Minutes 08-28-33SPECIAL'MEETING OF A~GUST 28, !93~
A Special Nesting of t bm Board of Town Co~missla~ers of
the ~own of Boynton, Florida, was held at the Town Hall on
Monday Morning &u~st 28, 193$ at 1!:30 o~clock &o E.
Present: H.D. Stevens, ~ayor
%~u. ~enzel, Vice Mayor
J. P. Bowen, Town Clerk.
?ne above constitutir~ the entire Boar~ of Town Com-
missioners of the Totem of Boynton, Florida.
This meeting was called for,the purpose of investigat-
ing the fire zone, and s_ny other matters that might come be-
fore the meeting.
After ascertaining that the residence of I~[~. Seth Futrel~l
is within the fire zone, Co~lmissions~ Bowen made a motion tPmt
~ro Seth ~atrell be granted a permit 5o retool his residence
with wood sbinEles.
This motion was seconded by Commissioner Stevens and
upon being put to a vote the following rot8 was ha& thereon:
Com~v~ssi~.er Stevens,
Co~o~issioner Bowen,
Luterest Coupons
1931 from Bond
~?~. Fred Benson presented ~%r pa~,ment,
~o. 8 and 9~ due June l, 1930 ~d DeoenToem I,
NO. 79, issue of June ~ 1926, together'with overdue am~ ac-
crued Interest on said Bond, to Jmne l, 1933 in the s-mu of
Commissioner Bowen, made a motion that t.~e Town
Treasurer be instructed to check the %uterest end Sim_king
F~ud to ascertain whet~r or not f~uds are avail~ole ~ ~
pa~ent of the above mentioned Coupons and Interest. If
there are F~uds available for the p~ment of these Coupons
and Interest~ the Treas-~er is author_zed, ordered mud di-
rected to issue check for ~ame.
Tb~s motion was ~econded by O~!issi~er Szeve~_s and
¢ ~ ~'n~ had thereo~
upon being put to a vote, the _ol~o~z~o vote was
Co~uissioner Stevens, ~[~e~
Co~is sioner Bowen, "D~e"
There being no. ~rther ousznes~ the 4 adjourned,