Minutes 05-06-41REGU!~-R ~-~ET~NG OF M~Y 6,
A Regular N~ti~8 of the Boar8
of Town Commission,-rs
of the Town of .Boy~?n, Florida, w~s held at the Town Hall
on Tuesday afternoon, Nay 6~ 1941 at 1:30 o~olock P. ~.
Present: M. A. ~eaver, ~ayo~
N. M. Neems, Vice NayoP
A. V. Pete~son, Tov~ Clerk
The above const Ituting the entire Board o£ Town
missioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida.
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 1, 1941,
were read and approved as read.
The report of the Election Boaz~iwas read whieh was
as follows:
"To the Honorable Town Co~ssi6~ t~
Town of Boynten, Pal~ Beach ~o~nt~, ~!orida:
~e, the undersigned Tnspectg~~ ~and Clerk of the Gene~l
Election h~l~ ~_t~e.~4th day of.~pril~ A. ~ ~941. fo~ t~e purpose
of e!ect~g ~_ sncumben~o~t~e 0f~ce 9~ N~Yg~ fop a te~ of
three (3) years, do hereby re~n~to y~ Honor~ole Body the
results of such Election ~cluding the ballots, stubs, poll book,
tally sheets, etc.
(Signed) ~L%u~ice E Magnuson
(Signed) Alice H. Enuth
(Signed) Clara B. White
(Signed) Stephen H. Richards Clerk.
"To the Honorable ~yor and Conm~Issioners of the
Town of Boy~tc~, Palm. Beach 0curry, Florida:
We, the ur~iersigned Inspectors and Clerk of the General
Election held on the 14th day of April, A. D. 1941, for the purpose
of electing an en¢~be~t to the office of MAYOR, for a te~m
of tt~vee (3) years, do hereby certify that at such Eleotio~ the
total number of votes cass were Fou~ Hu~d~ed and Fourteen (414)
of which:
F~ed G.
Daniel W.
H. D. Stevens
-Received ll0 ~nd we,
such_~nspeet0rs ~nd Clerk, ~do m~ke the a~ove and_To~egotng
as our ~et~urn t? you of the re~il~s ~f such~e~eetion, and we do ~
declare the above and for~$oing to be the result of such election.
(Signed) Etunice E ]~Iagnuson
(Signed) Alice H. Enuth
(Signed) Clara B. White
(Signed) Stephen H. Richards
Upon_ motion made by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by
Commissioner Weems e_nd unonimously carried, the report of the
Election Board was accepted and Fred. G. Benson declared elected
Nayor of the Town of Boynton for a te~m of tD~ee (~) years.
Thereupon, the peti~tn_g_Na~o~,~ N._ _A' Weaver, ~elinquished
his chair to the newly elected ~a~o~ ~ft~r wishing ~Lv. Benson
a successful term in office.
~ayor Benson again called the meeting to o~d.e_~ after thand~iug
~r. ~eaver and Dr. ~eems also made a short add,ess.
Upon motion made by Con~nissioner Peterson~
Co~issioner Neems and unanimously carried, tJae
olution was passed and adopted:
RE S 0 I~UT I 0 N
seconded by
£oll~wing Res-
~MEAS, the Charter of the Tc~n of Boynton provides
that all public monies shall be disbursed only on check, to be
signed by the Mayor and cottutersigned by at least one other member
of the Commission; and,
~WHEREAS, ~k~ed Go Be~son has been du~v elected, qualified,
and is acting~Mayo~ of the Town of Bo~nton; ..... a~d,
WHER~_~S, Mo M. Neems has been duty elected ~ua!ified
and is acting,Vice-~ayo~$ I and,~ ~ ·
~VH~HEAS, A. V. Peterson has been duly elected, qualified
and is acting Town Clerk ............. ~
missioners of the Tow~ of Boynton, Florida, that F~ed G. Benson
as ~ayor; N~ N. Neems as Vice-~Mayor and A. V. Petcrson as TOE C!erl
furnish the West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank of West Palm Boa(
Florida, teh First National Bank of Lake North, Florida, and the
Florida State Bank of Del~ay Beach, Florida, a specimen of their
signa~es on the ca~ds provided for this purpose; and,
BE IT FU?~TP~E REE0~VED tD~t ~ sit, ned carbon copy of this
Resolution be sent to the ~est ~a!E Beach ~t!antte National Bank
o£ west.Pa2~nBeach, Elo~ida, the First National Bank of.lake~Worth,
Florida, ~nd the Florida State Bank of Delray Beach, Flow!da.
Upc~ motion made by Cemmissione~ PeSerson, seconded by
C~ssi~e~ Wee~ ~ ~eusly ca~ied, aE empl~ees of the
To~ ef B~t~ were ~e-appointed.
The~e berg no fu~he~ ~s~ess at the m~ent the meet~
~s ~ecess~ to May 20th at l:~O o~oIo~ P.M.; at which t~e,
~11 members of ~e C~issle~ berg ~e~en~, Mayo~ Bense~ aga~
called the meet~g
clarion was passed ~ ~dopted:
BE ~SOL~D t~at notice is.~ereby given by the
TOE Commissioners of the TOE of Boynton, Palm Beach Co~ty,
Florida, that a special Electiom of said To~ will
the To~ Hall, o~the D~ie ~way, ~ the To~ ef Beynt~,
Pa~ Beach Co~ty, Ft~ida, between the hou~ of Eight o~clock
A. M. ~d S~se~ of the Twenty t~ (~S~) day of J~e, A. D. 1941
fo~ the ~ose ef decid~g the questien-"SHar. L ~ ACT C~GING
the N~ OF TE "T~ ~ BO~0N, PLOR~A", TO "CI~ ~ BO~
B~CH" be approved?"
Notice is ~eP given t~t Beaul~ Teeter, ~a ~eKay
~d Clara B. ~te ~e hene~ a~ointed TnspeotOrs an~ GePt~de
M. ~senbe~ as ClePk
at the T~ Hall on the day a~. ti~ af~esaid to hold said Eleoti~,
~ BE ~ I mF~J~ R ~ RES 9L~D that .~he ~is~att~ Book of the
To~ of B~t~, Palm ~eaeh Co~y, FloPida, be opened fo~ the
Re~istmation of all q~l~ied electors of the T~ of B~t~,
, f~st
Palm Beach C~ty, Flo~i~ at the To~ ~ll on t~
(~Ist) day of- N~y, A. D. 15~1. All .~e~so~s desiring to ~egist.~'
f~ ~e S~ci~ El~o$io~ c~l~d f~ 'the ~en~ t~ (~) ~Y of
J~e, A. D, tg~l should ~Eis~e~ on e~ before ~y Twe~th (~th),
A. D. lg~l, at w~ch t~e the Re~st~a$i*~ Bo~ wi~ be clesed.
~. I. J. 8~s, Build~ Inspeoto~ ~d ~.H~a~
City ~g~eeP ef De~ay Beach ~ present ~ ~ a len~hy
disaussiom with the members of the Zen~g C~ttee appoint~
~yo~ Bensom; ~. Ben~_~m~ Paul Ne~ae~, G. E. Heat~,
C. O. ~iile~, D. W. ~ne ~d ~. ~. ~i!!ia~ ~ the Eening Co,!tree.
The~e being no Furthe~ busine~ the me~ug
Town Clerk