Minutes 05-03-32A REGUL.%R MEETING OF }~.Y 3~ 1'932
A Rega~ 21eet~_ng, of the Bo~d of Town
of th8 Term of Boynton, ~Florida, was held at
on Tuesday evening,
the Term Hall
May 3, 19~2, at 7:30 o~c!0ck P. M.
Present: H. D. S~evens, ~ayor
Frar~ Nutting, Vice Ms, or
J. P. ~owen, Town Clerk
The above constituting the entire Board of Town
Commissioners of the To¥~ of Boym_ton, Florida.
The ~inutes of the Regular ~eeting held April 19~ 1932
were read mud approved upon motion of Cozm~issioner Nutting,
seconded by Commissioner Bowen and duly carried.
The ~inutes of the Special Meeting of April 21, 1932
were read and approved by motion of Co..~z~.issioner Nutt~g,
seconded by Con~issioner Stevens and duly c s_~ried.
Commissioner Nuttim~ made a motion that Ordinance
1!8 entitled ~ Ordinance of the Tov~_ of Boyn~on~
Ps!m Beacb£ County, Florida,
0rdir~nce No. 1 o~ the To~m of
its second s_~d final reading.
sz~ending Section 2 of
Boynton~, be placed on
This motion was seconded
by Conn~..issioner Stevens and upon being put to a vote
the follow~ vo~e was had thereon:
Co~u~is sioner Stevens ~Aye ~
Co~ais sioner Nut v_ng ~&ye~
Co~r~issioner Bowen Not Voting
Stevens as ~{ayor declared such motion
have been carried and Ordinance #118 received its second
and fina!'reading~
Cor~rlissioner Nutting made a motion that
Ordinance No. 119 entitled "~An Ordinak~ce of the Toz~ of
Boymton, in P~m Beach County, Florida, _~.ending Section
5~ of Ordinmnce No. 2~ of the Town of Bo~nton~ be placed
om its second and f~at'reading. This motion was seconded
by Co~missiomer Stevens smd upon being pu~ to a rove the
following vote was ~d
Commissioner Stevens '~Aye
Cormmissioner Nutting ~Aye
Co~issionem Bowen Not -Voting
Thereupon H. D. Stevens as ~ayor declared such
motion to ~ve been carried and Ordinance ~i19 received
its ~econd a~_ final reading.
Commissioner Nutting n~de a mo~ion that
Ordinance No. i20 entitled "~ Ordinmuce of the Tov~ of
Boynton, in Palm Beach
of Ordinance No. 3, of the Town of Boynton~, be placed upon
its second and final readim~. This motion was seconded by
Commissioner Stevens and upon being put to a vote the
following vove was b~d thereon:
Core. is sione r Svever,_s ~Aye~
Commissioner Nutting ~Aye
Commie sionor Bowen Not Voti~
Thereupon H. D, Stevens as ~iayor declared such
motion to ~have been carried and Ordinaucs ~120 received its
second and final reading~
Co~uissioner Nutting made a motion that i~r, James
be issued receipted water bills~ sm~e to be charged against
the amount owed him by the Town for gas mud oil furnished.
This motion was seconded by Co~missioner Bowen ar~ duly
carried o
The followir~ letter was read:
~To the Honorable Board of Tov~ Commissioners,
Boynvon ~ Plori~l~.
In regard so the motion made at a Special ~eeting of
April ~lst, which appointed me Deputy To~m Clerk, Deputy
Tax Collector and Deputy Treasurer, I wish to th~k you for
yo~ confidenoe in my ability to handle the office alone.
~ith almost five years experience in this office I do
not feel that this can be accomplished by one person entirely,
since ~ ~has always required two people rego~larly, and at
intervals extra help.
There are certain duties of tb~ Treasurer that I have
never entered into and know nothing about. The main thing
being certain books always kept by the Treasurer that. require
a knowledge of double entry bookkeeping. D. ny auditor or
bookkeeper will tell you that there is a certain amount of
training necessary before one could st~t in keeping a:~set of
books of this nature~ therefore I do not feel that I c~re to
take the responsibilities of this off~ice alone under such
D~s~inE the s~mmer has always been the busiest season of
this office since at that time the new Tax Roll is made up
and the tax costed to the ~ardex file and bills mailed out to
the taxpayers. If I have an early start and have few in-
ter~.ptions I cmn do this work without any help, otherwise
it is necessary to have help to finish the work ay the
proper time. This summer will be wor~s~ t~n ever, since
the 1931 Tax Roll will no doubt have to be figured over
again owing to the ~it brougb~ by one of the bondholders
having raised the mitlage;
The leS8 Tax Roii also to be started before long will
take a longer time so complete if the contemplated changes
of assessed valuations are made. '~ith all this work coming
up and with entirely new work to tgke over, together with
the duties that has always been m? work to carry out~ I feel
that it is soo much to expect?of one person, however so prove
~ sincere desire to coooerate with the Co~ission in every
way that i possibly can and respecting their e,very effort
to e~tabiish more economy~ i would like to suggest what I
feel i ~..u willing ~ud able to do.
~mploy someone to keep the books ~ad attend the
Co~,~ission Meetings and I will do all the rest for a sala~'~y
to be mutually agreed upon by us.
If the Commission sees fit to accept my suggestion,
I sP~ll be willing and ready to serve to the bess of my
ability, or if my suggestion is not ag~eeaole, then to
undertake ye work out a sysvem mutually satisfactoz~y.
Respectfully yo-~s,
(Signed) Nannie Leu Riehardson~
Commissioner Stevens made a motion that the letter
be tabled. This motion was seconded by Commissioner
Nutting and duly
The fotlowiug letter was read:
Honorable Board of
Boynt on, ~-lor i da
~Boynton, Florida
May 3, 1952
C ~diQ1 S S 1 one r s
Should you find that it is not pessible for
~1iss Richardson to do all the work that you have pisnned
that she should do, i v~;ould like ye make the following
That i attend the Regular Co-.~m~ission ~eetir~r~s and
writs up the minutes ready to be typed and that I kesp
the books of the Town ay my own convenience~ provided
however tb~v I keep each mon~hs entries posted promptly~
if yo~r Honorable Board is interested in t~e above
proposition I would be glad to do this '~,~ork for a rea-
sonable salary which vould be mutually agreeable°
This letter was tabled
Yours very t:~ly,
Frank L. Anderson~
to be considered later..
The letter from ~r. ~. D~ Carmichael which was
tabled ay the l~st Regular Meeting was brought up.
The ma~te_~ ~ was discussed by a number of tax-payers
who were present~
~[r. R. M. Hart was present s~d read a part of the
cont~ ~
~-~c~ that was entered into with the i~ite COnstruction
Company by the Town
~r. Hast left Photo Static copies of this contract
and. preliminaz~.~ estimates of vhe cost of the Street Im-
provement covered by the contract witln Mayor H. D. Stevens,.
whibh Eayor Stevens agreed to ret~n to !~. Hart.
Mr. Joe Hatless/that there was a petition being
circulated asking the CoF~ission ye continue the suit
against the ~quite Const~mctien Comp~ay but that the
petition was no~ yet ready to be prssented ~b the Commission.
~Y-,~. Hatless asked Mayor Stevens if this petition was si~ed
by a majority of the resident freeholders, would he be
guided by their request? ~ayo? Stevens stated that he
would not, but =~ =
~a~ he
Conm~itt®e and would ~e
him in the mattes.
Thereuoon ~s_yor Stevens a_ "~ ~--~ ·
Dpoznoed J. j. ~lmll~s~
R. L. Owen, H. B ~
- ~urray, Fred Benson~ R. O. ~[yers amd
Walter L~man.
Upon motion
uOn~lSelo~er Stevens
waso~o~n~ ~ 5o appoint an Advisory
~oided by the advise they gave
of Co~nissioner Bowen,
and duly carried, a
pay claims was adopted.
seconded by
resolution to
The following bills were brought ,ap for
Austin Supply Co. ~ 2.15
De!ray Beach News 18.00
Halsey ~ Griffith~inc 4.~5
Sutciiffe~e 1.00
Fie. Power ~ Light Co. 201.76
Sou.Bell Tel & Tel Co. 18.85
Dixie Garage 35.21
Coca, missioner £owen made a motion tha~ the foregomn==
bills be envereo_ on ~he Term books as accel_uts payable
to ce paid when funds were available. ~m~is motion was
eeconded ly Co~m_issione? Nutting and duly carried.
Mr. R. M. Hart called the CoP~issionere attention
the fact that he had been employed by the To~n for
period o£ one year and that he had a Contract to nhst
There being no
yeare was not yet us.
further bl~siness~ the meeting