Minutes 05-25-32SPECIAL ~EETING 0P }~2£ 85, 1938 A Special Meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton~ Florida, was held at the Term Hall on Wednesday evening~ Nay 25~ 1938, at 6 o~clock P. lM. H. D. Stevens, Mayor Prank Nutting, Vice ~ayor J. P. Bowen, Tov~ Clerk The. above constituting the entire Board of Town Cormnissioners of the Town of Boynton~ Florida. The Meeting was called by 2~ayor H. ~. Stevens to discuss the payment of money to the Ridgeland Corporation for interest and principal on Lien Certificates held by them and to transact any other business that might come oezo~e meeting. The following letter was read: ~May 23~ 1938. To The ~ayor and Co~mission of the Town of Boynton, Bop~o~ Florida. Re: Ridge!and CorpOration vs. TowN~ of Hearing on this matter before the Honorable Co Eo Chi!lingworth was had on Wednesda¥, the ~Sth. As a result of his ru!Lugs, ~faich were to the effect that RidgeE~ld Corooration could not have applied to the p~$~e~t of ~their certificates any amounts !evisd for the yesm 1929~. but that they could ~d were entm~_~d to tb~t pro .a~a portion levied for 1930 no'w ~ the treasu~ of said town for the purpose of paying interest and sinking fund on bonded indebtedness. In other u'ords, Ridgeiand Corporation is entitled to the amount levied smd collected for the year 1930 but not that levied and collected for 1929. Therefore~ it will be neeesssry for you all to separate these amounts before I can further plead/or re,ch an agreed a~ouht, notifying me of such agreed amomut s.o that I mi~{ht make a return that same is availab!s for paymen~ ~ all of vfnieh must be done on or before tbs 88th day of this mont~l. Tm ast~g tmat motion was have made myself clear, ! am, Respectfully, J. H. Adams (Signed) J.H~-~d~as ~de by Co~_ssmoner Nuut_ng, and seconded by Co~nissioner Bowen ar~ duly carried, that the Town ~y out of its Interest and Sim~ing Fund the sum of Four Thousand Two i{un~ed amd Fifty (~250.00) Doilars, for interest and principal on Lien Certificates held by the Ridgeiand Corporation. Letters were read from Roxie igri~at and Arlene req~u~sting t~ payment A motion Co~ission of which to was made by Coil~.i ssioner ~ ~+ = Nuo~ng, and be tabled. There per~l~ them vo work for t~e be applied on their~aver bills. Co~r~aissioner Bowen, ssconded by duly carried t~hav ~ ~e letters being no ~_~o~ oher business the meeting adjourned.