Agenda 05-23-19 City Of Boynton Beach
May 23, 2019, 6:00 P.M.
Intracoastal Park Clubhouse, 2240 N. Federal Highway
Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes of November 29, 2018
V. Approval of Minutes of January 24, 2019
VI. Approval of Minutes of February 28, 2019
VII. Approval of Minutes of March 28, 2019
VIII. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
IX. Public Audience
X. New Business
A. Back to School Bash: August 3
B. Funds Distribution
XI. Old Business
A. "Pound for Our Town" fundraiser
B. Purchasing of T-Shirts
C. Champions of Change Awards/Fundraiser
D. Bob Borovy Award
E. Youth Volunteer Bank
F. Fundraising
G. Grants
XII. Future Meeting Dates: June 27, 2019
July 25, 2019
XIII. Adjournment
Account Summary:
Harvey Oyer Jr. Borovy Youth Volunteer Tennis Total
Community Contributions Award Bank Carnival
$588 $455 $482 $364 $1889
The Board (Committee) may only conduct public business after a quorum has been established. If no quorum is established within
twenty minutes of the noticed start time of the meeting the City Clerk or designee will so note the failure to establish a quorum and
the meeting shall be concluded. Board members may not participate further even when purportedly acting in an informal capacity.
Dr. Tiffany North, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Angelica Nevin, Vice Chair
Lynne Gassant
Peggy LaGuerre
Lori Wilkinson
Anastasia Chandler (arrived at 6:14 p.m.)
Gregory Murphy (arrived at 6:21 p.m.)
Carla Colebrooks
Cory Voce, Alternate
I. Call to Order
Chair North called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The members recited the Pledge to the Flag.
III. Approval of Agenda
Ms. Nevin moved to amend the agenda to remove the October 25, 2018 minutes. Dr.
Gassant seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
Lon Wilkinson moved to approve the agenda as amended. Peggy LaGuerre seconded
the motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Minutes of October 25, 2018
This item was not addressed.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
Ms. Claude reminded the members some of their terms are expiring. Affected members
were Gregory Murphy, Peggy LeGuerre, Carla Colebrooks, and Lori Wilkinson. She noted
there are two student openings.
VI. Public Audience
VII. New Business
A. Purchasing of T-Shirts
Chair North wanted to know how they would go about getting t-shirts and recalled asking
Ms. Claude if the City would be willing to purchase t-shirts on the Board's behalf and
learned previously Board t-shirts were ordered through the City's warehouse and charged
to the Board's account. The members could also find a t-shirt vendor that may be cheaper
and they could send them the logo. The Board has City of Boynton Beach shirts but not
with the Board logo, which the members wanted.
At the last meeting, the Board had also decided to purchase the shirts out of pocket.
Chair North asked if they should find out the information. Ms. LaGuerre agreed and
thought it might be a better idea to decide when Board vacancies are filled. There was
agreement this item will be discussed in January. Ms. Chandler and Vice Chair Nevin
agreed to check out some prices.
B. Holiday Parade
The members volunteered at the holiday parade and had a golf cart to sell juice, water
and snacks. They did very well with both years and got at least $200 or $300. Last year,
Ms. LaGuerre was a judge and Chair North was a judge the year before. The parade was
this Saturday and a judge was needed. Ms. Wilkinson advised she is committed to the
Boynton Beach Foundation activities with her daughter so she could not volunteer. The
judges stage will be on the corner of Federal and 1s' Avenue across from the Bank of
America Parking Lot. Parking will be reserved for judges at the same site. Ms. Gassant
volunteered to serve as a judge. Ms. Claude will provide Ms. Gassant with the needed
information and announced the parade starts at 4 p.m. and judges were requested to
arrive at 3:15 p.m.
VIII. Old Business
A. Donation Request — Freedom Shores Elementary (Expanding Expression
Tool Kit)
Meeting Minutes
• Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
Vice Chair Nevin reached out to Ms. Kristina twice. The first time was an attempt to have
information to share last time they met. She emailed her within a short time frame and
the Board tabled the request. Vice Chair Nevin emailed her advising her of the tabling,
that she needed further information and to come to the meeting, but she has not
At the last meeting, the Board realized the last two Donation Request forms were on the
old request form and they made sure the old form was not on line and discovered they
had printed an old form. They learned the requestor had printed the form prior to the new
form going online.
Vice Chair Nevin explained Ms. Kristina emailed the Donation form to Ms. Claude. Ms.
Claude responded back that she received the form, told her they were meeting
September 27 and Ms. Kristina responded thank you and Ms. Claude responded again
at last night's meeting the Board voted to reconsider the request after obtaining some
additional information and that Vice Chair Nevin would contact her further, which was
done and she responded back to the email discussion thread. Vice Chair Nevin provided
her with six questions as follow ups and encouraged her to respond adding information
whenever possible and she encouraged her to attend the meeting at 6 p.m. She added
that the Board would meet and she has not heard anything. No response was received.
Vice Chair Nevin responded back with Ms. Kristina that the Board had agreed at the
September meeting, the Board would like to postpone the vote on the grant request in
November. She has not heard anything back. Vice Chair Nevin noted the date provided
to Ms. Kristina was not the date the meeting took place.
Chair North was unsure how to handle because they did not get the requested
information. Discussion ensued if there was a deadline to respond to requests for
additional information. The members acknowledged the Board request receiving the
request form 60 days prior to the project being initiated and within 60 days of receipt of
the funds, proof that the funds were used for the stated purpose. She did not see anything
detailing a deadline to respond. Chair North was concerned about the lack of response.
The Board was conducting its due diligence and not receiving a response.
Mr. Murphy moved to deny the request at this particular time and they can reply at a later
time. Lon Wilkinson and Vice Chair Nevin seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
B. Donation Request — Freedom Shores (Social Studies Weekly for 2 dual
language classes-3rd grade)
Vice Chair Nevin noted the form was the antiquated form which meant there would be
information missing. Ms. Chandler explained she would favor the request. Her children
take duel language classes and the PTA has to sponsor extra reading books for the
Spanish side of the class and they have purchased history books for them. Often the
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
teachers have to translate the books from English to Spanish so there is definitely a need
and not a frivolous request. Lori Wilkinson was also familiar with this program. The
requestor mentioned the section to describe the need of the program, is currently the
state of elementary schools everywhere. Social studies has to be built into the curriculum
in curriculums. The teacher was asking for social study materials. Ms. Wilkinson was
familiar with the books, Studies Weekly. She thought it was not for the Spanish program,
but it was for the dual language program. The request was for $328.95 for materials for
40 students. Mr. Murphy thought the material was reusable. It is a magazine that comes
weekly to the classroom and there was discussion whether the material could be reused.
Ms. Wilkinson did not think the materials were reusable, but was not certain.
Lori Wilkinson moved to approve $328.95 for Freedom Shores Elementary Jen Karvaski's
class for Social Studies Weekly magazine. Mr. Murphy seconded the motion that passed
4 to 3, (Chair North, Vice Chair Nevin and Ms. LaGuerre dissenting.)
Vice Chair Nevin asked which account the funds would come from. Chair North
responded it was up to the Board. Lori Wilkinson thought it came from the Harvey Oyer
Lori Wilkinson explained in general, per Robert's Rules, generally when a motion is made,
it is seconded and then there is discussion. When the vote is taken, the matter is over.
If the Board wants to indicate they voted on a matter and they wanted to speak more
about it, they would have to make another motion and second to nullify the prior motion
and vote on it. Currently, the Board voted to fund the entire amount. Chair North
commented the board to move to reconsider the motion. Lori Wilkinson commented it was
not exactly how it works. Mr. Murphy thought an amendment to the motion could be
Dr. Gassant thought considering the Board exists to support programs in the community,
she thought a greater effort should be made to fundraise. She also expressed $328 is a
normal request. She writes grants and thought the request had so many questions,
especially if the Board has to request more information and additional documents just to
give someone $200 or $300. She noted teachers do not have budgets and the teacher
indicated there is a fee to apply. She explained parents do not have the funds. She feels
like the Board is helping but is afraid to give the money. Vice Chair Nevin understood
and agreed, but pointed out currently, the Board does not have the funds to give. She
thought if they continue to fully fund every request, they will have no money. Ms. Nevin
explained over three years, about $1,000 has been raised. When she sees a $300
request, it makes her heart pound. She does not want to say no, but if they say yes to
fully fund all requests they will be out of funds. They have $1,000 left for one scholarship
for a high school scholarship and $862 left for any other requests that come in. She would
be more likely to say yes to all things in its entirety if they made as much coming in as
they are giving out. She is open to all fundraisers as the requests are all worthy of full
Meeting Minutes
• Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
funding, but the Board is unable to accommodate all requests. Vice Chair Nevin had
suggested the Champions of Change Breakfast a year ago, which has not been instituted.
Ms. Chandler had also recommended a VPK event. She thought it would be a successful
endeavor because vendor fees would be creating earnings. Ms. Chandler thought they
should try to hold the event in February and the board should secure a location to hold it
and get the word out to child care centers.
C. Donation Request Form
The revised form was sent to the members and it was noted the form was not attached
to the donation request form as it is an internal policy the Board drafted. The only thing
the requestor would see was the form and the only way schools or any other requestor
would get the form would be if they would call and ask for it, which Ms. Claude would
email to them or one of the members would give it to them. The policy was lengthy and
she thought the Board may want to take out some of the important parts and put them
on the top of the form for the process or information for the requestor, or it could be
attached. Ms. Claude could incorporate it into the form itself. Lori Wilkinson noted the
important parts are the form needs to be submitted 60 days ahead of time and the form
be completely filled out. Within 60 days of receipt of the funds, the Board wants them to
come back or contact the Board with proof they used the funds in the manner they were
given for. Ms. Claude thought the Board may want to move the 60 days earlier, because
depending on when it is received, the Board does not hear it until the next meeting. She
explained until she has to wait for the minutes of the meeting to ask for the check to be
issued. She thought it could take more time from when the request is submitted until the
check is issued. Lori Wilkinson commented in years past, the Board has received
requests that there was no way the requestor could know 60 days in advance that they
need the funds. She explained if the Robotics Team wins the State Competition, they
get to go to Nationals and only has two and a half weeks to get the money together. She
suggested the 60 days be the preference, but there are extenuating circumstances.
Chair North and Mr. Murphy suggested a cover page be used.
Ms. Claude commented the form does not say the applicant is encouraged to come to
the meeting. She noted the Board had previously decided they did not want the applicant
to appear because they wanted to discuss it, but there were times they wished the
applicant was present to answer questions. Chair North asked if they could put the
requestor on notice the Board may call them that evening with questions. Lori Wilkinson
commented they could not ask anyone to leave. If the discussion needs to be had, then
the issue could be voted on at the next meeting. The Board could also say there is not
enough information and deny the request. Lori Wilkinson liked the draft and there was
agreement it would be included as the front page of the application. Ms. Chandler
suggested the pages all say City of Boynton Beach consistently.
D. Champions of Change Awards/Fundraiser
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
Chair North noted Inlet Grove School held a similar event honoring and recognizing
teachers. They charged $125 per ticket; however, the draw they had was an actress was
present. Chair North noted the event started off as a pancake breakfast, then evolved
into the Champion of Change, which was a great idea, but she questioned if the Board
was prepared to hold it. Ms. LaGuerre commented the difficulty she had was there were
so many Sunshine regulations. She cannot text fellow Board members to ask a question.
She thought the idea was a doable event, but she doubted they would get $100 a ticket.
Giving awards out is a common event and people come to support the awardee and
people pay for the networking aspect of it. It was doable, but she had trouble trying to
organize an event within this setting
Mr. Murphy suggested recognizing a Boynton Principal in May, to get staff and the
community to come. The principal will receive a complimentary ticket, but the family and
staff members who support the awardee will want to attend. He thought ticket prices
could be $20 to $30. The initial goal was to do something for teachers, but he thought in
order to get a bigger bang for the buck and have a nice attendance, he would recognize
some administrators or leaders of the schools here. Vice Chair Nevin requested
confirmation the Board would recognize someone from the school and the individuals who
would attend would be the same individuals who request funds from the Board. She
thought it should be opened to the entire community and learned it was not restricted.
Ms. Chandler had to leave the meeting but indicated first she would be happy to start
implementing plans and sharing information with Ms. Claude. She requested at the
January meeting Ms. Chandler bring numbers and actual vendors that might be
interested. Location choices for the event would be the Senior, Hester or Carolyn Sims
Centers. February would be the best time to hold the event and Ms. LaGuerre explained
the Board can help. Ms. LaGuerre liked the idea and thought they could honor local
principals. She inquired if principals were just one category of individuals. Discussion
followed it could be broad enough to recognize education leaders in the community which
encompassed superintendents, teachers, principals and others. Initially, it was just an
event for people to come in and make money with a minimal amount of outlay. It started
with just pancakes, but other community members could supply pastries or obtain
donations from Publix's. The Board was targeting a minimal outlay and the most open,
available opportunity for everyone to be able to participate. The purpose was to let people
know they are supporting the Education and Youth in Boynton Beach. Ms. Gassant liked
the idea and thought it was important to connect with the community so they know the
Board supports schools. She thought the task was not a one person job. Tasks would
have to be delegated and the fact they meet once a month draws out the process. She
saw the event as a summer event and thought it could be a successful event. The Board
needs to know what would be done and all have to be able to be in charge of something
and follow through. Ms. Claude explained the members can send emails to her. There
is a task list, everyone is responsible for an item and at every meeting there is an update.
It would take alittle longer because the Board meets once a month. At one time the Board
met weekly and as long as the meetings were noticed, they could meet. Ms. Gassant
explained when she joined the Board, the work was not delegated and there was a lot of
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
pressure on Ms. LaGuerre. If the Board wanted to resume holding the event, they should
have a good game plan.
Chair North asked if the item should remain on the agenda and have it come to fruition at
some point. Lori Wilkinson suggested tabling the item for now. The fundraiser part of it
may come into play later in the meeting. There are other suggestions such as Ms.
Chandler's suggestion and she thought the idea may surface at the January meeting.
Ms. LaGuerre will look at her old PowerPoints. She will revisit the issue and what the
Board discussed and she will reintroduce the idea. Ms. Gassant will send a checklist to
Ms. Claude and a few questions as for how many people the Board would want to have
at the event, how much do they want to make and discuss it so they will have an outline
to move forward with in January.
E. Youth Volunteer Bank & Bob Borovy Award
Ms. Gassant has three students in a mentoring program and they had the Youth Volunteer
Bank form. One senior asked if she could provide community service hours from her
freshman year or only their senior year. Ms. Claude explained there are two separate
programs. The Youth Volunteer Bank is open to youth of any age. They are requested
to turn in hours for the prior year and Ms. Claude enters them on a spread sheet. Usually
the students with the highest volunteer hours are recognized by the City Commission,
although last year only three or four students turned in hours. Normally students receive
a certificate and are recognized at a City Commission meeting. Once the student is a
senior, and they do not have to be in the Youth Volunteer Bank program, they can apply
for the Borovy Award. It is for seniors and it has a completely different application. The
Borovy Award has a required essay. Ms. Claude had a flyer, and it was noted this year
they are giving away a $1,000 award. Students have to submit three letters of
recommendation, write an essay and submit documentation of their community service
and most detail their community service from high school. The deadline is March 29"'.
In the past, the program was promoted on social media. Ms. Claude also sent letters and
started sending emails to all school guidance counsellors or a school contacts to publicize
to students. At a prior meeting there was an inquiry if they could post it on the district
web site and Mr. Murphy responded it could be posted there. She will forward the
information to Mr. Murphy and he will post it.
F. Fundraising
Ms. Gassant explained at the last meeting, they were looking for locations to hold events
similar to Blue Martini and suggestions such as Bar Louie's, Two Georges, and Sweet
Water was received. She had a list of ideas from the Board and she made contacts. She
explained the only thing is anyone can have a networking event, but it may not benefit
the Board. When she called she noted there are no real perks to hold the event, and the
amount they charge the Board would result in the Board having to charge attendees a lot
of money. She had a conversation with Bar Louie and was waiting to hear back to see
what is on the menu because they have a party menu or banquet style. She would have
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
to see how much and a lot of them want $25 per person. To make money, the Board
would have to charge $35 to make funds. Since they are just getting started, they should
start out small and then expand. Two Georges said they have not done fundraisers, and
the person will speak to the owner and see if something could be worked out as long as
they can provide a minimum. Ms. Gassant informed him that was not a problem. If the
minimum is $30 or $50 and they know they would charge a certain amount, they would
charge the Board regardless, just the same as Blue Martini. She hoped individuals would
pay in advance. It was the same concept. As long as the ticket price is low there should
not be a problem. Locally, she has not found anything comparable to Blue Martini that
would raise $500 quickly. She hoped she would hear back by the January meeting. She
explained the board needs to find a place who will charge between $7 and $10 per person
and no more than $12, because that gives the Board the flexibility to charge someone
between $15 to $22 and make a profit because gratuities have to be paid. Chili's has
10% off and each person's order would earn the Board 10% and they can go to the
restaurant throughout the day. The Board could indicate when they would be at the
restaurant, which is when most individuals would come. Tijuana Flats does that as does
Chik fil-A. Chair North noted many schools are doing that now.
Lori Wilkinson mentioned a few months ago that she had a friend who was going to donate
money. She announced the Board would receive $509 and the check will come from the
Greater Boynton Beach Foundation. When a campaign dissolves and there are funds
left over, they must go to a 501(c)(3) organization. Debra Gibson was running for House
District 90 and ended her campaign before the election and she had to get rid of the rest
of her funds, so she donated $1,018 and change to the Foundation with specific
instructions to split the funds between the EYAB and the Foundation. Chair North asked
if it would it be appropriate to send a thank you letter and learned it would. A suggestion
was made to deposit the monies into the Community fund.
Lori Wilkinson asked if the Tennis Carnival would move forward. Last year, the pro was
ill. Ms. Claude commented if the Board wanted to hold the Carnival again someone would
have to contact Hunters Run. Lori Wilkinson suggested they discuss the Tennis Carnival
at the next meeting. If it is not continued, the Board could move those funds. The Youth
Volunteer Bank has a minimal expense. The Borovy Award is a monetary award. There
was agreement to reallocate some funds and to discuss the Tennis Carnival at the
January meeting.
Chair North was thinking about Valentine's Day. Last year, the Board discussed
entertaining the kids while the parents have dinner. She did not know if anyone wanted
to think about it. It would be like a babysitting opportunity for the board. Valentine's Day
is on a Thursday. Vice Chair Nevin thought there would be issues, liability or something.
Ms. Claude's concern is all of their staff that deal with children or seniors have to have a
level two background check and the Board members serving as volunteers would all have
to get background checks which takes time. Chair North asked if the City was doing
anything for Valentine's Day they could help with and learned there were none that Ms.
Claude was aware of and the City does not have a Valentine's Day event.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida November 29, 2018
At the next meeting, the members would discuss the Champions of Change and VPK
event. There are three or four events pending and funds would come in.
G. Grants
Chair North has not done anything with grants since the last meeting. They were looking
for grants to support programs as opposed to individual activities. Grants also have to be
monitored and they would need a small grant.
IX. Future Meeting Dates: January 24, 2019
February 28, 2019
X. Adjournment
Lori Wilkinson moved to adjourn. Vice Chair Nevin and Ms. LaGuerre seconded the
Ms. Gassant was aware of the Jim Warren Foundation and suggested it could be
beneficial if the Board submitted a letter of intent to them, as opposed to a full proposal,
explaining how funds would be allocated, It was noted the Board could collaborate with
the Greater Boynton Beach Foundation as a 501(cX3) organization. Chair North will
review it and see if they can collaborate with them on a project.
The motion unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
ilt4:41.-tfl,a_ &LI
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist
Dr. Tiffany North, Chair Sherri Claude — Board Liaison
Angelica Nevin
Peggy LeGuerre
Carla Colebrooks
Lori Wilkinson
Lynne Gassant
Gregory Murphy
Anastasia Chandler, Alternate
Cory Voce, Alternate
Kathleen Wilkinson, Stu Reg Non-Voting Member
I. Call to Order
Chair North called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
III. Approval of Agenda
Vice Chair Nevin moved to approve the agenda without the minutes. Ms. Wilkinson and
Ms. Gassant seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Minutes of October 25, 2018
V. Approval of Minutes of November 29, 2018
VI. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
Ms. Gassant inquired about the City of Boynton Logo for the 2019 Family Fitness Day
and learned it was a Community Caring Center and Healthier Boynton Beach initiative.
Ms. Claude was aware the event would be held at Intracoastal Park, but she had no
written material.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 24, 2019
Ms. Wilkinson noted the Barrier Free 5K Run/Walk at Barrier Free Park at 7 a.m. on
February 9th. She had postcards to distribute and there were some at the Center. The
Friday before, February 8t'' is Magic Wheels and Special Deals Night. The run/walk has
an honorary starter that is a special needs child. This year, the starter is Nathan Robles,
who is blind. The auto body shop owner, Mr. Divito, volunteered to put together his
wheelchair that is very tactile and auditory. It also has a radio. With the unveiling of the
Magic Wheelchair, the City sponsors a vendor fair and they have every organization in
the area that supports special needs individuals. The vendors attend free and display
their wares. The Chocolate Spectrum in Jupiter has all its employees on the autism
spectrum and they hand out chocolate samples. The Gold Coast Down Syndrome Society
in Boynton Beach participates as do others. It is a Who's Who of special needs
organizations/businesses in the County. If the members know of anyone that has a
special needs child, it is a good opportunity to network. The Magic Wheelchair event will
start at 6 p.m. this year and will run to about 7:30 or 8 p.m. Last year they had a donated
food truck and one group was selling Chik-fil-A out of the food truck. It is not truly a food
event. Music is provided by the Royal DJ's who have come to the event every year.
(Ms. LeGuerre arrived at 6:15 p.m.)
VII. Public Audience
VIII. New Business
A. Tennis Carnival
Ms. Claude advised, at the last meeting, the board wanted to discuss the Tennis Carnival
event and whether to hold the event again or not. Ms. Wilkinson commented the Tennis
Pro from Hunter's Run had come down with cancer and the event did not take place the
last year or two. She understood he was now doing very well and he is back to work a
few days a week. She thought the Board could reach out to him to see if he would be
interested in holding the event again.
The Tennis Carnival is an opportunity for young children ages 10 or 12 to attend a free
tennis clinic at Hunters Run and all the tennis pros volunteer their time to run drills with
the students. In the past, the pros gave each child a tennis racket on a voluntary basis
and the Board provided refreshments. The last event had 30 youth participants. It has
always been alot of fun. Ms. Claude agreed to reach out to the pro and pass along the
information. Ms. Wilkinson asked if the Board wanted to continue the event. The Board
does not make money and spends money on snacks and drinks for the attendees. Vice
Chair Nevin thought if the Board resumed holding the event, they should attach
measurements such as surveying the parents.
Meeting Minutes
• Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 24, 2019
Chair North noticed there are many grants connected to sports and fitness. She could
look for those types of grants and follow up. Vice Chair Neven suggested tabling the item
until they see what grants are available. Ms. Wilkinson recalled the Board did not spend
more than $50 to $75 dollars on the event once a year and Hunter's Run provided the
ice. In the past, the event was held in April when season slowed down and the pros had
the time to hold the event. If the pro is amenable to holding the event, she will narrow it
down to a few dates on a Saturday morning.
B. Event Checklist
At the last meeting,the Board had discussed tabling or exploring the Champion of Change
Award fundraiser and Ms. Gassant had sent a checklist to give an idea of what the Board
may or may not need to do depending on the amount of people the Board anticipated
would attend. She thought the information provided a good way to see if the members
will have the time to donate to an event as she thought it would take a team effort. Since
the Board meets once a month and members cannot communicate via email,the checklist
would delegate what each member will do. The question was if the Board was going to
hold the breakfast and if so, what dates, and then the Board would use the checklist to
move forward. Chair North recalled they were interested in the event, but postponed it
due to the amount of work required to plan for it. Mr. Murphy had mentioned recognizing
a teacher or principal. Chair North recalled it was an activity the Board wanted to explore
and do, so it was left as a rolling agenda item.
Ms. LeGuerre commented she had agreed to bring back a presentation of what they
discussed to see where they were before and now. The location was at Intracoastal Park
Clubhouse, which is no longer possible. Discussion followed the Carolyn Sims Center
could be used and South Tech has a meeting facility and they cater, but it was unknown
if the facility could be used for other functions. Chair North agreed to follow up with South
Tech Academy.
The members viewed the presentation Ms. LeGuerre made to the Foundation last year
as the Board had to partner with a 501(c)3 to raise funds. The Foundation initially agreed
and she would have to bring the subject up again to the Foundation. She sought the
Board's input. The presentation listed the objectives, why the Board wanted the
partnership and various Education and Youth Advisory Board (EYAB) projects. The
concept was a brunch, possibly on a Saturday. The theme was originally breakfast by the
Sea, which would no longer apply.
The manner the Board would raise funds initially, was to recognize three individuals who
met criteria for having a significant impact on youth in Boynton Beach; however, there
was a shift to recognize a principal. The Board had discussed a nomination process. Ms.
LeGuerre has the materials and has started working on that already. The individual ticket
price was discussed at $25 each. There could be individual ticket sales, corporate
sponsors with different funding levels, table sponsorships, giveaways and envelopes.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 24, 2019
Sponsorship levels were agreed on as follows: Bronze $300, Silver$550, Gold $750 and
Platinum was $1,500. Ms. LeGuerre outlined what the sponsors would be offered which
was anything from recognition during open/close remarks, Certificates of Appreciation,
promoting them on social media, the website and logos.
The target audience was local people, but Ms. LeGuerre hoped to attract corporations,
business owners, large businesses, elected and appointed officials, philanthropists,
candidates and people who tend to go to these functions to network. She commented
individuals will pay more than $25 for a fundraiser. The Urban League held fundraisers
where the tickets were over $100. People paid through their companies and she thought
$25 was very reasonable. There are corporations and businesses that support Boynton
Youth that would want their name associated with youth.
Ms. LeGuerre noted the Board had discussed including the past Bob Borovy Award
recipients to the breakfast so attendees could see where the Board funds go and how the
youth are doing. The Mayor could speak and award the new Bob Borovy honoree and
then whoever else in the community the Board was recognizing he could award them as
well towards the end.
Vice Chair Nevin thought teachers who have gone through the Board's funding process
for their classroom activities, who could say how the funds affected their goals could be
recognized. Even if not awarded, they could tell people how they applied and spent the
money. Sponsorships should include complimentary tickets. The$300 level could include
two tickets.
Marketing strategies included flyers, promo videos, emails, businesses, stake holders,
owners, corporations and they would be posted. Ms. Claude suggested when the Board
wanted to implement marketing, the Board contact Eleanor Krusell, who was putting
together a marketing team who could brainstorm how to help. As for supplies, it was
hoped South Tech would supply items needed for the breakfast.
Ms. Gassant thought if the food was sponsored, $25 per ticket was too low, especially for
the amount of effort and cash outlay. The goal was to double what the Board would lay
out for the event. Ms. Wilkinson cautioned the success of the event depends on the target
audience. There is a contingent of people out there, if the ticket is too expensive, that will
not attend. There are others who would buy several tickets. If the Board targeted
teachers, which at one point was a goal, it would depend on who they were inviting. In
time, they could adjust the price. Discussion followed if the breakfast would be an adult
only event. Ms. Wilkinson suggested setting one ticket price. Ms. Gassant agreed. Ms.
LeGuerre commented she will send out nomination forms the Board originally discussed
and the sponsorship letter as there is a letter ready to go. A draft of the sponsorship form
was available as a fillable form in the sponsorship packet.
Ms. Colebrooks queried if there would be a pamphlet detailing the various sponsorship
levels and learned part of what the Board was offering was advertising space, including
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 24, 2019
half a page, quarter page and others depending on the sponsorship amount. Ms.
LeGuerre will provide another update at the next meeting.
IX. Old Business
A. Purchasing of T-Shirts
The Board was interested in purchasing t-shirts and was attempting to figure out how
much they would be. Vice Chair Nevin had reservations about using Board funds for the
shirts and learned it was decided the members would use their own personal funds, but
it was unknown where the members would purchase the shirts or if they would use a City
vendor. Ms. Claude explained if using a City vendor, she provides what the Board wants,
she sends it to the warehouse, they get the quotes and source it. If buying a smaller
amount, the shirts would be more expensive. It was thought there may be cheaper
vendors and it could be done online. Chair North requested Ms. Claude send her the
logo the Board decided on. Ms. Wilkinson also has a friend that does promotional items
and could bring back information.
B. Champions of Change Awards/Fundraiser
C. Youth Volunteer Bank& Bob Borovy Award
Ms. Claude reported the information about the above two initiatives is on the website and
looked great. Allison Killip, City Marketing Outreach Manager, had some great ideas as
it is the 20th consecutive year of both programs. The application is online and a press
release will be issued in the very near future. It was just a matter of getting the information
to the students. It was noted Mr. Murphy sent information to the School District
Communications Department to distribute to students. Vice Chair Nevin asked who the
judges would be and learned historically, the winner from last year was a judge. Mr.
Majors, Director of Recreation and Parks and Jeanne Heavilin from Sister Cities, also
served as judges.
Ms. Claude agreed to contact the prior judges to see if they would be interested in serving
again. Mr. Kevin Homer, who organizes the Boynton Cares park cleanups is very active
and involved, may be interested in serving as a judge. Ms. Wilkinson suggested Eric
Ammon, Chair of the Greater Boynton Foundation. He also served or serves on the City's
Recreation and Parks Advisory Board. Vice Chair Nevin liked the idea of working with the
Greater Boynton Foundation. It is not a blind reading of the essay and it was important
the judges do not know the applicants. Ms. Wilkinson thought Kevin Homer would be a
good judge and she agreed to provide his contact information.
D. Fundraising
Ms. Claude explained she and Ms. Chandler were supposed to meet atter the holidays
about the VPK event and that did not occur so she had no news and presumed nothing
happened. Ms. Chandler thought February was the best time to hold a VPK Open House.
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 24, 2019
The Board could still entertain the event. Vice Chair Nevin advised the Board could have
an ad hoc meeting if needed about holding the event and Ms. Claude agreed to notify the
Board if there was anything to follow up.
Ms. Wilkinson inquired if the Board received the check from the Greater Boynton Beach
Foundation regarding left over elected official funds. She agreed to follow up with the
Foundation why the funds were not yet received. Chair North asked if there were any
special events pending that the Board could participate in and discussion followed the
Board should check with Mr. Majors regarding Magic Wheels; however, it was thought
holding a fundraiser on race day would not be very successful.
Ms. Gassant asked if the Board would continue holding shredding events. Chair North
noted everyone is holding shredding events and even though they get the truck for a good
price, they would not get it for free. It is hard for the Board to compete. Ms. Claude and
Ms. Wilkinson noted they both receive phone calls about the Board's shredding event.
Ms. Claude also got an email from the City Manager if they do shredding events, as she
would like to see the City offer that service. Ms. Wilkinson thought it would not hurt to
make some calls to see if the truck could be donated. Ms. Gassant asked if the City could
sponsor the truck and the EYAB members man it and hold an event quarterly. Ms. Claude
responded she would have to ask if the Recreation Department could cover the cost. It
was noted the City has a truck that comes once a year. Discussion followed Ms. Claude
could obtain a list of local companies. The first company was Gator Shredding did not
work out, the Red Shredder was then contacted, the Micro-shred and Shred It. Ms.
Claude agreed to find out the company the City uses.
Ms. Wilkinson inquired, besides shredding paper, what else people have they do not
want. She asked if they could collect unwanted items they know will be accepted at the
transfer station, and the Board would take it there. Ms. Claude was concerned how the
Board would collect and transfer the item and if there is a need to do so.
Vice Chair Nevin thought if the Board could get the price down to $200, it would not be a
deal breaker because it would still make them $300 more than they had before as in the
past, they paid $500 for the truck. She thought they could make it a smaller timeframe.
On one occasion, the truck ran out of room. Chair North noted people came to the event
to support the Board.
Ms. Wilkinson suggested, as she enjoys Zumba, holding a Zumbathon. She has several
friends that are instructors. Vice Chair Nevin thought if held, it could be done at the Sims
or Hester Center. Ms. Wilkinson thought they could hold the event as a fundraiser for the
Board. It could also be promoted as a comedy. Ms. Wilkinson agreed to inquire further
with her friends about holding an event.
E. Grants
Chair North announced she would follow up about grants for sports. She mentioned the
Kinetic Art Symposium and Exhibit on February 2nd and 3rd. There is also an event the
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Boynton Beach, Florida January 24, 2019
next day. She noted Zaheem, who was at the Board's networking event at the Blue
Martini, helped market the event on his Facebook page as he has a marketing company.
He has an Open House at his business in Pompano and some of the members were
invited. Anyone wanting further information should contact her to attend.
X. Future Meeting Dates: February 28, 2019
March 28, 2019
Ms. Gassant noted she would not be at the March 28th meeting.
Xl. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Wilkinson moved to adjourn. Vice Chair
Nevin seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at
7:06 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist
Angelica Nevin, Vice Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Peggy LeGuerre
Carla Colebrooks
Anastasia Chandler, Alternate
Kathleen Wilkinson, Student Non-Voting Member
Greg Murphy(arrived 6:11 p.m.)
Dr. Tiffany North, Chair
Lynne Gassant
Cory Voce, Alternate
I. Call to Order
Vice Chair Nevin called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
III. Approval of Agenda
Vice Chair Nevin noted the November and January minutes were not available.
Vice Chair Nevin moved to approve the agenda less the November and January minutes.
Ms. Chandler seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
IV. Approval of Minutes of October 25, 2018
Ms. Chandler moved to approve the October minutes. Ms. Colebrooks and Ms. LeGuerre
seconded the motion that unanimously passed.
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2019
V. Approval of Minutes of November 29, 2018
The minutes were not available.
VI. Approval of Minutes of January 24, 2019
The minutes were not available.
VII. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
Ms. Chandler apologized as she was excited about kicking off the VPK event, but she
was unable to attend the meeting. Vice Chair Nevin thought the item should remain on
the agenda.
Sherri Claude, Board Liaison, received correspondence from the teacher from Freedom
Shores regarding the donation for the social studies weekly program. Ms. Claude read
the letter. The funds pay for the online programs for 3'd grade dual language students.
Ms. Claude will reach out to the teacher for proof the funds were used for the intended
purpose as it was a program requirement. Mr. Murphy inquired if it was fully or partially
funded. It was thought it was partially funded, and he thought a cashed check would be
sufficient as proof. The program should be noted in the check memo. Ms. Claude asked
according to the policy, if they will provide a report to acknowledge how the funds were
spent and discussion followed sometimes they send a picture or card. The Board has
never requested a receipt. There was agreement some sort of proof was wanted.
Ms. Chandler moved to add a note in the procedures to ask for proof of purchase. Mr.
Murphy seconded the motion. There was consensus to table the item until more members
were present to work on the wording. This item will be discussed at the next meeting.
VIII. Public Audience
There was one person in attendance who identified himself as Casey. Casey advised he
was present to observe the Board. Vice Chair Nevin welcomed him and explained
sometimes the public audience attendees are individuals requesting funds from the
IX. New Business
Mr. Murphy sent the information about the Borovy Award to the Palm Beach County Board
of Education for the Web page. Ms. Wilkinson advised she had received the information
from her high school.
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2019
Ms. Chandler was trying to obtain a copy of the Board's Mission Statement. When she
received a packet of information as a new Board Member, there was not a lot of
information about the Board's purpose. She thought it would be good to receive that
information with first correspondence.
Ms. Claude was aware the City sends a letter and she directed the request to the City
Clerk. She explained the Board's function was contained in the City's Code of Ordinances
and she made copies so the members will have them.
X. Old Business
A. Tennis Carnival
Ms. Claude explained at the last meeting, she was asked to contact the Tennis Pro at
Hunters Run. She called him this week and has not heard back from him. She did not
recall If there were dates selected. Vice Chair Nevin thought the Board would be
amenable to dates they suggested. It had been held in April. It was hoped they would
have a few different options. Ms. Claude requested authorization, if the pro suggested
dates, she could just set it up.
The Board's role is to purchase the snacks. Hunters Run has 3 tennis pros, fun hour and
a half, other than showing up and purchasing snacks and drinks, a former member lived
in Hunters Run and got the pros to do it. It was not held for the last two years, but the pro
is doing well. It is free for ages 6 to 14 and they have to sign up. It is first come first
served. Ms. Chandler felt if it is a community event, they could get tons of food donated.
She thought there may be a better option to get food for free. We are not a non-profit or
a 501(c) 3. Usually they write it off. They have to determine how to get food donated.
Vice Chair Nevin had her children attend, there were juice boxes, water and little bags of
chips. It was not extensive and depending on how many youth register, they can
determine how much to buy. Vice Chair Nevin would like to see it occur and they have a
line item in the budget for it.
(Mr. Murphy stepped out at 6:27 p.m.)
Ms. LeGuerre moved to authorize Ms. Claude to accept a date from the tennis pro for the
Tennis Carnival up until the end of April.
(Mr. Murphy returned to the meeting at 6:30 p.m.)
The motion was duty seconded and unanimously passed.
B. Purchasing of T-Shirts
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2019
At the last meeting, there was discussion about obtaining the t-shirts for the board
members. The new logo would be on the shirts. Vice Chair Nevin thought there may be
a minimum order and suggested this item be tabled until they want the t-shirts. The
members can hold off on purchasing the new shirts until the existing shirts in their sizes
are depleted.
Ms. Chandler moved to table. Ms. LeGuerre seconded the motion that unanimously
C. Champions of Change Awards/Fundraiser
Last month, Ms. LeGuerre gave an updated presentation for the event. The fundraiser
would be held either at the Carolyn Sims Center or at South Tech due to the Culinary Art
program. The only thing they discussed besides the location was the $300 sponsorship
level would include tickets. For the promotional items, Eleanor Kruse11, the City's Public
Communications and Marketing Director, could create a program and get them printed
through the City. Ms. LeGuerre commented possible attendees would have to know what
they are paying for, and she did not know how much the food would be. When they know
what the costs are, they could determine the ticket prices. Dr. North indicated she would
contact South Tech. They could also use the facility on Congress as it is bigger. Ms.
Chandler asked if the members would find sponsors and it was explained the Board is
not a 501(c)3, so the goal is to work through the Boynton Beach Foundation. The
members would find the sponsors and the checks would be made to the Foundation. She
would have to find out how much the Foundation would get. Vice Chair Nevin noted the
Board usually takes the lead on those things. When they had events at Blue Martini, the
members were to get a certain amount of people to attend. The sponsor letter was in the
packet. Ms. Chandler asked if the Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce was contacted.
Discussion followed the Board has never done anything like this before and the Board
made a list of different businesses the Board can contact. Ms. Claude updated the
letterhead with the logo. She will send it to Ms. LeGuerre to use on their letterhead. Mr.
Murphy had made a great packet.
Lori Wilkinson was thinking about me fundraiser and was concerned. She thought they
were overstepping their bound and she was leary of laying out a lot of time, effort and
money. There is a great deal of work needed to hold the event and she felt it would not
be as grandiose right off the bat. She favored starting small and growing the event. Ms.
LeGuerre queried if that meant removing sponsorship levels or planning for a smaller
crowd. The Board has been discussing the event for a year and she was not okay with
waiting another year. Vice Chair Nevin agreed with Lori Wilkinson.
(Kathleen Wilkinson left the meeting at 6:44 p.m).
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2019
The event started out as a pancake breakfast. Lori Wilkinson suggested having a brunch,
an honoree and $10 or $15 tickets. She favored growing the event for a few years first.
Discussion followed about sponsors, variable costs and expectations. Lori Wilkinson felt
the Urban League has large events, because they have been holding the events for years.
Lori Wilkinson felt the Board would be asking too much of the people who buy the tickets
and asking for large sponsorship dollars. She was unsure it was good for a first time
event. She wanted to scale it down to be more realistic and successful. Ms. LeGuerre
wanted the option to have a sponsor. She thought the Board should have a sponsorship
package available. Ms. LeGuerre could think of a scaled down version, but it is difficult
to proceed until they know if they could get the food paid for or not. Ms. Claude had not
received any information from Dr. North who was going to check with South Tech
Academy to see if South Tech would provide the food and if there was a cost. The idea
was the event would show case the school's Culinary Art Program.
Mr. Murphy was leery about the event and he supported it. He agreed the Board had to
build a community of people to support the Board. The profits do not come from ticket
sales; it comes from sponsorships as he has held a number of events. The Board should
have a sponsor package. The Board could look for one generic sponsor, or hold a scaled
down event. Food costs, decorations, facility costs had to be factored in. South Tech is
a school and has a student organization the Board was looking for an inkind donation.
The event showcases the students but it is revenue from the Charter school which has
completely different funding from a public school. He was concerned if they were doing
justice to South Tech. Lori Wilkinson commented the in-kind component could be the
students cook the food and serve it. The Board may have to purchase the food or obtain
a sponsor to purchase the food. Showcasing the student's time and talent would benefit
them. The Board also had to consider facility usage, tables and other items. He was not
sure they could get the facility for free. It was learned South Tech declined for insurance
purposes. Dr. North had left a message from someone at the Lynn University Hospitality
Program and she was trying to do something with their catering. Discussion followed
Santaluces High School also had a program. Vice Chair Nevin thought the Board should
let it play out as they had nothing concrete on which to move forward. Ms. LeGuerre will
think of a scaled down version and look at other options and budget. Vice Chair Nevin
suggested the members approach eateries that may be interested in helping.
Ms. Chandler agreed to ask the Boynton Diner. Vice Chair Nevin hoped the members
could come back in a month with entities interested in participating. The Board could use
a City building. Originally, the Board proposed to use the Intracoastal Park Clubhouse,
but it was no longer available. Ms. Colebrooks suggested coming up with dates. Mr.
Murphy agreed they need some type of window to hold the event. They would need a
few months and after brief discussion it was thought late September may be appropriate.
His church also has a social hall with a full service kitchen.
It was hoped Mr. Murphy's church would donate a meeting room. Ms. Chandler would
ask her if the Board could use the meeting space at the First United Methodist Church on
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2019
Seacrest and Boynton Beach Boulevard by Ocean Avenue as they have a large hall with
a commercial kitchen. It was also noted it was next to the demolished Town Square site.
The event could recognize anyone who was impactful to youth of Boynton Beach and
the mission of the Board.
D. Youth Volunteer Bank & Bob Borovy Award
Vice Chair Nevin had no report. Ms. Claude announced the deadline is March 29th and
the three judges are secured who are: Alana Thomas, last year's Recipient; Kevin Homer,
Boynton Care's organizers; and Jeanne Heavilin, Sister Cities. The information has been
distributed as Ms. Claude received a call from a student from Wellington who was not
eligible as she did not meet the program requirements.
E. Fundraising
Lori Wilkinson discussed the potential Zumba fundraising event. She spoke to many
master instructors and Ms. Claude about the event. She has six instructors that will
participate. Two of them hold Pound classes, which uses weighted drumsticks. One
instructor sent a note separately that corporate of Zumba and corporate of Pound do not
want them to be held together. Two Pound instructors were willing to hold a separate
event. Lori Wilkinson thought they could have two separate events. She explained
Zumba is an hour-long class, which is like country line dancing with fast Latin music which
is good for cardio exercise. It is not the old school aerobics. A master class is two hours
and usually has two or three different instructors. Having four different instructors willing
to hold a class means they can either hold two classes at a time or each one can do a
few routines.
(Mr. Murphy left the meeting at 7:07 p.m.)
If all four people advertise the event to their following, a lot of people will attend.
Usually, a master class is $15 for two hours and people bring things like Zumba wear,
trinkets, water bottles and they have raffle prizes.
(Mr. Murphy returned at 7:08 p.m.)
The Board could also incorporate other prizes if they wanted to hold raffles. Four of the
six individuals she spoke to indicated they are licensed and insured on their own. They
had discussed venues and it was thought the event could be at one of the Recreation's
properties, but the YMCA is usually open to fundraisers and does not usually charge. The
instructors would need about six weeks to properly advertise it and many take payments
online which would be funneled to the Board.
The instructors were willing to take the lead for payment. It is a joint venture, they are
holding a fundraiser for the Board. They gave potential dates. The earliest date was April.
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 28, 2019
Lori Wilkinson advised Dave Cordrey, the Hunters Run Tennis Pro is back to work. She
noted April 218t is Easter and the Board had to be cautious. Passover is in March. They
may have to print flyers through the City. If held at the YMCA, there is no City insurance
Ms. Chandler moved to continuing to solidify the plan for Zumba aiming for April 27 and
April 13 as a backup date for the event. Ms. LeGuerre seconded the motion.
Lori Wilkinson suggested bumping the event back a week in order to get the event into
Funfare Magazine, but there was agreement to adhere to the two discussed dates.
The motion unanimously passed.
If Lori Wilkinson had questions, she would contact Ms. Claude.
F. Grants
There was no report given.
XI. Future Meeting Dates: March 28, 2019
April 25, 2019
Vice Chair Nevin read the meeting dates
XII. Adjournment
Mr. Murphy moved to adjourn. Lori Wilkinson seconded the motion that unanimously
passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:16 p.m.
eA ..wi --
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialists
Dr. Tiffany North, Chair Sherri Claude, Board Liaison
Gregory Murphy
Lynne Gassant
Cory Voce, Alternate
Anastasia Chandler, Alternate
Kathleen Wilkinson, Student Voting (arrived 6:14 p.m.)
Lori Wilkinson, (arrived 6:46 p.m.)
Angelica Nevin, Vice Chair
Peggy LeGuerre
I. Call to Order
After roll call was taken, Chair North called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The members recited the Pledge to the Flag.
III. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Murphy moved to approve the agenda. Ms. Gassant seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
IV. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
A. Presentation by Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) Program
Ms. Claude announced she emailed the individual about the presentation, but he did not
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida March 28, 2019
V. Public Audience
Wilky Briette, Human Resource Manager for the Health Care District of Palm Beach
County was present and explained he is also a professor at Palm Beach State College.
He wanted to be involved in his community and decided to attend the meeting.
VI. New Business
A. Donation Policy Review
At last month's meeting, the members discussed whether they needed to edit, amend, or
be more specific about the donation policy regarding proof of how the donation funds
were used. They had discussed requiring a receipt, picture or letter. The policy was
vague. Chair North recalled in the past, the Board accepted pictures. The issue arose
because the Board received a thank you letter for the funds from the teacher who ordered
a Digital Magazine subscription for the dual language program. The discussion was
tabled at the last meeting. Ms. Gassant thought if they made a donation,the Board should
have some type of proof or a receipt to show the product or event took place.
(Kathleen Wilkinson arrived 6:14 p.m.)
Mr. Murphy explained the issue with the receipt was it the Board gave a partial payment.
He agreed with Chair North a picture would suffice. Chair North was comfortable with the
thank you letter because it was representative of the teacher at school. She did not think
a teacher would put herself in a position to not do what they said they would. Additionally,
it would be difficult to obtain a receipt because of how the school pays their bills. The
money goes into the school account.
Ms. Colebrooks thought the Board should continue the way they have operated in the
past. She was not aware of any problems, such as a teacher taking the money and using
it for something else. It will go into the teacher's account and, she agreed it would be
difficult to get a copy of the receipt, as the bookkeeper will have to go through many steps.
It may turn people off and turn them off to requesting funds in the future. The policy did
require the requestor to provide proof of how the funds were used 60 days after the
donation was given. After further brief discussion, the policy was not changed, so a vote
was not needed.
VII. Old Business
A. Tennis Carnival
Ms. Claude still has not had a response from Mr. Cordray, the Tennis Pro at Hunter's Run
and to-date, the Tennis Carnival has not been scheduled. Chair North suggested keeping
the item on the agenda. If Ms. Claude hears from him, she will advise the Board and the
members could make a decision how to proceed at the next meeting.
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Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida March 28, 2019
B. "Zumbathon" Event
Thls item was heard later in the meeting.
C. Purchasing of T-Shirts
At the last meeting, the members said they would wait until they had an event and then
purchase shirts with the new logo. There are still some shirts left without the new logo
on it. Individuals would purchase the shirts out of pocket. The more shirts are ordered,
the better the price would be.
D. Champions of Change Awards/Fundraiser
This item was tabled.
E. Youth Volunteer Bank & Bob Borovy Award
Ms. Claude announced the deadline for the Borovy Award is tomorrow. This year, the
award has gotten more advertising and promoted than in the past. It is on the School
District Web site, it was sent directly to school and pushed it on social media. One eligible
application was received and one did not meet the residency criteria. She expects more
to be received as they must be postmarked by the deadline. Ms. Claude has not done
anything with the Youth Volunteer Bank. Last year, she reached out to the students and
got three or four responses. She has not sent out a letter with a deadline. She was
unsure what the Board wants to do with the program. Unless there is a real good
response, she would not recommend making a presentation at a City Commission
meeting. The Board could still send certificates. It is just not as impressive a reward as
attending a City Commission meeting, but it is not impactful if only a few students appear
at the meeting. She will schedule the presentation for the Borovy Award the second
weekend in May.
Ms. Gassant asked if there is a way to tie funds to the Youth Volunteer Bank. She
originally thought it was a scholarship. Ms. Claude explained it is strictly a recognition
program and not monetary. The initiative was started in the 90's. Participation has
declined, but previously the Board would organize a significant volunteer project. The
program was much more active then. Students would turn in their hours once a year
and the Board held a dinner for them. A DJ would play and the dinner was a big deal.
Sixty to 70 students would attend. The Chair at that time spent a great deal of time on
the program. Chair North requested copies of the historical data. Ms. Claude explained
she could provide numbers and tell her how many students turned in hours and how
many students participated. It was not the application that was the issue; it was the
follow through. Students only have to turn in a sheet and can use their school hours.
The lack of response was turning in the hours.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida March 28, 2019
Ms. Chandler asked if the Board needed to do more to get students information about
volunteer opportunities. Ms. Claude agreed. In the past, if there were volunteer
opportunities, the Chair would send a postcard or letter. Board members also attended
parent night before the school year started and distributed information there. Ms. Gassant
asked if it would be worthwhile to post the application online. Students can apply and
enter hours. Staff could print the application. Ms. Claude advised they could, and it would
be good for high school students. They can find a place on the website, but when they
make a push to get people to join, it is still turning in the hours that is the problem.
Currently, students receive a welcome letter from Ms. Claude. Rolling Green there was
a park area and they organized a big cleanup, and beautification of the American Legion.
They held a huge cleanup. Ms. Chandler thought with social media, it might be helpful to
have an online application for volunteers and for organizations who are looking for
volunteers. The program is open to school age volunteers. Chair North liked the concept
of coordinating volunteer opportunities. She suggested the members think of ways to
improve it and to keep the item on the agenda. Ms. Chandler asked how the program
could be moved digitally and about creating an application for the program and an
application for organizations looking for volunteers. After very brief discussion, a
suggestion was made to list the information of entities looking for volunteers rather than
coordinating them. It would be like a directory.
Mr. Murphy saw the benefit of the program and it being an outlet to show students what
opportunities there are to provide service. It would be a good source. He also thought
they would have to pull back and revamp the program. He thought it would be a good
idea to offer students some type of an incentive. As much as the Board wants to promote
community service, it is no longer at the forefront of students or society. Students get
hours very freely and Mr. Murphy did not see an incentive. He thought the Board could
revamp the program and attach something new to incentivize. Ms. Gassant noted some
students are paid to mentor freshman students. Ms. Chandler thought organizations
seeking volunteers could donate to a scholarship fund. This could be an entirely new
program that would have to be managed. Chair North thought the premise was to engage
students for civic and community engagement and get them to give back. She did not
want the Board to be in a position to incentivise students to give back to their community
because it defeats the purpose of the program. She agreed the Board could review the
program to see how it could be revamped to be more enticing. She also suggested the
Board look at the Board's role in the program. She commented the Board does not
volunteer and she thought they could not ask students to volunteer when they do not.
She thought something could be done together as a team.
Ms. Gassant suggested giving a gift card. If they select and recognize the winners at a
City Commission meeting, they could also receive a gift card. A gift card would only be
given to the person who turned in the most hours. Chair North did not want to provide
monetary rewards. She wanted students to be empowered because it is the right thing to
Meeting Minutes
• Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida March 28, 2019
Ms. Claude explained in the past, they had savings bonds, but then it is difficult to
determine what counts as volunteering. There was an example of a student who fostered
a pet in his home, and counted the time the pet was with him, which was eight hours a
day. Previously, they gave a small amount gift card, or school supply-type item.
There was agreement to review the program to make it more active. Ms. Claude will bring
the application and printed materials to the next meeting. Ms. Claude had all the
information about feedback. Chair North inquired if the Board could send out a survey
about what they liked. Ms. Claude had information from a few years back. Mr. Murphy
thought they should create a survey in the interim. The Youth Volunteer Bank will remain
on the agenda under Old Business.
F. Fundraising
Ms. Gassant asked if the Board was not interested in the Blue Martini event because it
was in Boca. They made $500. Ms. Chandler liked the idea and thought there should
be a Boynton venue that would take them somewhere. Boynton Beach Food and Wine
Festival was holding an event at Benvenuto hosted by the Boynton and Boca Chambers
of Commerce. When the person registered online, it takes them to the Boca Chamber.
Ms. Gassant would follow up having an event June 20th, July 11th or July 18th. There
are food trucks available
G. Grants
Chair North had no updates.
(Lori Wilkinson arrived at 6:46 p.m.)
(Kathleen Wilkinson left the meeting at 6:46 p.m.)
B. Zumbathon Event
Lori Wilkinson explained corporate from Zumba and Pound objected to the two groups
participating in the fundraiser at the same time. Pound was amenable to holding the
event April 27th without Zumba and the Pound instructors would like to hold a glow In the
dark event. The cost for the glow sticks was between $50 and $150. The location options
were the Carolyn Sims and Hester Centers and possibly the Senior Center, If held before
June. The Pound instructors were looking into using the YMCA. If held at the YMCA, the
City would not be responsible for obtaining event insurance. It would be helpful if the
YMCA donated the space. The advantage to partnering with another entity was the Board
does not have to worry about paperwork. Both teachers are licensed and insured. The
event was planned for 10 a.m.
Chair North asked when the Board would receive the information. The YMCA was
amenable to holding the event and they were asking about the recreation centers. Lori
Wilkinson conveyed they were concerned about the locations of the City's centers
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida March 28, 2019
because some of them are not in the best areas, to which she responded the Centers are
safe. If held at the YMCA, the event will bring Pound followers to the facility and they
could make the event a partnership between the City and the YMCA.
The instructors were looking to draw from their followers who mostly go to the YMCA. If
the YMCA will do it for free, it is still a Boynton Beach YMCA, although just not in City
limits. They would draw their crowd. Chair North was comfortable with either the YMCA
or a City recreation center. Lori Wilkinson commented she would find out soon. She
asked if the YMCA said no, if she and Ms. Claude could decide which Center to hold it in
and Ms. Claude would apprise the Board. If the YMCA said yes, it would be held at the
YMCA. Ms. Claude will advertise the event on the City's Facebook and other social media
pages. The instructors will also advertise it with their following. if they post something,
the City could share on its pages. Ms. Claude will notify the members when the
information is on the website. The fee is usually $15 a person. Whatever is charged will
go entirely to the Board. The only caveat is if the YMCA would charge. The usual class
is at least two hours and sometimes they have a raffle. They may have a raffle prize in
mind already. All the funds go to the Education and Youth Advisory Board.
Lori Wilkinson felt it was appropriate to give them $50 to $150. They are volunteering
their time and donating the proceeds to the Board. Chair North commented the Board
was looking for individuals to support the Board. She thought the members could donate
$15 out of pocket. Lori Wilkinson agreed.They were asking for outside people to volunteer
their time. They also may need help with ticket sales, so Board volunteers would be very
helpful. Lori Wilkinson will also help foot the bill for glow sticks. The Board could allocate
funds for the glow sticks knowing they would get money back. The Board could, but Chair
North thought personally donating $15 would be better as funding is an issue.
Lori Wilkinson asked about the status of the Tennis Carnival. Ms. Claude replied she has
not had a response. There was $384 in the Tennis Carnival account that could be moved
to this budget.
Ms. Chandler moved to be able to give $50 to $100 towards the purchase of the glow
sticks. Ms. Chandler moved to donate $100 of board funds to the Zumbathon event to
purchase glow sticks. Lori Wilkinson seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The
instructors could be reimbursed for the purchase and Board members could donate
personal funds if the amount is above $100, it could be done. If the cost exceeds the
$100, the Board will be notified. Ms. Gassant suggested creating a sign-up sheet so the
members will know what the type of help the instructors may need.
On a different matter, Lori Wilkinson advised the donation check from an individual who
ran for office unsuccessfully learned the check was mailed to the wrong address.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida March 28, 2019
They are in the process of tracking the check down. When it is found, $500 and change
will be deposited to the Board accounts.
Ms. Chandler announced she would like to discuss moving the meeting to 6:30 p.m.
Chair North was aware the meetings used to be at 6:30 p.m. Lon Wilkinson
commented 6 p.m. is very tough. She is usually in Miami on Thursdays. She did not go
earlier in the day and still wound up getting stuck in traffic. Ms. Chandler advised her
kids have sports events at 6. She could drop them off at 6 p.m. and arrive at the
meeting at 6:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. worked for the other members. Chair North suggested a
compromise to 6:15 p.m., but no change was made.
VIII. Future Meeting Dates: April 25, 2019
May 23, 2019
Mr. Murphy announced he would be away April 25th.
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Murphy moved to adjourn. Lori
Wilkinson seconded the motion that unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned
at 7:08 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist
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Academic achievement,self-esteem,social •
competence,and avoidance of problem/high
Mentoring is important, not • Focus group students grades 9-12
risk behavior. only because of the knowledge• Stable voulunteer mentors in place
and skills students can learn • Having a source of ownership for the
' : Financial Ltterac . from mentors, but also young men not just a member in the
Show skills and knowledge that allows to because mentoring provides organization
make informed decisions with future professional socialization and • Collaborative efforts with various
financial resources.
personal support to facilitate businesses,.schools and other entities
success in school and beyond.• Mentor sessions location:TBA
Providing a Teta ionship with a caring Quality mentoring greatly • Launch Date: September 11, 2019
person who works to help achieve their enhances our young men with
potential. chances of success. •
__ -. _,a . Y.M.O.D.
Effective way to manage stress.Also self-
pampering(ex.hygiene and grooming).
Jacoby Waters,Founder Tel 561.859.5530 YMODI9.COM
Trustee Level ($10,000)
• Become a member of the Board of Directors
• All access to the events
• Name feature in future publications
• Help with personal causes
• Host Networking event
• Be a keynote speaker at a workshop or conference
• Able to give input into the daily operations of the organization
Ambassador Level ($7,500)
• All access to the events
• Name feature in future publications
• Help with personal causes
• Host Networking event
• Be a keynote speaker at a workshop or conference
Sponsorship Level ($5,000)
• Help with personal causes
• Host Networking event
• Be a keynote speaker at a workshop or conference
Community Outreach ($1,000)
• Participate at volunteering events each month
• For events, add as a sponsor
• One to Two materials once a month
Future Developer ($100)
• Shoutout
• Meeting invites
• Open Questions & Answers
• Enter your name into a raffle for a chance to win a gift card($$$$$$)
Trustee Level ($10,000)
• Become a member of the Board of Directors
• All access to the events
• Name feature in future publications
• Help with personal causes
• Host Networking event
• Be a keynote speaker at a workshop or conference
• Able to give input into the daily operations of the organization
Ambassador Level ($7,500)
• All access to the events
• Name feature in future publications
• Help with personal causes
• Host Networking event
• Be a keynote speaker at a workshop or conference
Sponsorship Level ($5,000)
• Help with personal causes
• Host Networking event
• Be a keynote speaker at a workshop or conference
Community Outreach ($1,000)
• Participate at volunteering events each month
• For events, add as a sponsor
• One to Two materials once a month
Future Developer ($100)
• Shoutout
• Meeting invites
• Open Questions & Answers
• Enter your name into a raffle for a chance to win a gift card($$$$$$)
Week 1 - Orientation(September 11th)
-Introduction of students(parents are welcomed to attend)
-Overview of the organization
-Students will receive assessment
Where are you from?
Current grade
Strengths and weaknesses
Likes and dislikes
Career interest
-Letting student and parents know at the end of this program surveys will be provided for
student and parent to their feedback on their experience
Week 2- Dress for Success(September 18th)
-Students will return assessments
-Tie Tying
-Hygiene and grooming
-How to dress for the appropriate occasion
-Pitch presentation(1-2min)
-Must come dress for week 3 business casual
Week 3- Strength & Stretch(September 25th)
-Pitch presentation (panel style)-3 mins
-Resume building
-College essay
-Vision board presentation
-Act/Sat prep
Week 4- Heal the World(September 30th & October 2nd)
-Volunteering at The Lord's Place (09/30)
-Volunteer Fair presented by Forgotten Soldiers Outreach, Leadership Palm Beach County,
Friends of Foster Children and Giving Closet Project (10/02)
Week 5- Etiquette Seminar(October 9th)
-Presented by Prestige Etiquette & Image Consulting LLC
Week 6- Fun Dav(October 16th & October 19th)
-Location: Rapids
-Return surveys
-Parents can come as well
-Closing remarks