could be
beneficial if the Board submitted a letter of intent to the as opposed to a full proposal,
explaining how funds would be allocated, It was not the Board could collaborate with
the Greater Boynton Beach Foundation as a 501(c)(3) organization. Chair North will
review it and see if they can collaborate with the on a project.
The motion unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist