Minutes 01-05-32 REGU!~R ~2~ETING. ~ J~2~UAR¥ 5, 1932 A R gu±ar Meeting of the Board of Town Co~nissior of the Tov~ of Boy~ton, Florida, was held at the Womens' Club at Boynton, F!ori~a, on Tuesday evening, January 5, 1932 at Present: H. T. Holtoway, Mayor Frank Nutting, Vibe Ma~ J. P. Bogen, To~ Clerk The above constituting the entire Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida. ~inutes of the last Regular ~eeting of Decembe !5~-1931 being read, were approved upon motion o~ Co=~issioner Bowen, seconded ~y Co~issioner N~tt[ng ~d duly carried. The Treasurer rSad the following petition: ~To the Honorable ~ayor and Board of Tovm Cmzmui s sioner s" of the Town of Boynvon, F1 o ride. We, the undersigned, Tax-payers, citizens sidents of the Town of Boynton, Florida, fully petition the followir~:- FLRST: That the Honorable Mayor, by authority vested in_ him, call the Regular ~e~ Board of Totem Co~mmissioners to be held on 193~, to %e held at the W~mans' Club Buildiz of the Town H~lt, as the capacity of the Town ~leeting Chamber is very limited, which tends t~ terested citizens from attending mud particioat: meeting of the Town Co~mmission. - SECOND: That Mr. J. Stockton Bryan, To~;m of Boynton, Florida~ be directed to att of the To~,~a Com~ission to be held January 5th the tax-payers of the To~ua of Boynton can be more advised as ~o the various suit pending against those 'nton. THIRD: That the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton Beach, Florida, together with their Tovm Attorney be invited to attend the meeting of the Town Commission to be held January 5th, 1933, so that.the tax-payers of the Tow~ of Boyn~oa can be more fully advised as to the status of the division of debt of the Town of Boynton. FOURTH: That ~r. Giles J. Patterson, of Jacksonville, Florida, whom we believe is the legal representative of the majority of the Boynton Bond-holders, be invited to attend the meeting of the TOM Commission to be held January Sth, 19~; alsotthat Er. R. C. Alley, of Palm Beach, Florida, whom we believe represents the Palm Beach Company, a Boynton Bond-holder, be invited to attend said meeting, so that the tax-payers of the Town of Boynton can be mere fully~advised as To the status of the division of the debt of the Town of Bo.vnton insofar as the Bond-holders are concerned. FIFTH: That notice of the holding of the Regular ~eetin~ of the Town Co~ission at the Womans' Club Building on J~uuary Sth, 19~, instead of the Town Hall, be given by sending each Box Holder at the Post o~f~.ce of Boynton, Florida, a postal card ~tating that such meeting will be held at the ~omans Club Building on J~uary ~th, 195~, in- stead of the Tow~ Hall, in addition to notifying the various newspapers of su~n meeting. Respectfully submitted, 0. S. Heaton (and for~y-seven others)" Town Attorney J. Stockton Bryan mad& a talk regarding various suits now pending, brought by and against the Town of Boynton, mentioning various services which he had per- formed for the To~ of Boynton for which he had never been paid. Attorney W. F. Finch made a talk regarding the Town division and such suits as effected the Town division, allocation of refunding bonds and the collection of taxes by the Original To~_m of Boynton. Attorney Giles J. Patterson made a talk regarding the attitude of the bondholders, saying smong other things that if the property owners of Boyn~on would pay their taxes that the bonc~holders could be dealt with satisfactorily. The Treasurer read the following petition: ~Cut off all Auditors and Lawyers only when needed Use South end of Jail for To~n Hall rooms in E.E.Church Building at $t2.00 to $15.00 per month. $50. O0 - Or rent two Town Hall Lights 1.50 Tovm.hall Water 1.50 Cut Deputy Clerk to ~100.00 per month 50.00 Cut Water Supt. to ~100.00 per month 25.00 Cut Police to $100.00- per month 25.00 Cut off one man on Sanitary Dept. 65.00 Cut off Casino 40.00 Light and Power 5.00 Water 4.50 Cut out telephone in Fire emergency at Cooks 3.00 Transfer Siren to Water Dept. Meter 5.00 Cut Commissioners to $5.00 pst meeting 45.00 Cut off 20 street lights at $2.91 each 58.00 Total Saving per month $3V8.50 Total Saving per year $4,542.00 .e the un. ersig, e. Citizens and Business men of.the /~ ~ Town recommend the above for your consideration, we also respectfully suggest that the Commission be very cautious in entering into any lawsuits urmecessarily, as the Attorney's fees alone have run to $43,202.32 from Air il 1926 to the oresent date, without accompli~ht~g any material good for the tax payers of the Town of Boynton. N. E. Weems, ~. D. (and twenty-eight others)" Mayor H. T. Holloway presented the following plan which ~as read by the Treasurer: "A Plan for Economy Pay not over $25.00 for Town Hall Save $25.00 Combine Totem Treasure~ mud Water Supt. '~ 150.00 Cut off one man from Sanitary Dept. " 65.00 Cut off Water Supts. private phone. " 3.00 Cut off 30 Street lights. " 8V.64 Discontinue work~.ng out water bills. Save approximately 25.00 Make a Guarge of $5.00 for new water connections 25.00 Cut off Casino Salary Save 40.00 Cut Commissioners Salaries to 30.00 ~ 45.00 Cut Police salary vo $100.00 ~ 25.00 Saving Per ~o. ~490.64 Saving Per Yr. ~5,88V.68 Upon motion of Co~nfss!oner Bowen, seconded by Oo~missioner Nutting and duly carried, it was decided that the Co~missioners would confer with Attorneys NeWman T. Miller and J. H. Admms in reference ye ob- taining the services of a To~n Attorney. Cormmissioner Bowen to see ~r. Adams and Commissioner Nutting to see ~. Miller, and report at a Special Meeting to be called for a later date. Thereuoon Mayor Holloway called a Special Nesting for Friday evening, January B, 1932 at V:30 o~clock P. to consider the matter of employing a To~m Attorney. ~ayor H. T. HQllow~ made a motion that Mr. Frank Lo ~uderson be appointed to assume the duties of Town Treasurer, Term Tax Collector and ~¥ater SuperintendS~t at a salary of $125.00 per month. This motion was seconded by Commissioner to a voze, the following vo~e was Bowen and being put ther eon: Conm~issioner Holtoway "Aye" Co.reals sioner Bowen '~Aye~ Commissioner Nutting ~0pposed~ Thereupon the ~ayor declared the motion carried. Con~_,issioner Bowen made a motion that the foregoing appointment take effect as of January 15, Commissioner Holtoway seconded this motion, ~d being put to a vote the followi~ vote was ~d thereon: CO~issioner Hol~mway ~e Commissioner Bowen ~Aye Commissioner Nutting ' 0ppose~ to pass the Com~nissioner Eolloway proposed mdoption of a Resolution followir~ Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 116 AN .0RDiNANCE PROVIDING FOR Ai~ EQUITABLE ~DJ~JST~ENT OF TAXES; REDUCTION OF SPECIAL~ ASSESS~EA~S WITHIN TOWN. ~-HEREAS the Town of Boynton is dna from delinquent taxes an approximate amount of S2_9,401.91 represented by ~axes whzch have been delinquent for several years; and ~.~HEREAS in some instances the Gomm~ssion deems the amo~mt of accumulated texas to be more than is the value of the laud so taxed~ ~nich oaxes include State, County and District taxes, as' well as assessment liens upon some of the lands; and ¥~EREAS by Senate Bill #V36, 1931 Session of the Florida Legislature, the Town is authorized by ordinance ye equitably adjust such taxes and special assessments within said Town; TR~LREFORE~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE T0¥N C0~ISSIONERS of the Town of Boyn~on, Palm Beach County~ State of Florida, pur- suant to Sectio~ 5, S~mate Bill ~36, Laws o£ Florida 1931, that the Commission is authorized to equitably adjust the payment of delinquent taxes on a basis not amounting to discrimination for the year t'9~0 and prior years, provided, however, that the o~wner of said l~nds may pay or redeem said taxes, or tax sale certificates held by the Tov~, on such equitable adjustme~t, conditioned upon the payment of the 19~1 taxes as assessed that year. T~hat the Tow~ Commission of the Tov~ of Boynton shall reduce all special assessments which are represented by ~ssessment liens upon land for improvement work on a basis of fifty per cent. (80%) reduction on all of the streets within said Town, excepting Dixie Highway; that upon Dixie Highway there shall be a thirty per cent. (30%) ~duction of such assessments such redutions to be figured on the amount of principal and interest due as of January Ist, A.D.193~. Upon motion of Co~maissioner Hotloway, seconded by Cammissioner Bo~n and duly carried, the foregoing Ordinance was placed on i~s first reading. The Treasurer read letters from the Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company, and the Centrs~ Farmers~ Trust Company in reference to accounts owed them by the To~na of Boynton. Upon motion of Com~.issioner Hol!ow~y, seconded by Co~imissioner Bowen and duly carried, the Treas~er was instructed to write the aforementioned parties that the Co~ission cannot pay the Town's bills at this time, and can see no way to pay in the near future. The following l~tter was read by the Treasurer: ~The Seaboard~OiiiCompany Jacksonville, Florida ~¥est Palm Beach, Fla. Dec. 28th, 1931. ~. Geo. A. Long, Treas. City of Boynton~ Boynton, Fla. Dear Sir: We are pleased to quote the City of Boynton for six months period on their reouirements of gasoline and motor oil the following price~: The recognized co~ercial discount _~revailing in regard to purchases made tb_ru, service station date of delivery. Present retail price .ES cents~ Present commercial t~ice thru service stations .B1 cents. Tiolene, 100% S~per-Penna. ~otor Oil .GO per qt. Purol Not.or Oil, lO0~ p~ffin base, ~id-Con. Crude per qt. all grades. Thanking you for your inquiry, and trusting that we will have the oleasure of serving you, we remain, Yours very truly, G. T. Keener, Agent.. P.S. Our usual terms of thirty days will apply to the above quotation." Thereupon Co=~issioner Nutting made a motion that The Seaboard Oil Company be given the contract for furnishing gas and oil to the Tova~ in accordance with their letter. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Hoiloway and duly carried. U~on motion of Commissioner Nutting, seconded by Co~m~_issioner Bowen and duly carried, it was agreed to allow ~r. H. R. Farr~am to remain as custodian of the Casino at no cost to the A Resolution to pay claims was aao~tea upon motion of Commissioner Bowen, seconded by Commissioner Nutting and duly c~ried. Ther~_b~ir~ no further business the meeting adjourned. Vice To~ Clerk