Minutes 12-26-33SPECIAL ~TING OF DECEM~GKR 26, 1933.
A Speeia! Meeting of the Boa~d of Town Commissioners o£the
Town of Boynton, Florida, was held at the Town Hal2 on Tuesday
Moz~nlng, December 26, 1933 at 10:30 olc!ock P.M.
PPeeent: H.D. Stevens, Mayor
Wm. ~enzel, Vice-!~ayor
The above constituting a n~jority of the Boa~d of Town
Cermmissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida.
This meeting was called for the purpose of considering
the following letter and for any other business that might
come before the Commission.
Honorable ~ayor and Town
~T~_of Boynton,
Boynton, Florida.
Dec 23~i, 1933
Sometime ago you~ H~norabie Body discussed with me the
'matter of foreclosing the~Iiens for unpaid taxes, tax certifi-
cates and special assessments upon certain properties in the
To~nof Boy~ton, and that the Town Corm~ission would like to take
advantage of that pa~t of ar~ ag~eemen~ e~tered into with the
City of Boynton Bondholder's P~oteet~ve Committee and the Palm
Beach Co.ml~._y on the tenth day of ~ay, 19~ bein~ the last p~t
of subdivismon (f) o£ Article II, which ~ds - "p~evided,
however, that the Town may pay the costs ~nd expenses of any
proceeding instituted For f~he foreclosure of e~ny tax oertifieate
or lien of anybsoecial assessment, subject to control by the
pa~ties of the f~st part" ,'~whi¢~ part ~e~ers to funds on hand
in the Interest ~ Sinking Fund of the Town of Boyntor~
I have taken this m~tter up with ~he Pa!mBeach Company,
The l~hite Construction Company and the'B~dholder, s ~emmittee,
and they have agreed to the use of thes,~funde fo~ foreclo~omes
provided that the forectosu~em a~e directed against such
properties where ~here is a ~easonable certainty of necovery
and further that when funds are co~lected from such foreclos~me~
that such money as is used is replaced.
Tou~s ve~~ tr~dly,
(Signed) Wm. Po So~erville.
~fte~ a discussion, Conwnissione~ Stevens made a motion
that a schedule of certain p~ope~ties be p~ep~ed for the pu~pos
of fo~e¢los~ the liens fo~ ~paid t~es,
special ~ssessmen~, and t~ed eve~ to M~. Ne~ T. ~ille~,
Atto~ fo~ ~ed~te f
~ec~o~e p~ooeed~gs; the costs
such foreclosures to be paid as ~l~ed ~ ~. S~ez~lle, s
lette~. ~is motion was sec~ed by Co~imsione~ ~nzel
and du~y c~ied.
Co~ssione~ Stevens ~e a motion ~t the seduces of
v A. B~er in the sale oF cerOa~ Beverly Hills lots as
~uthormzed at a Special ~eeting held -~u~st 12, 1932, be
dis~n~ed with, i~ch as
effort to sell these lots. Th~s motion ~s ~conded by
Co~ssioner Menze!
Upon motion
Co~ssione~ 2~nzei ~d duly~ c~led, the Mayo~ ~ T~ Clerk
were authorized ~d d~ected to ente~ ~to the Follom~ng
~eem~nt with ~e State Road Department:
THIS AG~E~, ~ade ~ and between the Sta~e Ro~
the B~ea~G o* ~b,,~ ~---~Z .... ~ ~e ~ePa~nt"· and
he~e~te~ calied the "To~"~
~V I T N E S S E T H:
V~S~ The Dep~tment~
oF the B~eau, de~es to const~ct t~$ ~ction of State Road
No. ~ oonsist~g of a b~idge ~d approaches ove~ Bo~on C~al
~ the To~
Limits, nor will the TeWn pass any taws, .~ules, ~eg~lations
o-~dinane~s setting ~e~o~bie speed l~ts o~ ~e such
~les~ laws, ~ego~lations o~ o~es which will penalize t~
on s~Id st~ee~ ove~ ~d along ~e s~eets whe~ said ~oposed
const~ction work is to be d~e, and Favor the tr~Fic on a
~buttLug s~eet~ o~ v~ll pas~ ~y ~les~ ~ws, ~e~.ti~s cz
~noes which wzll ~de~ o~ m~e obstruction of ~y k~ to
the f~ee movement of t~afFic ~ ~e said movem~$ of t~ic
sec~ to t~fio of abutting or c~ess ~t~ets.
N~, T~0~ ~ consideration of said Department,
~e aid ~ as~ist~ce of the B~eau, const~ct~ ~d $~acing
said section oF ~way, the T~ a~ees, obligates ~d bi~s
itse~ to p~event ~uy enc~oac~ent ~th~ the ~ight oF way l~it
oF said H~way; ~d ~e~mo~e, agrees to not pass ~y laws,
~ules, ~e~0-!ations or o~di~ces which would be u~easonable.
~ ZS ~ AG~ thzt t~ contents of this A~ee~ent
be spread upon the official ~nutes of the To~ Co~ssion
B~ton, Florida, ~ copies of t~s c~ac~ be~filed with the
State Road Dep~t~nt of Florida, ~d z coptbe filed ~th ~e
Bureau of ~blio Road~ U. S. Department cz~ ~zcult-~e.~
~ ~T~SS o~ ~s t~s 28~ day oF December, A.D.
Town of Boynton
-By H. D. Stevens,__ (Signed)
There being no fu~them business the meeting adjourned.
g~-z~ ~_~_TownCle~k.