Minutes 03-07-39Regulam }~e9ting of .~a_cn Vth, 19~9.
on Tuesday afte~noon~ ~ia~ch Vth~
Present: Mi
The above constituting the
A Regular ~eetm~_g of the Board of momm Commissioners
the Tow~ of Boynto~., ~iorida, was held at tbs Town Hal_
missi criers of the Tova~ of Boynton, Florida.
The Minutes of the Regu!a~ Meeting~of ~eb~uary
1939 were ~ead am_d approved.
Upon motion made by Conmuissioner Weems=
Commissioner Peters6n and unanimously carried,
-lng bills were approvgd fom payment:
Paul Eercer (Pol Dept)
Paul Mercer )Wtr Dept)
Hood's A~b Sro (~M)
N. P. ~rs_eker & Son
~la, Power ~ Yi~'qt Co.
seconded by
the follow
$ 18,05
Upcm ~otfon made by Co.miss!crier Weems, seconded
by Co~_~z,uissioner Peterson and unanimously carried, the Tax
Collecto~ was instructed and dir~ctexi to adjust the taxes
against Lot l~ less the S. 50~ of the N. 100~ of Block 3,
Shepamd Addition on the basis of a total assessed valuation
of $50,00 for tD_e yea~s 1926 to 1938 Inclusive account the
request of V¢ H C~owningshi~ld for Disability Exemption on
his said home.
~hibit wC~
Rate Schedule Number P-4
Eleetrlc Service
For power service to municipalities for the operation of water pumps o¥ to public utilities for supplying ~*ater to
municipalities and coramunit~es and who contract for not less than 5 kw 0£ Demand.
The use of energy fo.r fighting essential and accessory tu the use of power hereunder will be permitted but only for
a tota~ connected load in 1}ghting equipment not exceeding 65 watts per kw of Demand. For such lighting use, Consumer
will provide and maintain all necessary transformers and auxiliary appurtenances.
Three phase~ 60 cycles gnd approximately 208 volts to approximately 4,000 volts, at Company's option.
Ail service required on premises by Consumer shall be furnished t~ough one meter. Stand-by or resale service not
permitkb;l hereunder.
$3.50 per kw of Demand, which Demand charge entities Consumer to use 70 kwh per kw of Demand.
2.75~ per kwh for the next 30 kwh per kw of Demand.
1.75~ per kwh for all additional kwh.
Minimum: The Deanand clmrge. Not to be reduced by any discount or adjustment.
First.--Minus I0% of the amount computed at the above stated rate because of the power agreeraent lnade
for a term of not less than 10 years.
Second.Minus or plus .022; per kwh for each 1¢ below 12¢ or above 1St. respectively, in Company's
cost per million British Thermal Units of fuel. For this purpose there shall be employed the weighted average
delivered cost (including freighh storage and handling costs} as shown by Company's books, of all fuel used
daring the next preceding montlx in the generating stations interconnected with Cornpa~xy's main transmission
al authority in excess of those in effect January 1, 1937. which are assessed on the basis of meters or ~ustem-
ehase~l for sale or sold.
The average kw, adjusted for power factor as indicated below, supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use
during the current month bu~ not less than 80% of the highest average kw so established during the preceding 11 months
nor less than the Demand stated in the Agreement got sera-ice whichever ia the higher.
If Consumer's power factor shall average less than 85% lagging during any month, then Company may adjust the read-
ings taken to determine the Demand by multiplying the kw obtained through such readings by 85 and by dividing the result
by the aver&ge power factor actually established during the current month. Such adjusted readings shall be used in detarmin-
in~ the Demand.
Not less than 10 years.
Service under this schedule is subject to orders of governmental bodies having jurisdiction and to the currently ef-
fective '~General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service" on file in Company's office, which are hereby made a part here-
of. A copy 6f the present effective "General Rules and Regulations for Eleetric Service" is attached hereto. In case of confBe!
betweenlany provision of this schedule and said "General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service" the provision of this
schedule! chal~ apply.
I, , Town Clerk of the
Town of Boynton, Florida, DO ~EBY CERTIFY that the fore-
going is ~ true and correc~ copy of ResolutienNo.
paszed by the To~n Commission of the Town of Boynton, Florida,
on the day of
day of
~TNESS ~y hand and official of said Town, this
Town Clerk
There being no f~vthor business at the moment, the
meeting was recessed to ~a~ch ~lst~ 1939 at 1:30 P. ~. ;
~11 members of the Co~ission being present~ the i~ayo~
a~ called t~ ~meeti~ to
Upon motion ~ C~issione~ '~eems~ seconded by Co~tss-
loner Pete~son a~ unanimously c~$ed~ it ~ae decided to place
a telephone ~ the home of the C~ef oF Police a~ ~scontinue
tt~e telephone now in the To~ Hall.
A ,~ibten application f~om M~. ~o~ F. Jone~ ffo~ the
position of Cus~odzan of the Casino was tabled temoorarily.
A discussion was had with ~gr. Victor ~Vilcox concerning
the possibility of obtaini~ suitable land for a trailer camp site.
Two nominating petztzons, each b,lng s_~ed by more tl~n
Twenty-five (25) qual~i~ electors of t~ To~ of Boston,
r~quest~g tha~ the ~mes of Will~ ~. Rie~ ~d N, ~, Negros be
placed on the ballot in the General Election to be held on April
10~ 1939, were accepted by the Commissioners.
Upon motion ~d* by Co~issioner Pet~rson, s~ooBde~ by
Co~nlssioner Weems ~d un~imous~
c~r~ed~ the Cl~k was
~.st~cted to have 500 Ballots pminted for use in the General
Election to ~ held on April 10t~ 19~9, having printed theneon
the ~s of ~i~i~ A. Ri~l and N.
Upon motion ~de by Co~issioner Pet~r~, ssconded by
Co~ssion~n Wee~r~s and un~u~mous~y_~ ~ canrig~ the -~zce-~ayo~' ~ was
authomlzed to enter into contracts with local nurs~nies to obtain
up to 800 .~ela_euca Trees- pa~ent for same to b~ ~mde by trading
one To~ coconut tre~ for 20 ~elaleucas, or thereabouts.
~ lengthy discussion was had with ~¥~. So ~V. Hi~tt of th~
State ~a~keting Bureau concerning th~ p~oposed establishment of
a P~oduce ~a~ket in Boy. ton. Among other valuable suggestions~
~r. Hiatt pointed out that the first steps should be taken by
the fa_~ne~ themselves by petitioning the Commission fo~ such
market f. acilities ~. signify thei~ willingness and desi_~e to
support the market when completed.
The~e being no further business the me~ting forthwith
adj ou~nedo