Minutes 04-04-33REGULAH MEETING OF &PRIL 4~ 1933.
A Regular ~eeting of the Board of Towm Comm~issioners
of the Tow~ of Boynvon was b_e!d at the To~_ Hall on Tues-
day eve~in~ April 4~ 1933 at V~30 o~ciock P, M.
?rese~t~ H, Do Stevens~ ~ayor
Frmak Nutting~ Vice Mayor
J, P. Bowen~ Town Clerk
The above constituting the entire Board of Town
miss'criers o~ the Town of Boynton, Florida.
Mi~mtee of the Regular ~eeting held March
read and spproved upon motion made by Comm~issioner
seconded by Com~.issioner Bowen and unanimously
1933 were
Upon mo~mon ~.aas by Co~issioner ~utt~no~ seccn~ed by
~o,mm_ss~oner Stevens and
unan~moms~y the following
were approved for payment vfnen ~?Dds~are available:
Halsey 2 eriffith ~ 5.10
&ustin Supply Co. 1°75
Ball Supply Comp~ay 12.35
De!ray Beach News
Am~dy~s Garage 1~95
Nuttings Filling
Southern Bell Tel. Co 13.70
Fla. Power & Light Co
Commissioner Nutting made a motion 3terk be
instructed ~o have bailers printed for use
to be held April I0~ 1933 for the election
having themeon the names of Wi!iima ~enzei~
son and Thomas Eo Woolbrig~s as requested by petition ~o
%he Town Commisslon. This motion was seconded by Co~iaslon-
that the
in.the Election
of Vice-Mayor~
Frank L. Ander-
er Bowen ~ad unanimously carried.
Upon motion made by Comeissioner Btevens~ seconded by
Commissioner Bowen and unanimously carried, the clerk was
instructed to have the candidates names printed in order of
filing of their respective eetitions.
Commissioner Nutting moved the adoption of the follow-
ing Resolution:
WHEREAS Town_. of Bcynton ~provement Bond No. 80 issue
of June i~ 1926 and Tovrn of BoyP~on Refunding, Waterworks
and Street Bonds N~sabers 8 and 9~ Issue of Octobe~ i, 1923
have been redeemed and applied or to be applied in payment
of taxes and/or street assessments by v~ioua vaxpayers~
NO~ THE~EFORE BE IT RESOLVED: by the Board of Town
Commissioners of the Tovm of Boynton~ Florida~ that the
Treasurer be~ and he hereby is aut~orized~ ordered and di-
rected to ~ance! To'~m of Bovnton Improvement Bond Es. 80
issue of June !, 19~5 ~nd To~ of Boynton Refunding, Water-
works and Street Bonds Numbers 8 and 9, issue of October 1~
1923 ~ad maste saree in Bend Book.
Cormnissioner Bowen seconded the motion for the adop-
tion of the above and foregoing Resolution~ and ueon being
F~t to a vove~ the follo~?=ng vote was had thereon:
Stevens~ ~Aye~
Nutting~ ~ye~
Bo¥~en~ ~-e~
The following letter was read:
Boynton~ Florida.
March 31, 1933.
Boynton ~omans Club
Frmak NuttL~g, Vice-Mayor
DeR ~r~ Nutting:
The members of the Boynton ~oman~s Club
wish to thank you for your cooperation in their
efforts to beautify the plot~J~-gro~s~d at Dixie
and Ocean Avenue. It is certainty gratifying to
our civic pride to see the lovely flowers and
we feel much is due you fo~ keeping~e plmuts
Please ~ow we appreciate the t~me and
interest you have taken.
(Signed) Dorothy Shepperd~ COre Sec.
Co~mi~sioner Stevems moved the adoption of the
io~ng Resolution:
.?YH~EAS Totem of Boynton Refunding, ~aterworks and
Street Bond No. 5~ issue of October t~ !923 bec~:mes due
and payable on October I~ i953~ and
~i~EREAS said bond may now be purchased for the sum of
Three H~andred Dollars ($300.00)~ including all unpaid int-
ez~est cocoons attached th~revo~
i~H~REAS it is deemed advisable to p~'clzase the above
mentioned Bond paying for same out of interest sm.d Sinking
Fund money set aside for the redemption of bonds~
N0~ T[d~RE?0RE BE ET RESOLVED by the Beard of Town
Co~?aissio~ers of the To~ of Boynton, ~'lorida, that the
Treasurer be, and he hereby is authorized~ ordered and di-
rected to purchase Town of Boynton~ Refunding~ ~aterworks
~ud Street Bond No. 5, issue of October i 1923 with
unoaid interes¥ coupons attached thereto~ for the sum of
Tl%~ee Hundred Dollars (~300,00}o
Commissioner Nutting seconded the motion for the
adoption }f the abovs and foregoing Reso!ution~ and upon
being put to a Fote~was !na~d thereon:
Cormm~ssioner Stevens~ ~Aye.
Corm~.issioner Nutting~ i~ye,~
Commissioner Bowen~ '~{ye~
A Resolution to pay ctaJ~s was adopted,
Commissioner ~utting recommended that the Registra~
tion Book be revissd in compliance with the Town Ordinance,
~ discussion was had regarding water rates and the ad-
visability of making mont!aly readings and co!leotio~s
stead of quarterly as ay present, ~o action was taken at
this time.
Co=~issioner Nutting made a motion that Thomas E,
Woo!bright be allowed his water bill (effective October 1,
1933) in exchange for his services as caretaker of the cem-
etery. This motion w~s seconded by Commissione~ Stevens
and unanimously carried.
g discussion was had of various bills being presented
to the Legislature by the League of Florida ~!unicipa!ities
and of Zhe League~s request for contributions for the
pose of defraying expenses connected therewith.
Commissioner Nutting made a motion that the Tov~ of
Boynto~ contribute Fifty Doila~s (~50,00) to the League-of
Florida ~unicipaiities for this purpose, when funds are
~nis mosio~ was seconded by COIl~llS$10nSp Stevens and
unanimously ' ~
Th~e being no further ousxuess the meet!ng adjoumnod.
I do so!en~aiy sweaP (or affi_~m) that I will
suppo~t~ p~otoct smd defend ~ne Const~tu~_on a~d gove_~aen~
of the United Stat~s s.r~ of the State of_Wlo~ida_ ~ ~ ag_inst
ail en~mmes~ aoz~estmo or fo~ei~n~ s~d tb~.t I will bes~
falth~ loyal~ and allogi~_ce to the s~ae~ and that l
' ~ ~o~o. office '~ the ~ons~_.~t~on and that
will faithfully perfoPm all the dutiss of t~_e office of
V!CE-~,~YOR and EX-O~ICIO ~;~ ..... ~ ~.~,~ ~ ~m '
0P B0!~iTON~ PA~i BoAoH CODITY~ FDORiDA~ on which I am
os en~e'~ so ~_emp me God.