Minutes 04-05-32REGULAR ~EET!NG OF ~RIL 5, 1932 A Regular Meeting of the Board of Town Co~alss~ioners, of the ToWn of Boynton, Florida, was held at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, April 5, 1932, at 7:30 o~e!ock P.I~, Present: H. T. Hol!ow~y~ ~ayor Frank Nutting, Vice Mayor The above J. P. Bowen, Tom Clerk J. H. Adams,' Tow~ Attorney constmtutmng the entire Board of Towm ~ammissioners of the Town o£ Boynton, Florida. ~inutes of a Regular ~eeting held March 15, were read and approved upon mmtion of Co~issioner Bowen, seconded by Commissioner Nutting and duly carried. ~inutes of a Special ~eeting held ~areh 25, were re~ ~nd approved upon motion of Co;~nnissioner Nutting, seconded by Cormmissi~ner Bowen and duly carried. Minutes of a Special Meetir~ of April 2, were read and approved upon motion of Cormmissioner ~Bowen, seconded by Commissioner Nuttir~ and d~2y carried. Upon motion of Co=~issioner Bowen, seconded by Commissioner Holloway and duly carried, Auditor Hart was authorized and Lustructed to reverse an entry mede by former Auditor ~. 0. ~inn~ and ye place Account Nc.il08 in the ~o~t of ~$,980.88 back on the Books of the Upon motion of Con~aissioner I~_tting~ seconded by Co~ui~sioner Bowen and duly carried, the follewing resolution was passed and adopted° %~Y~EREAS, t!]ere exists on certain land in the To~rn of Boynton, Florida, ~escribed as: Beginning at a point 16~.9~ South of NE corner of NE~ of SE~ and r~nai~.g South t6~o9~, West ~10.~ north 16~.9~ East to point of ~egiD_uing, Section ~8~ all v~ithin the Town of Boynton~ Florida, certain wreckage~ trash and dAbris, or one or more of such undesirable things; and ~EREAS~ this Co,emission deems it necessary and expedient for the preser%~ation of the public health and safety of the inhabitants of the Town of Bo~nton and for the general welfare of the said To~ that there should be remo~ved from tD~ said land all wreckage, debris and trash; ~nd~ %~REAS~ it appears that the following Company is the owner of the said land, / / '~ Shelby Buford, Agent for Palm Beach- Boynvon Development Co., and ~EREAS, it ap~ears that the following Company is the morvga~ee of the said land, ~lorida Bank & Trust' Co~, as ..Liquidator of The ~merican Bank & Trust Company~ THEREFORE BE IT RESOL~D by the Town Commission of the To~ of Boynton~ Florida, that this Con~ission does hereby direct a~~d require said o-~wners of said lands ~o remove from said properties wreckage, trash and debris, within fifteen days after notice is ser%~ed upon them directing them to do so; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, t~hat if said o~er or morsgagee shall not within fifteen days after notice is served upon ~hem~ directing th? to do so, remove from said pr~pertie~ the thing or things directed and required to be removed, this Com~zission shall cause the same to be removed, and will charge assess and collect the expenses thereof, as a lien ~against the said lend or as a cla~-~ against the owner thereof; and~ BE IT FD~RTHER RESOLYED~ of this Resolution shall be such land or upon the agent that notice and a copy served upon the o~ner of of such owner;or if said owner is non-resident, or cannot be found with_in the Town, and have no known agent or agents within the Town, a copy of said nozice and a copy of this Resolution shall be posted upon said lar~l. Commissioner B[olloway made a motion that the following resolution be adopted. ~YB~RE~, To~m of Boynton RefundLug Bond No. ~6, Series B, Issue of October l, 19~8~ has been redeemed and paid for out of the Interest & Sinking Fund and this s~mount applied on taxes owing to the Town by variOus ~ ax-payer s. N0~f~, T~REFORE BE ~ EESOLVED by the Board of Totem Co~m~_~issioners of ~he To~m of Boynton, Florida, that the Treasurer be inszz~cted, sm.d b_e is hereby instructed to cancel said Town of Boynton Re-~nding Bond No. 46, Series B, I~sue of October l, 1928~ and paste ss~e in The Bond Book. ~nd was This motion was seconded by Co~zmissioner Bowen upon being put to a vote the following vote bad thereon. Commissioner Hoticway ~Ave~? Commissioner Nuttirg Dppd§ed ComMissioner Bowen ~Aye" The Treasurer F. L. figure~ the cost of the garbage co!Iection from January l, 19Gl ftc February 29~ 193B ~ud had estimated the cost for the collection for the Town of Boynton Beach on the basis of cos~ per load~ ~Ynich would amount to a total cost for the fourteen months, the amount of $2~.90, and on the basis of average cost per house served, would amount to a total of $98.8~, for the same p~riod. The Treasurer was instructed ~o t~me these figures before the Commissioners of the To~m of Boynton Beach for their consideration. The following bills were brought up for approval: bills be Payable, ~%nder S On ~ stated that he had F, N. Brown $$0.00 Austin Supply Co. 2.71 R. ~. Hart 90.O0. Crane & Co~ 11.1~ Nept-ome i~leter Co~ 19.40 Alice ~.. Hayden 33.00 Palm Beach ~lerco Co. 3.00 Halsey ~ Griffith,Inc 2.10 Sou. Bell Tel ~ Tel Co. 16~30 J. B. Meredith 1V.SV Fla. Power & Light Co. I~.83 J. H. Adams 500.00 Dixie Garage 37.80 Pla. Power ~ Light Co. 15.19 Seth Futre!! 11.26 Commissioner Bowen made a motion th~ the foregoing approved and entered on the Town Books as Bil~ to be paid when funds are ay&liable. This motion was seconded by Conmlissioner Holloway and duly carried. Commissioner Nutti~ was opposed t~ _~ppr~oving R. ~. Hart~s bill~ Upon motion of Commissioner Holloway, seconded by Co~mlissioner Bowen and unanimously carrie~, the following resolution was passed and adopted~ V~qERE~_S, as on ~Isrch'19, 1938, Gulf Stream Realty Co., paid the 192V Tovn~.. tax on the S~ of S~, East of Rai'lway less that part beginnir~ at the SE corner of the SE¼ of the SW~ of the NE~ of S=ction 4, thence running northerly on the East line of tb~ S?i~ of the NE$ of Section 4, a distance of ~lO feet, West 210 feet, South 210 feet, East ~10 feet to point of beginning, in the amount of $105.00 for which Vim. P. Somerville issued aignat~_~e, of Boynton~ Tax rec8ipt tax receipt No. 1002 over his Which was not accounted for to the Town but what purports vo be a copy of said No. 1002 is issued to Est. of Eahua Allen, S~ D. ~orris, Admo, for the Tovm tax of 192V, on Lot 23, Block l, W. S. Shepard's S/D in the amount of NOW, Ti~REFORE BE IT RESOL~E~ by the Board of Town Commissioners of the To~n of Boynton, Florida, that the above described property o~med by the Gulf Stream Realty Company~ be relieved of this tax on the books of the Town and that that oortion of Tax Sale Certifi- cate No. 2419~ covering ~ne above described property~ be cancel!ed~ and BE IT FURTH~R RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be given to the Gulf Stream Realty Co. Co~nnissioner Nutting brought up the matter of placing a Stop or Caution light at Ocean Avenue and Dixie Highway but no action was taken. A resolution to pay claims was passed and adopted upon motion of Co~muissioner Bowen, seconded b~y Commissioner Holloway and duly carried. Conumissioner Holloway made a motion that Mr. E. A. Price be appointed a Deputy Marshal to act as officer at the election to be held April ll, 1932. ~his motion was seconded by Co~missioner Bowen and unmui'mously carried. There being no further business, the meet im-E adjourned, OATH OF OFFICE I do s~ole~ly swear (or affirm) that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida, against al! enemies, domestic er forei~, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty arid allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled Go hold office under the Constitution s~ud that .I will fait~fully perform all the duties of the office of ~Ak-0E sm_d EX~0FFICIO 0hrE OF THE CONNISSIONEES OF THE TOB~ OF BOYNTON~ PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, on w?~ich I am about to enter, so hello me C~d. ~orn to and subscribed before me this lZt~ day in and feather-Fifth Dist~t of Palm Beach and State of Florida. of April, A. D. 193~.