Minutes 03-15-32R~EGULAR MEETING OF NARCR 15, 1932
A Regular Neeting of the Board of Town Commissioners
of the Town of Boynton, Florida was held at the Town Hall
on Tuesday evening, March 13, 193~ at ?:30 o~clock P. M.
Present: H. T.
Holloway~ Mayor
~utti~ Vice Eayor
Bowen, Town Clerk
The above constituting the entire Board of Town
Conm~issioners of the Town of Beynton, Florida.
Town Attorney, J. H. Adams was also present.
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 1, 1932,
were read and approved upon motion of Com~.issioner Bow en,
and seconded by Comnlissioner Nutting and duly carried.
The minutes of the Special ~eeting of ~areh l~,
193~, were read end approved u~on motion of Commissioner
Bowen, secohded by Commissioner Holloway and duly carried°
C0~issioner Nutting opposed. / ~ ~ ~/I/~/~
Con~issioner Nutting made a motion that ~r. E. M.
Csmeron's water bill for the period ending Decem?oer t93!~,
be adjusted to'~O,3VO gallons or $V.61 and that all in
excess of that am. cunt be charged off the Town Books. This
consumption being based on the ~mount of water consumed
for bne mohth, after installing a new meter. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Bowen and duly carried.
Commissioner Holloway made a motion that Vice
Mayor Frank Nutting and ~reasurer F. L. Anderson~
figure the amoun~ due the Town from the To¥~ of Boynton
Beac~ for the collection of garbage from January l, 19~l
to date and t~t a bill for same be sent to the Town of
of Boynton Beach.
This motion was seconded by
duly carried.-
Com~missioner Nutting made a motion
be instructed to order 250 ballots to be
Commission Bowen and
that the Treasurer
used in the
Election of Aoril !1, 1932 and that the names of all
candidates who have qualified on or before the 1st day
of April be printed on said ballots.
This motion was seconded by Commissioner Bowen
and duly carried.
Co~issioner Holloway made a motion that per,mission
be granted to the Florida East Coast Railroad to block
the crossing 'at Ocean Avenue for the purpose of repairir~
the sm~e. This motion was seconded by Co=amissioner
Nutting au.d duly carried.
There being no furthe~ business, tlme meeting