HELD ON THURSDAY, MAY 3, 2018, AT 6:30 P.M.
Robert Pollock, Vice Chair Michael Simon, CRA Executive Director
James DeVoursney Theresa Utterback, Development Services
Anthony Barber Manager
Allen Hendricks (arr. 6:30) Bonnie Nicklien, Administrative Services
Thomas Murphy, Jr. and Grant Manager, CRA
Thuy Shutt, Assistant Director, CRA
ABSENT: Renee Roberts, Social Media and
Linda Cross, Chair Communications Specialist
Rick Maharajh Lisa Edmondson, Prototype, Inc.
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Invocation
III. Roll Call
Roll was called, and it was determined a quorum was present.
IV. Agenda Approval
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda - None
B. Adoption of Agenda
Upon Motion duly made and seconded, the agenda was adopted as presented.
Board Member Hendricks arrived at 6:30.
V. Information Only
Mr. Simon introduced the new CRA Social Media and Communications Specialist
Renee Roberts, who was previously with the Boynton Beach CRA as the Business
Development Marketing Special Events Assistant before becoming Marketing Director
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 3, 2018
at Delray. Looking forward to Ms. Roberts to enhance and connect the presence of
CRA to businesses by way of social media and communications expertise.
A. Financial Report Period Ended April 30, 2018
B. Neighborhood Officer Program 2nd Quarter Report for FY 2017-1018
Sgt. Henry Diehl, Boynton Beach Police Department and the Neighborhood Officer
Program reported:
• Some problems with the office being closed down on 404 East MLK due to
ceiling water damage from broken old drainpipes. Currently partially using
Carolyn Sims Center and working out police cars.
• The Department participated in the MLK Unity Fest and the Robert E. Wells Day
in January.
• After the February 14th shooting in Parkland, the Department stepped up patrols
in both elementary schools in heart of Boynton, working with both principals who
don't not have full time school resource officers. New State law requires that a
police officer needs to be present at each school. Palm Beach County School
District is still working through the process, so the Department is working through
roles at Galaxy and Poinciana until they are filled.
• Youth Symposium at Carolyn Sims Center.
• Weekly meetings at Carolyn Sims Center with the Heart of Boynton Association.
Mr. Simon asked what it means to be in the role of Resource Officer at Galaxy and
Poinciana. Sgt. Diehl said the officers are there during school hours for the purpose of
mentoring kids and for high visibility on safety aspect. Not there full time, but there
during the day unless called away; and then back for pickup at the end of the day.
Mr. DeVoursney asked what year of Community Outreach is underway and whether to
continue as an outreach program or a hybrid of an enforcement role/outreach, to which
Sgt. Diehl answered it is the third year of the program, funded in 2015, and discussions
are underway to transition to a hybrid. Perhaps a ratio of Outreach to Enforcement
could be 60:40 or 70:30. Beginning the 2nd quarter of this year there was an increase in
shootings in the Heart of Boynton, especially, which resulted in stepping up assistance
to Road Patrol due to short-staffing. Officer Diehl explained instances of such
assistance primarily to calm and de-escalate situations. As to what help the CRA could
provide, Sgt. Diehl said manpower is good, but a new office is needed, along with
associated technology in such an office.
Vice Chair Pollock asked for an overview of the program. Currently the program
specifies that the Department builds trust, build bridges in the community by attending
community meetings, etc., with increase in crime/shootings this year (which have settled
down), there has to be enforcement along with community involvement to build trust; it
will be a balancing act. The Neighborhood Officer Program (NOP) has already
garnered trust in the community per a recent television news interview.
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 3, 2018
Vice Chair Pollock inquired about the annual budget for a new office. Mr. Simon said
the total was between $13,800 and $14,400, with the current lease up on September
1St, a recommendation will be to not renew that lease. A discussion has been to change
location into the Community Room of the new complex at Ocean Breeze East; more
advantages and options for this and other locations were discussed for NOP program.
Will use the next 12-18 months for investigating these various options for a permanent
Mr. Hendricks asked about the best practices for a hybrid program. Sgt. Diehl said
there has to be attention to not just doing "frivolous stuff," there had to be attention to
curbing criminal behavior during the shootings. Now that these have diminished, maybe
the NOP is working and the percentages should be studied to see what to enforce;
otherwise trust could be jeopardized.
VI. Public Comment
• Chris Montague, 222 West Ocean Ave., Chair of Library Advisory Board.
Seeking guidance on a contract for a music school he and his wife have for a
music school at 211 East Ocean Avenue, the Magnussen House. It looks as
though that contract will be canceled; would like to know if the building will be
up for sale or up for lease again. Mr. Simon said, given the timing of the
question and remaining active contract time period, it would not be
professional to comment at this time. After May 14th the discussion would be
more appropriate.
• Mark Karageorge, 248 Main Blvd., commented on Tom Murphy's continued
recovery, asking Community's continued support as he has helped countless
people in this City. He personally commended work by officers in NOP as
extremely effective not only in Heart of Boynton but in the schools with
mentoring and interactions. Need to support this program with resources
during this interim period, and to appreciate the staff during budget
recommendations for the work being done.
VII. Consent
A. Approval of CRAAdvisory Board Minutes —April 5, 2018
A brief recap was given by Mr. Simon that the CRA Board supported funding for
intersections at Woolbright, Ocean Ave., Boynton Beach Blvd., Martin Luther King Jr.
Blvd.; other intersections were discussed, but only those four were approved at this
time. There will be further opportunities for public input on additional matters, which will
be posted on the City website.
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 3, 2018
Motion made by Mr. DeVoursney, seconded by Mr. Murphy, to approve the minutes of
the April 5, 2018, meeting as presented. In a voice vote, the motion passed
unanimously (5-0).
VIII. Assignments
A. Pending Assignments — None
B. Reports on Pending Assignments — None
C. New assignments from April 10, 2018, CRA Board Meeting — None
IX. CRA Board Items for CRA Advisory Board Review & Recommendations
A. Old Business — None
B. New Business
1. Consideration of Grant Funding for the Boynton Beach CRA Non-profit
Organization Grant Program.
Vice Chair Pollock stated the CRA had recommended three options, to be opened for
Mr. Barber read the following recommendations:
• Option One — Recommend approval for the application of funding request as
submitted by Community Caring Center of Greater Boynton Beach in the
amount not to exceed $57,681 over a period of six months.
• Option Two — Recommend approval for the application of funding request as
submitted by Habitat for Humanity of South Palm Beach County in the
amount not to exceed $40,000 over a funding period of twelve months.
• Option Three — Do not recommend approval for Side Project, Inc. in the
amount of $40,000 over a funding period of twelve months.
Mr. Barber was curious as to why Community Caring is for six months while Habitat is
for twelve months. Ms. Shutt stated each application has different programs and
categories, and the applicant states in the application how long it will take to develop
and successfully complete the program as long as milestones are provided for
measurement of success. Habitat is delivering four new units as well as six rehab units,
which requires building permits, etc. CCC has 30-years' experience with such projects
and feels they can produce results in six months. As for Side Project, Inc., no such
milestones were provided to even recommend approval.
Mr. DeVoursney inquired about the "do not recommend approval" status of Option
Three, how the Funding Evaluation Committee felt they did not make the mark. Ms.
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida May 3, 2018
Shutt gave the procedures for the Committee's recommendations and, when an
application does not pass, the file must be closed before proceeding with the others.
Motion made by Mr. DeVoursney, seconded by Mr. Hendricks, to accept
recommendations as amended: 1) recommend approval for Community Caring Center;
2) recommend approval for Habitat for Humanity, 3) do not recommend approval for
Side Project, Inc. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (5-0).
Discussion: Ms. Shutt first stated an error in the original figures, that the application
from Side Project, Inc., was for $75,000, then continued that there is $92,923 in the
budget, and that the two applications recommended for approval were very strong.
There is a $4,700 (and change) short from what was budgeted, but the Committee was
able to reallocate those funds from another budget item. The Fiscal Impact Section
states that if the money can be replaced from elsewhere, both of those applications can
get what was asked for, rather than reducing either grant request.
X. Future Agenda Items - None
XI. Adjournment
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
[Minutes transcribed by M. Moore, Prototype, Inc.]