Minutes 04-04-39R~ULAR I~TING OP APRIL
A Regular ~eeting of the Board of To~n CoP~missioners
of_the Tow~ of Boynton, Florida, was held at the Town Halt
on ~sday ~t~mnoon~ April 4~ 19~9 at l:~O o~clock P. ~,i.
Present: M. A. ~Veave~ Mayor
N. ~. Wee~, Vice-~Eayo~
A. V. Peto~son, To~ Clerk
.he above constituting the ontim~ Boamd of To~m Com-
missioners of the To%~ of Bo~ton~ Plomida~
The Minuves of th~ Red, lar ~{e~ting of E~ch Vth ~
of the Recessed ~ =
_~ee~inR ce ~{areb 21st !9~9 wer~ ~ead and
approved as read.
~P..~ motion made by Commissioner Weems,
CoF~missioner Peters&n and Unanimously
-~'o_~is wePe aoproved~ for p-a
~OOd~s AUtO e
Paul Mercer
Pla. Po~er & ~ight Co
seconded by
the ~ ~
~ 42.89
Upon motion by Conzuissione~ Weems, seconded by Com-
missioner Peterson and unanimously ca~ried~ building permits
~eme g~anted as follows:
~r~ ~ite- Dwelling- Lots 9 to lB inc Block
Bo~ton H~ights S/D Est Cost ~2,800o00
Ralph Wade- Dwelling- Lot !O~ Block l
F H Webbers Add. Est Cost $ ~25.00
'here being no fu~the~ business the meeting ad~ouz~aed.
~_ _~ayo~