Terry liames. Vice Chair Brent Rolle, Board Liaison
Margaret Newton
Jennifer Gomez
Larry Siegel
Marsha Bionta, Chair
Vice Chair liames called the meeting to order at 2:19 p.m.
The members recited the pledge to the Flag.
Vice Chair liames announced Chair Bionta would not be present. A quorum was present.
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
2. Adoption
There was one change to the December minutes on page five, last paragraph,
Adjournment, change Ms. Siegel to Mr. Siegel.
Mr. Siegel moved to approve as amended. Ms. Gomez seconded the motion that
unanimously passed.
A. Ethics Training
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January7, 2019
Vice Chair liames explained the members have to submit their acknowledgement
certificate for watching the Ethics video. She was aware Mr. Villatoro did not have his,
nor did Mr. Siegel. She explained it is about an hour video and she requested it be
submitted by the next meeting. Ms. Newton took the training and would submit her
acknowledgement form.
Vice Chair liames noted an item not listed under Unfinished Business was the members
contacting the various communities to start to compile a list of contacts. She had called
some communities, but has not had a great response as she did not get any call backs.
Mr. Siegel advised he did receive a call back from Sterling Village. He has not heard
from anyone from High Point West. Vice Chair liames was wondering if they could put
together a letter to mail to the communities. Mr. Rolle explained the letter should come
from the Board. The members should decide what to put on the letterhead, put the
information and send it out. Ms. Gomez thought it had to be approved by marketing as
the last time the Board wanted to do something they were told. Mr. Rolle explained the
Board would still draft the letter and if they want to send it through the proper channels,
they could. It would be reviewed, approved or have changes recommended and they it
would be issued. Ms. Gomez agreed to draft the letter. The letter presents the Board to
the communities and to make contact. There would be one generic letter. Mr. Siegel
made six calls including three where he left messages, and not getting anything back. He
thought it would be a good idea to send a written message.
Vice Chair liames sometimes there is a recorded address and if they could obtain that
information, they can send the letter out in lieu of a call. Ms. Gomez agreed as often she
could not get a name or number for someone, but they can send a letter to the HOA as
they would have the address.
Mr. Rolle agreed and commented an HOA or business office address would be helpful.
He suggested getting the address for the business office for Sterling Village. He thought
if the members were just asking for contact information, some of it would be available
online. It was recognized the Board was trying to develop an information hub and two-
way communication with senior communities. Mr. Siegel commented he did receive a
call back this morning that he could not understand. Mr. Rolle also thought it might be a
good idea to meet face to face and introduce oneself. He commented he does that with
newsletters and for the health fairs. Ms. Gomez asked for the written script and Mr.
Siegel agreed to email it to her.
Mr. Siegel noted a number of communities are run by management companies that are
not physically present at the property. The Board could create the letter and put the Board
members' names and number on the bottom and forwarded to management companies.
Ms. Newton had no problem sending a letter as a Board with the Chair's name and
number and further inquired if there was a City number they could use, as she did not
want her personal number published. She would be comfortable with her number
provided to people she knows and has contacted, but not with those who the other Board
members had contacted. Ms. Newton did not realize the communities would call the
members directly. She was not under the impression they would do so in terms of each
member giving out their number carte blanche. She thought it was only those people or
groups the individual member worked with. Vice Chair liames responded that was what
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 7, 2019
they were discussing. The Board member contacted two communities and if the Board
cannot contact them by phone or the member does not want to see them, then the letter
is sent to them so they know who the Board is. Ms. Gomez commented Ms. Newton
could include her number on the letters sent to those she contacted. Vice Chair liames
explained there will be one letter for all the Board members to use and they can each
write her name and number on the letter they will send to those they contacted to let the
public know there is a Senior Advisory Board.
A. Welcome new member
Vice Chair liames thanked Mr. Siegel for his interest in the Board and welcomed him as
a new member. She appreciated his input and all of the input from the Board.
B. Next Senior Health Fair on March 7, 2019 (table for Advisory Board
Vice Chair liames announced they can get a table at the Health Fair being held on March
7th from 9 to 11:30 a.m. The Board will be handing out the Villagers to attendees. Mr.
Rolle suggested completing the process of contacting the communities, but first obtaining
information about the Fair to send to the communities so they can distribute the
information to their residents. If they want further information, such as if they want to
have a table, register for the fair or sponsor a table, they can be directed to Mr. Rolle or
the Senior Center. That is one way the Board could be helpful on the front end. He
suggested having a plan for what the Board intends to do with the information once it is
obtained. They could continue to survey individuals at the fair. He suggested it be put in
place before the March Fair. Time is of the essence. The Health Fair is two days after
the next meeting. Mr. Rolle can send the members information about the fair to the
members. Brent will email the info the members now and they can send out information
about both issues together.
Mr. Rolle will send Mr. Siegel information about having a table at the event, as he may
want to have an exhibit separate from the Board. He will be in attendance, but did not
know if he would man a table. Ms. Gomez would be available as would Ms. Newton.
Ms. Newton asked how the survey information would be used. She was hoping the survey
was a handle for grant suggestions. Mr. Siegel took note of the grants discussed at the
last meeting and thought it would be helpful to have a sense of what grants the Board
would look for and apply for would help. Vice Chair liames commented they would have
to speak to Debbie Majors, ADA and Grant Coordinator for the City. Mr. Siegel thought
the focus of future surveys could be based on the criteria of the grants the Board was
contemplating applying for.
Ms. Newton asked Mr. Rolle if he found it helpful that the Board was present at the Senior
Health Fair and learned no in terms of service to the event, but very helpful for the
notoriety of the Board because the Board was not present at prior fairs. There was no
particular spike in attendance, which is what the Center wants to offer as it assists in
bringing in vendors and businesses. The only thing the Center has to offer vendors in
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 7, 2019
return is face time with customers and a variety of people who come in and serve. The
biggest impact the Board could have in service to the event would be to notify more people
to attend.
C. Free Tax Preparation for Seniors provided by AARP at the Senior Center
Vice Chair liames explained Tax Preparation is free at the Senior Center. She asked if
there was any notification about free taxes sent by the Center and learned it was well
advertise. He commented AARP has been providing the service for years and they have
advertised. The service is handled on a first come first served basis. There are flyers that
can be distributed at the event.
Mr. Siegel was curious as to the Senior Advisory Board and the Senior Center. He
thought the Center would be the main conduit for many of the things the Advisory Board
may want to do. He asked how the Board could support the Senior Center. Mr. Rolle
explained the Board could work to serve the community and residents from the Center
and further throughout the entire City. The Board will not be involved in the day-to-day
activities. The Center has two health fairs a year, which serves the greater community.
The Center is open to the public and has discussions that are medically-based.
Presentations can be helpful because anyone is able to do that. The Center is not seeking
to boost its membership, but the members can be an advocate for those needs. He
suggested explaining to people the difference between a recreational senior facility and
a care senior facility. He noted people think the Senior Center is a senior care facility.
The Center provides services to seniors for recreation and refers seniors to resources for
other services outside of recreation.
(Vice Chair liames left the meeting at 2:51 p.m.)
Mr. Siegel was curious what the Board could do regarding advocacy and promotion. Mr.
Rolle responded the Board serves the greater good for all the seniors in Boynton Beach.
He suggested any time there are items before the Legislature that will affect seniors, the
Board could research them and share it also with the Center who could also disseminate
it to the Center members. Another example was the Center interfaces with the Mae Volen
Center, but due to legisiative changes, seniors are experiencing much longer bus rides
than they had in the past. The Center cannot do anything about it, but since the Advisory
Board,who serves the larger senior community,they can identify it as an issue that affects
the entire community.
Mr. Siegel requested and received confirmation the Board is trying to establish conduits.
Ms. Newton noted there is new development on the MLK Jr. Corridor and two
presentations will be made. One already occurred and the other was later in the evening.
She noted there will be park like areas. She contemplated how seniors are going to be
able to use public parks, so she asked a question about seniors and the parks and the
speaker could not really provide her with answers at that moment. She thought that kind
of information could be distributed to the community. Boynton Beach has a great deal of
new development occurring and all of it directly affects senior citizens, such as sidewalks.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 7, 2019
Vice Chair liames returned at 2:55 p.m.
Mr. Rolle noted there was a scam that banks were calling seniors that affected a few
people in Hunters Run. He asked if someone from the Board put together information,
even if it was a copy of the notification about what is occurring at the health fair table so
people will get a better understanding.
D. Healthy Boynton Beach
a. Grant for HHA for Seniors in Boynton Beach
Ms. Newton explained this item pertained to grant proposals from Healthier Boynton
Beach. The grant amounts usually range from $2,000 to $5,000. They spoke at length
at the last meeting about the grant process going into 2019. Ms. Newton was looking
how they can impact seniors with various interests. Ms. Newton noted one grant provided
tablets to the Boynton Beach Mental Health community and they provided tablets to
seniors and they work with them with the tablets. They also work with the Library. Last
year they purchased over two hundred books on caregiving. The grant process is
available through Healthier Boynton Beach. Another grant gave seminars on caregiving.
Another grant was for line dancing for physical fitness for seniors. There were a number
of grants that were promoted last year and she thought it was the perfect opportunity for
the Board to come up with ideas and promote it. She thought the Board could use the
information from the surveys given last year, would provide direction on which grant they
could apply for.
Vice Chair liames requested they review it when Ms. Newton receives the information.
Anything they can do to assist seniors with home health aides is helpful all over the City.
Home Health Aides touch every life in Boynton Beach. Ms. Newton commented last year
they had a Respite Services grant. She advised it has to be with what the group decides
and the group has to implement it. Ms. Gomez agreed as far as other resources for
home health care, because they are limited. Many people in the city and county cannot
afford for someone to come in and help them once or twice a week and many elderly do
without. Often seniors do not have enough to self-pay, but make too much to qualify for
Medicaid. Many individuals use reverse mortgages to get home health aide assistance
in and for medical costs.
Ms. Newton agreed to forward the information. She asked if the Board contacted the
Police Department to learn if they have a list of all of the fraud alerts. She wanted to know
where list of fraud alerts can be found. Mr. Rolle suggested contacting the Police
Department Resource Officer/Public Information Officer who is Stephanie Slater. Mr.
Rolle receives text alerts from the Police Department for various occurrences. He
commented that was available for what they know of and from what he sees from them,
it was an email from the ITS. He also suggested contacting the Department of Consumer
Affairs. The 561 area code is being targeted. Mr. Siegel agreed local exchanges are
targeted for robo calls. Ms. Newton agreed to contact Ms. Slater.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 7, 2019
Mr. Siegel inquired if there is a City grants person the Board could request to look
specifically for grants for them. Mr. Rolle was uncertain. Mr. Siegel agreed to contact the
ADA and Grants Coordinator.
Ms. Newton asked if the City was developing new parks. Mr. Rolle was not sure but
commented there has to be green space per so much count of population. He was
unaware of anything being developed as a new park. Vice Chair liames suggested
approaching the City Commission or emailing Wally Majors, the Recreation and Parks
Director. There are renovations ongoing at parks, but not a groundbreaking or an
additional proposal for Barrier Free Park Ms. Gomez attends the Recreation Advisory
Board meetings and she understood the City was having enough trouble maintaining what
the parks they have. Should there be additional funds, they would likely improve them
before expanding the park system. Ms. Newton noted there was a park by the
Schoolhouse Children's Museum. Mr. Rolle thought it may be part of the downtown plan.
Ms. Newton commented it does concern seniors because they want parks to be inclusive
of all generations.
VIII. NEXT MEETING: March 4, 2019
Vice Chair liames announced the next meeting and summarized they will have a table
and three members at the Health Fair.
Vice Chair liames moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Gomez seconded the motion that
unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 3:16 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist