Minutes 08-02-38322
A Regula~ Mee%img of the Board ef Town
of the Town of B~ynton, Florida, was held at the Town Hall
on Tnesday evening, August
Pre sent ~
1938 at~ V:30 o'clock P. ~.
A. V. Peterson~
Vice N~yer
T~wn 01erk
The above eonstitnting the ~ntire Bc~rd of Tew~ Com-
missioners of the Town of Boynton,
The ~utes of the Regular ~leeting of July 3, 1~o8,
were read ar~ app~ove~.
The following Petition and Letter was read and ref-
erred te the Police Department after considerable discus-
~e, the undersigned persons, being p~operty owners
in Lakeside Gar~.ens, a s~0division With the City of Boyntom,
Florida, do~herebymos~ respeeti~uiiy'request your Wonorable
Body t0~in~estigate the nuisance being caused by the growing
of crops, digging ditches and keeping of cows en property
within tD~ boundaries of said Lakeside Gardens.
~e feel that you will undsrst~ our position as property
owners in this'City With consid~er~le m0~ey~ invested in ou~
respective properties, and ~hat you Will, upon sufficient
investigation, cause the said nuisances to cease.
This 23rd day cf July, A. D. 1938.
M~i~ & Mrs ~ E-Peterson
~rS C H E~es
V~iiliam Law
Mr & Mrs A L V~ewis
Peter C Bror~um
Roger V~ Bacon
~'~r & ~s F Garitee
To ~Jhom it Eay Concern:
July 28. 1935
I hereby pretest ag~inzt anyene using m~ lots k~..own as
V4 and V5 Lakeside Garder~ for gPewing crepm, digg~_~g~' ~ ditches
or keeDing cows or any other purpose without my permission.
(Signed) Peter 0 Bror~um. DDE
Upon motion made by Commissioner Pete~som, zeeemded by
Cemmissione~ ~eems and ~nimously earTied, the following
bills were approved for payme~'t:
B~erma~ ~ Plastridge Ins.
Padt Eereer
V~illi~m H ~eems
N E Underwood
~eteher Lumber Co
Uoon. motion made by Commissioner' Peterson, seconded by
Commissioner ~ems and ~nanimo~sly carried, the Police Dept.
instructed to have al! Negroes faEning in I~keside Gardems
Sub~m.~sion to vacate account uns~ita~y conditions.
The Following letter was read:
~st P~im Beach, Florida,
August l, 1938.
~. ~. P, Somerville
Boynton, Florida
Dear ~. Somerville:
As I Understand it, ~eu D~ve arranged ~ith
the town officials ~oF"BoYntbn te g~. ~lI apprex~ately $4V0.00
t~cre~s' ~' consideration' ' .... of t~ ~quit-~la~ deed t~.t we ~ve
you some t~e agocove~'~ oe~a~' ' ' I~ts in Bo~ton He~s
Addition. As you will recall, you gave ~s a ~eed ~fOr lets ~, 8,
V & 8, Block 5, Roberts ~di~ion, in conside~tio~ of t~s quit-
ola~ deed, ~th t~~ underst~di~ t~t shoul~d we at a later date
wi-sh b0 ta~ the t~ credits t~t ~such an a~a~e~nt could be
effected, i have just received a letter From ~. Hall in whic~
he advises me that he ~o~ld like t0 have sufficment t~ creditS~
to take,c~e~ of~ the t~es on the ~d~s Apartme~ property ti~t he
is now ~oreclos~. I understand this will take app~oxi~tely
$223°00. For the balance, he would like to have a deed to
Lots 8 mud 8 in Block 5 of Roberts &ddition. I would apt~eciate
it, therefore, if you will see if this e~ be a~ranged, and ~_x~
so we will_ surrender to you ~'~ne deed t_~ ' younave'~ already given
us for the ffou_~ lots of Block ~, Roberts &ddition, ~d t~ in
lieu ~iae' ~ ~- = ·
~ reo~ ~ne SBB3.00 t~ credit a~ the deed For ti~ two lots,
~h ~nd reg~ds, I beg to remain
Yours very truly,
(Signed) ~-. Te~y Gibson.
~%~G:Fh W. Terr~y Gibson.
Upon motion made by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by
Commissioner VZ'eems and una~-imously carried, the p~oposition as
outlined in the above and foregoing letter was accepted.
l~layo~ Weaver appointed the following citizen_s as a Com~_ittee
to devise ways sm~l means for seeurim~ a Municipal swimming pool
with the assistance of Federal Funds and
Paul ~ercer,
~_ara :~lait e ~
-,~rs Bertha
J. B. ~e_edmtn,
Mrs. ~=ce ~uth.
being no f~ther business tb.e mee~i~ adjourned.
To~n Clerk.