Minutes 08-01-33~0WAR ~TING OF AUGUST l~ 1933.
A Regular Eeet~ug of the Boamd of Town Commissioners oF
T~ of' B~ton~ Flom~ was h~ at the T~ Hall on
ev~n~g~ August I, 193~ at V:30 o'clock
~esent: H.D. St~vens~
T~ above constituting ~e enti~ Boa~d of
Co~ssion~s of the T~ of B~ton, Florida.
~ne Einutes of tho Reg~l~ Eeet~ held Ju~ 18, 1933 were
~ead ~d applied upon motion ~de by Co~ssionem
seconded by Co~m~Ission,~ D~enzel ~d u~nLmous!y ca~ied.
The Hinutes of the Special ~eet~g held July 28~ 1933 were
read 8~ approved upon motion ~de by Co~issi~
seconded by Co~issione~ Monzel and un~ously ca~ied.
Upon motion ~.de by Co~aission~r B~en, seconded by
Co~sslo~m ~!enz~l and unm~_~ousiy oa~i~d, the following
bills were a~roved fo~ pa~Dnt wken fu~s becor~ available:
Souti~emm~ Bsit Te!epb_one Co
Fiorid~ Pov-~'er ~ Ligjzt Co 155.40
Halsey & G~iffith 6.90
D~ie G~s. ge ( }~ay Bill) 51.8~
St~amd Oil Comp~
~dy~s ~a~ag~ (Fi~ D~pt Bill) 5~,60
~s ~amag~ (J~e Bill) 18,59
~tady~s C~age (July Bill) 2,12
ormnzss_onsr ~tevens moved the adooticn of the
f ot~mWno _~E S 0LUTz ON
~ff~AS at a Re~u. lar ~fe~tzm~g of ~ns Boamd of To~vh Cormazssmoz
ems on Ju~ i8~ 1933 a Resolution was duly passed a~d adopted
autho_~iz~%g~ ordem~_,ng and ~*~
" ~ .... ec~_ng the Tax Colleeto~ to acce~
Dollars in full settlement of personal property taxes owi~
the Town by Florida Power & Light Company for the years
1930~ 1931 s~ud 19~, and,
~REAS said Resolution authorized, ordered and direc-
ted the :To~. Treas~er to apply the above mentioned
on the oldest Certificates of Indebtedness held by the Flo-
rida power & Light Company against the To~n of Boynton~ and~
~RJEAS at the p~esent time there
monies in the General ~d to meet the
F~u~d requirements due from said taxes,
are not sufficient
Interest and gi_~J~ing
yFH~_~W_~.S it is deemed advisable by the Board of Town
Commissioners of the Totem of Boynton, Florida~ to recind
and revoke the Resolution hereinab~ve mentioned.
NOV~, TR~R~EFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Town
Commissioners of the Town of Boynton~ Florida, that the
olution passed and adopted July 18, 1933~ regarding the Flo-
rida Power & Light Company Bersonal Property taxes, be and
the same hereby is reoinded and revoked.
Co~missioner Bowen seconded the motion for the adop-
tion of the above and foregoing Resolution and upen being
~mt to a vote~ the following vote was had thereon:
Com~zissi~er Stevens, ~ve~
Commissioner ~enzel, ~Ye
Commissioner Bowen, ~AY
The following letter was read s~_d ordered filed:
West Palm~ Becel% Fla,
July 20, 1933.
o~ ~he Town o~ Bo~-nton~
Bo~ton~ Florida.
At your request~ transmitted to me t?,~ough y~awclerk~
~[r. Ac V. Pete~son~ i herewith ~r~lsh to you ~ op.!on as
to~Jtke vali~ty of a certain ~solutlon F~po~tiug to have
been passed by ~e Co~isslone~s of tD~e To~ said ~solu-
ti~ bei~ fo~ ~e ~ose of vesti~ the ~yor
Clerk with aut~mi~ and direction to execute ~d delive~ to
~n~ E. PoO~ E. W. Pitk~ and ~. L. Ca~ey~ as a~ oonsti-
~tf~ the Ci~ of Bo~toh~ Florida. Bond Holders~
tire Co~ittee~ ~d Pa~ Beach C~pe~y$ also a ce~ta~
o~t~aot~ a oo~ of v~hmoh purports to be mnoomoor=oed
a~ ~e a D~t of said ~esolution~ and also ~ option
conceding the validz~ of a certain resozutmon pro.ding
fo~ one zso~nce of bonds of ~ To%~_ of Bo~t~:
in ~e ~amo~ut of $55~B00.00. fern the i~mpose of excl~ng-
i~ fo~ ~atst~ding bonds ~d other fo~ of law~ml indebt-
e~ess of ~id
First:-- I s_m of the opinion tb~t the contract~ a copy'of
which is Lncoroorated in said first mentioned resolution~ Is
unla~ and ~_t~a vi~s ~so~s~ as the ss~e pe~tains to o~
deals with ~y ~ud~bte~ss of the T~n of Bo~_ton other than
the bond is~u~ th~reof~
Second:-- I am of the opinion tb~t said resolution first men-
tioned herein is ~_va!id sm_d of no effect insofa~ as said
solution pertains to or deals with +2ae question of any ~-
debtednsss iff ~xcess of the ~resent outsta~in~ bond
of said Town.
Tkizd~-- Z am of tlme opinio:a that the second resolution
mentioned b_erein is invalid s=ud ~s~la%~ful insofa~ as the same
pertains to or deals with any indebteS~.uess othe~ than the
present bonded indebtedness of said .~2aioipality~
Section I of D~tiole VII~ cka~ter of t he Town_ of
Bc~ynton~ provide~ among other things that
"The total ~aousnt of such bonds to be issued
and outstanding at a~.y tin~ never to exceed
fifteen per cent of the total assessed
valuation of all taxable property, both real
and p~rsonal~ within the ooroorate limits
of sa~d To~n? -
Section II of A~ticle VII pz-ovides s_mong other
things that bonds issued by tlme Tov¢~
~To be di~e not less than two years nor
more than thirty years from tta~ date
· - w ~o~isszon ~y deter~ue~
Ohapte~ 1508% Section IZ¢ Special Acts i93!
Florida Leg~sl=tur% provides among other thzngs that
~-~TD~ To~u& off Boynton is hereby at~thorized to
execute and issue ~ef'¢~ding bonds fo~ the
pumpose of f~d~g om 2ef~ding ~y portion
om < of tibet potation of %%~ bo~ed
Indebted_ess of the exist~g ~ B~¢nton¢
~al and inte~est~ appo~ti~d to
the Tovnq of B%~ton ~der the p~ovisions of
an act ~co~oo~atlng tD~ To,~_ of Bo~ton
Be aci~+~e~-~~ ~
Said Sectton. % TT__ soeclficaily_, mesc~ abes' ~° bonds
referred to mn sa~d Section,
~,uot~g further from sa_,d Section ii~ the ~ollovr,_ne'~
~y b~ iss~ed at ~eh ~es~ ir_ such amo~_~ts~
not exceeding the ~o~tion of ti~e bonded ~
~ect~on ~I said = '
Cnapte~ ~5086 r~aas as follows:
~All laws om parts of laws in cor~iict with
the provmsmons of ~hms ~o~ are hereby repealed,w
I s~ advised by your Cterk~ ~. Peterson~ ~aat the
present tS~x roll shows the total appraised valuation of all
th® property of ~me Town of BoTm~ton for the present current
year for tax~g purposes to be in the sum o~
~ reason for advising you that both of said reso-
lutions sm~d said contract are invaiid~ is t_~at muy indebted-
~ess ~exeess of the present outstanding b~ded indebted-
ness ea~ot.be ref!n~nded For a period of 35 years~ amd a
bonded indebto~aess in excess of fifteen ps? cent. of
$!~182~O0.00~ ca~uot be, incurred by the ~mnicipality~ pro-
vided~ however~ t~t the ~i~m~ing of the present bonded
indebte~mess Is not ~clud~d ~m said fifteen per cent. lim-
itation. ~e resolution providing for the Issumuce off bonds
above referred t0 ms. es p~ovtsionsfor the issuance of
~55~B00.005 deducting f~om this s~o~mt the p~esent out-
standing bonded obligation including both principal and int-
erest smd you ha~ze a balance ~b!ch is far ~u excess of tho
fifteen pe~ cent. lin~tatiom.
Ohapte~ !5086~ supra~ in ~eotion VII thereof~ repeals
the fiftee~ per cent. limitation of the Chs~ter of t he To~
ar~ p~ovids~ for a 35-yea~ ~e~ding bond issue, cove~ug~
how~v~ or~ the question of r*~o_ud~_g the
st~ding bonded indsbte~ess~ plus interest, Bonds issued
fo~ the pu~os~ of rst!~iz~ ~y additional indebte~ess
in ~ oplnion~ bo~d ~ the f~te~n per c~t. limitation of
~ns cb~te~ ~ud limited to a ~i~m lif~ of thirty yea~s,
?m_e~efo~% it is ~ furtheP oD,_ion that m~n~n the To~m of
B~uton has provided for ~ad issued a ~uding bond issue
~euai ~ ~e ~mount of ~he orssent ~.tst~dimg bond issues
(Es appo~tzoned to t~ pmes~nt Totem of B~ton)~ plus int-
~est~ t~t the T~n is th~n~ ~ud at that tL~ precluded
fmom is~ ~y othem o~ further bonds for smy purpose
w~tsoever~ and for a~- period of time of w~t~vsr dumatlon
~util ~ter a sufficient am~t of said ~muding bo~s
have been ~tired o~ the appraised valuatima of the pmopem~
~ the Town imas be~n ~cmeassd in a s~g~ici~nt ~t~
ei~he~ ~astanoe~ to avoid the fifteen per cent, limitation.
At you? rec£~est~ T_ am sending you one copy in addition
to the orig~mal of tb_~s letter,
Very tz~ly you_~s~
(Sig~ed) ~W~ To ~IiLDER
Commissioner Stevens moved tlme ado'orion of th~ fol-
low~mg R~sotution:
~i~REAN the Tovrm~ of Boynton~ a ~.3~uleipa! coa~poration
of Pa~ B~aclz County, Flo~ida~ is ~debtedr~to ~%~ T.
~%ILL~ fo~ legal semvic~s ~ende~ed in the fomec!csu~ of
oerta~ tax sale oe~tifioa~es~ taxes~ ~ud assessment !iens~
on p~operty located in the Town of Bo~ton~ PaLm Beach
County~ Florida~ in the s~m of ~l~lGV.52~ and
RS~S the Town Is without ~diate availabl~ f'~ds
fo~ the pa~ent of said obligation, but is %~&zlling to give
to said Ne~.~ T. ~[iller a not~ fo~ a p~miod of ninety
° t
days~ wmth interes at the rzte of six per c ent~ and
. ~/TER~AS said NA%~f~ T. ~,~iLL-E~E will~g to ~xter~ to
ke To~ oF Bo~ton sa_a pe~iod of time u~th~ ~ ~
sa~ pa~ent~ and is w~llz~ to accept s~id note~
IT IS ~E~0~ ~RE~ ~SOLV~ that the ~yor~
~u~ seal ~er ~%~ seal of ~hs ~3~icipa!i~ of Bo~ton~ a
~!.18?.oB~ due ninety (90) days ~t~r date
payable to tis oz~er of i~L!N T~ ~R~ with interest at
tke rate of s~ per cent. (6~) per ~ f~ date ~uti! paid.
ocr. em seconded the motion¢ for the adoption
Co.dss ichor ? ~
of tko above aD~ ~orego~g Rssolm~ion~ ~_d upon he.ag put to
a vote
the following vote v~.s had thereon:
0rdiD~ance lf~oer 131 entitled
~?~M 01~It~A~CE REGUL~T~~G AA~-D C0!{TRO~YG
A~ VINOUS BEtrAYS C0~{0NL~- i~0V~? AS
PORTER~ A~ 5'?!~ OR PRinT ~JiCES~ Y2~
was p~&oed on its first ~eading~ o.~on mot!o~m =~de by oom~
A Resolution to pay c!aiF~ was adopted
~L~. D.. E. Plasteridge of the Brern~en P!asteridge
sura~,uce Agency~ ~ho ~s prssent~ ~q~ed of ~e Co~s~to~
e~s as to ~zi~eth~ o~ not they de~ed to rene~' the ~loyers
Lis?oility Policy
~. Plaste~.Idge was im~or~m~d by t h~ Co~s s ionea~s that
it wou~ b~ ~possible to :eene~ the Policy at ~is
account lack of
~aere being no f'~ther, bus.ess the meeti~ adjou~ed.