Minutes 08-06-40P~GULAR~ETING OF AUGUST 6, 1940. A Regular Neeti~g of the Bea~l of ToE Commissioners cf tho Tow~ ef Boynton, Florida, was held at the Town Hall on T~es~ay afternoon, August 6, lf~0 at 3:00 o~clock P. M. P~esent: M. A. Weaver, A. V. Peterson, Vice- Nayor Tcwn Olerk I~e above comstituting the enti~e Beard ef TommOom- missioners ef the T~ of B~ton, Flo~da. T~ Minu~es~.9~..~e ~e~.!~ ~eting of July 2, 1940, were Pead ~d approved. .... ~ .... W~ms, seceded by ..... ~Pgn Mot-~on~d~..by 9o~si9ncr '~. ....... Cq~S~ione~.?e~Sg~.a~u~ni~sly oa~ied, the follow- ~g bml~s were approved for pa~ent: Florida Powe~ ~ Li~t'ObmpA~$ l~.~ Ho~,s Auto So,ice . · 86.80 Paul ~e~e~ - (Police Dep~) 28.85 Aust~ Supply Co~ ....... 8.0~ A discussion was had with N~. Chas Senior concerning the Boynton A~ea Committee of the Hod Cross Disaster and Preparedness Relief Committee, which a~ea is in the a~ea alloted to the ~ilton Mye~s Post American Yuegion at Del~ay Beach by th~ Palm Beach County Chapte~ American Red Cross. Mayor Weaver appo~uted the ~e ~ub-oommittee Chairmen fop the B_~0Yn~on ~a as ~ere ~0inted l~st yea~, to-wit: ~lternate Vice-Chairman Operations, Paul Ne~oer; Survey, Ovgve~ Bell; ~e~:Aid~.~Dr.o.~ N. N. Weem~.;~She~te~' Ha~r~r Offer~; Food, W. H. Lyman; Clothing, C. H. Hood; Transportation and Communication, H. L. Keatts; Rescue, J. B. ~eredith; Registrat- ion and Lufo~magion, Dorothy Shopperd.~ Upon m~tion made ~y Commissioner Weems, seconded by Commissioner Peterson and u~uimously carried, the following Resolution was duty passed and adopted: RESOLUTION ~AS, a certified petitio~was duly p~esented to the Boar~ of Town Corm~issio~ers at a Regula~ Meeting held on the 2nd day of July~A D 19~O, containing the s~tures of registered and qualified e!ecto~ of the Towr. of Boyntcm,~lorida, requesting that the n~e o~ ~ To~nbe ch~uged to ~CIT~ OF BOTfI~TTON BE~ VLORTDA. .~ N~,TH-7~.EFOR~ BE ~T HESOL.VED~tha~ Notice is hereby.given by the Board~ef Town.C0mmissioner~?f.the T~n of Boynton,Florida, that a Special Election of said Town will be held at She ~ow~Hall betwee~ the houPs of 8:00 A ~ and Sunse~ on the SixSeenth(18th) day of ~epte~er, A D 19~0,fo~ the purpose of su~mittimg ~e the qualified electors of the Town of ~oy~ton, Florida, the question of the approval or disapproval efa proposed Act to be presented to the Legislature of the ~6ate of Florida, Session 19~l,~elati~g to the To-~ of Boynton, Florida, c~hangimg t_he r~me of said Town to "CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH,Florida,( or by the use of such woz~Is st~tially the same a~ herein used). Clerk of ssid;~lection~ ~nd tH~-ara.hereby e e~ed to mepo~t to the Term Hall of the To~ of Boston, Florid, on ~e d~ and $~ afo~esaid to hold such special eleotien~ BE IT FURI'n~R RESOLVED that t~e for~ of ba!lo$ up~x~ which sush ~uestion of the ~ppr0val L posed Act to be p~sented to Florida, Session of 15~1, ~clat~ ch~g~g ~e ~e of th* ~d FLOHIDA~,( or by the use of such wo~s in said title as the Legis!atu~ ~y choose,but me~g substantia~y ~e s~e as he~e~ used),~l De ~tt~ to ~e Q~lified electors ef ~e T~ ~f Bo~t~, Fiesta,be subst~tial~ as OFFIE IAL BALLOT Town of Bo_vnton,Ps!m Beach County, Florida. September 18, ~ D !~0 Qd~s~ie~'o~ ~pproval or dis~pp%6~at-o£ a p~oposed A~'~e'~ht~d~t6 th~L~slatur~ 0f th~ State of Fld~ida~8~i6n~ 19~l~r~la~ing to'the T6~n 5f Boynton, Florida, changing the ~me ~ the ~aidTownto "CIT~ OF BOTNTON BEACHg~LORIDA,"-(~o~ by the use of'such words in said title as th~ Lsgzslatt~e may chose, but meaning substantially bh~ same as herei~ used). If you are in favor of the approval of the above pro- posed Act, make a c~oss(x) mark in front of the question: IN FAVOR of the approval of a proposed Act to be pre- sented to the Legislature of the State of Flortda, Sessiom l~l, relating to the ~ow~ of Boynton, Flo~ida, changing the name of said Town to "CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH,FLORIDA~, ( or by the use of such words in said title as the Legis- lature may choose,but meaniug subs~s~itially the same as he~elu used). If you a~e opposed to the approval of the above pro- posed Aot~ make a o~oss(X) ma~k in f~ont of the question: OPPOSED to the approval Of ~ proposed A¢$ to be p~e- sented'to the L$~islatu~e o~ t~he State of Fmlo~ida~ ~e~ion-$£ !~eI~t~ to'the Town of Boynton,Florida, cnangingth& ~a~e~b~ §~IdTow~ to "CTTT OF BOYNTONBEACH~ ~L0~TD~~ ~y ~e u~8~ ~F §~sh word~ in the title as ~ ~L~iSI~e m~ &hoo~e, ~t meaning substantially the same ~s herein (or by the use of such words in said title as tn. Legi~latttv~ ~f ~e Stats cf Florida may choose, but mea~m~g sucs~an~ally the same as hereimused) a .reaente~ to the Legislature ef 8taSte of _ ,,: /~K~_~0.YNTON BEACH~FLOP~IDA ,(or.by the use or s~en wo~s ~ said title as the Legmslatu~e may meaning substantially the same as BE XT FURT~ RESOLVED that a cot~J of this r~so!ution be posted at the F~ont Doo~ of the T~w~Eall ef She Town of Boynton, Palm Beach PM IT ~URTH~ ~SOLVED th~2.the Re~istmation Bo~k of t~$ Town of Boyntc~,Palm Beach Cou~F~ Florida, be opened fer the Registration of .... all~ 9Ralified~ . ~ electors, . of. the Town of BoynEon, Palm Beach Co~uty,Flor~da, at the Town Hal! on the teve~th(~th) day of August, A D 19~. Alt ps.sons desiring ~e ~egiste~ fo~ the Special Election called fo~ the $ixteenth(16th) day of Septembe~ A D 15~0~ ~nould ~egistep on o~ before SeDtembeP ~i£th(Sth),A D l~0, at which time the R~gistration Book will be closed. As and constitutes the Boa~d of Town O~is~o~e~s O£~the Town 6f Boynton, Palm Beach Ootu'~ty, Flortdae calIi~a~Spe~i~I~EI¥~tion-fop.~h~ 18th d~y of S~pt~mbe~,~ D 1940,was There being no fu/-the~, business the meeting ~ ~D~~