ON THURSDAY~ .1ULY 27~ 2000 AT 5:00 P.M.
Gerald Broening, Mayor
William Sherman, Mayor Pro Tem
Charlie Fisher, Commissioner
Kurt Bressner, City Manager
RoseMarie Lamanna, Paralegal
Sue Kruse, City Clerk
Mayor Broening began the agenda review at 5:00 p.m. He reminded the Commissioners that
they have been very liberal with the speakers' procedure in allowing the public to hand in their
cards at almost any time during the meeting. The cards specifically state that they should be
turned in before the opening of the meeting. He requested agreement of the Commission to
begin tightening up the process.
Commissioner Fisher recalled that Mayor Broening made an announcement at the last meeting
that the Commission would soon begin to follow the procedure stated on the agenda. There
was agreement of the Commission to follow Commissioner Fisher's recommendation that Mayor
Broening offer one additional announcement at the August 1~ meeting. Beginning with the
August 15th meeting, the Commission would follow the procedure as stated.
Mayor Broening noted that this was the first time there were no
"Announcements" listed. It was agreed that the Budget Workshop
meetings would be added under TII-A. 1, "Announcements &
· Commissioner Fisher advised that Karrie Webb, US Open winner, is a West
Boynton Beach resident. He requested that we attempt to schedule a
time for her to come to a future meeting. City Manager Bressner said that
Wayne Segal would contact her public relations people to try to make
these arrangements,
· City Manager Bressner noted the resignation of Dawn Russell from the
Education Advisory Board. Commissioner Fisher advised that Larry
Finkelstein would be submitting his resignation from the Planning &
Development Board since he will he moving out of the City. When the
Deputy City Clerk advised that Peggy Stranahan submitted her resignation
from the Senior Advisory Board since she is moving out of the City, it was
agreed that her resignation should be added to the agenda.
Commissioner Fisher requested that staff provide the Commissioners with information regarding
who will have the appointments to replace these individuals.
3ULY 27, 2000
Request by Southern Development Services -
Reconsideration of Alhambra Square North Center
(Northeast corner of Golf Road and Congress
Avenue) (Request removal from Consent Agenda for
Commissioner Fisher asked for clarification of Ttem TV-E. City Manager Bressner advised that
this item relates to Walgreens. He said we received a request for consideration of the prior
land use denial. There is a court stipulation from a :1989 case. Tf the Commission wishes to
move this request forward, it would be necessary to direct the City Attorney to prepare an
amendment to the stipulation. The request could then go back to the Planning & Development
Board for an amendment to the Land Use Plan, potential rezoning and site plan approval. At
that point, Leisureville and other interested parties would be involved in the discussion. City
Manager Bressner advised that he received a letter dated July 27th from the developer outlining
the request.
Commissioner Fisher asked if the problem in the past dealt with the issue of title. Mr. Rumpf
explained that they were processing rezoning and Land Use Plan Amendment applications for
the parcel without amendments to the Settlement Agreement. During the meeting, staff will
provide a summary of the history of this application. In addition, the developer would like to
speak to the Commission.
Mr. Bressner recommended removing this item from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
· V-A. Status of Enforcement of Non-conforming
Freestanding Signs with Update on Wall Sign
Inventory Work (August 1, 2000)
Mr. Bressner advised that a staff report and updated recommendation was included in the back-
up material. The Chamber of Commerce is monitoring the situation and a meeting is scheduled
for Monday to address this issue. The Chamber has requested staff representation at that
Commissioner Fisher pointed out that this would be a status report and questions should be
referred to the Chamber of Commerce or the Commissioners. He would not recommend
allowing public comment on this issue during the meeting since the recommendation is to
postpone enforcement of the Ordinance at this time.
Mr. Bressner recommended that this issue be included on the agenda for the .loint City
Commission/Chamber of Commerce Workshop meeting on September 11th as an additional
business item. At that point, the Chamber will have had an opportunity to discuss this issue
with their members.
There was agreement that final resolution of this matter would be after September 11th,
.1ULY 27, 2000
V-B. Proposed Procedure/Policy regarding Street Name
Change Requests (PROPO$£D R£$OLtlI2rON NO. RO0-)
Mr. Bressner informed the Commissioners that the City does not presently have an official policy
or procedure in place regarding street name change requests. The Development Department
staff put together a draft procedure for review by the Commission.
With regard to TNCA's request to rename Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, Mr. Bressner
advised that if the Commission were to approve that request, there would be three street
segments that were previously 10th Avenue. This would require special handling for public
safety agencies. This is an operational issue that must be dealt with and it could be an
impediment. Mr. Bressner recommended that this issue be referred to the Community Relations
Board where public hearings regarding the appropriateness of the name change could take
Commissioner Fisher confirmed with Mayor Broening that public discussion of this item would
not be required at the August 1~t meeting. If the Commission decides at a future date to move
forward, that would be the time to discuss the issue.
· VII-A.
Approval and Adoption of the City of Boynton
Beach 2000/2001 Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) One-Year Action Plan
Mr. Bressner confirmed with Octavia Sherrod that the deadline for submission of the plan to
HUD is August 15th,
Commissioner Fisher requested that he be provided with detailed information with respect to
the number of Boynton Beach residents that have benefited during the past year from the
following items listed in the plan for FY 2000/2001:
· PBC Resource Center- Economic-Small Business Development
· PBC Resource Center - .lob Training-Construction Management with FAU
He also requested more detailed information on the following two items:
· We Change Foundation
· Vetsville Cease Fire House
Commissioner Fisher confirmed with Mr. Bressner that if the Commission wished to change the
numbers, it could be done during the meeting. However, Ms. Sherrod requested that the
Commissioners review the information, offer input and ask questions prior to the meeting.
Commissioner Fisher agreed to meet in the City Manager's Office with Ms. Sherrod, Mr.
Bressner and Mr. Hawkins at 8:30 a.m. on Friday morning to review additional material.
3ULY 27, 2000
Mayor Broening advised Ms. Sherrod that he would be asking questions regarding who really
needs this assistance and how that need is assessed.
Review of Proposed Interlocal Agreement with
School District of Palm Beach County to
establish public school concurrency
(September 6, 2000)
Mr. Bressner advised that he heard a presentation on school concurrency during the Palm
Beach Municipal League meeting. He pointed out that although he understands the goal, he
does not understand the process.
Mayor Broening explained that it is the County's attempt to comply with a State initiative.
Mr. Bressner advised that an item would be added under Future Agenda
Items dealing with insurance renewal. He said that because of the City's
experience over the last year, the rates are increasing. Meetings are
being held with employees to explain some options with respect to cost
Mr. Lee distributed an information sheet on Health Insurance Renewal - 2000-2001. He
explained that City employees currently have two options for health insurance that include an
HMO and PPO. The HMO involves a $5 co-pay for Primary Care Physician and a $10 co-pay for
a specialist. The PPO is a 90/10 Plan where the insurance covers 90% of the cost and the
patient pays :[0% of the cost if providers within the network are used. There is a $:[00
deductible associated with this plan. If providers outside the network are used, there is 70/30
Mr. Lee introduced Messrs. Scott Harris and Steve Bart of Group Insurance Solutions, an
independent group of consultants that work with cities to negotiate insurance rates.
When Mr. Lee began the presentation, Commissioner Fisher pointed out that since this issue
would appear on the agenda on August :[5th, the Commissioners should have an opportunity to
review the handout that was provided. He said he read through it and had no difficulty
understanding the information. He pointed out that two Commissioners were not present;
therefore, any information provided at this point would have to be presented again when
everyone was present. Mr. Bressner advised that this issue could be addressed at the next
Agenda Preview Conference when all of the Commissioners would be in attendance.
Mr. Lee advised that there has been a 23% increase that is based on usage. He said that figure
is based more specifically on usage in the PPO. If we had HMO only, the increase would have
been only 2%. Mr. Lee said all of the employees pay the same amount for coverage. However,
because of the increases, the City is now investigating other options.
3ULY 27, 2000
Mr. Bressner advised that the budget document does include dollars for the adjustment, but it
also includes some plan adjustments that are being discussed. ]:f a decision is made to leave
the Plan as is, it is budgeted with Plan adjustments.
Mr. Lee said he has looked at other options and deductibles and we have made comparisons
with other cities to come up with the Triple Option that is recommended. Mr. Lee said the PPO
people could get the same benefits; however, it would cost them more.
· XI-B.2.
Proposed Ordinance No. O00-Re: Modifying
the term limits for City Commission
· XZ-B.3. Proposed Ordinance No. O00-Re: Adjusting
City Commission compensation
· XT-B.4. Proposed Ordinance No. O00-Re: Tnstituting
single-member voting districts
With respect to ]:terns X]:-B.1, B.2 and B.3, Commissioner Fisher inquired how long the process
would take if the Commission decided to defer to a committee made up of citizens and staff to
review the entire Charter. However, IVlr. Bressner pointed out that if that were to happen, we
would miss the opportunity to put these issues on the ballot in November.
Commissioner Fisher explained that the issue of term limits has gone before the voters on eight
occasions. He would prefer to have an impartial committee review this issue rather than
putting it before the voters a ninth, tenth or eleventh time. He suggested that the City of West
Palm Beach be contacted to get the ground rules they used when they organized a committee.
Mr. Bressner said Vice Mayor Weiland phoned him from vacation to make sure Ttem XT-B.4
(single-member voting districts) appeared on the agenda.
Commissioner Fisher pointed out that there normally is no public discussion for Ordinances on
first reading. He has a problem with that because of the subject matter. Mr. Sugerman was of
the opinion that Commission rules do not permit public discussion on first reading. He did not
believe this was a statutory requirement. IVlr. Bressner said this could be investigated and if a
Commission rule is involved, it could be suspended to allow the public to address the issue.
Commissioner Fisher also noted that in the past, compensation was adjusted by Ordinance -
not Charter amendment. Commissioner Fisher would like to table this issue to allow time to
investigate how this was accomplished in the past. Commissioner Fisher further stated that he
would like to remove Ttems XT-B.3 and B.4 from the agenda in order to focus on the issue of
term limits.
Mayor Broening said the Charter is seriously outdated in many areas. :In the past, under the
direction of a previous Commission, legal reviews were conducted between the City Manager
and City Attorney and changes were made. Mayor Broening said he would prefer to table these
3ULY 27, 2000
items rather than remove them from the agenda since Vice Mayor Weiland was not present to
defend the issues,
Commissioner Fisher pointed out that single-member voting districts was not part of the last
agenda. It was thrown out at "the last minute". Commissioner Fisher requested that in the
future, no other items should be added at the meeting that were not discussed at the Agenda
Preview Conference. Mr. Bressner agreed that would be a fair process.
Mayor Broening reminded Commissioner Fisher that the Commission agreed on the process of
using the Agenda Preview Conference as an opportunity to add something to the agenda. Tf
this issue is removed from the agenda at this point, it could be walked right back on since Vice
Mayor Weiland is not present to talk about it.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting properly
adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
Vice Mayor
Mayor Pro Tem
City ~rk ~
neUty City Clerk
Insurance Plans
The City offers each full-time employee a choice between two health
insurance plans from Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida. Regardless of
whether the employee selects the health maintenance organization plan
(HMO) or the preferred provider option plan (PPO), the City pays the full
premium for the employee and the employee pays the full premium for any
Current Status
Through the years, vadous elements have impacted the health insurance
plans and premium rates:
· Based on the number of employees covered and the length of time with
the insurer, our rates are based solely on our own claims experience
(frequency and cost of plan usage).
· In the last five years, enrollment in the HMO has increased from less
than one-third to more than one-half the total enrollment.
· From the time the HMO was introduced, the HMO and the PPO rates
have been averaged rather than having the rate for each plan based on
its own claims experience.
· After three years of excellent experience and decreased premiums, we
have had three years of poor experience with corresponding premium
· Analysis of plan experience shows that the PPO has significantly greater
usage than the HMO. The result is that the HMO participants have, in
fact, been subsidizing the PPO participants.
Change for
We believe we must now consider how to adjust the premium inequity and
have the rates more accurately reflect the actual usage.
Mindful of the impact any changes to our present method of health care
coverage would have on employees, we challenged our consultants to help
us find ways that would cause the least disruption and still afford employees
a range of options that would best suit their needs. The result of many
discussions, research and meetings is a triple option plan.
What is a Triple The triple option plan provides for the current HMO with some
Option Plan? enhancements and two PPO plans.
The PPO plans include the PPO we now have and a second PPO that offers
slightly lower bener~.
If they chose to remain in the present plan, employees will have to
contribute toward the cost of their own coverage, which they now do not
do, in addition to increases in dependent coverage, above what HMO
and the new mid-option PPO enrollees will pay
If they elect the alternative mid-option PPO, their own premium will
continue to be paid in full by the City while the cost of dependent
coverage will still be the same as the HMO enrollees pay. The difference
in the two PPO plans lies in the level of coverage in two key areas.
Levels of
Calendar Year
Provider Co-
$100 per person
$300 per family
90% in PPO network
70% in Traditional network
$1000 out-of-pocket cap
on covered expenses
(after deductible)
$1,000,000 maximum
70% reimbursement for
$300 per person
$900 per persen.F¢%
80% in PPO network
70% in Traditional network
$1000 out-of-pocket cap
on covered expenses
(after deductible)
$1,000,000 maximum
70% reimbursement for
HMO Benefit
Duration of
Triple Option
No lifetime maximum
No deductible
$5.00 co-payment for any doctor visit
$5.00/$10.00 co-payment for prescriptions
New this year: prescriptions by mail
Blue Cross/Blue Shield has agreed to provide a triple option for two years. At the
end of the two years, we would in all likelihood revert to an HMO plan and a single
PPO plan.