Minutes 11-11-32a vote the following vote was had thereon:
Commissioner Stevens "AYE~
Commissioner Nutting "AYE"
Commissioner Bowen ~ATE"
Thereupon Commissioner Stevems as Mayor presiding declared
Ordinance No. 123 duly adopted.
~,~,:.. ~ .~ ~.~,..~.~.~ MEETLNG OF 0CT0~R tl, 19~2 .
A Special Mee~i~ of the Bo~d of To~ Co~issio~ers of ~e
T~ of B~toA, Florida, was held at the To~ Hall o~ Tues~y
eveninE, 0etober ll, 1932 at ~:30 o~clock
Present: H, D. Stevens, Mayor
~ Nutting, Vice-Mayor
~. P. Bowen, TOE Clerk.
T~ above constitutin~ the enti~e Bea~ of Tp~ ~o~$ss~ers
of the To~
b~s~ess t~t ~i~ c~e before ~e Co~ission.
0~ina~ee No. 123 ~titled" ~N 0RDIN~CE 0F ~E T~ 0F B~0N,
P~M B~ C0~M, ~R!D&; F~ING ~ T~ ~TE 0R ~G A T~
L~ FOR G~ ~SE ~D S!h~!NG
C0~, ~A, F~ THE FISC~ E~ B~i~E~ N0~B~ 1, 1932
~ E~ING OCTOBER 31, 1933~, ~s ~ead.
~e~:a~discussio~ ef the ~0ve 0~d~ee Co~ssio~er
Nuttin~ made ~ Motion that 0~d~ce No. ~3 be adopted...This
Motion was seco~ed by Co~ssioner Bewem ~d upon bein~ put to
The foilowi~ letter ~as read:
~est Palm Beaeh, Florida.
October 8th t9S2.
Homorable Tow~ Comm~ssiomers,
Tow~ ef Boynton, Florida,
I note from the newspaper that your budget, is u~der di.scussion
a~ I am wondering whether or'not you included my account, which
has been approved lo, payment. At the time I resttae~ as Attorney
for the ToWa there was a balamoe due me and~it was at, ced
by the Towa Commissiom audmybill approved. I trust that this
amoumt will be lncIuded i~'the budget a~d some amount paid on
same ~s soon a~ eo~venie~te
i have been awaiti~g some actiom of the Commission regardi~
the lien foreolesures started by me and would suggest that
tD~ Commlssien take some action in this matter, as the court
is liable to dismiss sseme for lack of diligent eontinua~oe.
It D~s ~ee~ more than a year si~e a~y papers have~ been filed
in these suits, ~d the majority of them un~termy a~eement
have been completed to final decree.
At a discussion with the Commission I advised them that should
these suits be completed amd the p~operty bought in by the
Tovm that it would be necessary for the Towa to exclude from
their tax roll these properties, and it wou~ be e~¢umbrant
upon the Town to pay the State and Co~ty taxes on the
properties not used solely for mtu~i¢ipal purposes.
Some a~tio~ should be taken in this behalf, and i would be
pleased to meet with your body to go into the matter in
detail as some criticismmiEht come up in the event these
suits are dismisse~.
Very truly yours,
J. StOckton Bryan'.
This letter was tabled.
The following communication which was received from
J. A. Baker was read:
B~ynton, Florida.
0¢tober llth
Board of Tow~
I would like to pu_~ohase the East 8.4 feet of Lot~14 and
Lots 15 to 17, I~clusive, Ism Beverly Hills Addition No. 3;
at Omc Hundred a~d Sixty Five Dollars ($168.00) per each
twenty five foot lot, l'ess sal~smen.s e~ssiom of tea percent,
subject to Stat~ a~d Cott~ty Taxes, a~d a~ee to pay for same with
Bond or Coupons.
Respectfully yours,
(Si~ned) J.A. Bakere
After discussing the above and foregoi~ letter Commissioner
Nutting moved the adoption of the following Resolution:
At a Special
Town of Boynton,
Meetin~ of the Board of Tow?a Commissioners of the
Florida, held August 12, 19~2 a Resolution was
adopted by said Boa~i that the Town sell ar~i/or offer for sale
certain Lots to which the Tow~ of Boynton holds title through
a Masters Dee~ issued in oonnectio~ with Tax and/or assessment
lien foreolosures~ and~
SALE PRICE 0~ Lots 1 to 8, both inclusive, in Block ~ and
Lots l§ to 22, both i~lusive, in Block V4, in Beverly Hills
Addition No. 3 was fixed by the said Board of Town Commissioners
at One Hundred and Sixty Five Dollars ($165.00) for each lot
tn~ludin~ salesman's commission and the sate price of the East
5.~ feet of Lot 9, in Block ~S mhd t~he East ~.4 feet of Lot
in Block 74, in Beverly Hills &ddition No. ~: was fixed at
Thirty Five Dollars and Sixty Four,Cents ($35.64) for each Lot
ine!udin~ salesman's come, lesion of ten percent, and,
Mr. J. A. Baker was employed to represent the Town in the
sale of said Lots lo~ated in Beverly Hills ~pon the terms
mentioned in the resolution adopted by the Board of Town
Co~ssio~ers ~ and,
The offer made for the purchase of the East 5.4 feet of Lot
14, and all of Lots 15 to 17 Inclusive, in Beverly Hills
$~ddit~on No. ~ at One H~u~dred and Sixty Five Dollars ($185o00)
for each twenty five foot let, less salesman's-commission
of ten percent, subject to State amd Co~uty taxes, said
price to be paid with To~ of Boynton Bonds or Coupons, which was
made by Nr. J. A. Baker is deemed to be a Fair offer.
By the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton,
Florida~ that the East 8.4 feet of Lot 14 and all of Lots 18 to
l~ Inclusiwe, in Beverly Hills Addition No. ~, be a~d~t~hey are
hereby are sold to Mr. J. A. Baker for One Hundred and Sixty Five
Dollars ($185.00) for each twenty five foot lot, less salesman's
commission of ten percent, said property to be subject to State
and County taxes and the p~chase price for same to be paid
Town of Boy,_ton Bo~ds or Coupons.
That the taxes heretofore levied ~ud assessed by the
of Boynton against the property which by the terms of this
Resolution is sold to Mr. J. A. Baker and which were delimquent
for !9~0 and prior years be, and the same hereby are
ordere~ Ca~celled and Abated.
That the Mayor and the Town Clerk of the Town of Boynton,
Florida, be and they hereby are Authorized~ Ordered, Directed
and L~structed to exeoute a proper deed oF conveyance to
Nr. J. A. Baker ¢overin~ the property herein, before mentioned.
That the Mayor, Tov~. Clerks Tax Collector and Trea~are~
be and they hereby are Authorized, Ordered, Directed s_nd
Instruoted to do any ~ud all things necessary to carry out
the provisions of this Resolutiom.
The above motion was seconded by Co~issioner Stevens,
and upon bein~ put to a vote the followin~ vote was
had thereon:
Commissioner Stevens
~ ·
Commissioner NuttinE
Not VotinE.
There beinE no further business
the meetinE adjourned.
~ ~ Nayor
Town Clerk.