HELD ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2019, AT 6:00 P.M.
John Welter, Chair Craig Clark, Library Director
Deborah Hoban Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Library
Dr. Bethanie Gorney
Robyn Boucard
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo, Vice Chair
1. Call to Order
Chair Welter called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.
11. Approval of Minutes —April 24, 2019
Dr. Gorney moved to approve. Ms. Hoban, vote ok
Ill. Correspondence and Communications
IV. Public Audience (individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations)
V. Chair's Report
Chair Welter wanted to discuss with the Board how often to meet as sometimes they
struggle for quorums and there are times during the summer it is difficult for some
members to attend the meetings. He wanted to discuss if they should meet less. The
Sunshine Law requires they assemble quarterly at a bare minimum, but not monthly.
Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo did not think the members could reduce the number of times
they meet as the Board was created by Ordinance. Mr. Clark commented they have
combined meetings and cancelled meetings in the past. Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo
thought the Ordinance required monthly meetings and discussion followed it is up to the
Board to determine how frequently they want to meet. She commented the City
Commission would have to approve the change; however, Mr. Clark pointed out they did
not get Commission approval in the past. She also felt there was a certain level of
Meeting iu s
Library AdvisoryBoard
Boynton c Florida 2, 2019
commitment on the part of the members and there is a reason why they have the Board.
She thought if members could not make the commitment, the recommendation is to let
the member go. Chair Welter asked if the idea was worth pursuing. Ms. Hoban was
unsure less meetings would solve any conflicts and asked how it would serve the Library.
Dr. Gorney thought the meetings were routine, and it could be the same every six months,
but there is a lull because of the pending construction of the new Library. Chair Welter
agreed there was some stagnation with the meetings and wanted the meetings to be a
forum that was interesting. There could be reports about the various programs or ways to
encourage expansion and enhancement of different programs. Members could identify
new ideas. If they leave the repetitiveness as it is now and see a movement to something
new, with the new library opening, there will be lots of conversations. Chair Welter
suggested meeting six times a year. Mr. Clark suggested deferring the item in order to
review the by-laws.
Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo explained all boards experience lulls from time to time. Ms.
Boucard asked if there would be more or less meetings and hoped nothing would conflict
with some of her other meetings. Chair Welter thought there would be less meetings.
I. Unfinished Business:
Library Construction Update
Mr. Clark advised the Library walls would go up around June 10th. Chair Welter asked if
they were still refining the design. Mr. Clark did not know. The architect is in Orlando
and he had not attended a meeting in awhile. He was supposed to start discussing
furnishings soon. The architect has a team of interior designers. He has not met with
them so he could not get a sense of what they planned. The last time he and Ms. Taylor
met with the architect was several months ago in Orlando, and they discussed the interior
and the flow of the Library. The flow was good.
Ms. Taylor commented the Children's Library was more of a challenge. The flow on the
second floor was good and there is something good to keep patrons moving. The City
hired a fundraising consultant for naming rights for the entire Town Square project
including the Library and moreso for the meeting rooms. There will be 12 or 14 rooms
and they are all public areas. Some rooms will be shared, but the rooms are namable.
Shared spaces were not included in naming rights. Chair Welter asked if those funds and
any grant monies would be used towards future library projects and learned it would. Mr.
Clark explained it could be an endowment for library programming because the Library
does not really have a budget. He suggested endowing $50,000 towards programming
or whatever program the donor wants. Mr. Clark explained endowments were at the
beginning phase and he gave his ideas and suggestions for rooms and areas to be
named. Endowments could fund an increase in material purchasing.
Ms. Boucard thought the suggestions could be itemized and distributed to the community
with a synopsis of each suggestion. Mr. Clark explained the consultant team is putting
together packages and professional looking pamphlets. They are laying the groundwork
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 22, 2019
for the program and the materials would be available to the public around the end of the
year. Ms. Hoban would like to see the audio book collection expand to the level of the
County's Library system. The Library has one small endowment that provides about
$6,000 a year. Chair Welter thought a naming opportunity could be an endowment and
there was more money with naming, which means there would be more money to spend.
Dr. Gorney suggested setting aside funds for programming having guest speakers or
authors. It would expand the Library into a location for community events. Mr. Clark
advised it would be ideal to have an unrestricted endowment for library programming and
the Board could decide how the funds would be spent. It would be a good function for
the Library Advisory Board.
As to the design, Chair Welter thought staff would start to see designs within the next few
months. Mr. Clark will bring it back agreed to bring back plans when they are received.
Mr. Clark did not think they would need much furniture as it was recovered. The City is
excited the refurbished furniture, but some areas will need furnishing. Staff will purchase
mobile furniture which could be moved as needed for pop-up programming.
(Tracey Tebo arrived 6:31 p.m.)
Ms. Hoban asked if the computers would be upgraded. Mr. Clark explained they were on
a four-year cycle to upgrade the computers. State Aid funding is used to purchase the
computers. In the past there were 24 computers outside the lab and 20 in the lab. Staff
will locate the 24 laptops for the public and another 20 laptops that can be used anywhere
in the Library so patrons would not be combined to one area. There will be many nooks
and study rooms and if patrons need to print, there will be wireless printers. There will be
different. This will be done with the teens as well. There will be two laptop carts of 20
computers each and if they need a room to teach a class, they can roll the cart down to
the class. There will be lots of outlets and plugs. Patrons could bring their own laptops
because the Library will have wireless service. Mr. Clark advised he will share any
updates or significant changes with the Board and added the furniture plan is not yet
Career Online High School (COHS) Update
Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Library Director, explained there was another graduate of the
online high school and six people in the online high school and two are very close to
graduating. No one is in the prerequisite period. She also advised the State did not
renew the scholarships. Mr. Clark was asked to advocate for funding for the program in
Tallahassee next year. Ms. Hoban asked if that could be endowed. The State Librarian
advised she would try to find some funds from the Library budget for that. Mr. Clark
pointed out they still have some scholarships the Library purchased which will keep going
until assigned. Ms. Tebo asked about the Rotary Club, and learned the Rotary Club
awarded a graduate to continue on to college. The program has three scholarships left.
Staff will used funds from the State first, and then the Library's funds for the program.
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton each, Florida May 22, 2019
Currently Recruiting — Library Page PT, Librarian
Cataloging/Reference), Customer Services, Youth Services
Mr. Clark announced the City hired a Cataloguing Reference Librarian from FAU. Ms.
Hoban had worked with her and she starts June 3rd. She was in a professional position
and then she got her Masters of Library Science Degree and had nowhere to go. She
was doing Librarians work and there was nothing for her. Ms. Hoban advised she is a
very kind and skilled individual. The other two positions will be supervisory positions,
which were customer services and youth services position, when they are approved. The
City Manager would have to approve. A Librarian is a grade 18 and in the budget He
requested the positions be moved up to 20 because federal guidelines on exempt
employees requires they have to make a minimum of$50,000 a year. Ms. Clark south to
have Librarians be a 20, senior Librarians be a Grade 22 and a Division Head Library will
be a Grade 24 so there is a career path. The City was making an offer to an individual
who interviewed for the part-time Library Page. Mr. Clark anticipated having to add
another full time position. The concept was not budgeted in the current budget, but the
Board always stressed getting more positions for the new library for six days. Mr. Clark
thought staff would be very busy once the Library opens. All the services are tied together
and when the public comes to City Hall to pay utility bills, someone from the Library will
be there signing people up for library cards.
LSTA Innovation Grant— Internet Hotspots
Mr. Clark was having trouble with the vendor and will have to go to use another vendor.
The organization is a small non-profit. The City has certain requirements that any contract
or agreement they enter into must contain. Staff wanted to purchase 20 with unlimited
access. The lending period is three weeks and they can be renewed up to six times if they
were not under request. Broward County does it and they only lends to veterans and do
not have unlimited access with theirs. Chair Welter thought it was right to open it up to
everyone for unlimited. The units are $70 each, but it is the monthly service fee. Chair
Welter asked during negotiations, if there was any kind of advertising or capturing any
usage. Mr. Clark explained they are not supposed to. Patrons would not want to be
tracked. The non-profit would give the library 10 units for free, but they do not have a
huge budget to keep going back and forth to get an attorney to change the agreement.
Mr. Clark thought they would have to pay more money and use another vendor. The grant
is for$2,800. Staff will lay out some State Aid money and see what happens.
LSTA Grant— Upgrade to RFID
Mr. Clark wrote a last minute grant because he heard there would be more money and
the grant was fully funded. The amount was for$83,991 for three RFID self-checks, two
sets of security gates 170,000 RFID tags and conversion stations leased for at least for
six months. The entire RFID program is $105,000. The other $21,000 is in the City's
Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). Ms. Tebo queried if the Library was moving towards
all self check-out. Mr. Clark replied staff wants to move from a passive customer service
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 22, 2019
model to having the self-checks do the work, so staff can help people on the floor. Staff
will likely be walking around with Pads. One staff member will be a greeter and teach
patrons how to use self-check. Another employee will be behind the counter making
cards and dealing with money. Self-check can use cash or credit card including paying of
The pilot school program for students did not go well. The City could move to enact no
fines for youth, but it would require approval by the City Commission. The Library is
getting a new Integrated Library System (ILS) search. The current system to look online
to the Library's catalogue will change October 1st- The Library is switching from Dynix
Symphony to A. The Society for Arts uses the KOHA system now and some larger
library systems. It is an open source, meaning staff has more say as a Library on how to
change the system to make it better for the Library, rather than relying on the vendor The
consortium the Library belongs to will change as well. One Library is dropping out and
will use KOHA themselves. The other four will stay together through SEFLEN as SEFLEN
will manage the contract and have a Help Desk. The Help Desk will be a call center for
staff. This will be cheaper in the long-run and better than what they are paying now.
Chair Welter inquired regarding the new Library model if there be stations or staffing
desks for librarians will assist with large searches or interlibrary loan searches. Mr. Clark
explained the idea is to get rid of the desks. There will be a reference and a research
desk for customer service staff. Chair Welter asked if the new search engine friendlier.
Mr. Clark responded any engine is only as good as the user and clarified the new system
is not a research system, it is a holding system of library collections and others.
Ms. Tebo asked if the issues with Ancestry and Fold3 were resolved. Ms. Taylor
responded she was told it was.
VIII. New Business:
2019 Summer Reading Club
Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Library Director, explained staff was getting ready to kick off
the Summer Reading Club for youth requiring them to commit to reading a certain amount.
The children will receive a teddy bear at completion. Elementary school students will get
backpacks and middle and high school students will get head phones. The theme is
universal stories and there will be other summer programs, which were included in the
meeting back up. Staff will try to offer internet safety programs set for different age groups.
There are programs for fifth graders, tweens, teenagers and adults. By offering the
programs, the Library receives an extra nine points on the ISTA grants. The Library still
has Americorp volunteers over the summer and they are looking to put together a program
about civility to teach teenagers about being respectful with those who disagree with them
and understanding differences of opinions. It would likely be a three-part program.
Students will learn and understand civility, make a plan and then sign a pledge. There will
be a reward for completing the program. Ms. Taylor and Mr. Clark attended a program
by Dr. Robert Watson about civility. It was compelling and impactful.
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Library Advisory Board
Boynton each, Florida May 22, 2019
Ms. Tebo asked about the adult reading club and learned it had less attendance at the
temporary site.
Palm Beach Post Online
Mr. Clark explained the Library has a new database. The Palm Beach Post Online is full
text and it dates back to 25 years. Users can do keyword search all the way back to 1989
and it is current. It is a digital scan of the page and not text only. It is being promoted on
social media. The Library also has an Instagram page. It is a digital issue of the paper
and users can print individual pages. Mr. Clark commented it costs about $1,000 a year
August Meeting and possible merger of November/December meeting to
December 41h
This item was tabled to the next meeting.
VIII. Library Directors Repo rt/Statistics
Monthly Report for April 2019
Mr. Clark suggested the members read the statistics on their own. Chair Welter agreed.
Mr. Clark commented the Library has a new archivist and she is extremely technologically
savvy. She is scanning a lot of the Library's photographs and they will be uploaded in to
a system at Florida International University. The Library just signed a five-year contract
to host the Library's photograph collections. It will be accessible online. Staff planned to
launch all the newspapers online into their system. They are historical Boynton Beach
photographs and the system will provide information about the photo. There will be a link
on the Library site and it should be accessible from the Digital Public Library of America,
( LA). The photographs were deeded to the Library and are photos from 1910, 1920
Ocean Avenue and Main Street. The contract permits uploading up to 1,000 items. Right
now, the archivist is choosing the top 50. Mr. Clark explained it takes a lot of work to
create the metadata for each photographs. Mr. Clark thought it was great they can launch
what they have in their storeroom online and it would be searchable. Chair Welter asked
if what is uploaded would be items the Library would display. He thought they could
display historic information in some of the Library spaces. They could have reproductions.
Mr. Clark explained he would not have any displays until they are in the new Library. All
the newspapers digitized available in the Library will be on the Libraries website and can
be accessed from home. The Boynton Beach Star, the Lake Worth Herald and other
newspapers up to today will be digitized and searchable from home.
News/Media Coverage
Mr. Clark noted there was a nice article on Cozi in the paper. Cozi is a sweet dog that
comes to the Library weekly. The Director of Parks and Recreation has a dog in training
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Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 22, 2019
and perhaps they can bring him too. He is a Labradoodle who is great with kids. Cozi"s
owner offered also to bring a second dog.
IX Announcements
Next Library Board Meeting —June 26, 2019 at Intracoastal Park
Ms. Hoban may be out of town. Chair Welter hoped the research about the bylaws would
be completed because people often have conflicts during the summer. There is
discussion about ideas and agenda items.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business before the Board, Chair Welter properly adjourned the
meeting at 7:23 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist