Minutes 04-05-38on Tuesday evening, April 5,
A Reg~iar ~eeting of the Boa~d of Town Commissloner~
of the Town of Boynton, Florida, was held at the Town Hall
1938 at V:30 o~clocI~ P~ ~
~o Ao ~eaver~
T own, O teak
The above constit~ting t~_e entlii~ Boa_~i of Town Com.
m~ssioners of the Tov~ of.Bo~t~a, _W!er,&~a.
The ~iinutes of i~e Regular Eeeting of March ~ 1938
read and approvede
The ~m~ut¢~ of the Special ~ee~i~g of ~roh ~6, 19~8
were read and approved.
Upon motion made by Cen~is.s~.ner Weaver, seconded by
Commissioner Peterson s~d duty e~r~ied~, the followi~bill~
were approved for p~nt ~he~ funds become, available:
Pla. Power &~..LightCe ~ !63.18
Paul ~ercer 43,03
~ackson Przn~ng O~mpany 14.00
Sinclai~ S6rxi~e station 30.00
upon motion made b~:Commissioner Weems~ seconded by
Commissione:~ PetersonandunanLmously ca~-ried~, a per-mit
was g~anted James T. M~er to constF~ot a dwelling upon
Lots ll & 12~ Block V, Boy~on Heights SubdivisiOh per
plans and specifications filed, exception noted- 25 foot
building line to be obsemved.
D~ Discussion was had concerning the possibility of securing
aid from the Federal Goverr~nen~t in a To~rn Improvement Project.
Subsequent ther~to~ ~yor ~eaver appointed Gilbert E. Pent~ ~el
L. B~linga~me and S. P~ Adams as a Con, nitres to devise ways and
means for securing Federzl aid in f~thering construction and
buildimg ~ctivities in the Towa of Boyntono
~o H. B. Nurray, Sro, representing the Carpenters
appeared before the Con~uission and made inquiry relative to
0rdir~ar~ces pertaining to building code. After discussion of same,
N~. Ho Bo N~ray~. Sr., Harry 0f£e~auan and Job_u A. Klep were
recognized as z Cor~ittee by the ~ayo~ Eo~ the purpose of d~afting
a suitab!e Buildi~ Code fo_~ ~ub~!s~ion to the Town Commission for
their consideration°
UpOn motion made by Conmaissioner Peterson, seconded b~
Conmnissioner V~e~s and un~_ui.mously carried, the ~layor and Cla~k
wer~ authorized, ordered amd dir®cted to ente~ into ~_u agreement
with Hydro Chemical Gardens, I~_c.~ for the sale of Lots ~V, 88,
0~ SO aud 81 of ~Yo So Shepard's Eubdivision for a consideration
of the s~ of Seven Hu~dred Thirty Seven ar~i ~0/100 D011a~s
payable in obligations of the Town of Boynto~, provided pa~_ent is
made for said lots o~_ or before April ~0, 19~8~ at which time~ if the
terms of said agreement a~e co_~plied with, the ~ayor and Clerk are
hereby authorized~ ordered and directed to execute and deliver to
said Hydro Chemical Gardens, Inc., a Special Narranty Deed of
conveyance to said lOtSo
~o Ka~l Riddle appesmed bs£ome the Coranission with the
re~uest tD~t he be permitted to represent the Towns without
compensatiom_ and without s_uy obligation whatsoevem on the psat
of t~he Town, in discussions with property owners in Ocean Ridge
concerning means for halting the erosion along the oces~u beach~
Vfhich was agreed to by th~ Con~_ission.
There being no further business at the moment, the meeting
was recessed ~ntil Tuesday afternoon, April ]_2, 1958 at ~:00
o~clock P~ ~.; at which time~ all members of the Co~ission being
p~ssent, the meeting was again called to order by the
The Repor~ of the Inspectors and Clerk of the General
Election of April lls 1958 was read and accepted; which report
is as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor s~d Con~nissioners of the
To%~n of Boyntc~s Pa~ Beach Coum~tys Florida:
%~e~ the undersigned Inspectors and Clerk of the General
Election held on the llth day o~ ~pri!~ A. D. 1958, for the purpose
of electing an enoo_~ubent to the office of ~!ayom, fern a te~m of
tD~ee ($) years, do hereby cemti£y that at such Election the total
nzuffoer of vote~ cast were One Hundred Eight~y Eight (188) of ~vhich:
~. A. ~eaver Received (187)
Tom Allen Received ( 1);
and wes such Inspectors and Clerk, do ~ke the foregoing as ou~
return to y~ of the results of such election~ and we do declare
the above and foregoing to be the result of such election.
(sighted) Emma l~aoEa0,
(signed) Lois Pa~tin
(s_gnee) ELd-er Forrey
(signed) George N, Seegitz__ Clerk.
To the Honorable Town Cor~.~is~ion of the
Town of Boynton, P~.im Peach County, Fto~tda:
.~, the u~dersigned Inspectors and Clerk of the General
Election held on the llth day of April, A. D. 1938, for the purpose
of electing an enco~bent to the office of ~yor~ ~fo~ a ter~ of
tt~ee (3) years, do hereby return ~o you~ Honorable Body the
results of such eleetio~ i~cluding the b~.ilots~ stubs, poll book~.
tally sheets, etc.
( Signed )
( Sig~ )
( SignedJ
F~mma l~a okay _Inspector
~-6~- ~a r tin Inspectom
Elmer Fo~m ey -Insp~ctC~
George N Se~_gitz Clerk.
Upon motion made by Co~nissioner Peterson, secon~ded by
Conm~issioner Weems and duly cgrried~ ~o A. ~eaver was declared
re-elected Eayor and ex-officio one of the Con~~issioners of the
Tov~_ of Bo~ntc~, Florida, for a te~n~ of three (~) year~, upon
his takin_g the Oath of Office.
Theme being no further business the meeting ad~ou~ned.
COUN~ 0P PAL}~[. ~ BE}~CH }
! do soie~P~ly sv~ear (or affi~u) that t will support~
protect and ~efend the Constitution end govorr~_ent of t~
United Btates and of the Sta~e ~of F!orida~ against all enemies~
domestic ~ foreign, and that i will boar true faith~ !pya!fy and
allegiance to the sa~ ~ and tb~t i ~ entitled to hold office
u~ar the Constitution and ti~t i will faitb~a!Iy prform all
tbs of f moo of }~2fOR and EX~FP~CmO 0!~ TitLE
~OO~ ~
~ mm-~ 0~ BOYNT0~ ~_ BEACH" ~ ~mv ~ ~ ~,
~bob~ uo enteP~ so _~e=~ ~e
Sworn to and Subscribed before me
Palm B~ch County
W~ Pilm B~tch, ~