Minutes 12-05-33REGUi~R N.~?~tNG 0F DECE~BER~ ~,
A Regula~ Meeting eF the Boa~d of Town Cor~ssione~s of the
-Town of Boynton, Flo~£da, w~s held at the To~ Hall ~ Tuesday
eve~d~ug~. Deeerm~er 5, 19~ at 7:~0 o'clock P.M.
H. D. Stevens, Mayor
Wm. Nenzel, Vice-Mayor
J. P. Bowen, Town Clerk.
The .above censtitutlmg the entire Boa~d of Town Commissione~s
of the Town of Boynton, Flo~da~ ~
The M~hu~tes ef the Regu!a~ Meeting held November 21, 1933 wer~
~ead and approved upon motion ~zde by Commissiene~ Menzel,
by Commissiene~ Stevens and duly
~. R. H. Rousseau was p~esent and suggested that some steps be
taken fo~ the e~adioatien of s~ud flies in the Town of Boynton and
vicinity. Afte~ a discussion ef the m~tte~ or'Sand Fl~'E~d~cation it
was decided that the CommiSSion of the Town of Bo~ntb~ should eonfe~
with the Commission of the Town of Boy~o~n Beach in respect to same.
Upon ~o~ionmade by Commissioner Stevens~ second?& by commissioner
Bowen and unanimously ca~ied, the following bills w~re a~p~oved
payment when funds become available:
Commissioner Bowen moved the adoption of the following RES0~JJTION.
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Boa~d of Town Commissioners of the Town
Boynton, Fl~ida, that the T~eastt~e~ of-the Tow~ of Beynton, Florida, be
and he hereby is Authorized ~nd Directed to enter into a lease with the
CENTR~r. FARkEHS TRUST COMPANY of a safe in said Compauy~s vaults at
NO. ~00-S04 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, Fla., the lease to be in
smoh fo~m as said ~fFicer may approve by signing ss-me .......
BE tT FURTHER RESOLVED, Shat the Treasu~e~ AL0~E shall from t~- to
time ~ve access t~ sai~ safe.
BE IT FURTR~ER RESOLVED, that this Resolution ~h_~_ll continue in foPce
until express w~itten notice of its ~ecission has been received by the
said Central Farmers Trust Company......
BE IT FURTNE. R RESOLVED, that the Contra! Farmers T~ust Compar~- be
fuz~ished ~th a certified copy of this Resolutiom as its authority
in the p~emises.
Commissione~ Nenzel secGnded ~h~ motio~ Fo~ the adoption of the
above and foregoing Reselutio~ and upon being put te~a vote, the
Following vote was had thereon:
Commissione~ Stevens
Commissioner Menze!
Commissioner Bowen, "~YE"
Commissioner Bowen moved the ad~Dtion~of the following RESOLUTION..
WHEREAS, The Town Commission by Resolution dulyJadopted at a
Regular Meeting of said Commission held on April ~.I~Z~ Authovized,
Ordered and Directed the Town Treas~e~ to pu~has~ Town of Boynt0~
ReFund~_ug, ~aterwo~ks a~d Street Bond No. § Issue'0f 0ctobe~ 1, !~2~
fo~ the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($800.~0) ine~udir~g ~ unpaid
interest coupons thereon, as an investment oF~he Interest s~e
sinkingFtmd of the Town of Bo~ton, and,
¥~IEREAS, Bond No. 5 as aforesai~ m~tu~ed ~m ~he Fi~s~ day
~f 0etobex-x~, 1938 .......
Authomized, 0~demed and Directed to cancel Town of Boynton Refunding,
~aterwo~ks and Street Bond No. 6 Issue of October !, 1923 which matured
the first day of 0ctobem 19~ and paste same in bond book.
Commissioner Stevens seconded the motion for the adoption of the
~ove a~d forgoing Resalutlon and upon bei~ put to a vote, the
ollowing vote was had thereon:
TEEREPORE BE IT RESOLVED, that t~he T~easu~e~ be and he hereby
Commissioner Stevens "AYE"
Cormnis sionep ~enzel,
Commis ~ioner B~en, "A~"
Co~ssi~e~ Bowen moved ~e adoption of the Fei!owing ~SOLUTION.
~S, To~ of Bo~ton ~rovement B~d No. ~$ Issue of J~ i,
~28 D~s been ~edeem~ this ~t applied on t~es ~g to t~
0~_ by ~e Fio~ida ~st Coast ~i!~y Co~nany,
NOW, T~F0~ BE ~T ~EOL~, that the T~s~r be ~ ~ hereby
Authorized, 0~de~ ~ D~ect~ to c~cel said To~ ~ B~t~
~ovement B~ No. ~9 Issue of J-~e 1, 1926 ~d. paste s~ in b~d
C~ssio~e~ Stevens seconded the moti~ fo~ ~e adopti~ of-the
,ye ~d foregoing Resolution and upon berg ~t to a vote,
Llow~g vote was ~ thereon:
C°r~ais sioner Stevens "AYE"
Commissioner Nenze! '~AY~" ~
Conmu!ssione~ Bowen ,~ti~E,
~. W. C. Sheppe~d was p~esent and entered a eomplaint aga:
the amount of taxes levied against his p~ope~ty as compared to ·
taxes levied against the same peopeety in 192~ and 192~.
A Resolution to pay claims was adopted.
Town Cle~!