Minutes 08-18-36 REGLrLAR MEETING OF AUGUST 18, t936o
A Re~ta~ ~eet!ng oF the Boa~
of the To~ of Bo~ton, FloPida. ~s held at the T~ Ha~
on Tues~y evening, Au~st 18, 19~6 a~ ~:~0 o~clock
P~ese~t: H~ D. Steve~,
N. ~. Wee~, Vic~-~yo~
J. P. Bewen, To~ C~rk
The~ abeve censtltut~g the e~time B~
~ssioners of the T~ of B~ton, Fl~i~.
~e ~uSes ef the Re~ Nee$~ ~ Au~st 4, 19~6
were me~ ~ approve.
~r~ug a ~cussien conee~g
t~es on cem$~ ~o~ p~ope~ies,
~sbttu~e fomeclos~e p~ooeed~gs aga~st a n~bem
pmo~rties whieh ~e eent~ally lo.ted.
The Vice-~y~ was a~thopiz~ to ~e~se one b~el
of 0il ~o be used in street PeDals and to ~ve ~e t~es
~etre8ded fop the S~ita~ TPuek$ Cost oF ~etPead~g t~es
not to exceed ~i~ Doll. s.
~ere berg no f~the2 bus.ess t~ me~t~g adj~d.