Minutes 04-21-32I~EE~iS~ OF APRIL 21 1932
card of Town Cor~_~.issioners
was held at the Town
21, 193~ at l0 o clock
present: H. D. Stevens, Mayor
: Frank Nutting, Vice l~ayor
j. p, Bowen, To-~a Clerk
the entire Bos~d of Town
To~ua of Boynton, Fla.
.ed that tb~ meeting was cal!~d
~scussir~ the matt*r of continuing
Hall at its present ioeaziOn and
, business thst might come before
stated to }~!r. Frank Brown
t,~%ite t~ give the Term sm office
of ~loO0 per year but that he
to ~Ir. Bro~-~ that he be given an
some proposal to the To~a re-
discussion, ~r. Brochure made the
Brown would rent, the office now
~wn as a Town Hall, for the sum of
~mmencing ~lay l, 1932~ provided the
.sioners would authorize the
tax bills for the 1931
3, and 4 of The Lawns and also pro-
~-ided that the Board of Town Commissioners would authorize
the issuance of Tax Receipts to him in the amounv of ~450,00,
representing tD~ s~mount of money now due him on account of
rent on the said office now occupied as a Towm Hall.
Commissioner Stevens made a motion that l~r. Brown's
proposivion be accepted. This motion was secor~ed by
Commissioner Nutting and duly carried.
Commissioner Stevens made a motion the5 the
services of R. ~. Hart as Town Auditor be discontinued
as of April 50, i9~2. This motion was seconded by
Co~issioner ~ttir~g and upon be~g put to a vote 5he
following vote was had thereon:
Commissioner Stevens ~e
Commissioner Nutti ~ ~Aye~'
Cormnissioner Bowen Not Vot
Thereupon Ho D. Stevens, as ~iayor declared such motion
to have been carried.
Co~maissioner Nutting made a motion that the To,ma
discontinue uoayir~ R. ~!. Hart $50.00 per day for pro-
fessional witness fee. This motion was seconded by
Cor~missioner Stevens ar~ duly carried.
Co~=aissioner Stevens made a motion that the
services of J. ~. Adams as Town Attorney at $50.00 per
month be discontinued, and that !~r. ~ds~ms continue with
the three co~t cases that he is now working on and that
he be ~oaid the remair~er of his fee due for such court
cases at a la,er 5~te, ~d tb~t if an Attorney is needed
he can be called sfad
This motion was
s_nd du~y carried.
paid =
· or.
seconded by
Commie sioner Nutting
Co~muissionsr Nutting made a motion that tl~e
services of Frsaak L. ~mderson as Tres~_~er,,Ta×
Collector anS_ Water Supv. be discontinued as of
April 30, lg3Z and that J. ?. Bowen be appointed as
Treasurer and Tax Collector, said appointment to take
effect as of May 1, 1932.
This motion was seconded by H. D. Stevens, mud
upon being put to a vote the following vote was had
Not Voting
Commissioner Stevens [Aye'~
Commis si oner Nutt lng ~Aye ~
Commissioner Bowen ~0Dposed~
Commissioner Stevens made a motior_ that Miss Nannie
Lou Richardson be appointed as De?~t~y Town Clerk, Deputy
Tax Coliector~ Deputy Treasurer. This morion was seconded
by Commissioner Nutting and upon being put to a vove the
following yore was b~d thereon:
Conuuis sioner St'evens
Co~is sioner Nutting
Corrals si oner Bowen
be rescinded. This motion was seconded
Nutting mad upon being put to a vote the
was had thereon.~
Commie sioner Stevens
Cormuissioner Nutt ir~
Comuis si o net Bowen
by Commissioner
following vo~e
Not Vo t~_ug
Commissioner S~evens made a motion, that tb~
motion made and passed at the ~egular ~eeting of April
19th, 1932, regarding the Election of a Board of Advisors
at a Mass Meetim~ to be held at the Womans~ Club Tuesdsy
evening, April 26th, 1932 by the freeholders of the
Commissioner Stevens made a motion that a Board of
~ssessors be elected at a ~ass ~eeting to Oe held at the
~omans~ Club on Tuesday ~v~uing April 26, 1952 at 8 o~clock
P. Mo This motion was seconded by Comm~ sion~r Nutting sad
upon berg ~ut zo a vote the
vote was ~ad ~erv=o~~.
Commissioner Stevens ~Aye'~
Commissioner Nutt~ag ~AYe"
CommissioD~r Bowen Not Voting
Thsre being no Further busL~ess the meet~m_g
/ Mayor