Minutes 02-18-36REGULAR M~EETING OF FEBRUARY 18, 1956,
A Regular Meeting of the Bea~i ef Tewn Commissioners
of the Town of Boynton, Florida, was held at the T~ Hall
~ ~esday evenly, Feb~
~esen~: H.-D. Steve~, ~yo~
~. Menzel~ Vice-Mayo~
J. P. B~, T~ Clemk
_~he _abgve- c°nsti~ g..~9 $~ti~e Bg~ of T~ Cum-
~ssione~s ef the ToE .~ B~n~0n, Florida.
~ne Minutes of t~Re~lam Meet~g of Feb~a~ 4th-
1936 weme mead and appmoved.
Upon motion ~de by Co~ssionem B~en, seceded by
Co~issionem Stevens a~ ~ously carPi~, the follow~g
Resolution was ~ssed ~ adopt~:
W~AS, U~em Section 1 of O~ance No. 144 of the
To~ of Bo~ton, Florida, the Tax Collectom of said T~n
was authorized, e~owem~ ~d instEcted to allow a disco-~t
of F~ty ~r cent. (80%).~fmgm_the ~o~t of S~cial Assessments
and scored intePest on same due the To~ of B~ton, Florida,
.......... said
a~ of ApPi! l, I~0, provided the amo~t of the'Specie1
Assessment with accrued ~te~est as ~educed by the disco~t
Fifty pe, c~nt. (~), plus ~te~es~ to b~ a~c~ed on
~edueed ~o~ut of s~e f~om April l, 1930 to the ~te of pa~en~
at the ~te of e~ht De~ cent. (8%) per ~um; such discount
to be allowed o~y d~Eg the period co~enc~g Novembe~ l, 1~34
a~ ending April l, 1938;
Sus~ and right, that taxpayers
V~HEREAS, it is deemed fair, '~ ~
who paid their Special Assessments in full prior to Novem~oer
19~, should have the same benefit for prompt payment of Special
Assessments as those who paid and have received such disceunts
since that time ........
THEREI~ORE BE IT EESOLVED by the Board of Tow~ Commissioners
of the Town of Boynton, Florida, that the Tax Collecto~ be, and
he hereby is authorized, ordered a~d directed to allow such
taxpayers who have paid thei~ Special Assessments in full prior
to November l, 1934, a rebate in the amount of such diwcount
as they w,uld have been bensfit.ed_.h~a.d they. not paid such
spe0ia~l As~s~e~s.~entS ~nti! ~7ovemb~r I~, !934S provided, however,
that such rebates may only be used in the settlsn~nt of other
Special Assessments now due the Town of Boynton a~d/or taxes
due the Town of Boynton for the year 1933 aud prior thereto.
A discussion was had regarding the condition cf the Beach
frontage at the Casino and the erosion ef the Beach and Casi~0
property, after which it was unanimously agreed by the C~ssion
that the vice-Mayor and Town Clerk take the necessary steps to
protect the Beach from further erosion, at a minimmuu expense.
T~nere bei~g no further business the meeting adjou~nede