Minutes 06-20-33REGD~AE ~E~ING OF JONE 20, 1933.
A Regular Ne.ting of the Board of Tov~ Commissioners
of the Town of Boynton, Florida, was held at the Town Hail
on Tuesday Evening~ June 20, 19~3 a~ 7:~0 o~clock P. M.
Present: E. D. Stevenm, Nayor
~m~o Mere. l, Viee Mayor
J. P. Bewen~ Town Clerk.
The above constituting the entire Board o~ Town Com-
missioners of the Town of Beynton, Florida.
Upon motion made by Commissioner Bow. n, seconded by
Commissior~r Menzel and duly carried the Minutes of the Reg-
ular Ne.ting held June 6, 19~ were read and approved.
Upon Motion made by Co~missioner Bowen, seconded by
Commissioner Menzel and duly carried~ the Minutes of the
Special Meeting held June 9, 19J3 were read and approved.
The following letter from the Central Farmers.
Trust Company of ~est Palm Beach, Florid~ was read:
~est Palm Beach
June 13th, 1933.
To the Honorable Board of Commissioners,
It is my understanding that the Town of Boyn~on
comtempl~tes refunding a half million dollar bond is-
~ne, and I am suggesting a designation of the Central
over Bank & Trust Company, ef New York City, as fis-
cal agent, From a personal knowledge, i can highly
recormmend the services o~ the central Hanove~ Bank &
Trust Company to your good body, and will be pleased to
discuss the matter with you at yo~ convenience.
Trusting I may be of some service to you in this
(Signed) D. F. Goodell,
Vice President.
Mr. D. F. GoodelI, representing the Central Farmers~
Trust Company was present in the interest of having the Cen-
tral Hmnover Bank & ~aSt Company of New York, New York, des-
ignated as paying agent for p~incip~l and interest coupons
of the proposed Refunding Bonds as the same become due.
Ccammissioner ~tevens moved the adoption of the fol-
lowing Resolution:
~E~, in connection with the issuance of Refund-
ing Bonds which the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton,
Florida~ D~s u~der consideration for the purpose of Funding or
refunding that portion of the outstanding indebteduess of the
existing Town of Boynton, Florida, both principal and interest
mpportioned to tD~ Town of Boynton, Florida, under the provi-
sions of an Act incorporating the Tom of Boynton Beach, pas-
sed at the 19~1 Session of the Legislature of the State of
Florida, it is deemed necessary t~at a banking institution lo-
cated in the City of New York and State of New York be desig-
nated by the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton, Florida,
to act as paying agent for paying interest coupons and prin-
cipal on said bonds as they severally become due. And~
~EEFd~S, t~ Central Hanover B~nk& Trust Company, is
a banking institution located in the City of New York mhd State
of New York, is affiliated with the Central Farmers~ Trust
Company of Nest Palm Beach, Florida, which bsnking institution
is one of the official Depositories for public funds of the
Town of Boynton, Florida.
N0~, THE~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED~ by the Board of Town
Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, in Palm Beach County,
~lorid~, that the Central Hauove~ Bank and T~st Company in
the City o£ New York and ~tate of New York be and it hereby
tS designated as the paying agents for paying interest
pons and principal as they severally become due on the re-
l~o~ding Bonds of the Town of Boynton, Florida, which the
Tom~ Commission of said Town have under consideration
·hls Motion was seconded by Commissioner Menzel and
upon being put to a vote the following vote was had thereon:
Commissioner StevenS, "A~e"
Commissioner Menzel,
Commissioner Bowen, "Aye"
Upon Motion made by Commissioner Stevens~ secom~ed
by Commissioner Menzel and duly carried, ~ionday August 21,
1933 was tentatively fixed as the day upon which an election
will be held to submit the question of the issuance of the
proposed Funding and Refunding Bonds of the Town of Boynton~
Florida to the freeholders who are qualified electors,
siding in said Town
The following letter from the Florida League of
M~uicipatities was read:
Jacksonville ~ Florida
J~e 9, 1933.
Honorable H. D. Stevens,MAyor,
Boynton, Florida.
Dear Mayor Stevens:
In the event your city is planning to participate
in the Federal Works Program, now before Congress, I am ad-
vised that it would' be well for you to give ~mmimary consid-
eration at thistime te projects upon which wo~k can be
started within ~0 days after the Act is passed. Such pro-
jects, I understand, will be given preference.
It also would be advisable te set up any such pro-
ject on the basis that if the grant is not given it will be
impossible for your city to ~udertake public works.
If possible, inform this office by wire as to the
s~ount of municipal cor~truction you would be'able to under-
take within 30 days after passage of the Bill, which will
probably ~ake possible the following fi~ucial a~rangements:
~l~st, installment method of repaYment, without necessity
of issuing bonds; second~ by leasing the contemplated pro-
ject from the goverrauent; third, deferment of principal and
interest payments for several years.
Faithfully yours,
(Signed) E. P. Owen,Jr,,
Notion w~s made by Commissioner Menzel seconded by
Cc~m~issioner Bowen and duly carried that the Mayor appoint
a Federal %?orks Project Committee for the 'Town of Boynton,
to lay out a program of Public ~$orks to be undertaken by
~he Town and financed from funds to be procured from the
Federal Government ~
The followim~ citizens and property owners of the
Town of Boynton, Flo~da, were appointed by the N~yor to
serve as a ~ederal~orks Project Comm~ittee:-
A. R. Cook
Frank Nutting
~S. Stella NcKay
V~m. Po Somerville
J. P. Bowe~
Upon Notion made by Commissioner Nenzel seconded by
Commissior~r Stevens ar~ duly ca~ried, the Town Clerk was
ordered~ authorized and directed to prepare an 0rclin~nce
Amending an Ordinance to prohibit the sale, manufacture,
transportation and possession of spirituous, vinous, malt
and other intoxicating liquors in the Town of Boynton, Flor-
A discussion was had regarding th~ sale of a dump
· truck aEi tractor. It was decided that the dump g~uck and
t~actor are of no benefit to ~he To'~.
Motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded
Commissioner Bowen and duly ca, tied that the Town of Boynton
advertise for bids for the tractor and dump truck.
Mr. Wm. P. Somerville presented the following
numbered coupons for payment:
Co~pon No. 13, d~e ~pril 1, 1930 fot~m Bond No. 6
" 14i Oct. 1~ 1930 " " " 6
" ~ 1~, " April 1~ 1931 " " " 6
" " 16, " Oct. I~ 1931 " " " 6
a " 1~, " April I, 1932 " " " 6
:~ " 15, " Oct. I~ 1932 " " " 6
" " 19~ " April 1, 1933 " " ~ 6
Co~pon No. 13, due April 1~ 1930 from Bond
" I4~ " Oct. 1, 1930 " "
~ ~ 1~, due April 1, 1931 ~ ~
~ " 16~ " Oct. 1, 19~1 " "
" ~ IV, ~ April 1, 1932 " "
" " 18, " Oct. 1, 1932 " "
~ " 19, " April 1, 1933 " ~
Upon Notion made by Commissioner Stevens seconded by
Commissioner and duly carried the Treasurer 0£ the Town of
Boynton, Florida, was authorized, ordered and directed to is-