Minutes 05-11-32SPECIAL ~j~ETING OF ~,~Y 11, 1932
! Special Meeting of the'Board of Town
of the Tov~m of Boynton, Florida,
Monday AfternoOn, May II, 1~32,
was held at the Tov~ Nal!~
at i o~c!ock P. N-
H, D. Stevens~ i~ayor
Frank Nutting, Vice ~ayor
~ p. Bowen, To~vn Clerk
The above constitut~g the entire Board of Towh
Co~nissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida.
Co~aissioner Stevens called the meeting to order
an~ szazed tMat the m~eting had been called for the
purpose of settling the matter of tlue ?a~ite Conszruction
Company suit.
The following letter was ~ead~
~May 10, 19~
To tlme Honorable ~layor,
Town of Boynton, Florida.
At a Nieeting of the ~ay~r~s Advisory Oo~m_ittee to take
final action on the ouestion of catty,ag the case of tlae
Town of Boynton ~ers~s the ~hite Conszruction Company to
the Court of Appeals az New Orleans. A ballot was taken
and three voted for s_~_d three s~aius~.
Respectfully submitted,
H. B. Murray,St
R. L. Owen
kf~er a lengtt~y discussion~
made a motion thsD the Attorneys be
conomn~ the law suit of the ~?nite
Octopi ssiom_er Stevens
instructed to dis-
Consvruction Company
as tkhe To,ua would not pay any more ~.~oz~ey ~oward carrying
~' 5_ed this
this suit om to a higher Court. b~r. Nu~mr~ secon
motioh and upon being put to a vote the following vote
was had thereon~
Comnuis si oner Nutting ~Aye~
Commissioner Bowen ~No"
The following telegram that was tabled at a Special
Meeting of May 9~ 1932 was re-read mud open again for.
Jacksonville, Fla.
~ga¥ 5, 1932.
~layor and Tov~n Commission
Boynton, Fla.
Ridgeiand Corporation suit will be dismissed upon payment
of forty two h~m~dred fifty dollars now in your interest
sinking fund for lien certificate coupons other wiss
present suit v~lt be expedited to conclusion.
Francis D. %%~eeler~
After some discussion ~r. Bowen stated that he was
opposed to payi~ the money~ thereupon Corm~issioner Stevens
made a motion that the ~atter be tabled until the Town
Commzss_on received a Co,mt Order to pay bhe m~_ey.
Nuttin~ seconded this ms,ion end same was do_!y carried~
The fol!owim~ letter was read:
~Boynton, Pla.
April 8~ 1938.
Hon. Board of To~ Cor~z~issioners
Boynt on, Fla.
Des~ Sirs
The members of the Boynton ~omans' C!J~ votsd to go
on record as protesting the mrecting of any unsi~htiy
building on the Florida East Ooast plot. They prefer tbmt
the site be maintained as a Park as a part of the bea~t~',
fication in the To~m's plans.
Dorothy Shepperd,
Ocr. Sec.~
Upon motion of Cozsr..lissioner Bowen~ seconded by
Co~mlissioner Stevens s~d du. ty carried, the above letter
was accepted ~nd ordered placed on file.
Co;.~issioner Stevens made a motion that the er%eloyees
receive their pay check twice each montla instead of monthly.
~is motion was seconded by Cor~issioner Bowen and duly
Co:n~issioner Stevens brou~t um the matter of setting
the salary of ~. }~{. H. Partitas' newly appointed Police a~d
Wa~ser Superintendent. Y~ter discussing the matter a motion
wa~ m~de by 3o~missioner Stevens, seco~_ed by Co~missioner
Nutting a~ad duly carried that ~,~ir. Pamtin receive for his
se~zices ~i25.O0 per month beginning ~Is.y 16.~ 193~ and his
salary from ADri! 20~ through ~,{ay 15, be based on ~)100.00
per month. ~]r. Partin also to be furnished gas, oil and
repairs for the a~s~tomobile.
Tiesre bei~ no f~ther business, the meeting adjo~.rned.
' - Totem Clerk