Minutes 11-01-32REGULAR ~EETING OF NOVE~BER 1~ 1932. A ReEular ~eetinEef the Beard ef Tewa Co~missieners of the Town ef Beynten, Florida, was held at the Tew~ Hall on Tuesday evenly, N~vember l, 1982 at 7:30 o'clock P.E. The above co~stituti~C the H. D. Stevens, P~a~k NuttimE, Vice-Nayor Tew~ Clerk. entire Boa~ of Tewm ~K Commissioners ef the Tew~ o£ Boynton, PloriRa. EIDK The ~' ~znutes of the Regular Neeti~c held 0cteber ~8, 1932 THE were read and appreve~ upon motion maS~ bY Commissioner Bowe~, seconder by C ' N Upon Notion ma~e by Co~issiener Bewe~, s~cem~e~ by . 12~ ~t te Co~issiene~ Nutti~E ~ 4u!y ~rrie4, the fellew~g bills appreve~ rem pa~eat wheR ~s a~ available: Southern Bell T~l~phone Ce 10.65 Florida Power & Light Co Del~ay B~ach News 76.~5 Stamd~ 0il Ce An~y's Garage 35.49 A Resolution to pay claims was adopted. Co~-zsszoner Stevens made a motion that the Town re~6em OF Coupon No. ~ of Be~s Nos 31 te 36 I~elusive, refun~inE, series ING B, issue ef 0¢teber l, 1928 ~ountinE to One Htu~/red and ~E eichty dollars (180.00) payi~ for same out of the Interest ~Rd ~ Si~kin~ Fun~. This ~otion was seconded by Co~mmissioner NuttinC duly carrie~. ~ut to Page 2 o 0r~i~uce Ne. 124 entitled-~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE T0¥~N OF BOYNTON, PAI~i BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, D~IN~JG 'I~I~ &ND CERTAE 'MI~K PRODU~S~, 'N~LK PRODUC~~ , .pAST~RIZ~ION ETC., PROHIBITING TE S~E OF ~T~A~ ~ ~1ISB~ iI~D ~K PRODU~S, ~QUIRING ~ITS ~R T~ S~ OF N~K ~ODU~S, REG~TING T~ INSPECTION OF DAIKg F~ NILK PLD~TS, T~ TESTING, GR~ING, ~ING, PLAC~EG, P~TEURIZ&T ION, EG~DING? DISTRIB~ION, SATE ~D DENAT~ING OF M~ ~D ~K PRODUCTS, PROVIDEG FOR THE ~BLISHING OF GR~, T~ CONSTRUCTION 0F ~ DELRIES ~ ~K P~NTS, T~ E~~T 0F THE O~INANCE, Ah~ FEING 0F P~TES.~ was plaee~ o~ its sece~ Co~issi~ne~ Nutting meve~ the a~eptio~ ef 0r~i~anee N~. 12, w~ch was seconted by Ce~issiener Bewe~, a~ upon bei~ put t~ a veto, the fellowi~ veto was ha~ the~ee~: C~issie~er Stevens "A~~ Ce~issi~ner Nuttin~ Co~missiener Bewe~ "AYE~ t~reupon Ce~issi~mer Stevems as ~er presii~g ~eel~ei 0rdin~e No. ~4 ~uly passe~ ~ a~optei. Or~inmmce Ne. 125 entitle~- ~ ~N ORDINANCE OF THE T0~q~ OF BOYNTON, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, t~3~GLULATING THE GATHERING STORING, HANDLING AND S~LE OF SHk-LT.~ISH '~ITHI3~ THE CORPORATE LII~ITS OF TEE TO~N OF B0!-HTON, PAI~M BEACH COU~Y, FLORIDA. ", was p!a~e~ ~n itc secon~ realime. Commissiemer Nuttimg move~ the a~optiom of Ordir~ce No which was seconded by C.~umissioner Bewen, a~ upon beimE put te the £oilowinE vote was ha~ thereon: Commissioner Stevens C~nissioner Nuttim~ Commissione~ Bewen ~AyE~' "AYE~' " Th, reupe~ Ce~mmissiene~ Stevens as ~ayor presiding ~eclared Ordinance Ne. 1ES duly passed amd a~opted. Upon Notion made By Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Bewen and ~uly carrie~, Dr. ~. D. Emowles was appointed Special Health Office~ For the purpose of e~forci~E the milk OrSinance. The f~llov~n~ petition was Boynton- Florida Oetebe~ EO~h, l~GE To the Honorable ~ayor an~ City Comm~issioners, City Boynton, Florida. Feeli~ that it is a bad influence for our fair city to allow business places to ksep open on the Holy Sabbath Day, we the u~ersi~e~ citizens ef the City of Boynton, Flori~a~ are appealir4E to thio Honorable BoSy to h~ve all such places olose~ on Su~ay. we believ~ this is in keeping with the Divine Law. Z. T. ~LCOX GRACE CULVER ~H~S Z. T. V~T_LCOX ESTELLA ~CF~Y LOIS PART IN L. E. ~RIGHT EUNICE E. ~G~JSON ?~. H. PARTIN C. C. ~F~KS L. J. ~RS SETH FUTRE~ CALLIE ~E ROUSSEAU &¥A ~EA~ER FLET.~ JENN ZNGS CP~S A, AUSTIN C, R, ROSS N, N, ~Ew~S, Upon motion made by Commissioner NuttinE, se¢or~le~ by Commissioner B®wen ~ud ~uly oarrie~, the above petition was referred to the Poliee Department. A repert em ~$er Department receipts an~ ~tsbursements fer the year e~e~ 0¢t0ber 31, 1932 was prese~te~, showi~E total ~eeeipts ~f $4,93~.32 aR~ ~isb~seme~ts e2 $3~338.V8 A ~iscussien was ~ i~ w~eh it was ~eci~e~ t~ ~ke ~e ch~Ee i~ the water rates at t~ presemt time. T~ St. Je~ Baptist ~u~ch (Cele~e~) r~quest fer free water was aEaia b~ht up. ~te~ ~iscuss~ the ~tte~ Ce~ssi~me~ Nutti~ ~e a meti~ that the St JG~s Baptist ~eh ~Colere~) be furnishe~ water f~ee, fe~ beautification pu~peses e~y, se lo~g as they ~i~ net r~ ~ve~ the min~, ~vi~e~ that the pa~se~e woul~ be serve~ with a sep~ate mete~ ~ the s~e ~ates c~Ee~ fe~ the pa~seRaEe service as e~e~ te ether wate~ coasters. This mctio~ was by Ce~issione~ Stevens ~ ~uly carrie~. Upon motion m~e by Co~issioner Nutti~, sec~e~ by Ce~issie~er Bewen ~n~ ~uly carrie~, th~ Clerk was i~st~cte~ te ~ite letters te Er. C. 0. Miller ~$_ Kelsey City N~series stati~ that the T~ is expecti~ the perscns, firms e~rperati~Rs who ~a~e~ ~ public streets withi~ the Tow~ B~ynte~, to restere them te the co~itien they w~re i~ befe~e they were ~. ~m. P. Se~eHille reperte~ that he ~ calle~ ~ the City E~aEe~ ~f the City of ~i~, Fleri~a, ~elative p~eeee~ure that the City of Mi~ is fellow~E i~ r~fsrence te the investiEatien ef the rates e~$e~ fe~ electrical service, and ~ learne~ that thei~ i~vesti~tien was net complete, but if thru Tewm would write ~ letter te the City the City ~f ~iami, requ~sti~ him te se~ the varieus ~riefs a~ ~ata in ce~eetio~ with th~ ~vestiEatien to th~ Te~ of Boynton, they woul~ El~ly comply with the request. Thereupe~ the Cl~rk wins inst~et~ te ~ite t~ the City ~a~er ef ~ City ~f ~Ii~i, ~equesti~g the i~e~tie~ eutlin~ abeve. Upon ~etio~ ma~e b~ Ce~ssione~ Nutti~E, seee~e~ by Co~issioner Stevens ~ duly c~rie~, the Clerk was i~struete~ to noti~ the Fleri~a Pewe~ an~ LiEht Cem~y of bhe Te~'s s~ction ~n reference t~ the T~es assesse~ aEainst the Florida Power an~ Light The~e be~ no fu~the~ bus.ess the m~eti~ 3ice-Mayer Tev~ Clerk.