Minutes 11-15-32REGULAR METING OF NOVENBER 15, 19~2o
A Regalar NeetinE ef the Bear~ ef Tewn Commissien~rs
the Tewn eF Boynton, Flori~, was hel~ at the Te~ Hall
eh-Tuesday evening, Nevember 15, 19~ at 7:~0 e'¢leck P.N.
Present: H.D. Stevens
Frank Nuttin~
J. P. Bewen
The above censtitutin~ the entire Bear~
io~ers ~f the Town ef Bey~ton, Flori~ao
The ~nutes ef the Regular Meetin~ hel~ November i,
were rea~ an~ appr~ve~ upen metien ma~e by Ce~ssioner
Nutting, secen~e~ by Cemmissiener Bewen an~ ~uly carrie~.
Upen Netion made by Cemmissioner B®wen,
Commissioner Nutting an~ ~uly carrie~, the follewin~ bills
were appreved for payment ~vh®n fun~s are available:
Hefty Press 7.00
Halsey and Griffith
Austin Supply Ce
Conm~issie~er Stevens ma~e a motion that the time for
payment ef l~$1 taxes, befere becoming ~elinque~t, be
extez~e~ te &prii l,
This meti~n was sece~e~ by Commissioner Bswen
ar~ ~uly
In regard to oertain foreclosure l~oceedings which
Mr. J. Stockton B~yan had instituted in behalf of the Town,
the Clerk was instz~octed to write Mr. Bryan that the Board of
Town Co~missioners would be pleased to meet with him to go into ~
matter in detail at his convenience.
A discussion was _had ~egarding an audit Of the Town's recorc
for the year ended October 31, 1932.
omm~ss!oner~agreeo to confer with Mr. W. O. Winn, who
foz~ner!y audited the records of the Town of Boynton to ascertain
Mr. Winn would be willing to undertake this work for the sum
was instructed to
have Mr. R. D. ~ertz
such meters that warrant repair, in work~n~ order.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)
~ater Superintendent, ~. H. Partin,
examine ali used water meters on ~snd aud
Town Clerk.