R00-057 RESOLUTION NO. R00-,.,4"~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING A RATE INCREASE FROM $1.00 PER EQUIVALENT RESIDENTIAL UNIT (ERU) TO $6.00 PER ERU FOR ALL IMPROVED PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY TO PROVIDE NECESSARY FUNDING FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF THE CITY'S STORMWATER SYSTEM; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Article VII, Chapter 26 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances provides for the imposition of stormwater fees upon all improved properties within the City for services and facilities provided by the stormwater management. WHEREAS, Article VII, Chapter 26-403 (b) currently provides a monthly charge of $1.00 per ERU for all improved properties within the City of Boynton Beach. WHEREAS, Section 26-403 (b) also provides that the City Commission may, from time to time, by Resolution amending the monthly ERU charge established. WHEREAS, based upon the justification provided by the City's consulting engineer in a report dated March 15, 2000, and the outcome of the City Commission's Workshop held on April 17, 2000, an increase in the monthly stormwater utility fee from $1.00 per ERU per month to $6.00 per ERU per month is necessary. WHEREAS, the City Commission of Boynton Beach, upon the recommendation of staff deems it to be in the best interest of the City and its residents to increase the rate to $6.00 per ERU per month in order to efficiently operate and maintain the stormwater management system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida hereby approves an increase in the monthly stormwater utility fee from $1.00 per ERU per month to $6.00 per ERU per month. billing. Section 2. The increase shall be effective the next full cycle of the utility Section 3. passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon day of May, 2000. ATTEST: Cit~ Clerk CITY O~BOY~O~I B,,~CH, FLORI~DA Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tom ~2~mmissi°ner/ DRAFT TABLE CITY OF BoyNTON BF..AcH, FLORIDA 8TORMWATER, WATER AND WASTEWATER ENTERPRisE FUND RATE STUOY PROJECTION OF STORblWATER 8¥STEM REVENUES, EXPENDITURE8 AND CA&H FLOWS WFTH RATE ADJUSTMF-I~T Item 1999 Revenues: Total Charges for ~lervicea (2) I~e~ ~rningl 81,~9 Mml~ R~enu~ 0 Op~ Tra~/e~ ~ ~m 8an~ Net R~enu~ (~41 A~nual P~e ~ & Sed~ 2~ R~, ~d PUn & In~ To~l ~nu~ Pr~n=t~l & N~ Rev~uel A~r Oa~ Tmn~em to Ran, R~I. & Improvement Fund (~ O Ml~r cap,al Ou~ (8) ., 107~q~ N~ Reven~es A~bie ~ O~er Parp~ (~) ~mul~lve SunUP(Delhi[) (10) , ~s~sl Year ..__... Pro acted .... · ..2C~O1 2002 2003 2004 $1~104.789 $I ,B27,000 $1 48,000 97,000 ~5,0C~ 94,000 M.00O $440,861 $440,8~1 $888'.1~? $883,879 $B55,8t0 $976,104 '$789 568 ( 60 696 $1 2;31 180 $1 ~ 742 St 640 33 $1 643 207 ; 76G~68 I 7 2G $2~81444 443518 ,~aOTG.q24'~ $7918730 ,fl) Takerl from Table 5-7, axcept where oeheru~a n~t~. [2) A~meg ~ a~em from $1.C0 par mon~ ~r ERU to $3,00 per month per ERU, :~ Taken ~em Table 4~. ~4) Tarn ~m T~Ie 4~. (5) E~l~d ~ ~qe~re ~ m~m~e d~ ~P~t~ ~p~ ~ert. ~ Equil N~ R~u~ d~ ~ T~i ~n~l P~ & ~n~. (~ A I ~ter my~ e~dilur~ a~ ~et~ one Pro~eO aa e~er ou~ e~e~ or ~1 (~ ~1 Year 1~ ~k~ ~ Table ~1; ~s~ y~ 2~0 ~en from TabE 4-2. ~o~ ~1Y~ 2~. ~ue~ amoan~ equal the average valu~ for Rs~l Ye~ l~g a~ 2000, h~r~e~ ~ 3.0~& ~n~]N f~ Inflat;on. (9) Equals N~ R~u~ ~r ~ ~ ~s T~na~r~ m R~, E~laeeme~ & tradesmen: Fu~ (10) Equals Cumul~Jve s~l~(Defimt) from prat Y~r prus Net Rev~u~ A~lllble lot ~h~ Pumoe~ In cu~ y~r. Rat~_Studl/.xlw Secti~ 6 4/28/00:8;35 AM ]~V-CONSENT AGENDA ]:TEM C.3 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT CITY MANA INTER-DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: April 28, 2000 Kurt Bressner, City Manager Dale S. Sugerman, Assistant City Manager Alternative Rate Scenarios for May 2nd City Commission Meeting Attached you will find 3 charts showing the' Stormwater Utility cash flow when using an ERU rate adjustment of $3.00 per ERU per month, $4.00 per ERU per month, and $5.00 per ERU per month. As you can see, in all three scenarios, the system's cash flow is negative throughout the five years of the projections. You will see that the negative cash flows range from a Iow of just over $ 9 million dollars to a high of nearly $24 million dollars. I will be in attendance at the City Commission meeting on Tuesday evening to answer any questions that may come up on these charts, or any other issues associated with the proposed stormwater utility rate adjustment. Dale S. Sugerman Assistant City Manager cc: John Guidry, Utility Director DRAFT TABLE $.1 ~TY OF I~OYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA STCRMWATER, WATER AND WASTEWAI'~R ENTERPRISE[ FUND RATE STUDY PROJECTION OF STORMWATER SYSTEM REVENUES? EXPENDITURES AND CASH FLOW& WITH RATE ADJUSTMENT 5/!/00 1999 2000 Total Charge~ for Servi;e~ (2) $581,527 $1.3~li,877 $2,~18,0(:10 $2.4e0.000 Interest [arninge 81 ,~ 46,(3C0 ~?.0OO Misc, ellaneeua Rev~uea O 0 O 0 Ol~rating Tranlfem In from Sanitarian 331703 33~703 34.000 34,000 Total Revenues $703,1e9 $1,4,37,~680 ,;;Z,5$¥:~X3 Total Cun'en! (Operating) Expe~ees (3) $$44,768 ,Sl/l,94,715 $1~:325~000 Nee Revenue~ ($24:,59&) ;2,42,8c~ $1,242,0i23 $1,022.0~0 Annul Pnncimd & ;ntere~ Exisbng '~0tal P~inc;pal 8, In,emit (4) ~eriee 2~00 Rev. Bonel Prin. & Intere~ TOtal Annual flrin,;iaal & Interest Dab? &a~ee Cevaraee: (~ (0.548) 0.30~ 0.717' Net ~qevenueJ After Debt Service ($$$2,45g) (~557,9gE} ($4eg.1B0) ($701,74~) T.'ansfart to Rml. Repl. & Improvement Fund (7) 0 13 0 Minor Capital OuJtJy~ (il) 107,109 t,,~1,E12 133j(X~O Net Revenuea Available fo~ Other Purlao~es (g) Cumulative $~rl=lue/(Deflelt) (10) 341~00 34r000 $2,612,000 $2,630,000 $1,775,000 $I $837,00D $63g,OCX3 $4~.MI ~kto,a&l .eAi85,037 0 360100O 645,143 630,863 S'4401661 ~e~9--qOrE~l ,~1 t731 180 $1,723~742 $78~ ~ 09808 ~"22 180 1~838 742 ~ 019337 1216,20 S789 568 l. I 49~ 17 2 121 350 2.96Q 098 9 4,3 E 195 842 (1] T~en kern Table 5-7', ex=ep~ where ome~e n~t~. ~) .~met an adJ~tme~ from SI.Q0 ~r month ~r ERU te $4,00 per month per ERU, (3) 7t~n/rom Tab~ ~ f~ Eq~ Net R~u~ ~d~ by T=~I ~n~l P(n~l~l & I~. r =- P J · · ~er r~e~ e~ns~ or ~1 ,e) le~ Ym~ 1~ ~km ~m Table 4-t~ F~a~I Y~r 2~0 t~en fm~ Table ~ ~v.~a ~ ......... ~ - 2 o. ~g) Earls Net R~u~ A~er ~ 6e~ ~ Tm~m to ~ene~l, Repl~ee~ & Im~revemem Fun~ '~ Minor ~p~l Outlays, ~10) E~ll Cumul~ Su~O~ ~am pnor y~r ~ Net R~enu~ A~l~bfe ~r ~h~ Pu~ in ~u~ ~r. Rate_&tudy. xlt Section 6 4125/00;8:36 AM DRAFT TABLE &t CITY OP' ~OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA STORMWATER, WATER AND WA~TEWATER ENTERPRISE FUND RATE STUDY PROJEC~ON OF STORMWATER S¥STE~! REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CASH FLOWS WITH RATE ADJUSTMENT 5/1/00 Floral I~ern lade 2cx)o 2cx)1 2cx32 =(303 ' ' 2004 Total current ~OPe~lng) F. xpar~as (3) .~mual Prif3~iDBt & F_..flstlng Total Prmeipai & Interest (4) Series 2C)~0 Rev, Bond Prin. & Total Annual Fr!nelPll & Interem ~bt Sa~:e _C~ N~t Revenues At~r Oe~ Se~ Transfers to Ran, Real. & Improvement Fuqd (73 MIr4~r Ca~ll~l Outlays Net Revenues Available for Ot~er P~rposes Cumulatlw Surplua!(Deflclt) (10) $~44,788 $1 ,!04,715 $1,325tCX30 51 ;S$?~0~O $1 ;77-J';, .~.O $1 ,agl,000 ($241 ,~$) 5493,9~3 (1) TaI~I~ from Table $-7, ex~ept where ¢~henates (2) A~mss an a~us~ lmm $1.~ ~r m;n~ ~ ERU ~ $5.00 per month per ERU, a~ w~o, (3) Ta~ ~ T~e ~, (4) TB~ from T~ ~. (~ 5a~ N~ Rev~u~ ~ ~ To~ Annual P~nelpal & (~ N~ i~et~ sy~m e~dltur~ am bu~g~ed a~ pmj~ es eater G~t e~en~J or ~81 ~pond~. (8) ~1Y~ le~ ~k~ from Ta~e ~; ~ Y~r ~ t~n fr~ T~le ~2, 8~ee ~e~l Y~ 2000. ~emge ~la~ for ~l~l Y~ 1~ end 2~, ~r~a bY 3,0% inn~l~ for ink. n. ~ ~ls N~ R~nuaJ A~r ~ 8~ J~ TmnJ~re le Ren~, RJpIJ~ & I~me~ Fund !~ ~1~) E~als Cum~a~ve Su~(B~) ~m pnm y~r ~ Ne ~e~nu~ A~ileble ~r ~h~ Pu~ In ~enJ ~r. R~te_St~dy.~l~ Se~Jo~ 6 4/2B/00:8:38 AM DRAFT TABLE 6-1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA STORMWATER, WATER AND WASTEWATER ENTERPRISE FUND RATE STUDY PROJECTION OF STORMWATER SYSTEM REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CASH FLOWS WITH RATE ADJUSTMENT 5/1/00 F~I Year Actual A~ljusted P_...~[~.ected Item 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 .Revenues: (1) Total Charges for Services (2) Interest Earnings Mlecallaneous Revenues Operating Transfem in from Sanitation Total Revenues Total Current (Operating) Expenses (3) Net Revenues Annual Principal & Interest: Existing Total Principal & Interest (4) Series 2000 Rev. Bond Prin. & Interest (5) Total Annual Principal & Interest Debt Service Coveraqe: Net Revenues After Debt Service Transfers to Ren. Rebl. & Improvement Fund (7) Miner Capital Outlays (8) Net Revenues Available for Other Purposes (9) Cumulative Surplua/(Deficit) (10) $587,527 $1,858,054 $3,654,000 $3,690,000 $3,726,000 $3,762,000 81,959 48,000 97,000 95,000 94,000 88,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~,703,189 $1,939,756 34,000 34,000 34 000 $3,785,000 $3,8~[~:~r~a~;~ii[~~ $.944,788 $1..._.~.,lg4,715$1,325,000 $1,567,000 $1,775,000 $1,ggl ,000 ($241,598) $745,042 $2,4.60,000 $2,252,000 - $2,07g,000 $1,893,000 $440,861 $440,861 $886,037 $883,879 0 360,000 _P,4. __~, 143 839,863 $440.861 -.-~JO0_ ,861 $1,731,180 $1,723,742 (0.548) o.g30 1.421 1.306 ($682,459) ($55,81g) $728,620 $528,258 0 0 0 0 107,109 151,612 133,000 137,000 :~885,910 $976,104 829,427 734,103 $1,715,337 $1,710,207 1.212 1.107 $363,663 $182,793 0 0 141,000 145,000 ($78g.568) ($207,431) $5__c~5,820 $391.258 $223.663 $37,793 ($789.568) ~q97,000 ~,~,01,179 $9,921 $212,741 $250,535 (1) Taken from Table 6-7, excedt where othenvies noted. ~ (2) Assumes an adjustment from $1.00 per month per ERU to $6.00 per manth per ERU, effective 5/1/00. (3) Taken from Table 4-3. (4) Taken from Table 4-6. (5') Estimated by und~ to maximize debt capacity with proposed adjustment. (6) Equals Net Revenues divided by Total Annual Principal & Interest. (7) All eton'nwater system expenditures are budgeted and projected as either current expenses or capital expenditures. (8) F'~cal Year 1999 taken from Table 4-1; Fiscal Year 2000 taken from Table 4-2. Beyond Fiscal Year 2000, annual amounts equal the average values for Fiscal Yearn 1999 and 2000, increased by 3.0% annually for inflation. (9) Equals Net Revenues After Debt Sen~ice less Transfers to Renewal, Replacement & Improvement Fund less Minor Capital Outlays. (10) Equals Cumulative Surplus/(Deficit) from prior year plus Net Revenues Available for Other Purposes in current year. Rate_Studyads Section 6 3114/00;1:58 PM