Minutes 04-26-32MEETING APRIL 25~ 1932
A Mass Meeting of the Freeholders of the Town of
Boynton held au the Womans~ Club Tuesday evening April
26~ 1932 ay 8 o~clock P.M. ~
Shelby 'Buford was elected Chairman and Prsa~k L.
Anderson, Secretary of the Heetir~.
Mayor Ho D. Stevens stated that the meeting was
called for the purpose of electing a Beard of Assessors
To re-assess the property of the Towm of Boy nton~
Co~nissioner J. P. Bowen suggested that the Board
comsist of six menToers and that the Board so chosen shon!d
choose a seventh person to act
Mr. George Seegitz made a
Appraisers consist of seven as
as Ca=lrm~n of the Boer d,
motion t.hat the Board of
suggested by Cormmissioner
Bowen. This motion was seconded and duly carried,
~vor Stevens stated tb~t the duties of the Board
woul~ be
Ers. T~
devided into
Board be
appraise and equalize assessed values of all
in the Town.
A, New!an made a motion that tbs Town be
six sections ~ud that one member of the
elected from each Section, the Section to be
as follows:
No. 1
No. 8 -
Between ~_ae Plorida Inland
Canal ~o the F±ormda EasL
North of Ocean Avenue ~
Coast Railroad
Between the Florida inland Navigation
Canal and Florida East Coast Railroad
South of Ocean Avenue.
No. 3 - Between Florida East Coast Railroad
and Green Svreet North of Ocean Avenue.
No. 4 - Between Florida East Coast Railroad
and Green Street South of Ocean Avenue.
No, 5 - West of Green Street and North of
Ocean Avenue to Town Limits,
No. 6 - West of. Green Street and SouTh of Ocean
Avenue to Term Limits.
This motion was seconded and
No, 1 - Mr. C. O. Miller was
I. Metion made, seconded ar~
be closed. Mr. C. O. Miller elected from No~
No. 2 - Mr. Wm~ Bonner~ Fred Benson and
were nominated from Section No.
Notion made, seconded and
The voting was by
duly c~ried.
nominated for Section
carried tb~t nomination
J. B. Meredith
nomination be
show of hands of -&_aich there
counted twenvy-six for ¥~_~ Bonnet, eleven for
six for J, B. Meredith. Thereupon ~r. V~m. Bonnet was
declared elected from Section No. ~.
No, 3. ~rs. Estella McKs~ was nominated from
Section No. 3.
~ot~on made, ~econded ~ud carried nomination 'ce
closed and uoon a show of hands, Mrs. Estella ~cKay was
declared elected from Section No. 3.
No; ~ ~r~ George See~itz a~ H, B. M,~r~y, Sr.
that nomination
were nominated from Section No. 4.
~otion made, seconded smd Ohrried
be closed.
Upon a show of hands there were thirty-three counted
for George Seegitz sa~d fourteen for H. B. ~itu~ray, St.
Thereupon i~Ir, Geo_ge Se?gitz was dectarad elected
from Section No. ~.
No, 5 !~r. C. F. Kna. th, ¥~m. ~enzel m~d S. P. Adams
wera nominated from Section No. 5.
~Iotion made, seconded and carried nomination ce
Upon a show of k~ds there were counted for C, F.
~nutk twenty-four~ Wm. ~ienzel nine, S. P. Adams, ~en.
Thereupon ~r. C. F. ~mauth was decided elected from
Section So. 5,
No. S ~. R, O. I~{yers ~_d C~s, Senior were
nominated from Section No. 8. ~,~. R. 0. Syers requested
that his n~e be stricken as he would not be able to
serve if elected.
~otion made~ seconded amd carried that nomination
be closed.
Upon a show of hands, ~{r, Chm~tes Senior was
declared elected from Section No, 5.
~iayor Stevens stated that he would call a Special
~ieeting of the Board of Totem Co~issioners~ Mond~
evening, !vIay 2, 193~ at 8 o~c!ock P. M. for the purpose
of meeting with the Appraisal Bo~d to discuss s~d pl~
their work and duties.
Upon motion made,
was adjourned.
secondeU~~/carried the meetinm