Minutes 08-02-18 ti
Linda Cross, Chair Michael Simon, CRA Executive Director
Anthony Barber Thuy Shutt, CRAAssistant Director
Allen Hendricks Theresa Utterback, CRA Dev. Svcs. Mgr.
Rick Maharajh Lisa Tayar, Prototype, Inc.
Robert Pollock, Vice Chair
James DeVoursney
Thomas Murphy, Jr.
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
Roll was called, and it was determined a quorum was present.
4. Agenda Approval
A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda
1. The Chair requested that new business assignments be moved up on
Motion made by Mr. Maharajh, seconded by Mr. Barber, take three items under
New Business and move them up on the agenda for discussion. In a voice vote,
the motion passed unanimously (4-0).
B. Adoption of Agenda
Motion made by Mr. Maharajh, seconded by Mr. Hendricks, to adopt the agenda.
In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (4-0).
5. Information Only
A. Financial Report Period Ending for June and July 2018
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 2, 2018
Mr. Simon stated that the Financial Report is in great shape. Different this
month is an attachment to the report called the "In Kind Analysis," which will
be a regular update to the Board on decisions made with regard to either a
waiver or exception. An explanation of how "in kind" will work followed,
including how this has been noted in the past without being part of the
Financial Report.
6. Public Comment
Ms. Sherry Johnson, Community Caring Center, announced the Job Fair will be
August 7 and thanked the CRAAB for helping to promote it. Mayor Grant and
Vice Mayor Romulus will be in the cooking competition. Johnson & Wales
University Culinary Arts School will be judging. The Breakers will also attend.
Students have handed out flyers and positive interest has been generated. Mr.
Barber asked about the goals, in particular in the food industry. There will be 35
businesses looking to hire employees in that industry alone, and not just in the
7. Consent
A. Approval of CRAAdvisory Board Meeting Minutes — June 7, 2018
Motion made by Mr. Maharajh, seconded by Mr. Barber, to approve the minutes
of the June 7, 2018 meeting. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (4-
8. Assignments
A. Pending Assignments
1. None
B. Reports on Pending Assignments
1. None
C. New Assignments — (Moved to later in the Agenda)
1. Consideration and Discussion of Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget
9. CRA Board Items for CRAAdvisory Board Review and Recommendations
A. Old Business
1. None
B. New Business
1. Consideration and Discussion of the Letter Submitted by the Community
Caring Center Boynton Beach, Inc. (CCC), for their property located at
145 NE 4t"Ave, Boynton Beach, Florida
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 2, 2018
Ms. Johnson returned with a presentation of possible solutions for
developing a new location for the CCC. Mr. Barber and Mr. Simon
openly discussed the reality of the CRA's involvement, grants, and
budget considerations for the expanding project. Chair Cross noted that
Mr. Hendrick will need to recuse himself from the discussion, so the
quorum will be lost. Mr. Simon noted the item can be kept as an
assignment and tabled until the quorum needed is present. Mr.
Maharajh stated a need for a solid business model with hard numbers
going forward; solutions to resolve other funding concerns were
Motion made by Mr. Maharajh, seconded by Mr. Barber, to table to next meeting
for a quorum and with Ms. Johnson coming back with solid numbers and business
plan as discussed. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (4-0).
2. Consideration of Registration and Travel Expenses to Attend the Florida
Redevelopment Association 2018 Annual Conference on October 24-26,
2018 in Fort Myers, Florida
Motion made by Mr. Maharajh, seconded by Mr. Hendricks, to nominate Mr.
Barber as an attendee, waiting to decide on a second attendee. In a voice vote,
the motion passed unanimously (4-0).
3. Consideration of purchase of the property located at 106 NE 3rd Avenue.
Mr. Simon gave an overview, concluding that the appraisal was $80,100
and the owners have agreed to sale price of $100,000. The property
would open up opportunities to start cleaning up Seacrest. Discussion
followed on the location and surrounding properties. The owner of
Express Food and that shopping center has approached CRA with
interest to sell, but was not happy with the appraised value; however,
they may be open to negotiations. Discussion ensued on history of the
neighboring parcel prices, and expanding clean-up of areas along
Seacrest in addition to the Town Square Project. Chair Cross suggested
splitting the difference at $90,000.
Motion made by Mr. Hendricks, seconded by Mr. Maharajh, to buy the vacant
parcel at NE 3rd Avenue at $100,000. In a voice vote, the motion passed (3-1)
with Chair Cross opposed.
8. Assignments
C. New Assignments — (Moved to later in the Agenda)
1. Consideration and Discussion of Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 2, 2018
Mr. Simon stated the projected tax increment revenue to the CRA is
$12,421,686 with no fund balance allocation rollovers or release of
working capital. The estimated annual marina revenue is approximately
$1 million. Total revenue to the Agency is $13,421 ,686. The CRA is
comprised of the General Fund, the Debt Service Fund, and the Project
Fund. The Board reviewed the worksheet numbers as attached to these
minutes. The only discretionary money to discuss is the obligations in the
Project Fund, such as Casa Costa, Walmart, two phases of Seabourn
Cove, the Preserve at 500 Ocean (next fiscal year), Ocean One Phase 1
(Phase 2 has not signed off yet). The CRA recommendations in First Draft
were discussed. CRAB has asked CRAAB for a review of the draft, asking
to okay allocations or provide alternative recommendations for funding.
TIF agreements, which rely on future TIF generated by a project, were
discussed. Construction costs for Town Square are the public portions of
the project will total about $1.1 million (proportionally $40 million until
2044). This was followed by review of the spreadsheet numbers,
• Bonds for high school renovations projects
• Public portion of Town Center (City Hall, Library, public spaces,
amphitheater, high school, garages)
• County and City agree CRA funding can be utilized for City Hall
• TIF should generate $1.2 million for Town Square
Chair Cross summarized the spreadsheet items as presented. Mr.
Hendricks had concerns regarding empty retail spaces, specifically at 500
Ocean, would like to work with developers to fill the retail spaces (build-
out grants, economic development, marketing, events, etc.) and budget
accordingly. Non-profit grants currently are Secret Garden Cafe in the
Incubator that Community Caring Center operates, P2P, Habitat for
Humanity, and discussion of the priority of funding such projects followed.
Chair Cross asked Staff about the difficulty of administering job creation
programs for next year. Ms. Shutt noted the hardest thing to track for
non-profits are the administrative costs, preferring entities that have
proven track records, as opposed to start-ups with proven, measurable
outcomes. The Board needs to look at processing implementation of
programs this year without measuring results from last year. Chair Cross
suggested moving $92,000 to economic development grants or even
property acquisition.
Mr. Barber wondered why there was no funding from the CRA in 2018-
2019 for MLK Unity Day. Mr. Simon explained that CRAs primarily focus
on business or promotional events rather than civic-oriented events, so
have moved away from sponsoring such events due to statutory
Meeting Minutes CRA Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 2, 2018
requirements. Discussion followed on various other events and how they
relate to actual redevelopment. One idea being explored is "Rock the
Plaza" events at various sites that attract people to actual businesses.
Mr. Barber proposed $20,000 from the $92,000 be reallocated to support
various events including MILK Unity Day that do not conflict with the CRA
goals. General discussion followed on budget line items, grants, and
allocations, especially as relates to best use of the $92,000.
Motion made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Hendricks, to adopt the budget and
propose $65,000 instead of $92,712 allocated percentage-wise, 80% to housing
development and 20% to business incubation programs. In a voice vote, the
motion passed unanimously (4-0).
Discussion: Mr. Hendricks was not sure if this is the right mix and gave examples
of reasoning for questioning percentages. Ms. Shutt noted the first round was
only authorized for economic development, and in the second round the Board
added affordable housing. Mr. Barber was not in favor of P2P receiving funding;
CCC will continue to receive money from CRA in several ways; can touch the
work that Habitat for Humanity does; and that there is not enough evidence on
record that the incubation program uses funds in such a way as to benefit the
After passing the motion, further discussion ensued on the remaining $27,712.
Mr. Simon gave examples of how the funds can be allocated, such as the
Women's Club could use funds towards maintenance projects such as painting,
flooring, curtains, ceiling tiles, and upkeep for historical building. Also discussed
was the MILK Corridor RFP and the Cottage District RFP.
Motion made by Mr. Barber, seconded by Mr. Maharajh, to take remaining
funding that the CRA Board allocated from non-profit business/housing line item
and move to line item for Historic Women's Club of Boynton Beach exterior and
interior prep and paint. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (4-0).
Motion made by Mr. Maharajh, seconded by Mr. Barber, to pass budget as
amended. In a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously (4-0).
10. Future Agenda Items - None
11. Adjournment
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 8:53 p.m.
Attachments: Fiscal Year 2018/2019 Budget Worksheets
[Minutes transcribed by M. Moore, Prototype, Inc.]