Minutes 09-02-41 A R~gulm~ Meotiu~ ef the Beard oF City Commissioners
ef the City of Beynten Bemch~ Fl~rida~ wms held at the City
Hmll en 8ept~mbe~ 2~ 1941 mt 1:30 e~cleok p. N,
The above constitut~ug the enti~e B~ ,f City C~m-
missieno~s .f the City ef Beaten Beach~ Fle~id~
Th~ M~ut~s ef the Reg~a~ ~eet~ng ~f Augast 5, 194~
we~e ~e~d ~d
Upon merlin made b
C~issi~ne~ Petersen ~nd duly carried, the f~llow~g
w~re approved fe~ pa~ent:
Hood s Aut~' Service
- ~'~ Ce 135.32
There being ne f~rther business the me,ting~d ~urne~.~
~iee Mayo~