Minutes 10-04-32REGULAR ~4EETING 0P OCTOBER 4, 19~2. Regular ~eetimE oF the Board of Town Commissioners of the of Boynton, Florida, was held at the To%~ Hall on Tuesday evezuin~, 0¢tober 4, 19~2 at 7:~0 o~¢lock p~E. Presen$: H. D. Stevens, Mayor Frank Nutria, Vioe-~yor J. P. Bowen, Town'Clerk. The above constitutinE the entire Board of Towh Com~issioner~ of the Town of Boynton~ Florida. )E ITE The Minutes of the Regular Neeti~ held September 20, !9~2~ ~n: were read and approved upo~ motion made by Commissioner Bowez, seconded by Commissioner Nutting, and duly carried. The Ninutes of the Special Neetin$ held September 2V~ 1932, were read and approved upon mot~onm~.de by CommLissioner,Bowen, seconded by Com=missioner Nutting, and duly sailed. ING ~n~ ~in~tes of the Spe~ia! Neetin~ held September ~0, were read and approved upon motion made by Commissior~r Bowe~, seconded by Co~-~uissioner NuttinE' ~ud duly carried. A Resolution to pay claims was adopted. Upon Lotion made by Commissior~r Nutting, seconded by Commissioner Bowen ~ud duly carried, t.he followir~ bills were . approved for p~yment when Fumds a~e available~ and Southern Bell Telephone Co Florida Power ~d Light Co 1~8,07 0eean City Lumber Co ~0.0~ NuttineSs Filli~ Station 29,38 Ball Supply Co Walter L~ma~ ~8.00 Pa~ Beach Nerea~tile Co 2.48 Austin Supply Co 21.02 Fi~e Dep~tment Pa~oll 318.00 720 0rdinanee No. 121- E~titled "~l~ 0~D!N~NCE OF THE T O~N OF B(~NTON, P~LN ~EACH C~y, ~ORIDA, ~SE~G A~ S~TING FOR THE PU~O~ 0F ~T~LISHING A PUBLIC p~ AND P~YG~U~ S~E 0R ~R ~Y ~ ~BLIC P~POSE T~ ~Y BE DE~D ~CESS~Y BY THE ~A~ 0F T0~ C0~iSSI0~ 0F SA~ TO~", D~vi~ been upon its upon its first readim~ at a Re~l~ Memt~ of the~To~ Com~ssio~ of t~ Te~ of Boston, Florida, held on t~ 20th day of September, A.D. 19~2, reoeived its final meadi~ Thereupon Co~lssioner Nutti~ made a ~tion t~t 0rdi~nee No. ~I be ~opted, w~ch was s~co~ed ~ Co~issiomer Bowen, ~d upon be~m~ put to a vote the fo!lowi~ vote ~s ~d the~on: Co.miss io~ r Stevens, Co~issio~e~ Nutting, Co~issione~ Bowen. Thereupon C~ssiomer Stevens as ~or p~esiding, 0rdin~ee No. 121 duly adopted. 0rdin~ee No. 122- ~titled" AN O~ANCE OF T~ T~ B0~0N, p~ B~CH C0~y, ~0RIDA~ PROVID~G A B~T, S~ING FORTH ~E IT.S 0F GE2~RAL ~ENSE ~ OF SINKING ~D I~EST ~QULq~NTS UPON T~ I~E~SS 0F T ~ TO~N B~NTON, P~ BEACH COUNTY~ ~O~DA, FOR THE FISC~ BEGINNING NOV~B~ l, 1982 ~ ES~ING OCTOBER ~1, 1~$~", was C*~issiome~ Nutti~ ~de a motion t~t 0rd~ No. 122~ be adopted, which motiom was seconded ~ Co~issio~er Bowen, and upon bei~ ~t to a vote t~ following vote was had thereon: Co~issioner Steve~ s, Co~is~ o~ Nutt~g, "AYE~ 0rd~anoe No. 122 duly passed and adopted~ Upon Eotion made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Nuttin~ and duly carried, Mm. Newman T. Miller, Attorney, was auhtorized aRd iRstructed to co~fcr with N~o J. Stockton Bryan in rs~ard to corSaiR foreclosure prOceediR~s which M~. B,~yan had iRstltuted in behalf of the Town, and to request Mr. BryaR to car~y the suits on to conclusion. Commissioner StevaRs presented to the Commissio~ a S~mmoms which was served upon him~ which S~mons requires the Town of BoyRtoR as a municipal Corporatiom to First Monday iR November~ a complaint sum of One HuRdred and Fifty Dollars instituted by R. M. Hart. amswer on or before the for damages aE~re~atin= the ($1~0.00) im a suit After discussi~g the above SuRgeons, upon MotioR made by Commissioner Nutting, se¢oRded by Commissioner Stevens and duly carried~ the S-ummmoms was ordered tummed over tc Attorney ~vmmn T. M~ller, with instructions t~t he steps in defense of the Town of Boynto~. The following letter was read: Honorable Commissioners; Town of Boynton take the ~ecessary Boyntcn, Florida. October *, 1932. Gentlemen: It is m~ de,Ire tc pay my water bill but difficult to do so. If it could be worked out at this time. Yours just now it is it ~uld be deeply appreciated (Si~ned) Ida Daugh$~T Commission~r Nutting, seconded by Upon Motion made by Commissioner BOweR and duly carried, PeI~mission was Eranted Mrs. D~uEherty to b~ve her water bill worked out. N~. J. H, Adams, the Attorney who represented the Town in the Nand~mus Proceedings which was instituted by the Palm Beach Co, appeared before t~ Commissioo and explained the rights ~ liabilities of the Commission in connection with the Peremptory ~it of Nandamus which was obtained by the Palm Beach Company, which in substance was to advise for the imformation of the Commission, that from every dollar collegted for deltRquent taxes and that portio~ of th~ cnz~ent taxes collected for Debt Service, whether in BonO. s, Coupons or Cash~ it would be the duty of the Commission and the T~easurer of the Tow~ of Boynton to provide twelve cents in gash for the beoe~it of the Palm Beach Company. Upon Notion made by Commissione~ Nutting, seconded by Commissioner Stevens and ur~nimousl~ carried, the followimE Resolution was passed and adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, in Bonds .WHEREAS, At a Reg-~!ar Neeting of the Board of Town Co~m~ssiomers cf the Tomm of Boynton, Florida, held December l, 19~, the Tax Collector was instructed to accept Tom~ of BoyntoR Bonds or Coupons in payment of all delimquent taxes, imoludiog the year l~O; ama to ~¢¢ept one-half (~), or fifty percent of l~! t~xes or Coup~ons$ the remaining fifty percent to be p~id It is deemed advis~ab!e to discontinue tho acceptance of Bonds or Coupons ia the payment of any portion of the l~l taxes, NOV~, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Tow~ Commissioners of the Town of Boyntoo, Florida, t~hat the Tax Collector be, and he hereby is Authorized, Ordered and tnstz~aeted to accept Town of Boynton Bonds or Coupons in payment of delinquent taxes for the yea~ 1950 and prior. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the acceptance of such Bonds or Coupons be upon the payment in cash of taxes for the year 1931 and also ~urre~t taxes after November 1, 1932. Mr. ~m. 'P. Somerville stated that he had received a telegram from ~. Giles J. Patterson, Attorney at Jacksonville, requestin~ certified copies of letters which were sent by the Town to Mr. M. D. Carmiehaet and Mr. J. Stock. on Bryan under date of May 14th 1932 relating to instructing the said AttoEeyts to discontinue further action i~ cor~uection with litigation which was instituted by the Town against the Vfl~ite Construction Comp~ but owing to the fact that Miss Nazmy Lou Richardson who was employed by the To~.~ at that time is not employed by the Tow~ at the p~esent time ond therefore no one was available who had direct ~owledge of the mailing of these letters to ~. B~ya~ and Mr. Carmichael, he was u~a~le to obtain the certified copies of the letters for 1~. Pattersom. After disoussi~ the matter Co~v~_ssioner Bowen stated that he knew that these letters were mailed to Mr Ca.michael a~d Mr. Bryan. was/ Thereupon Motion, made by Commissio~er Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Nutting and duly carried, authorizi~ the Deputy Clerk to furnish Mr. l~m. P. Somerville certifie~ copies of the letters requested. The matter of Mm. ~. P. Somerville's request, ir~ behal~ of the Boynton Bondholder's Committee, for the payment of fifty past due coupons amounting to Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1,800,00) was a~alnbrou~ht up. After a discussiom in ~ieh it was ascertained there was sufficient momey available to make payment for seventeen coupons amou~tin~ to Five Hundred and Ten Dollars ($810.00), Commissioner Stevens made a motion that the Towa redeem Ceupo~ No. V of Bonds Nos. 14 to 80 I~clmsive, Refunding, Series B Issue of October l, 1928, paying for said coupons out of the I~terest and Si~kin~ P~md, This motion was se¢onded by Commissiomer NuttinE ~nd duly carried. The Treasurer presented for ea~¢ellation, Town of Boy, ton Imp~ovem~at Bomd No. 1t Issue of 1926, an~ RefundinE, Naterwo~ks amd Street Bonds Numbers 16 and 17, Issue of O~t l, 192~ which bonds had been accepted in paym~t of t~xes owinE the Town of Boynton. No action was taken at this time. There bein~ no further business the meetinE~adjourned.