Marsha Bionta, Chair
Antonio ill taro
Margaret Newton
Jennifer Gomez
Lawrence Siegel (arrived 2:32 p.m.)
Jean Young
Andrew Richardson
Terry liames, Vice Chair
Alison Black
1. Call to Order
Chair Biota called the meeting to order at 2:20 p.m.
111. Pledge of Allegiance.
The members recited the Pledge to the Flag.
111111. Approval of Agenda
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
2. Adoption
Chair Bint a noted Larry Siegel is a new Board Member and most of the Board members
have met him already at the Center.
Chair Bionta announced Jean Young has left the Board and will not renew her
membership. She also provided updated email addresses.
IV. Attendance
Attendance was taken. A quorum was present.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton each, Florida December 3, 2018
V. Approval of Minutes
Chair Bionta noted the Clerk was not present at the meeting and Ms. Newton took some
brief minutes. They will have minutes at the next meeting.
VII. Unfinished business
Chair Bionta advised she reached out to the 55+ communities and inquired if other
members reached out to other communities. Mr. Villatoro inquired what they would ask
and learned the purpose of contacting the communities was for the to know there is a
Senior Advisory Board and any concerns of the residents and establish a contact. The
members would be liaisons for their community and the Board. Mr. Villatoro commented
he was only successful with Boynton Bay Apartments and they requested further
information be forwarded.
Currently, the liaison is Brent Rolle, Recreation Supervisor, and the information has to
come from the City. The first step was to get the information out so members could contact
communities and if the City needed the Board to distribute information, they would have
the information. The Health Fair was part of that.
Ms. Gomez tried talking to residents, property management companies, and title
attorneys handling closings in senior communities, and has not had much success. Ms.
Newton had already spoken with the Heart of Boynton Community. Chair Bionta thought
it was important to build a rapport with the various communities.
Chair Bionta requested all members turn in their ethics training. The training is about an
hour long.
I . News Business
A. Welcome new member
B. Health Fair Result of Survey
Chair Bionta commented Board Members Margaret Newton, Jean Young, Jennifer
Gomez and she attended the Health Fair. They created a questionnaire, had the City
review it and make changes and then they distributed it. There were a lot of people there.
They had a table set up where individuals could complete the survey. Some individuals
just wanted to talk. Staff tallied all the results, which were distributed to the members.
Attendees were from Boynton, Delray and West Palm each as well as Lake Worth.
They of a pretty good sampling. Chair Bionta reviewed the results as contained in the
handout. She noted there was also an interpreter there to accommodate the deaf
(Larry Siegel arrived 2:32 p.m.)
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton each, Florida December 3, 2018
Chair Bion ta welcomed Mr. Siegel to the Board. Mr. Siegel explained he is primarily a
university-based educator. He teaches at Palm each State College, a nursing school in
West Palm and he is a clinical sexologist. The focus of his work over the last few years
has been with seniors and issues relating to dementia.
Chair Bionta explained the Unfinished Business they had been discussing was to contact
senior communities to ensure the Board has valid contacts, and senior communities know
the Board exists. Chair Bion ta explained they had created a survey, is was used at
the Senior Health Fair and the Board will share the survey results with the City. The
survey contained five questions:
• What Boynton each Community do you call home?
• What are your concerns for seniors in Boynton Beach?
• What information would be helpful regarding these concerns?
• What City programs do you participate in and have found beneficial?
• What programs would you like to see offered or learn more about?
She reviewed the results as contained in the meeting backup. Ms. Gomez noted the
Library has some activities that may be of interest to seniors. Mr. Siegel commented the
Board could have all the resources and information, but the key is how to get the
information to them to access. Having a place to post information was suggested. Ms.
Newton understood that was the concept to contact the 55+communities. The information
could be emailed to the communities and they could include it in their newsletters. Chair
Bionta thought it was a good health fair. It is always a great thing and there is a wealth
of information at the fairs.
Mr. Siegel thought any seniors want volunteer and mentoring opportunities. He thought
they may be able to get seniors to read at to time, noting it is important to feel useful.
Healthier Boynton each.
Ms. Newton explained Healthier Boynton each was funded for five years by Palm Health
Care for the 33435 zip code. She was glad to see the members made it to the Healthier
Boynton each dinner and that it was well attended. She announced there would be
another competitive grant opportunity. Palm Health Care will distribute $25,000 in grants
in the 33435 zip code area and the specifications will be issued in March. Palm Health
Care was so impressed with what was occurring, that they agreed to fund another round
of grants. Ms. Newton thought it was a perfect venue for the Board. Any group affiliated
with the City of Boynton each and working in the 33435 zip code area will be eligible to
apply. The center of the grant is caregiving, but it is not just about the elderly. It has to
do with anyone and anything, even youth.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 3, 2018
Last year, there were five $10,000 grants distributed, two or three $3,000 grants
distributed and two others that she was aware of that were $2,500 grants. The current
grant period expires December 31 st.
Ms. Newton noted when talking about the deaf population, she was impressed the deaf
community is quite forthright about their needs. She hoped the Board could think of some
kind of project the Board may want between $5,000 and $2,500. Ms. Newton clarified the
grants are competitive and the Board will have to appear before a panel and speak. Palm
Health Care will provide the grant parameters and training before any proposals are
submitted. The idea is to empower people who do not normally get into this kind of venue.
They will be a little stricter this year in terms of accountability for the monies. As individuals
get more into the grant, they will learn they have to account for the funds. She requested
the Board start thinking about projects the Board may like to undertake, and then the
monies will be there. Ms. Newton reiterated the only requirement is to work within the
33435 area. Ms. Newton was unsure if the project had to be used exclusively for the
33435 area or if others could also be included. She explained the proposals given were
for the Heart of Boynton (HOB), but noted the HOB was only a tiny part of the 33435 zip
code area. Ocean Ridge has the same zip code as do areas further south, west and
north of the HOB. She noted Palm Health Care identified the zip code area because it
was a food desert. She explained 90% of the grants went to organizations within the HOB.
It was hoped the program would be expanded outside the HOB area.
Ms. Newton explained she should have a lot more information to give at the January
meeting. She thought the City had a population they could work with. Mr. Siegel inquired
if there would be a RFPprocess. Ms. Newton explained they will publicize that interested
parties have to attend a pre-bid meeting to learn the steps to follow. She was unsure if it
was a formal RFP process as it was not done last year, but she noted Palm Health Care
was becoming more sophisticated with its funds. The meetings will be held in February
and the actual proposals to be presented will take place in early March. She thought the
survey of needs assessment was helpful in identifying senior needs.
Chair Bionta queried what the group could do to prepare and learned the members could
gather ideas. Ms. Newton inquired if the deaf have an interpreter at City Commission
meetings and learned they do when one is requested. They also have assisted hearing
devices. Minutes are not in braille, but audios of the meetings are available. Ms. Newton
advised the Board did a great job targeting where the needs are with the survey and now
should determine how to tailor services. The ideas must be connected to caregivin .
Ms. Newton explained Palm Health Care is planning to invest another 5 million for
another five years. She thought it would be a great opportunity for the Board to start to
address those needs.
Chair Bionta commented in June the Board started holding monthly meetings, but the
Board meets quarterly. The Board has to determine how often to meet. She asked the
Board to decide. Ms. Gomez thought every other month; however Ms. Newton
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 3, 2018
commented if the board decides to pursue a grant, it may be difficult. Chair Bionta
suggested calendaring meetings every other month and if needed, calling a special
meeting. There was agreement commencing in January, to meet every other month.
Vill. Next meeting: January 7, 2019
Chair Bionta announced she has jury duty in January, so the Vice Chair will preside over
the January 7t" meeting, which will take place at 2 p.m. at the Intracoastal Park
lX. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Siegel moved to adjourn. Mr. Villatoro
seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting adjourned at 3:12 p.m.
Minutes Specialist