Minutes 09-20-32 A Ro~la~ !~eeting of the Board cz~ To~wo~ Oor~m~ssionems of
Tovm of Bo~to~% Florida~ ~as h~id at tb_~ To~ Hall on
T-o. esday evening, Sept 20~ t932 at 7:30 o~olook
Present: H.D. Stevens, i,~!s_yor
Frm~k N~.tt ing~
J. P. Bow*n, Tov~
The above constituting, the e~tire Board of Tovm Con~issio~ers
of tD_e To~n of Boynton~ Florida.
THe :~:im~3.tss of the Re~o. lar ~[eeti~ held Se~t V~ 1932
read and approved ~.pon 2~[otion made by ]oz~Issionor .!~utting~
secor, ded by Co~m~Issioner Bowon aD_d d~aiy ca~ried.
The ~din-o~tss of the Special 2~[eeti;ag held Sept 12~
read and approved upon Liotion made by Coz~uissioner !~uttir~
s~conded by Commissioner B~vsna ~%d d~aly carried.
Cozmmissioner Bo~;fen z~de a ~,~otio~ tlm~t the following
resoFo~tior, be adopted~
~f~RAS, To~mm of Boynton Refv~diz~g~ Waterworks and Street
Bonds Nos~ 19~ 20 and 21~ issue, of October Ist~ 1923 and
To%~ of Bo~ntom Refunding Bond No. &5~ Series B~ Ess~_e of
0ctobe~ 1928 hays been ~ eaeemed and t~is a mou~ot ~lmed ~ad/o~
to be applied om taxes owing to the To~;~ by various t~xpayems.
NOW~ 7~0RE BE ET RESOL~D by the Board of Town
Co~missionems of the Tovm of Boynto~ Fiorida~ that
Treasurer be imstrv, cted, and he hereby is instrmcted to cancel
said Tov,m of Boynton Refv~ding, Waterworks and Street Bonds Nos.
i9~ ~0 ~nd 2t~ issue off October Ist~ 1923 and Rwon off Boynton
pa~t~ s~.~ ~ cored book, l~Y
This Motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutting and upon
bei~ put to a vote, the followin~ vote was had thereon:
Commissioner Stevens, "AYE"
Commissioner Nutting "AYE"
Commissioner Bowen ~ AYE~
O~dinance No. 121 bet~ "AN ORDINANCE OF THE TO'~N OF BOYAW~ON,
read for the first time.
The foll~wim~ letter was read:
Palm Beach Fla Sept IV-
Mr. A. V. Petersom, DepUty Clerk
Town of Boy,ton, Fiao
Dear Sir:-
I have youm letter of the 12th relative to current
auditing of the Town's records. You will please advise tb~ Boar~
of Commissioners that the only agreement they have with me
relative to this work is for the entire yea~ ending Nov. 1, i!93~
I mm, and have at all times been, ready a~nd willimg to complete
my contract, but the Board of Commissioners saw fit to umdert~k~
to avoid their contract with me by officially voting to dispens~
with my services. I do not believe the Board is in position to
ask me to perform my part of the contract until they have
rescinded the action taken and 6xpressed a willim~ness to pe~o~
their pa~t of the same contract.
I ~have not bee~ favored with a r~ply to my letters reg~di~
the balance due me rot certain services rendered, invoiced a~d
approved for payment. ~ill you please advise the Board of c~mmi.
ssioners that I am assumimg fro~ their silence on the matte~
that they are giving it no consideration~Also that unless p~y-
ment of at least half of the account is made at the~next meeti~
I shall file suit for same within the next few days.
You are requested to spread this letter upon the minute,'of
the ToWa!m records and advise me of the action taken, if amy,
Ver~ truly yours,
(si~ned) R.M. Hart
No action was taken on the above letter.
Upon motion made by Commissioner Bowen, seconded
Commissioner Nutting ~d duly carried, the following bills
were approved for payment:
Dixie HiEhway Garage $~1.25
J. B. Meredith 3~50
A. W. Dunnam 3.50
Upon motion ~de by Cowmissioner Bowen, seconded by
Commissioner NuttinE e.~d duly cazmied, Fire ~nief Charles Senior
was authorized to purchase the followi~ supplies for the ~lre
Department, to eostvapproximately eiEhty Do!la~s
2 Pair Boots
12 Oil Slickers
6 Firemen~s Caps
I Tarpaulin to cover fire hose on t~ucko
Upon Motion made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by
Commissioner Nutti~ and duly carrled~ the Clerk was i~st~cted t
issue a building permit to the ~torida East Coast E.R. Go for the
purpose of maki.~ extensions to thei~ warehouse and platform.
A discussion was had in reference to Lots 15~ 16, 1V and the
East 5.~~ of ~ot 14, Beverly Hills Addition No. 3 which
Charles &ust~_u desires to purchase and pay for same with bond c~e
it . This a~ra~ement was agree-~e to the Co, lesion but
definite action was postponed u~til the To~ obtains
possesalon of said lots.
Upon moti~ made by C~issio~e~ Bowen, seconded ~
Co~ssione~ Stevens ~d duIy ca~ied, the Tax Colleot~ was
auth~ized and ~st~cted to allow Widow's ~emption ffo~ t~ ye~
1931 to ~$. ~ Nc~y on Lots 3 ~d 4, Block 6~ Boston Heights
and to ~s. Cl~a ~te on Lots 5 ~d 6, Block 9~ Boston HeiEhts
The~e bede no ~umt~ ~e~la~ business before the Board the
meet~E was adjourned ~d the Co~ssione~s i~edlately went into
session as a ~a~d off E~alization to hear complaints on t~
P~e 4
1932 personal tax assessment roll, in accordance with section
14, of 0rdinance No. 104.
The ~L~yor called the meeti~gto order as a Board of
Equalizatiom, there being present the Mayor, Vice-Mayor ~nd
Town Clerk, eonstituti~the emtire Board of Towm 0ommissionerse
Mr. A. B. Crosby, representing the Tax Division o£ the
Florida Power aud Light Oompa~y was l~esent and examined the
persomal property tax assessment rolls for 19~ and supplemental
rolls for 1929, 19~0 amd 1981.
The following letters were read:
Miami, Fla. September 20th 19~2.
City Commissiom
Board of EqualiZation
Tow~ of Boynton, Florida.
~e were advised today by telegram that your taxing
officials had placed a valuation of $40,000.00 on "Supplemental
Tax Assessment Rolls for Nineteem Twenty Nime- thirty and f
Th_iffy one".
You are hereby advised that we respectfully pmotest and
object to the action of the taxing officials in mak~ up such
Supplemental Tax Assessment Rolls for the yea~s 1929 to 19~l,
both inclusive, and i~ placing such valuatio~w~w~k and/~r
valuations against our property for such years.
Ver~ t~uly yours,
By A. B. Crosby
Tax Division.
Miami, Fla. September 20th 19~2.
City Commission
Board of EqualiZation
To~m of Boynton, Florida.
We hereby respectfully protest and object to the assessment
made by the taxing officials of the Town of Boynton for the
year 19~2 om the personal property owned by this Company withim
the limits of the Town of Boyntono
This protest m~d objection is made, ~mon~ other things,
because such property has been excessively, ~nmfairly,~unequally
and ~mjust!y valued as compared with valuations made oy said
Page 5
taxlug officials on other personal property in the Town of
Boynton, and you a~e T~eby requested to diminish or reduc~ such
valuation on our properS2 under the power vested in you by the
Charter of the Tow~ of Boynton, so as to make the amount
hereof just and equal with the valuations of other personal
Yours very truly,
~y A. B. Cros~
ABC :VM Tax Division
The 1932 Tax Roll with a total valuation of $1,187,449.00
was approved and accepted upom motion made by Commissioner
Stevens, seconded by Com~fssioner Bowen ~ud duly carried.
The Supplemental Tax Rolls for bhe years 1929- 1930 and
1931 were approved a~d accepted upon motionm made by
Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Nutting mad
duly carried.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.