Minutes 05-18-37REGULAR MEETING 0P NAY 15, 1937. A Regnia~ Meeting of the Board of' Town Commissioners ef the Town of Boy,ton, Flori~, was held ~t the Town Hall cn Tnes~ eve~g, Nay 18, 193V at V:30 e'ciock P.M. Present: M. A~ ~eaver, Nay-o~ N. M. ~eems, Vice-Mayor A.V. Petcrsen, Town Clerk. The above constituting the entire Board~ of Town ~cmmlss- loners o£ the Town of Boynten, Florida. The minutes of the Regntar Meeting ef May ~, 1~3~, were read and approved. Commissioner Neems made a motion that all colored Dusiness places ~e closed at midnight, which motion was seconded By Commiss- ioner Peterson and mn~imousIy earrled~ ~a~ application by ~. Meimo for license t, sell Beer and wines at ~etail in the ~hite Buil~ir~ on 0ceanAve~ue .was considered and d~e to the n~m~ber cf similar pe~mi%s already issued in this section, upon motion made by Commissioner Pe~erson, seconded~y'Com~ssiener ~eems, and nna~imously carried, the same was not approved. 0~di~ance Nc. 15V entitled : 0RDIN~NOE NO. 1§~. "At~ 0RDtT~ANCE OF THE TOIYN OF BOYNTON, PALM BEACM COUNTY, FLOR_V~DA~ AMENDING ORDINANCE N0~t28 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE OF THE T0?fN OF BOYNTON, PALM BEACH COU~T~, FLORIDA, PROVIDING RULE~ AND REGULATIONS FOE THE ~0VERNNENT OF THE TOV~; C0~-~ISSION OF SAID T0~,w BY STRIKING THEREFROM "RU~E 14"; AND REPEAL~ l~G ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT ~TH THIS ORDINANCE, was placed on it. s second .~eading. Co~muission~ P®te_~eon made a ~otion t~t 0~dingnce No, be zdopted, which Eotion was seconded by Comm~sione~ ~eems, upon being put to a vote, the following vote was had theneon: C o~s~ione~ ~e~ve~ ~ ~A~~ Co~issione~ %Veem~ ~ ~'AEt~ Co. ism ioner Pete~son, '~A~~ ~e~eup~n, Co~issioner ~eav~r, as ~yo~ 02d~ce NO. 18V to ~v~ been duly passed ~d adopted. AN O_~DiN~NCE OF THE TO~J~N P~J~ BEACH C~NTY, FLO~DA$ ~h~- ING ~CT!ON 8~ ~ O~i~NCE NO. O~ THE T~ OF BO~T~ F~R~Ae~ was p~ced ~ it~ ~ s~cond ~ead~g. C~issi~e~ Wee~ ~de a metie~ ~epte~, whieh mett~ was s~e~ upon ~e~g pus to a veto, ~e felling veSe ~$ ~ th~e~: C~issi~e~ Weave~ "A~" C~fssi.ne~ We~s Co~is si~e~ Pete~som ~e~eup~ Mayor Weaver, as M~ye~ p~esid~,~ O~din~ce No. 15~ to ~ve been duly passed a~ adopt~. The~e be~ ~e f~the~ bus~ss