Minutes 08-01-19 ,r
Anthony Barber (arr. 6:37 p.m.) Michael Simon, CRA Executive Director
Thomas Devlin Thuy Shutt, CRAAssistant Director
Golene Gordon Jobara Jenkins, Accounting/Finance Mgr.
Allan Hendricks Bonnie Nicklien, Administrative Svcs.
Rick Maharajh Tatiana Guerrier, Prototype, Inc.
Linda Cross, Chair
Robert Pollock, Vice Chair
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m.
Motion was made by Mr. Devlin, seconded by Ms. Gordon, to approve Allan Hendricks
as the substitute chair. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (4-0).
2. Roll Call
Roll was called, and it was determined a quorum was present.
3. Agenda Approval
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda — None
[Anthony Barber arrived 6:37 p.m.]
B. Adoption of Agenda
Motion was made by Mr. Maharajh, seconded by Mr. Devlin, to approve the Agenda. In
a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (5-0).
4. Information Only
A. Financial Report Period Ending July 31, 2019 — None
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 1, 2019
B. Notice of Relocation of the September 5, 2019, CRAAB Meeting
The City Commission will be meeting at this location on September 5, 2019.
Therefore, the CRAAB will be meeting September 5, 2019, at the CRA Office, 710
N Federal Hwy, Boynton Beach. The October 3, 2019, CRAAB meeting will be back
at the Intercoastal Park Clubhouse.
5. Public Comment — None
6. Consent
A. Approval of CRAAdvisory Board Meeting Minutes — July 8, 2019
Motion made by Mr. Devlin, seconded by Ms. Gordon, to approve the July 8, 2019,
minutes. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (5-0).
7. Assignments
A. Pending Assignments
1 . None
B. Reports on Pending Assignments
1. None
C. New Assignments
1 . Consideration and Discussion of Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Budget
Mr. Simon presented the first draft allocation of the anticipated $3,097,000
project funds available for CRA, which may be used for existing projects
needing additional funding or new projects for FY 2019/2020. (See attached
Project Fund Allocation Spreadsheet.) The Board proceeded to discuss the
three separate, governmental accounting funds:
• The General Fund (administrative, general operations, insurance,
maintenance, Board-related items);
• The Debt Service Fund (obligatory and required funding for debt service,
e.g., bonds taken in 2004 and 2005 to build Boynton Beach Blvd.
extension east of Federal Highway, and several million dollars for
acquisition of property and for down-payment assistance at that time;
• The Project Fund (the main charge of the CRA, brick and mortar capital
projects, development projects, grant programs, business-related
promotional events, innovative policing programs). This is the balance
after the General Fund and Debt Service Fund have been assigned.
Public Comment:
• Susan Oyer, 140 SE 27th Way, had three things for the Board to consider:
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 1, 2019
o In expanding Sister Cities program, there is a need to find a space
and allocate funds to use as a tourist board office/retail location
to promote items from sister cities.
o Get another CRA-funded police officer for servicing the whole
CRA zone, but particularly to help out with boat problems at
Waters Edge Park and Oyer Park.
o Plan a grand opening from CRA for the historic high school later
this year; could be an art event, fireworks, music.
Mr. Simon led the Board in discussing the individual line items within the three
main funds, and how these funds interact with one another to accomplish CRA's
goals. The Rejected Revenue for next year, as presented by Palm Beach
County Property Appraiser's Office is a TIFF revenue $13,816,071; the
Estimated Income from the Marina sales and rents is $1 million, for a total
income to the CRA of$14,816.071. In the Debit Service Fund, $2,140,852 that
will go to the Bond Debt Repayment (see attached Spreadsheet). General
Fund Expenses are $3 million, and $1 million in expenses from the Marina.
The balance of the Project Fund was reviewed line by line, revisiting the existing
contractual obligations (including Casa Costa, Ocean One, and the Town
Square Project). Mr. Simon next explained the procedure for addressing the
allocation of funds, including acquisitions and relocations where needed.
Mr. Barber had some questions about business development, including the
$35,000 for the Blarney Bash, and requested an additional $35,000 be
allocated for the MILK Corridor during February 2020. $248,000 is not currently
allocated, so would like to match the Blarney Bash funds ($35,000-$40,000)for
an event in the MILK Corridor. Mr. Simon added that the CRA is not responsible
for City or holiday events; the goal is to bring economic benefit to that event.
Discussion ensued; Mr. Simon said the matter would be presented to the City
Manager with allocating funds in mind.
Mr. Hendricks asked about the City sharing costs with the CRA to fund some
sort of celebratory event for the High School. Mr. Simon will also present this
to the City Manager to consider this discussion. Discussion followed as to
possible activities.
Mr. Barber and Mr. Devlin returned the discussion to the proposed MILK Corridor
event in January, which was discussed in more detail, including scheduling
considerations for January, February, and March 2020, as well as how to link
the event to some sort of business development. Mr. Simon will do additional
research to present to the CRA Board, but may have to wait until the project is
permitted and do it the following year; in the interim, the idea of a local business
event would be fine.
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 1, 2019
Mr. Barber asked for the breakdown of the allocation for the neighborhood
policing program and adding an additional officer. The proposal this year is for
a total of four officers and an additional community service officer (civilian) for
traffic control, etc., for the CRA District. CRA encourages an equal focus on
building relationships between the community and business districts. The total
proposed expenses of $535,683 were enumerated and discussed, including a
side discussion on a new security presence elsewhere since having to move
out of the Plaza. Sgt. Henry Diehl explained that his salary is not part of the
budget (to be absorbed back into the police department) and the budget is to
cover a total of four sworn officers; a 20% adjustment has been allocated for
raises now under contract negotiation, which would be reduced once the actual
contracts are known.
Sgt. Diehl described the duties of the Community Service Officer (not a regular,
sworn officer). This civilian officer handles traffic matters; does not carry a gun,
carries pepper spray for own protection; carries a radio; has a patrol car with
yellow flashing lights; does not give tickets or pulls over cars, can investigate
open doors. Mr. Simon added that this position gives focus to business
development relationship and can educate the public on various things for
safety and crime prevention. The officer is not trained in code enforcement or
community standards, but certainly can call and refer any such incidents. Mr.
Hendricks did encourage some training/education in Code Enforcement insofar
as working with the Code Enforcement Officers; also working with citizens to
identify areas where they don't feel safe. Sgt. Diehl stated that the third officer
will be trained in crime prevention techniques, to adapt clean and safe
parameters going forward. The Homing Inn area was brought up as an
example where many do not feel safe and Sgt. Diehl said the Community
Service Officer and the Third Officer (just described) will go to high prevention
training and will work with the Homing Inn area, among others.
Ms. Gordon asked why all the officers can't be sworn officers; the difference is
$40,000 more for a sworn officer versus a civilian. The CRA Board does want
to hear recommendations. Mr. Maharajh asked about the Community Service
Officer's authority to deal with marina/boating problems. Sgt. Diehl said general
marine issues, yes; but conflicts with someone, no, he cannot.
Mr. Hendricks suggested a departure from this discussion in order to quickly go
over the items to get an overall idea of what there is and what might possibly
be deleted. Among the items discussed were marina expenses; contingency
numbers; project-related legal services; professional services (architects,
designers, engineers); sitework and demolition; housing authority lots; non-
profit grant program; infrastructure (streets) improvements; Woman's Club of
BB State grant to renovate historic facilities (two-year cycle).
Ms. Nicklien contributed explanations on the business and economic
development grants; how the rent assistance program is calculated for the
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 1, 2019
grants covering Tier 1 and Tier 2 businesses. Mr. Hendricks expressed desire
to bring in more professional and commercial services (business, medical, etc.)
and suggested promoting office spaces and job providers for the area. Ms.
Gordon commented on the few office spaces already available and would like
to see those utilized before building new offices with no tenants. Mr. Barber
wondered why grants are not renewable on three to five years basis; Ms.
Nicklien said the property improvement grants are renewable once every five
years and rent reimbursement is a one-time deal unless the business expands,
then it, too, would be once every five years. Adiscussion on the nature of grants
and transient businesses ensued.
The Board next went through each line for approval of that item amount; a live
proposed spreadsheet was projected on the screen and changes were made
(see attached). Among items receiving particular attention were contingency
funds; an additional sworn police officer; funding for future redevelopment;
property acquisition; business development and promotional events; business
and economic development grants. A longer discussion on the necessity of an
additional sworn police officer instead of an unsworn community service officer
followed; Sgt. Diehl stated that the Chief of Police is a staunch supporter of the
community service officer program and while adding a sworn police officer may
be preferred, it was unknown as to how the Chief may react.
The updates and approvals to the proposed spreadsheet were reviewed once
more before proceeding to approval. Of note per Mr. Barber and Mr. Maharajh,
the consensus for the additional sworn police officer is appreciated. Mr. Simon
recommended some of the Board Members attend the CRA Board meeting in
support of the additional sworn police officer.
Motion made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Maharajh, to send the information on the
screen before the CRA Board for approval. In a voice vote, the motion passed
unanimously (5-0).
2. Approval of the FY 2019-2021 Boynton Harbor Marina Dockage Lease
Mr. Simon stated the rent rate for the slips at the Marina, currently $19 a linear
foot, for a two year agreement (previously one year), be changed to $26.50 per
linear foot. Also, change transient vessel dockage rate from $2 to $2.50 per
linear foot. Current documents expire on October 1 st
Motion made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Ms. Gordon, to increase by $1 (or $20) per
linear foot for the two year agreement. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously
Motion made by Mr. Devlin, seconded by Mr. Maharajh, to increase the transient vessel
dockage to $2.50 per linear foot. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (5-0).
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 1, 2019
8. CRA Board Items for CRAAdvisory Board Review and Recommendations
A. Old Business
1. None
B. New Business
1. Consideration of Registration and Travel Expenses to Attend the Florida
Redevelopment Association 2019 Annual Conference on October 16-18,
2019 in Tampa, Florida
Mr. Simon stated the CRA Board has approved two members of the Advisory
Board may attend the conference this expense of the CRA Board. Any
additional members may attend at their own expense. Registration deadline
is October 9t". After a brief discussion, two members who had not previously
attended were chosen.
Motion made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Maharajh, to send Golene Gordon and
Thomas Devlin to attend the FRA Conference on October 16-18, 2019. In a voice vote,
the motion passed unanimously (5-0).
9. Future Agenda Items - None
10. Adjournment
Motion made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Devlin, to adjourn. In a voice vote, the
motion passed unanimously (6-0) and the meeting was adjourned at 9:19 p.m.
Attachments: Project Fund Allocation Spreadsheet
Proposed Spreadsheet
[Minutes transcribed by M. Moore, Prototype, Inc.]