Minutes 09-30-32MEETING OF SEPTF~_BER 30, 1932.
A Special Meetin~ of the Board of Town Commissioners of t_he
Town of Boynton, Florida, was D~lt at the Town Hall on Friday
evening, September ~O, 1932 at 5:~0 o~clock P.M.
Present; H.D. Stevens, Mayor
Frank Nutting, Vice-Mayor ~
J. P. Bowen, Town Clerk.
The above constitutir~ the entire Board of Town Commissioners
of the Town of Boynton, Florida.
This meetiug was called for the purpose of discussing the matter
of accepting bonds and coupons in payment of fifty percent of the
1981 Taxes, as auhtorized at a regular meeting held Dec 1, 1931,
~¢nieh is apparently in conflict with the terms of a eertain
Perempto_~y ~rit of Mand~umus which was si~ned on the fifth day of
Narch A.D. 1932 by Honorable El~n Thamas, Circuit Judge at
Ft. Pierce, Florida.
After discussing the matter it was deemed advisable to request
Attorney J. H. Adams to be present at the next regular meeting,
as M~. Adams was the Town's Attorney at that time.
Upon motion made by CoMmissioner Stevens, seconded by
Commissioner Bowen and unanimously carried, the Tax Collector was
instructed to discontinue the acceptance o~ bonds and/or coupons,
or the application of bond cPedits now on the books of the Town,
in the payment of fifty percent of the 1931 taxes, UNTIL PURT~ ~nd
There b~i~ no further business the meeting adjourned.
Vic e-l~ayor